Document Version 1.0
Revision Table
Using the Mission Editor
Camera Controls
Mission Editor Sub-Sections
Mission Editor Menu controls
Other NISlet Menu Commands
Mission Editor Toolbar Controls
Edit Terrain Properties
Toggle Buttons
Enable/Disable Ambient Sound Effects
Error Buttons
Appendix A - Trigger Documentation
Overview (and Types of Triggers)
Expression Value Descriptions
Version # |
Person |
Update |
0.24 |
Added Revision Table. Minor graphical, style and spelling corrections. |
0.25 |
Grammatical and spelling corrections. Fixed explanation about Feather for smoothing (values reversed). |
0.26 |
Revision Table moved to front. Some interface updates. Trigger Actions and Conditions have been updated. |
0.27 |
General content update and revision of triggers and expression variables. |
0.28 |
Content revision, to reflect new changes in new ME build. |
0.29 |
Content revision, to reflect new changes. |
0.30 |
Content revision, to update content as suggested by Quinn. Added hyperlinks, grammatical revisions. |
0.31 |
JJ |
Added minor details to the introduction. |
0.32 |
Grammar, minor revisions. |
0.33 |
Minor format corrections. |
0.34 |
Trigger conditions and actions lists updated. |
0.35 |
Adjustments as suggested by Dan. |
0.36 |
Adjustments as suggested by Caitlin |
0.37 |
Caitlin |
Minor adjustments. |
0.38 |
Minor adjustments. |
1.0 |
Publishable version. |
The editor is controlled by the use of a fully functional 3D camera. Camera panning controls are associated with the cursor keys on the keyboard while the camera zoom is associated with the mouse. Camera rotation is a combination of both.
The ME controls use the same control scheme as Impossible Creatures. Thus if you are familiar with the IC camera controls, mastering the ME camera controls should pose no problem.
Panning the camera is accomplished by pressing and holding down the middle mouse button and moving the mouse, or by using the cursor keys on the keyboard.
Rotating the camera is accomplished by pressing and holding down the ALT key while moving the mouse.
Zooming the camera can be accomplished in two ways. If you have a mouse wheel you can use it to zoom in and out. Rotating the wheel forward will zoom in, and rotating it backwards will zoom out. If you do not have a mouse wheel you can also zoom in and out by pressing and holding the ALT key along with the left or right mouse button while moving the mouse.
The Mission Editor is separated into several distinct windows and displays. These are: The Map Window, the Edit Mode Window, the Brush/Object Window, Selection Info Window, and the Status Display.
The Map Window displays a representation of the current map that you are working on. This is where you will do most of your work and where you will interact with the map you're creating. This window is essentially what you will see in the game, except for team color icons.
The Edit Modes Window allows you to modify the settings of certain tools when you are within a certain mode. For example, when you are in 3D paint mode the mode window allows you to modify the brush specifications that you will be using to create your terrain. For more information on what appears in which mode, refer to the Mode descriptions in Section 4: Mission Editor Toolbar Controls.
The Brush/Object Window is active only with certain modes. When the Brush/Object Window is available for use you will see a tree listing of textures or objects, depending on the mode selected. For example in the Object Placement Mode, a list will be displayed with the list of objects that you can place into the game world.
The Selection Info Window provides you with information on the object that you currently have selected. If you do not have an object selected no information will be displayed. If you have multiple objects selected, both Object and ID are labeled as "Multiple Selected."
The status display is at the very bottom of the application (similar to Internet Explorer's status display). It displays useful information such as the XY coordinates and height (Z coordinates) of the piece of terrain underneath your pointer/brush. Other information, like how to place objects or how to control the camera is displayed depending on the mode that is selected in the Toolbar.
The Menu in the Mission Editor contains several options:
This option allows you to create a new map.
When this option is selected, a dialog box displays, asking if you would like
to save any changes. After you make your selection a popup dialog box displays
9 available terrain templates to choose from. These templates reflect the three different terrain types, which come in
three sizes (small, medium, large). Make
the desired selection and after clicking Ok a new map appears.
This option allows you to load a saved map. Whenever this option is selected, a dialog box displays, asking if you would like to save any changes. Make the appropriate selection and a popup window labeled Import Scenario appears. Browse for your map (an .SGB file) and select Open. The saved map will now be loaded and can be modified as needed.
This option allows you to save a map. If the map has not been previously saved, a dialog box displays, asking where the file should be saved as well as what the name should be. After you have named the map in the filename text box, click the Save button and the map is saved as an .SGB file. This map can be reloaded later using the File/Open option.
This option will allow you to save a map. It will also allow you to save a previously saved map under a different name if you so choose. After you have named the map in the filename text box, press Save and the map will be saved as an .SGB file. This map can be loaded later using the File/Open option.
Imports terrain (.TER) files that were
exported via the File/Export Terrain
Imports a .TGA file as a height map. The TGA must be greyscale or 256 colors, and must be 128x128 or 256x256.
Imports an entity .ENT file. Entities can be exported from one map and imported into another. This makes it easy to duplicate or move groups of objects into another map.
Exports the terrain as a .TER file.
Exports the selected entities as an .ENT file. Entities can be exported from one map and imported into another. This makes it easy to duplicate or move groups of objects into another map.
Exports the current terrain as a height map (.TGA file). Small maps export to 64x64 .TGAs, medium maps to 128x128 .TGAs, and large maps to 256x256 .TGAs.
This option closes the Mission Editor. However, you will be asked if you want to save your current work first.
This is a common undo function found in many different programs. It returns the user to an action prior to the most recent action. Undo will undo movement, creation and deletion of objects as well as modification of terrain. It will not undo the use of texture stamps.
This option creates groups of units. Select a group of entities and use either CTRL+G or this button to create a group. Groups are good for various situations, including setting up certain encounters, and it is a lot easier to control a group of animals in scripts rather than individual ones. Any object in the game can be added to a group (points, nature objects like trees, structures, gatherers, characters, animals or creatures).
Lists all created groups. Allows their selection, deletion, renaming, and regrouping. Note that to rename a group, select the desired group and then type in the new name in the text input box. Press the Rename button to finish renaming. Regrouping resets a selected group to a new selection of objects.
Lists all the variables available for use in scripting. There are 256 possible variables, and the index starts at 0. Variables can be renamed.
When selected, a dialog window appears where you can enter the map's name and define the map type as multi-player or single-player. This automatically sets up the appropriate save directory.
This option allows the user to modify aspects of the terrain including sunlight color, fog color, water height and other aspects of the terrain. Please refer to Section 4.3 - Edit Terrain Properties of this document.
This opens a dialog box that has textboxes to allow users to browse and select their own AI scripts as well as creature armies, for each player on the map. This option is for single-player maps only.
This option allows for the input of individual script commands. A dialog box appears, allowing you to input individual script commands.
Execute: This option executes the script command that you have entered.
Clear: This option clears all executed script commands.
Three kinds of
animations are used in the Impossible Creatures NISlet
system. These are the camera animations,
move animations, and object animations. NISlets, unlike full
Clicking the NISlet menu option will reveal a drop-down list divided into three sections, each with three options. These Edit/Move/Camera Animation sections and animation sections are all quite similar to each other. In all three instances, whenever you choose to edit a certain animation a dialog box appears. This dialog box, called Edit NISlet Animation, can be separated into several sections: the details for the dialog box, the Anim Options section, the Anim Attributes section, the Keyframe Attributes section, and the Keyframe Operations section, and the Keyframe List Window. Please note that to actually edit a camera/move/object animation you must have first created one by using the Nislet/New Camera Anim option and then make a path by using the Path Placement Mode. You have to have the Path Placement Mode enabled in the Mission Editor in order to see the points that you have placed down.
The animation dropdown list allows you to select which animation in a set of given animations (move/camera/object) that you want to edit. There are also two checkboxes associated with these drop down menus:
Keyframes are used to specify animation parameters and the values for these animation parameters are interpolated between keyframes. In order to smoothly interpolate these parameters, we use spline curves. KeyFrame Attributes and KeyFrame Operations are the tools that we use in the editor to achieve this.
The following functions are available only for editing move and camera animations:
Controls the "focus distance" of the camera, independent of the camera path, based on target ID or target group that is set. This is set per keyframe, per target ID. Once the camera moves away from the keyframe, the focus is basically lost.
Keyframe List Window allows you to view the keyframes in the currently selected
animation. This window also lists the keyframes number, name (if there is one),
length, and time. If you wish to modify multiple keyframes you can select them
by using standard Windows methods like holding down the CRTL key and left
clicking the selection or holding down the SHIFT key and dragging to select all
choices between the starting point of the action and the cursor).
Creates a new camera animation, which you will be able to edit.
Allows you to edit a chosen camera animation. A dialog window appears. Refer to the section labeled Edit NISlet Animation
Deletes the camera animation that is currently selected in the Edit NISlet Animation.
Creates a new object animation.
Allows you to edit a chosen object animation. A dialog window appears. Refer to the section labeled Edit NISlet Animation
Allows you to delete an object animation. The object animation to be deleted is selected via the Edit NISlet Animation .
This creates a new move animation.
Allows you to edit a move animation. Refer to Edit NISlet Animation for more information.
Deletes an existing move animation. The move animation that is to be deleted is selected via the Edit NISlet Animation dialog box.
Displays a dialog box that allows you to view a list of the objects currently in the scenario. They are categorized under Entity ID, Blueprint, and Owner.
There are several filters that you can apply to narrow down the fields:
The following toggles activate/deactivate various filters:
There are also four buttons below the filter options:
When this option is chosen a dialog box labeled Blueprint List appears with the list of the current blueprints in your map including animals, objects, trigger points, etc. This allows you to get a general overview of the blueprints that currently exist in the game. The ID number of each blueprint is displayed under Net ID and the quantity of each is displayed under Ref Count. How many triggers are referenced to them via scripts are listed under Trigger Refs.
This option allows for the placement and organization of triggers in the map and when selected, a dialog box appears labeled Trigger Wizard. This contains a tree listing of triggers and gives information on what category a trigger belongs to, its conditions, and its actions. Several buttons on the right side of the box allow you to perform several actions:
"Who will execute this trigger?"
This box queries the user regarding who will be causing this trigger to be executed. Once the desired player is selected, the user can click the Next button to continue. The player cannot continue with the construction of a trigger until at least one player is checked. The user can also press the Cancel button to exit this section of the Trigger Wizard trigger construction tool. Help, the last button, has not implemented.
If users continue with the trigger construction tool, they will reach the Conditions phase of the trigger construction tool.
In most cases it doesn't matter who runs the
triggers. 90% of them are set to player 1, but there are specific triggers
(many of the "granting" triggers) that need to be set to the player who is
receiving the result.
This dialog box is where the user enters what must happen in order for the trigger to be executed. Several buttons in this dialog box allow you to do various things:
This dialog box asks the user to enter what
will happen when the trigger conditions have been met. Like Conditions,
there are several buttons that you can press.
These triggers are very similar in operation in comparison to regular triggers. In order to simplify and make things clearer, these are grouped separately from the regular trigger system.
Dialog triggers have no conditions, only
actions. The same actions (barring triggerstate) are available in the
dialog trigger system as in the regular trigger system. Instead, dialog
triggers have one additional item called a "controller". A controller
determines when the next action in a dialog is fired. For instance, if you set
a countdown action of 5 seconds in the dialog trigger and turned the controller
to "on," the next dialog wouldn't be fired until five seconds have elapsed.
Without the controllers set, dialog triggers will fire almost simultaneously.
Thus, when adding speech to a dialog trigger, the controller should almost
always be set to "on" otherwise the speech will try to play on top of other
speech files. Sometimes the last piece of speech in a dialog trigger can be
left without the controller set. Multiple actions can be set within a single
dialog trigger. Dialog triggers are called with the Playdialog trigger
in the normal trigger system. Finally,
to set a "controller" simply click the small check box labeled Controller
at the bottom of the Dialog Triggers dialog box.
The Overlay menus allow you to view the map and analyze it in different circumstances. With the overlay menu, you can see things such as if a certain area is passable by land or not, and if the terrain can be built on or not. The overlay menu is an invaluable tool when you wish to play balance your map and make sure that it follows your original vision of the map. Overlays can be enabled at any time, except when in Terrain Type Mode (described in Section 4.1) where the Terrain Type Overlay is the only overlay available.
This toggle determines if an overlay will be displayed. Overlays can be used for various things including determining which land is impassable to certain creatures, where buildings can be built, and so on. Below you will find the explanations for all the possible overlays.
Overlays a grid onto the terrain. The side of each square on the grid represents 5, 10 or 32 meters.
Displays a Land Impass overlay. This overlay allows you to see where creatures will be able to pass and where they can't. Anything that is covered by a red grid will be impassible for ground-based units. Selecting this option again will update the overlay to reflect any changes that you have made to the terrain.
Displays the Water Impass overlay. As before, anything that is covered by a red grid will be impassable by water creatures. Selecting this option again will update the overlay to reflect any changes that you have made to the terrain.
This overlay shows you where amphibious creatures will be able to pass. This view is useful if you want to determine, for instance, if a certain beach is fit for amphibious creatures. This can be considered to be both the Water Overlay and the Land Overlay combined. Selecting this option again will update the overlay to reflect any changes that you have made to the terrain.
This overlay shows you all the areas that are impassable for both water and land based creatures. This differs from the Amphibian Impass in that it is exactly the opposite. That is to say, areas covered by red tiles are the areas in which land, water and even amphibious creatures cannot pass through. Selecting this option again will update the overlay to reflect any changes that you have made to the terrain.
This overlay displays where creatures can't pass through due to a built structure. Anything covered by red tiles is terrain where you units can't pass through. Selecting this option again will update the overlay to reflect any changes that you have made to the terrain.
This overlay displays where buildings can't
be built. Anything covered by red tiles is terrain where you wouldn't be able
to build a structure. Selecting this
option again will update the overlay to reflect any changes that you have made
to the terrain.
Displays the subsectors of the map. This is used mainly to debug pathfinding data.
Displays an overlay that shows you which sectors of the map are considered "terrain."
Displays the areas that amphibians can travel. Selecting this option again updates the overlay to reflect any changes that you have made to the terrain.
This is like a pathfinding map. When this option is selected, a checkered grid displays over the terrain in the map. The grid can be any one of three colors that show where and what units can go or can't go through certain areas. This is great for checking your map for chokepoints or other obstacles that could affect pathfinding. The three indicator colors are as follows:
Grey - No units can pass through
Red - Size based. Small creatures and henchmen can go through
Green - All units can pass through
This overlay displays the terrain types applied to the different sections of the map. Each terrain type is represented by checkered grid that is colored a different shade. There are two browns, a white and a green. This is automatically updated and only available when Terrain Type Mode (described in Section 4.1) is selected.
Allows you to see what areas are not passable by ALL creatures.
The two options in the Windows Menu allow you to toggle the display between normal aspect mode (4x3) and cinematic aspect mode (ratio 1.85). Used in NISlets.
This will "burn" the decals that you have placed on the map into the terrain. This function is mainly used for really low-end systems so that terrain features exist if they cannot load the decals. Any decals that are burned will remain "over" their burned images. Generally speaking, the quality of decals that have been "burnt" into the terrain are of lower quality than the originals. These "burnt" decals also cannot be moved, rotated, or scaled. They are made part of the base texture. Decals can be reburnt, however, by reloading the map in the mission editor.
Takes a snapshot of your current world-view to create an image of the map for in-game use. The snapshot is placed in the same directory that you saved the scenario. The program only takes one snapshot, with an _icon.TGA appended to the map name. This icon is used for the frontend for map selection.
The Mission Editor has a set of buttons in a toolbar that
can control various aspects of the ME. These buttons are separated into four
different groups. The Modes buttons allow you to
directly manipulate the mission that you are working on. The Edit Terrain Properties button allows
you to modify the properties of the
As its name implies the Object Placement mode
allows you to place on, move, and rotate certain things on your map. These things are:
Each of these items has its own submenu in the Brush/Object Window.
To place an object
on the world map, click on the selection you want from the tree and then right
click on its desired location on your map. To delete an object, select it by clicking on it and then press
The 3D Paint Mode is where you will be spending most of your time when you edit the terrain. It is a fairly simple tool that allows you to create a wide variety of terrain from mountains to small hills, to rivers. When in 3D Paint Mode you are presented with a "brush" in the Map Window (Section 2.2). This "brush" consists of two concentric circles; a white and gray one. The outer circle, the white one, represents the extent of the "feather" of the given brush (to be explained later). The inner circle, the gray one, represents the actual brush size.
While in 3D Paint Mode, the Edit Modes Window displays 6 different settings that you can change to modify your brush. These are:
Mode: The brush mode that you are in will determine which of the following options are available to you. Once you have the desired brush size and mode selected, simply left click and drag on the world map to create a line of terrain.
Brush Size: Modifies the actual size of the terrain that is going to be affected.
Feather: "Feathers" out the modification
effect. That is a low feather value will create smoother terrain (either
additive or subtractive), while a high feather value will create jagged edges.
So for instance if you wanted to create a plateau you would choose a low
feather value, on the other hand if you wanted to create a steep hill you would
select a high feather value along with 75-80 strength value (see image).
Strength: This determines the strength of the brush. Think of this as the amount of "pressure" that the brush applies to the terrain. Lower strength settings give finer control, especially for additive, subtractive and smoothing.
Height: This modifies the height that the brush will paint at.
Height Presets: These are preset height values that are commonly used in mission building.
The Decal Placement Mode allows you to place Decals onto the terrain. Decals are basically textured objects of geometry that get applied directly on top of terrain.
When the Decal Placement Mode is selected, the only option available in the Edit Modes Window is the "Refresh Decal Textures" button. This will refresh the list of decals that you see. So for instance, if you have created a new decal and wish it to be visible in the list (without having to restart the ME), place it in the proper directory and then simply click the "Refresh Decal Textures" button, and the decal will become available for use.
When in Decal Placement Mode, the controls are as follows:
The Texture Stamping Mode is somewhat similar to the Decal Placement Mode. Both serve the same purpose, to add details to the terrain. However, while you can delete decals off the terrain, you cannot do the same with textures. Basically, think of applying textures as painting onto the terrain. The only way that you can get rid of something that you have painted is to paint over it.
When in Texture stamping mode, the three options that appear in the Edit Modes Window are:
The Detail Texture Mode will allow you to modify the detail textures on the terrain or fill the terrain with a given detail texture. In other words, it overwrites existing terrain textures if applied on top of them. In Detail texture Mode, the Edit Modes Window has only one button ("Refresh Detail Textures") but the Brush/Object Window will have a tree listing of all available detail textures that you can use.
Terrain Type Mode allows you to paint onto the terrain the characteristics of a given section of the map. Terrain type is only used to determine in game which sounds and which effects are played when a creature walks over a certain piece of terrain. When you select this mode a checkered grid pattern will appear over your map. In the Edit Modes Window you will have two options:
By default the map is of terrain type "unknown" which has the same value as the "grass" (savannah) terrain type.
Path Placement Mode is used to modify or create animation paths for either camera or object movement. For this mode to work you will need to have created a camera or object animation. The camera animation that you are editing can be viewed and edited in the Edit NISlet Animation dialog window (discussed earlier in Section 3.5). This is mainly used for single-player maps. Click on the right mouse button to enable the editor to edit the placement of the points. To move a point horizontally, simply move the pointer over the desired point, hold down the left mouse button, and then drag the desired point to the desired location. To adjust the vertical position of a point, move the pointer over the desired point, hold down one of the SHIFT keys as well as the left mouse button, and then drag the point to the desired height. Readjust horizontal position as necessary. Right click to return to path placement.
Terrain Cropping Mode can be used to crop down the map size. In the Edit Modes Window you will have the following options available to you:
You should note that cropping the terrain really means cropping the entire map. That is to say, the crop that you do will determine what maximum size the island would be if it were square.
Allows you to edit where animals can go or cannot go on your
map. The Value drop box allows you to
switch between passable and impassable. This is usually used as a tool for fine-tuning the map. While editing
the impass map can be used to break the rules (i.e. cliffs are impassible) it
should not normally be used in that manner. The rules of WYSIWYG (What You See
Is What You Get) should take precedence. Editing the impass map is usually a
last step process that is used when refining your map.
The Edit Terrain Properties dialog allows you to change several characteristics of your map. There are three major areas to this pop-up menu (including one textbox):
o Ocean Opacity: Determines through parameters labeled "Max" and "Min," the amount of light that is reflected by the water through parameters, and also the amount of light that goes through the water. The "Shore" parameter determines the opacity of the water that touches the shore. An "Apply" button applies changes that are made to this setting.
The RGB values for the fog are also displayed.
Detail Texture Repeat: Determines how many times the detail texture will be "tiled" in a given area. A higher value will provide more details, but with more repetition, while a lower value provides less detail.
This will enable or disable the ambient sound effects for a mission (in the mission editor only).
Activates and deactivates the bounding box rendering. When enabled, all creatures, buildings, AI flags and objects are displayed as bounding boxes. Turning on this option speeds up the mission editor, but you will obviously lose all the details displayed in the world map.
Shows the map with height map colors. White is the "highest" height color and green is the "lowest" height color. The height map color overlay is useful in that it allows you to see a general overview of the map as well as notice any problems with the height of the map. Keep in mind that generally you would not want the height of your map to exceed white.
A pop up window appears, displaying all the errors in the current map. If you select an error and then click Locate Selected Error you will be taken to that error. Please note that there are some errors (such as missing attributes) that you cannot be taken to.
Allows you to view the previous error in the list of errors.
Allows you to view the next error in the list of errors.
Triggers are essentially the building blocks of what makes things happen in your IC maps. Using them, you'll be able to add more to the game than just wanton destruction and chaos. A simple multi-player map trigger example would be to enable the game to check to see if players obtain a certain amount of resources. Once any player obtains the required amount, a victory is awarded to that player and the game is over. In addition, several trigger scripts can be used in conjunction in order to make more complex things happen in the game.
Before we begin, let's talk briefly about the kinds of triggers that are available in Impossible Creatures. There are three types of triggers that we normally use in the game: active triggers, inactive triggers, and looping triggers.
Conditions are used to determine if a trigger action is executed.
AI Difficulty Level if difficulty is ai-difficulty
Is true if the AI's difficulty level is set to Easy, Standard, or Hard.
Always always
When this condition is set, the trigger fires regardless of the state of the simulation.
AnimationStopped if entity anim has stopped
Is true if a specified entity's animation has stopped. This condition should only be checked after the animation has started.
Army size if army size is compared quantity
Compares an army's size to a specified quantity. Also, note that this trigger doesn't calculate the size of your forces in the game; it checks the size of the army that you have designed in the army builder.
CameraAnimPlaying, if cameraanim is playing
Used to test if a named camera animation is still being played through. Set after a camera animation has started. If you run the trigger before the camera animation starts, it assumes that the camera animation has already stopped.
CameraAnimPos if cameranim is compared quantity meters from the start
to test if the location of the camera if the named camera animation is a number
of (less than or equal etc) meters from where the camera was when it started
the camera animation. This is set
after a camera animation has started. If
you run the trigger before a camera animation starts, it assume that the camera
animation has already stopped.
CameraAnimStopped if cameraanim is stopped
Is true when the named camera animation has stopped playing. Set after a camera animation has started. If you run the trigger before the camera animation starts, it will assume that the camera animation has already stopped.
Countdown countdown quantity seconds
Used to fire an action once the specified number of seconds has passed. These countdowns are immediately skipped if the player has skipped a NISlet by hitting the esc key.
Countdown (float) countdown float-number seconds
Used to fire an action once the specified float number of seconds has passed. These countdowns are immediately skipped if the player has skipped a NISlet by hitting the esc key.
Countdown (non-skippable) countdown quantity seconds
Same as Countdown, but non-skippable in that this countdown runs regardless of whether or not the player has skipped a NISlet.
Countdown (random) countdown between quantity to quantity seconds
Used to fire an action once the random number selected between a minimum and a maximum number of seconds has passed.
Countdown (random, non-skippable) countdown between quantity to quantity seconds
Same as Countdown (random) but non-skippable.
DialogFinished if dialog has finished playing
Is true if a specified dialog is finished.
EBP permitted if creaturetype is permitted
Is true if a specified creature type is permitted. This is useful in the SP game for determining whether a specific animal has been gathered.
EnemiesDead if all enemies are dead
Is true when the selected players enemies are all dead. Useful for win condition testing.
Entity close in view if entity is within quantity meters in front of the camera
Is true if a specified entity is comes within a specified number of meters in front of the camera.
Entity garrisoned if entity is garrisoned within entity
Is true if a specified entity is garrisoned within another specified entity. Generally, only the lab can have an entity garrisoned within it.
EntityDistance entity is compared quantity meters away from location
Is true when the specified entity is the specified distance away from the specified location.
EntityEndurance if entity endurance is compared quantity percent
Is true if a specified entity's endurance compares successfully with a specified percentage.
EntityHealth if entity health is compared quantity
Is true if a specified entity's health compares successfully with a specified amount.
EntityInProximity if any-entity is within quantity meters from location
Is true when any entity is within the specified proximity of the named location.
EntityNotAlive if entity not alive
Is true when the specified entity is not alive anymore.
EntityTypeDistance creaturetype is compared quantity meters away from location
Is true when any entity of the specified creature type is the specified distance in meters from the location.
First trigger-eval-cycle if first trigger-eval-cycle
Useful for save game functions, especially if the trigger is set to active and looping. For example, whenever a mission is loaded or restarted, this condition is checked. If it is the user's intention to turn off the AI in a particular mission, they should use this condition in a trigger that turns off the AI. Whenever the mission is reloaded, the AI will be turned off. .
GameTime if quantity seconds has passed
Will be fired when the specified number of seconds has passed in game time.
Group close in view if any member of group is within quantity meters in front of the camera
Is true if any member of a specified group is within a specified number of meters in front of the camera.
Group members selected if the num of entities from group selected is compared to quantity
Is true if the number of entities from a specified group is successfully compared with a specified number.
Group scrap scrap of group is compared float-number
Is true if the scrap of a specified group is successfully compared with a specified float-number.
GroupCount if group has compared quantity left
Is true if the specified group has the required number of entities left in it.
GroupEndurance if group endurance is compared quantity percent
Is true if a specified group's endurance is successfully compared with a specified percentage.
GroupGroupProximity if the closest distance between group and group is within quantity meters
This checks that any member of a group is within proximity to any other member of another group.
GroupHealth if group health is compared quantity percent
Is true if a specified group's health is successfully compared with a specified percentage.
GroupInProximity if any-member of group is within quantity meters from location
Is true when any member of the named group is within the specified proximity of the named location.
GroupNotAlive if group is not alive
Is true when the specified group no longer has any live entities in it.
GroupSpawned if all members of group are spawned
Is true if all members of a specified group are spawned.
HowMuchElectricity if player has compared quantity electricity
Is true when the player specified has the specified amount of electricity remaining.
HowMuchScrap if player has compared quantity scrap
Is true when the player specified has the specified amount of coal remaining.
If variable (v compared to quantity) if variable is compared quantity
Is true when the variable specified successfully compares to the specified quantity. Here, variables can be greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, equal to, not equal to.
If variable (va compared to vb) if variable is compared variable
Is true when the variable specified successfully compares to the specified second variable. Here, variables can be greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, equal to, not equal to.
IsFlagSet if flag number is state
Is true if the specified flag has been set to the indicated state (on/off).
IsFocusLocked is camera focus locked
Is true if the camera is locked looking at something.
Keypress if keypress
This is triggers an action when the player presses the specified key.
LabDead if lab is dead
Is true when the players lab has been destroyed.
MoveAnimPlaying is moveanim is playing
Is true when the named move animation is playing.
MoveAnimPos if moveanim is compared quantity meters from the start
Is true once the specified move animations current position is successfully compared to a specified number of meters from the start.
MoveAnimStopped if moveanim is stopped
Is true when the named move animation has stopped. Don't use this trigger until the move animation is actually running.
Movie Stopped if movie-playback has stopped
Is true if a movie's playback has stopped.
Is true if a
specific entity's
NextEval next eval
Skips the trigger once. For example, you could go through the triggers and turn on a new trigger with NextEval as the condition. That trigger would be skipped the first time, but then evaluated during the next phase of trigger evaluations. As a counter, if you set the trigger to Always, the trigger would be evaluated immediately. With NextEval, it does one full cycle of trigger checks and then fires the NextEval condition.
NoDialogPlaying if no-dialog is playing
Is true if there is no dialog currently playing.
ObjAnimPlaying if objanim is playing
Is true when the named object animation is playing.
ObjAnimPos if objanim is compared quantity meters from the start
Is true once the specified object animation's current position is successfully compared to the specified number of meters from the start.
ObjAnimStopped if objanim is stopped
Is true when the named object animation has stopped. Wait until the object animation is running to set this trigger.
Objective, get objective state if the objective-state for objective number is objectivestate
Is true if the specified objective's state is same as the one indicated in expression objectivestate
Player has entity-type if this-player has one or more instances of creaturetype
Is true if the current player has one or more instances of a specified creature type.
Player has research if this-player has researched researchtype
Is true if the current player has researched a specific technology.
Player has selected entity-type if this-player has singly selected a creaturetype
Is true if the current player has singly selected a specified creature type.
Player has selected so many of entity-type if this-player has selected compared quantity creaturetype
Is true if the current player selects a number of a specified creature type that successfully compares with a specified quantity.
Player is constructing entity-type if this-player is constructing one or more instances of creaturetype
Is true if the current player is constructing one or more instances of a specified creature type.
Player is not restricted to if this-player is not restricted to creaturetype
Is true if the current player is not restricted to a specified creature type.
Player is researching if this-player is researching researchtype
Is true if the current player is researching a specified technology.
PlayerSpawnedNewEntity if player has spawned new-entity
Is true if a player has spawned a new entity.
Ready for movie playback, if ready for movie-playback
Is true if the game is ready for movie playback. Used only at the very beginning of missions to play the animatics.
Speech, no speech is playing, no speech playing
Is true if there is no speech currently playing.
UI button pressed (Henchman build creature chamber) if the henchman build creature-chamber
button was pressed
Is true if the henchman build creature chamber button was pressed.
UI button pressed (Henchman build electrical gen) if the henchman build electrical-generator button was pressed
Is true if the henchman build electrical generator button was pressed.
UI button pressed (Henchman build lightning rod) if the henchman build lightning-rod button was
Is true if the henchman build lightning rod button was pressed.
UI button pressed (Henchman build) if the henchman build button was pressed
Is true if the henchman build button was pressed.
UI default camera selected if the default camera is selected
Is true if the default camera is selected.
UI dialog shown (Objective) if the objective-dialog was shown
Is true if the objective dialog was shown.
UI camera cannot rotate game camera cannot rotate
Is true if game camera rotation is disabled.
UI mouse camera rotated if camera was rotated using the mouse
Is true if the camera was rotated using the mouse.
UI mouse camera zoomed if camera was zoomed using the mouse
Is true if the camera was zoomed using the mouse.
UI push scrolled if push-scrolled
Is true if the map is push scrolled. That is, if the mouse moved to edge of screen and made the map scroll. This is mainly used in tutorials to check to see if user has performed a camera action. For example, if the tutorial asks the user to "try scrolling camera around by moving the cursor to the edge of the screen," this checks to see if user has done that
UI, credits finished credits is finished
Is true if the credits are finished.
Visited army builder if this-player has visited the army builder
Is true if the current player has visited the army builder.
These are executed once the conditions to a trigger are met. Multiple actions can be associated to the same condition.
AIPause set ai to state
Sets all AI to the requested state (on/off).
AIPlayerPause set ai for player to state
Sets the AI for a player (if the designated player is a computer) to the requested state (on/off).
AIRunscript ask the player ai to run script message
Makes the AI for a player (if the designated player is a computer) to run a specific script.
AddGroup2Group add group to group
Adds two specified groups together.
AddSpawnEntityToGroup add player entities when spawned to group
Adds a specified player's entities when they spawn to a specific group.
AddSubgroup2Group (number) select quantity entities from group and add to group
Takes a specified number of entities from one specified group and adds them to another specified group.
AddSubgroup2Group (percent) select quantity percent of group and add to group
Takes a specified percentage of entities from one specified group and adds them to another specified group.
ArmyForbidEBP forbid army builder access to creaturetype
Stops the player from accessing the specified creaturetype from the army builder.
ArmyPermitEBP grant army builder access to creaturetype
Allows the player to access the specified creaturetype from the army builder, after the creaturetype has been disallowed using ArmyForbidEBP.
ArmyPermitEBP (no popup) grant army builder access to creaturetype with no popup
Allows the player to access the specified creaturetype from the army builder, after the creaturetype has been disallowed using ArmyForbidEBP but without an animal information box appearing.
Blip, create create blip number at location
Creates a blip at any specified entity's location on the world map.
Blip, remove remove blip number
Removes a specific blip.
Block character abilities set the blocking of character-ability of player to state
Enables or disables a player's character's special ability.
BlockAddOn set the blocking of addontype to state for player
Enables or disables the production of add-ons for a specific player.
BlockResearch block researchtype for player
Prevents a specified player from researching a research type.
CameraAnim shake - enable set camera-shake for cameraanim to state
Enables camera shaking for a camera animation.
CameraAnim shake - set amplitude set camera-shake amplitude for cameraanim to float-number degrees
Sets the amplitude of camera shaking for a camera animation to a float-number of degrees.
CameraAnim shake - set frequency set camera-shake frequency for cameraanim to float-number hz
Sets the frequency of camera shaking for a camera animation to a float-number of hertz.
CameraAnim shake - set transition time set camera-shake transition-time for cameraanim to float-number
Sets the camera shake transition time for a camera animation to a specified float number of seconds. This is for determining how long it takes a camera to reach shaking point.
CinematicMode turn cinematic to state
Turns cinematic mode on or off (brings down widescreen bars).
Cinematic mode transition time set cinematic mode transition time to float-number seconds
Sets the cinematic mode transition time to a float number of seconds. Basically, how long it takes to transition from normal mode to cinematic mode.
ClearGroup remove all entities from group
Clears all entities that are in this group, whilst keeping the group in existence. The entities themselves are not deleted from the world, however. If you want to delete the entities from the world, use the deletegroup action.
Countdown action countdown quantity seconds
Counts down a specified number of seconds.
Countdown action (float) countdown float-number seconds
Counts down a specified float number of seconds.
CreateEntity create creaturetype at this location
Creates an entity of a specified creaturetype at the specified location.
CreateEntityInGroup creaturetype at this location into group
Creates an entity of a specified creaturetype at the specified location and adds them to a specified existing group.
CutCameraAnim cut into cameraanim starting at quantity meters
Cuts into the camera animation starting at a specified number of meters from the start of the animation. This is an instant cut, and is usually used to cut from one camera path to another
DecGroupHealth decrement health of group by quantity
Decrements the health of all entities in a specified group.
DecGroupScrap decrement scrap of group by quantity
Decrements the coal amount of all entities in a specified group.
DecalVisible decal visibility is state
Toggles a specified decal's visibility on/off.
DeleteEntity delete entity
Entirely removes the specified entity from the mission.
DeleteGroupContent delete content in group
Deletes (as in remove from the world entirely) all entities belonging to the specified group. Use with caution! If you merely want to remove entities from a group, use the ClearGroup action instead.
Deselect all deselect all entities
Deselects all entities.
DespawnEntity despawn entity
Despawns the specified entity from the world. Other entities in the world will no longer be able to interact with this entity in any way.
DespawnGroup despawn group
Despawns all entities in the specified group from the world. Other entities in the world will no longer be able to interact with the members of this group in any way. The group can be "respawned."
DoneAnimationCamera switch back to regular camera with transition time of quantity seconds
Switches back to regular camera after a specified
number of seconds has elapsed. This is
mainly used for NISes, as opposed to NISlets. Basically, it performs an instant switch from
a non-game camera back to the game camera. It is also often used in conjunction with UseAnimationCamera.
Enable ambient sound, set ambient-sound to state
Toggles the ambient sound on/off. Used during NISs that have their own soundtracks.
Enable radar pulse, set radar pulse to state
Toggles the radar pulse ability on/off. It allows/disallows the player to use the radar pulse.
Enable speech continue button set the speech continue button to state
Toggles the speech continue button on/off.
EnableFogOfWarUpdate set fog-of-war update to state
Toggles the Fog of War Update on/off.
EntityVisible entity visibility is state
Toggles an entity's visibility but also note that the entity can still be interacted with.
FX Create (location and scale and orientation) create fx number as message at location with scale float-
number and target at location
Creates an effect, at a specific location, scale, and orientation.
FX Create (location and scale) create fx number as message at location with scale float-number
Same as above, but with only location and scale defined.
FX Create (location) create fx number as message at location
Same as above, but with only location defined.
FX Destroy destroy fx number
Takes an existing effect out of the map.
FX Set Wind set wind vector to ( float-number float-number float-number )
Uses vectors to set wind direction that would affect things like smoke (drift).
Fade fade from alpha to alpha in duration seconds
Fades camera from opaque to transparent in a specified duration of seconds. You can fade out to black (0 to 1) and in from black (1 to 0). Mainly used for the camera during in-game movies.
Far-clip distance, reset reset the far-clip distance
Resets the far clip distance.
Far-clip distance, set set far-clip distance to float-number
Sets the far clip distance to a specified float number.
Get entity group (all) set group to all entities owned by player
Sets ownership of an entire group's entities to a specific player.
Get entity group (animal) set group to all animals owned by player
Sets ownership of an entire group's stock animals to a specific player.
Get entity group (creature type) set group to all entities owned by player of type creaturetype
Assigns to a group all entities of a specific creature type that is owned by a specific player. Creature type can be set to any object including specific structures.
Get entity group (creatures) set group to all creatures owned by player
Assigns to a group all creatures owned by a specific player.
Get entity group (henchman) set group to all henchmen owned by player
Assigns to a group all henchmen owned by a specific player.
Get entity group (structure) set group to all structures owned by player
Assigns to a group all structures owned by a specific player.
GiveCreatureUpgrade give upgradetype to creaturetype of player
Upgrades a specific creaturetype that belongs to a player with a specific upgrade. GiveCreatureUpgrade can only be used on creatures that are part of an army assigned to an AI.
GivePlayerElectricity give player quantity electricity
Give the specified player the specified amount of electricity.
GivePlayerScrap give player quantity scrap
Give the specified player the specified amount of scrap.
GiveResearch give researchtype to player
Gives a specified research type to the specified player.
GrantBlueprint add creaturetype to army
Adds a specified creature type to an army's repertoire.
Group exclude invisible entities exclude entities invisible to player from group
Excludes entities that are invisible to a specific player from a group.
Group intersection set group to entities common to group and group
Creates a group out of entities belonging to two specified groups.
Group speed override, set group speed to float-number km/h
Overrides a group's speed to a float number km/h.
Group speed reset reset group speed
Resets a group's speed.
Group subtraction set group to group subtract group
Creates a new group out of the remainder obtained from subtracting one specified group from another.
Group union set group to group union group
Creates a new group out of what is obtained from combining two specified groups.
Group2Group order group to perform default action on group
Orders the specified group to perform their default action on the specified second group. This default action is based entirely one what types of entities make up the first group.
GroupFaceDirection get group to turn and face float-number degrees
Gets a specified group to turn and face a specified float number of degrees.
GroupFaceDirection (with speed) get group to turn and face float-number degrees at float-number
Gets a specified group to turn and face a specified float number of degrees at a float number of degrees per second.
GroupFaceGroup get group to turn and face group
Gets a specified group to turn and face another specified group.
GroupFaceGroup (with speed) get group to turn and face group at float-number degrees-per-second
Gets a specified group to turn and face another specified group at a float number of degrees per second.
GroupLookAtGroup get group to look at group
Gets a specified group to look at another group. The difference between this action and GroupFaceGroup is that whatever belongs to the group will turn their heads, instead of their whole bodies.
GroupStopLooking get group to stop looking at target
Stops a group from looking at its target.
GroupVisible group visibility is state
Toggles a group's visibility.
GroupVisible in FOW set group visibily in fow to player to state
Toggles a specific player's group's visibility in Fog of War.
Hide NISlet text hide NISlet text
Hides the NISlet text.
IncFullGroupHealth increment health of group to maximum
Increments the health of a specified group to the maximum allowed.
IncGroupHealth increment health of group by quantity
Increments the health of a specified group by a specified quantity.
LoadScenarioScript load script message
Loads a scenario specific .LUA script file. The "message" variable is where you specify the name of the .LUA file. The path of this script file is relative to the directory where the scenario is stored (i.e. "Data:scenarios/mp/foo.lua" for a file called "foo.lua" in the "Data:scenarios/mp" directory).
Lose player loses
Specified player loses the mission.
MoveEntity move entity to location
Instantaneously moves the entity to the specified location.
MoveGroup move group to location
Instantaneously moves the group to the specified location.
NIS end transition out of entity
Transitions out of the specified entity's
NIS start transition into entity
Transitions into
the specified entity's
NISlet banner - set banner set banner to message
Sets a NISlet banner to a user entered text message. The message would be the appropriate file name. No longer supported.
NISlet end end NISlet
Ends a NISlet.
NISlet start start NISlet with banner set to state
Toggles the start of a NISlet on/off (see above).
NoPauseCameraAnimBeforeBlendOut do not pause cameraanim before blend-out
Makes it so that the specified camera animation doesn't pause before blend-out.
ObjAnim - set end proximity dist set end-proximity-distance of objanim to float-number meters
Sets the end-proximity distance of a specified object animation to a specified float-number of meters.
Objective, bind obj to location bind objective number to location
Binds a specific objective number to a specific location.
Objective, create primary obj create primary objective number with short-desc number and tip number
Creates a primary objective that is called a certain number and has a certain ID attached to it (for a text localization file) along with a tip number. Short description number has no function but is usually the same value as the primary objective number ID.
Objective, create secondary obj create secondary objective number with short-desc number and tip number
Same as above, but instead for secondary objectives. Make sure secondary and primary objectives have different numbers.
Objective, remove obj remove objective number
Removes a specified objective.
Objective, set objective state set objective-state for objective number to objectivestate
Sets the object state for a specified objective to a specified objective state. These states are completed, failed, incomplete, or off.
Order group to do command order group to entity-command entity
Makes a specified group perform an action with respect to a specified entity
Order group to location order group to location
Issues a move order to the specified group to move to the location.
Order group to move randomly order a random quantity percent of group to move a random quantity meters
Makes a certain percentage of a specified group to move a random number of meters.
Order group to pause (or not) order group pause to state
Toggles the pause state for a specific group.
Order group to stop order group to stop
Orders a specified group to stop.
Order group to use stance order group to use the stancetype stance
Orders a specified group to take up a particular stance (aggressive, passive, etc.).
Order group to wander (or not) set group wandering to state
Toggles a specific group's "wandering" state on/off. Usually used for non-player controlled entities like animals or villagers.
PauseCameraAnim pause cameraanim
Pauses a specific camera animation.
PauseCameraAnimBeforeBlendOut pause cameraanim before blend-out
Pauses a camera animation before it blends out.
PauseMoveAnim pause moveanim
Pauses a move animation.
Permit tagging set the permission to tag group to state
Toggles a tag for a specific group on/off.
Play Dialog Speech play speech sound with text number , character number and float-number second place holder
This plays a speech sound file (.PAT) with a specified text ID (for localization) character ID, and a float second placeholder number. This number is usually zero (0) if there is a .PAT file, but if you enter a placeholder number, the length of the sound will play for that length in seconds. Of course, you will have to approximate how long the speech will be. This placeholder is there in the event that a matching speech file for any speech text on screen is unavailable. If there is no sound/speech file then the placeholder is set to 0 and then the text is displayed and removed instantly.
Play Dialog Speech with Continue Button play speech sound with text number , character number and float-number second place holder
Same as above, but with a continue button.
Play Movie play movie
Plays a .BIK movie file (Rad Game Tools BINK).
Play Music play looping music
Plays and loops a specific .PAT music file
Play Sound play sound
Plays a sound .PAT file.
Play Sound at entity play sound at entity
Plays a specific sound .PAT file at a specific entity.
Play Speech play speech sound
Plays a specific speech .PAT file.
Play Stinger play stinger
Plays a stinger .PAT. Stingers are usually short pieces of music for things like "objective complete." The game music will resume after a stinger plays.
PlayAnimation entity play animation message
Tells the specified entity to play its animation. The name of the animation is typed in manually at the time of creation. Animation names for a particular object are found in the Object Editor documentation under Animation Tree Listing.
PlayCameraAnim play cameraanim starting at quantity meters
This will play the named camera animation at the specified start point. This point is a user specified number of meters into the animation.
PlayDialog play dialog
Plays a specific dialog that is set in the dialog trigger.
PlayEntityObjAnim animate entity with objanim starting at quantity meters
Plays the named object animation with the specified entity starting at a specified number of meters into an animation. Used in things like NISlets for object animation paths. One example would be get Rex to follow an animation done in NISlets starting at a certain number of meters, usually 0.
PlayGroupObjAnim animate group with objanim starting at quantity meters
Plays the named object animation with the specified group starting at a specified number of meters into an animation. Basically same as PlayEntityObjAnim, but with groups instead.
PlayMoveAnim animate entity with moveanim starting at quantity meters
Plays the named move animation with the specified entity starting at a specific number of meters into an animation. Only used for objects that have no mobility (like the lab following an animation path).
PlayMoveAnim option - set initial entity rotation set initial rotation for moveanim to float-number degrees
Sets the initial rotation for a move animation to a specified float-number of degrees.
PlayerCanBuild player can build creaturetype
Allows a specific player to build a specific creature.
PlayerCannotBuild player cannot build creaturetype
Stops the player from building the specified creaturetype.
Pop camera setting pop camera setting
Pops the camera setting. This "pops" the current camera setting, returning it to the previous one under it in a "stack."
Previous camera focus previous camera focus
Switches to the previous camera's focus.
Push camera setting push camera setting
"Pushes" the current camera's setting onto a "stack."
ReplayAnimation entity replay animation message
Makes a specified entity replay a manually entered animation message.
ResetCam, resets camera - gamestock hack
Resets the camera. Unsupported feature.
RespawnEntity respawn entity
Respawns the entity back into the world (after it has been "despawned").
RespawnGroup respawn group
Respawns the group back into the world (after it has been "despawned").
ResumeCameraAnim resume cameraanim
Resumes a camera animation.
ResumeMoveAnim resume moveanim
Resumes a move animation.
RevealFoggedArea reveal area within quantity meters from location for quantity seconds
Reveals an area within a radius of a certain number of meters at a specified location for a specified number of seconds.
Runscript run script message
Executes a .LUA expression. There are .LUA commands called "dofile" and
"dofilepath" which can be used for this purpose.
Save game save game with filename message and text number for name
Saves the game with a message (save game file name) and a text number that is assigned as its name. This number is a pointer to a localizable string. Check in Modtext.DAT.dat (under locale\English\IC) for an example. Almost all the localized strings in the game are kept in this file.
SelectionAnimation play animation message to all selected
Tells all selected entities to play the animation which is specified in the message value. This is not generally used in real games but rather mostly for scripting purposes.
Set NISlet skip state set NISlet skipping to state
Toggles NISlet skipping on/off.
Set army give army to this-player
Gives a specified army to current player.
Set army builder state set army builder on to state
Toggles the army builder on/off.
Set battle track set battle-track to music
Loads a .PAT patch file as the battle music.
Set camera focus set focus to location
Sets the camera focus to the specified location.
Set camera focus (group) set focus to group
Sets the camera focus as the specified group.
Set camera origin set origin to location
Sets the camera origin to the specified location.
Set camera zoom set zoom to quantity
Sets the camera zoom level to the specified quantity.
Set character use entity for character number
Assigns a character integer number to an existing entity.
Set motion variable set the motion-variable message for group to float-number
Assigns a float number to the motion variable message for a specific group. Sets an animation on, permanently. 1 is on, 0 is off.
Set variable (v = group size) set variable to group size
Assigns a specific group's size to a named variable.
Set variable (v = quantity) set variable to quantity
Sets the named variable to the specified quantity.
Set variable (va = vb op quantity) set variable to variable op quantity
Sets the named variable to sum of the second variable and the specified quantity. Note that the first and second variable references can reference the same variable. Although 'sum' usually refers to addition, you can also perform a subtraction operation in this case.
Set variable (va = vb op vc) set variable to variable op variable
Sets the named variable to sum of the second variable and the value of the specified variable. Note that the first and second variable references can reference the same variable. Like above, a subtraction operation can be performed as well.
SetFlag set flag number to state
Toggles the named flag on and off.
SetFogOfWar set fog-of-war to state
Toggles fog of war on/off.
SetGroupDeathFadeDelay delay the death fade of group by number ticks
Sets the time it takes in "ticks" for the death fade of a specific group to complete.
SetGroupEndurance set group endurance to quantity percent
Sets a specified group's endurance to a specified percentage.
SetGroupOwner set the owner of group content to player
Sets the ownership of a specified group to a specified player.
SetNight set night to state
Toggles night mode on/off.
SetPlayerElectricity set player electricity to quantity
Sets a specific player's electricity to a specified quantity.
SetPlayerName set the name of this-player to message
Sets the name of the current player.
SetPlayerRank set player rank to quantity
Sets a specific player's current rank to the specified level.
SetPlayerScrap set player scrap to quantity
Sets a specific player's scrap (now coal) to a specified quantity.
SetPlayersToAllies set player and player to allies
Makes two specified players become allies. Generally it's best to set both players to allies. For example, if you want to ally Player 1 and 2 you must set Player 1 to be allied with Player 2, and the Player 2 to be allied with Player 1.
SetPlayersToEnemies set player and player to enemies
Makes two specified players become enemies. Like SetPlayersToAllies, you must set for all players to be affected as well. Thus, you must set Player 1 to be an enemy of Player 2, and Player 2 to be an enemy of Player 1.
SetSharedVision set shared vision between player and player to state
Toggles shared vision between two players.
Show Message show message
Displays a text message on the screen.
Show NISlet image show NISlet image of creaturetype
Displays a NISlet image of a specific creature.
Show NISlet text show NISlet text message
Displays a manually entered NISlet text message.
Show variable show variable
Displays the value of the named variable on screen. Used for debug purposes
SpawnEntity spawn creaturetype from entity
Spawns a specific creature from a specific entity
Start combiner tutorial start combiner tutorial
Stars the combiner tutorial.
Stop Dialog Speech stop current speech
Stops the current speech.
StopCameraAnim stop cameraanim
Forces the named camera animation to stop playing.
StopMoveAnim stop moveanim
This will stop a move animation playing.
StopObjAnim stop objanim
This will stop an object animation playing.
Swimming ability set swimming ability of group to state
Toggles the swimming ability of a specified group on/off.
Teamcolour override make group look like as if it is owned by player
Makes a group look like as if it is owned by a specific player.
Teamcolour override (cancel) revert group to its original teamcolour
Changes a group's colour back to its original colour.
TriggerState change trigger to state
Toggles a named trigger on and off. This is used extensively since almost all triggers are initially set to off and are activated by successive triggers.
TurnOffAIControl disallow group to be controlled by ai
away control of a specified group from the AI.
TurnOnAIControl, allow group to be controlled by ai
Gives control of a specified group to the AI.
UI, Confine mouse - remove confinement remove mouse confinement
Removes mouse confinement.
UI, Confine mouse - set confinement confine mouse to overlay-hud
Confines the mouse to a part of the overlay-HUD. In this case however, it is the continue button.
Clears the
UI, NIS date -
set set
Assigns a
specified number to an
description - clear clear
Clears the
description of an
description - set set
Assigns a text's
ID number to an
UI, NIS the
end - clear clear
the end - set set
UI, enable button set the enable-type button to state
Toggles a henchman's "enable-type" button on/off.
UI, enable event cue audio set the event-cue-audio to state
Toggles the event-cue-audio on/off.
UI, enable henchman-build buttons set the henchman-build-buttons to state
Toggles the henchman-build buttons on/off.
UI, enable henchman-kill button set the henchman-kill-button to state
Toggles the henchman-kill button on/off.
UI, keybinding text - clear clear keybinding text
Clears the keybinding text.
UI, keybinding text - set set keybinding text to text number
Assigns a number to the keybinding text.
UI, minimap input state change minimap input to state
Toggles minimap input on/off.
UI, pulse hud set pulse-state of hud to state
Toggles the pulse-state of a specific HUD on/off.
UI, reset game time reset game time to zero
Resets game time to zero. This is useful after playing an intro movie or intro NISlet.
UI, scroll credits scroll credits
Scrolls the credits.
UIPause set ui to state
Enables or disables the UI.
UnRevealFoggedArea unreveal area within quantity meters from location
Unreveals an area within a specified radius of a specified location. You can use this as a counter to revealFoggedArea. If you set the values as the same, the previously visible area will close.
UnblockResearch unblock researchtype for player
Unblocks a type of research from a specified player.
Ungarrison group if garrisoned ungarrison group if it is garrisoned within entity
Ungarrisons a specific group if it is garrisoned within a specific entity.
UpdateHealthLevelGroup set group to all entities of player with compared quantity percent of health
Compares the health of all entities of a specific player against a specified percentage of health. All entities whose health successfully compares to this percentage get assigned to a named group.
UpdateProximityGroup set group to all entities of player within quantity meters to location
All entities of a specific player that are within a specified radius of a specified location are assigned to a named group. Note that once these entities move out of the specified area they are no longer a member of that group.
UseAnimationCamera use camera from entity with transition time of quantity seconds
Switches to a predefined camera for a character animation (usually visible in Object Editor). Quantity is usually zero for an instant switch.
Win player wins
The specified player wins the mission.
wait for cameraanim pos wait until cameraanim is compared quantity meters from the start
Waits until a specified camera animation is a specified number of meters from the start.
wait for moveanim pos wait until moveanim is compared quantity meters from the start
Waits until a specified move animation is a specified number of meters from the start.
wait for objanim pos wait until objanim is compared quantity meters from the start
Waits until a specified object animation is a specified number of meters from the start.
walking stock animals set walking-stock-animals to state
Toggles the walking of stock animals on/off.
Allows you to select a creature army from existing ones.
Allows you to select the name of a previously created camera animation.
Allows you to specify how the requested quantity is being compared. Available comparisons are:
less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, and equal to.
Allows you to select a blueprint from the blueprints available in the game.
Allows you to select one of three henchman "enable-type" buttons.
Allows you to select an entity that is currently placed in the mission.
Allows you to specify an entity's orders. Available orders are:
Attack, AttackGuard, AttackMove, DefaultAction, GarrisonSelf, Guard, Heal, Move, Patrol, PatrolQueue, RallyPoint, SpecialAttack, Tag, and Ungarrison.
Allows you to select a group from those that have previously been created in the mission.
Allows you to select from a list of available UI HUDs.
Allows you to select from a list of keys on the keyboard.
Allows you to specify a location that has previously been placed in the mission. A location can be created by placing a point object.
This is a freeform text message box. It has a variety of uses.
Allows you to select the name of a previously created camera animation.
Allows you to select the ID number of a flag that has been placed in the mission.
Allows you to set the state of an objective. These states are:
Complete, Failed, Incomplete, and Off.
Mathematical operations like add/subtract.
Basically, the continue button.
Allows you to select a player (Player 1.Player 4)
Field for specifying numeric quantities; some are floats and some are integers.
Allows you to choose a type of research.
Allows you to specify a specific stance. These stances are:
Aggressive, Passive, None, Territorial.
Allows you to select a sound to play.
On/Off state switch, allowing you to toggle the state of various triggers and other conditional objects.
A short piece of music that accompanies and gives audio effect to a NISlet.