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IPAA Assessment Tool Documentation


IPAA Assessment Tool Documentation

February 5, 2007

Table of Contents

Installation of IPAA

Proxy settings

Auto Update

Assessment Tool Welcome Page

The Welcome page is broken into 3 main areas 

Content Pane

Navigation Pane

Status Bar

IPAA Assessment Tool Menu

IPAA Assessment Tool Icon Menu

Import/Export Settings

Send to Repository

Change Password

New Engagement

Engagement Properties

New Customer 

New Assessment

Assessment Properties



Regional Information

Additional Information


Items of Note

Device Categories

Replacement Devices

Device Configurations

Device Configuration Properties

Custom Devices

Custom Device Properties


Device Contract Properties

Custom Fields / Validation

Custom Fields

Custom Validation

Overhead Costs


Tips of the Day

Save As Template

Export Assessment Properties

Import Assessment Properties

Copy An assessment feature

Assessment Editor

Assessment Editor Menus

Assessment Editor Icons

Current Inventory

Grid View

Form View

Data Highlighting

Visio Editor

Customer Pricing

Customer Pricing - Device

Customer Pricing - Toner and Supplies 

Supplies Properties

Override All Toners

Export and Import of Excel spreadsheet 

Data Highlighting

Replacement Pricing

Data Highlighting

Current Operating Costs

One-to-One Replacement

Optimized Replacement

Optimized Replacement - Standard Process 

Select Replacement Model 


Calculate Replacement Quantities

Calculate Replacement ROI 

Current Environment 

Future Environment 

Optimized Replacement tab with Redeploy Across Location feature 

Filtering by Location 

Relocation of redeployed devices 

Unassigned page counts 

Custom Page count transfer 

Select Current Device to Be Optimized drag and drop feature

Undo Relocate 

Assessment Summary

Reports Options 

Default Save Location for Reports 

TCO Generated Report 

Offline Editor

Installation of IPAA

IPAA can be downloaded from the website with the correct user permissions. The download page contains the system requirements and recommended requirements. There is also an installation guide located right below the link to download the latest version of IPAA.

Proxy settings

After launching the program for the first time you will be prompted for a user name and password. There is also a button that will open up proxy settings that are required if you are using the tool behind a firewall.

The following process will allow you to enable proxy settings based on your PC's internet settings.

Open Internet Explorer and select "Tools" from the menu and "Internet Options" will open figure 1 below.  From Internet Options select "Connections" and "LAN Settings".  This will open the second dialog box below.  You will need to record the Proxy server information to be able to insert into the dialog window that is part of the log on for IPAA 3.0 See figure 3.

Figure 1 and 2

Figure 3

From the log on window for IPAA where you would enter your user name and password, you will need to select the Proxy button and then select Manual Proxy configurations.

This is where you will enter your information from figure 2.  Once this is done you should be able to access the tool.

Auto Update

After you connect to the IPAA assessment tool using your user name and password there will be a prompt if there is a newer version available than the version you downloaded or are using. There are two different types of auto updates. One is a recommended but optional update that will allow you to use the tool without selecting yes to update. The second is a required update that will force you to select "Yes" to update in order to use the online tool. Selecting No will close the application and return you to the desktop.

When you select "Yes" to update, the updated files will be downloaded to your computer from the IPAA server.

Assessment Tool Welcome Page

The Welcome page is broken into 3 main areas

Content Pane - main window

Status Bar - located in the bottom of the window this bar shows current status and other information.

Navigation Pane - similar to MSFT Outlook and contains Engagements, Customers, Templates, and Support Forums.

Content Pane

The Content pane is the main box located in the IPAA window. There are 3 selection boxes in the Content Pane which include a Quick Links box, Announcements and Recent Assessments.

Quick Links

This selection is comprised of quick links for Engagements, Assessments, Customers, and Assessment Templates.

  • Engagements
    • Quick Link to New Engagement - opens a New Record of Engagement Properties
    • Quick Link to Engagement - opens content pane to existing Engagements 
  • Assessments

o        Quick Link to New Assessment - opens Assessment Properties

    • Quick Link to Engagement - opens content pane to existing Assessments 
  • Customers
    • Quick Link to New Customer - opens New Record of Customer Properties
    • Quick Link to Customers - opens content pane to existing Customers
  • Assessment Templates
    • Quick Link to New Assessment Template - Opens Template Properties
    • Quick Link to Assessment Templates - opens content pane to existing Assessment Templates

Program Announcements

This selection lists Application Support Announcements of interest for the IPAA tool

Selecting the "more." link opens the main window to the Application Support Announcements page.

Recent Assessments

This selection lists recent assessments that the user has worked on by identification number, assessment title and date created or modified.

  • Quick Link of names of recent assessments that user has worked on. Selecting one of the quick links will open the named assessment.

Selecting the "more..." link opens the content pane to existing Assessments.

Navigation Pane

The Navigation Pane is similar in design to MS Outlook. The main panel contains a tree starting with the IPAA Assessment tool that contains the welcome window. Continuing down the tree are Engagements, Assessments, and Application Support. The lower portion of the Navigation Pane contains:

  • Engagements which are selected by default and shows current information about engagements within the IPAA tool.
  • Customer which shows customers information in the content pane when selected.
  • Application Support which shows current information about the application in the main window when selected.


When you select Engagement from the navigation pane t 212j94c ree lists of all engagements are displayed in the content pane. You are able to select and open existing engagements to engagement properties. You can add new Engagements by selecting New from the menu and engagement.

Below the navigation pane t 212j94c ree, a current view becomes active where you can apply views to engagements in the content pane. There are options to customize a current view and define views.


When you select Assessment from the navigation pane t 212j94c ree, lists of all assessments are displayed in the content pane. You are able to select and open existing assessments to the Assessment Editor. You can add new Assessments by selecting New from the menu and Assessment.

Below the navigation pane t 212j94c ree, a current view becomes active where you can apply views to assessments in the content pane. There are options to customize a current view and define views.

Assessment Templates

When you select Assessment Templates from the navigation pane t 212j94c ree, lists of available templates are displayed in the content pane. You can select from existing templates and open the Assessment Template properties. You can add new templates by selecting New from the menu and Assessment Templates.

Below the navigation pane t 212j94c ree, a current view becomes active where you can apply views to assessments templates in the content pane. There are options to customize a current view and define views.


When selecting Customers from the Navigation pane, the customer view becomes active. The content pane will display a list of current customers. There are options to customize a current view and define views.

Status Bar

The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the main IPAA window. The Status Bar shows information specific to each area the user navigates to within the IPAA tool.

IPAA Assessment Tool Menu


The File menu in the Assessment Tool will allow you to select New to open a new Engagement, Assessment, Assessment Template, or Customer. You can also select to Logout and Exit or Exit the tool and save your log in information for the next use.

This picture shows the expansion of the New menu and the available selections.


The View menu allows you to move the Reading Pane around the application window. You can toggle both the Navigation Pane on the left of the window and the Status Bar on the bottom of the window on and off.

The Reading Pane allows you to select Right, Top or Bottom to move the reading pane around the IPAA application window.


The Go menu allows you to select the different Navigation Pane options.


From the Help menu you can select Content and Index and bring up the Help window for the tool, turn on or off the Tip of the Day feature that displays at the bottom of the Welcome page. About IPAA Assessment Tool. displays the current version of the tool and other information.

IPAA Assessment Tool Icon Menu

When you have an engagement or assessment highlighted in the list the Delete, Edit and Copy icons will become active.

Import/Export Settings

or on the Desktop for offline use the icon

This feature will allow uses to create a zip folder that contains all of the potential files needed for sharing. There are no mandatory files required with this feature. The default location if not specified during the install wizard is located at the following and then each specific folder mentioned below.

C:\Program files\HP\IPAA Assessment Tool\

The list includes the following files in the zip folder:

  • CSV files - the feature allows single up to multiple files to be imported and exported - default location is the DataSupport folder.
  • XVN files - the feature allows single up to multiple files to be imported and exported - default location is the DataSupport folder.
  • Template files - the feature allows template files to be included - default location is the DataSupport folder
  • File Schema - the feature allows single up to multiple schemas to be included - the default location is the FileSchema folder.
  • Form Layout files - the feature allows single up to multiple form layout files to be included - the default location is the FormLayout folder.
  • View Layout file - the feature allows single up to multiple view layout files to be included - the default location is the Config folder.
  • Abbreviation file - the feature allows single up to multiple abbreviations files to be included - the default location is the Config folder.
  • Maps - the feature allows single up to multiple image files to be imported and exported. Supported file types will be listed in the file type dropdown when clicking browse - the default location is the Data Support folder.
  • Other files - the feature allows you to add other files that you would like to include into the zip folder. - the default location is the DataSupport folder.

Send to Repository

This icon will open a window that allows you to manage assessments by engagement. You can then select from the Repository Status dropdown Record or Abandon. Recorded assessments will be used as part of the Assessment Information Program and abandoned assessments will be discarded from the AIP program.


Change Password

Clicking on the change password icon will bring up the following menu. Note that passwords must conform to the strong password format with a minimum length of 8 characters and contain one of the following:

One upper case character

One lower case character

One numeric character

One special character such as !@#$%

New Engagement

To start a new Engagement you may select any of the following:

Engagement Properties

This window includes two tabs as follows: General and Sharing.


 The General tab is used for entering all general engagement information and details including:

Engagement Title

Sales Rep if active


Engagement Status

Click OK to save Customer information, Apply to apply settings without closing the window, or click Cancel at any time to exit without saving.

New Customer

Note the Customer Properties dialog window that opens.

In the Customer Information section, enter the following required information:

  • Company Name
  • Mailing Address
  • City
  • State/Province
  • Postal Code
  • Country (select from pull-down list)

In the Contact Information section, enter the following required information: 

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • E-mail Address

Click OK to save Customer information or click Cancel at any time to exit without saving.

Sharing and Engagement

To access the Sharing Tab you must first enter the Engagement information in the General Tab and then select Apply. Once this has been completed, the Sharing tab will then become active. The Sharing tab includes buttons that will allow or not allow sharing for the particular Engagement. When selected to share engagements user must enter the email address of the person you wish to share the engagement with. This email address will then be validated against the list of people that have access to the IPAA tools. If the email address is not on the list of people that have access please contact the TCO Helpdesk or your HP Sales Representative.

Click OK to save Customer information, Apply to apply settings without closing the window, or click Cancel at any time to exit without saving.

New Assessment

To start a new Assessment select any of the following:

Assessment Properties

During the start of the new assessment flow the first window that is presented is the Assessment template and Regional selection information.

From this window you can select an assessment template or browse to a saved external template with the button.

Regional information, when selecting outside of North America the secondary exchange rate will be activated.

The Import settings button will launch the import/export utility wizard discussed above.

The Assessment Properties information is the first window that must be filled out to begin an assessment. The General properties tab contains required fields that must be filled out to continue to the Assessment Editor. To save information to the IPAA server without closing the Assessment Properties users must select Apply in each tab.

The following sections are included in the assessment properties.

  • General - Includes general, regional, and customer information
  • Environment - Costs and other details about the customer's printing environment
  • Device Categories - Provides information for different levels of devices for monthly page counts both network and local default page counts 3Yr post warranty cost. These fields are editable to provide a custom TCO report for default pages, post warranty costs, and percentage of color printing
  • Device Configurations - Allows a user to designate a special configuration and prices for that configuration to customize device
  • Replacement Devices - Allows a user to designate future fleet replacement devices in One to One and Optimized fleets
  • Custom Devices - Allows a user to create custom devices for devices that are not in the IPA database or are a specialized version of a device
  • Contracts - Allows users to enter information about existing contracts for devices to be used in calculating Cost Per Page
  • Custom Fields / Validation - Allows users to develop custom fields for use in the form or grid layout of Assessments. Validation matrix allows users to custom select which columns are required or optional when conducting assessment data gathering.
  • Overhead Costs - Allows users to customize information pertaining to overhead costs of current and future environments to be used in the final TCO report.
  • Notes - A text area to include notes for general use that could include future reference or to document special properties of the assessment


The General tab of the Assessment Properties includes the basic information about this assessment and its associated customer.


  • Assessment ID* - Auto-generated upon successfully clicking "OK" or "Apply" buttons
  • Assessment Title* - This field is used to enter the title of the Assessment (usually the Customer name)
  • Engagement* - Allows user to link the new assessment to the name of an existing engagement or create a new engagement. Selecting New will open the Engagement Properties window.
  • Analysis Period*: This field is used to enter the analysis period for the Assessment. This value is always listed in months (i.e., 36 months for analysis).
  • Group Devices by similar location - When selected this field will group similar devices by location resulting in multiple devices being combined on a single line and a quantity total. For example 3 HP LaserJet 4250N devices would be a single line with a Qty of 3. If this is not selected the devices will have a single line for each device.
  • Include One to One Replacements - When selected this requires a One to One replacement for replace device in the current inventory. If this is not selected One to One will not be required and the One to One replacement tab will be removed from the assessment and grey out the option for a One to One section in the final MS Word report. If this selection is removed the Generate Quickstart in the optimized section will also be grayed out.
  • Current and Future Environment or Current Environment - This option will allow you to customize your assessment. When the Current and Future Environment toggle is selected your assessment will have both the current and future environment available. If you select the one to one toggle you will have to include the one to one section as part of the assessment.
  • For a current environment only assessment you will want to select the Current Environment toggle and complete the assessment properties. This selection will then only require you to enter the current environment and current pricing. The assessment will then complete the current operating costs and allow you to develop a shortened MS Word and/or MS PPT report for the current environment.
  • Assessment Template* - Allows you to use different assessment templates or a default template. This was populated in the initial assessment properties window. You will have to start a new assessment to change the template.

Regional Information

  • Region - Allows you to select a specific region for the new assessment
  • Currency - Allows you to select a specific currency for the new assessment
  • Conversion Rate - Generated automatically. If field is active a user is able to manually enter a current conversion rate to compensate for the flux in conversion rates between currencies.
  • Secondary Conversion Rate - Generated automatically depending on the region and currency selections. If field is active a user is able to manually enter a current conversion rate to compensate for the fluxation in conversion rates between currencies.

Once the assessment has been saved, you can update the exchange rates from the assessment properties icon or right click on the assessment from the main IPAA assessment line and select assessment properties.

A button will appear next to the regional area labeled Updated Exchange rates.

One item to note is the Bold typing. To apply the updated exchange rates you must run through all of the tabs again in the assessment to reprocess the new exchange rate and show the changes in the reports.

Additional Information

  • Assessment date* will be used to calculate the life page counts when importing data.
  • Industry* - Select an Industry from the pull-down list.
  • Sub Group* - Select a Sub Group from the pull-down list.
  • Study Group Size* - Allows the user to enter a sample group size for inventory or a portion of an overall assessment or engagement.
  • Number of Employees* - Allows the user to enter the number of employees that will be affected by the new assessment. This information will be used with PowerPoint presentation to extrapolate the study group size information to the number of employees.

* Required fields for a new assessment


The Environment information is auto-populated with default values based on the region. All the information within the white boxes on this page is editable, either by typing new information, clicking a checkbox or selecting from a drop-down menu.

Items of Note

  • Paper Cost, Maintenance Cost/Hour, and Power Cost will change based on Currency and Region.
  • To remove particular components from the CPP calculation, uncheck the appropriate component.
  • Optimized Replacement Options allows user to customize the optimized replacement options based on feedback from customer or tailoring the assessment to specific replacement criteria. As an example all replacement printers in optimized replacements could have a 3 current devices replaced by a single device ratio. For One to One Replacement assessment reports, select a ratio of one to one in this area.
  • Redeploy devices newer than XX months will allow you to customize devices to be redeployed based on the age of the device. The standard rate is 18 months. If you increase this amount install dates for devices that fall within this range will be redeployed instead of replaced.
  • Add Months to default install dates allows uses to change the date of the database or user entered install dates.

An item to note is that devices that are within the zero to six month time frame will be advanced into the future for an install date and must be fixed manually when entering data.

  • Pricing Markup/Discounts allows user to customize markups/discounts based on engagement and customer. The secondary pricing mark up and mark down is available for regions outside of the North America where a secondary exchange rate is used. This will update the markup/discounts when applying to green tinted costs in the costing tabs. Primary markup/discounts will be applied to blue values in the costing tabs.

Device Categories

The Device Categories tab displays the following four sections: Device Category, Default Page Count, Color Print %, and Post Warranty Cost.

Device Category: This column lists each device's category that is associated in the Assessment (i.e., printer types such as DeptMonoPrinter).

Default Page Count (Network): This column lists the default page count of the specific network class of device. Note that if the connection type is not specified in the assessment that this is the default page count used.

Default Page Count (Local): This column lists the default page count of the specific class of Local device.

Color Print %: This column lists the percentage that the specific class of device is used for color printing.

3-Yr Post Warranty Cost: This column lists the post warranty cost for maintaining the specific device.

Note at the time of the release of IPAA version 3.1 some categories do not have 3 Yr warranty numbers are they is not enough information to give a creditable categorical value, as displayed in the above graphic. This will change but may not be reflected in the tool documentation.

Replacement Devices

Replacement Device List - This list displays all HP devices available for one-to-one and optimized replacements based on our current database information. Place a checkmark next to the HP device in the list you want to use as a replacement.

To see updated or removed replacement devices on other tabs of the Assessment Properties users must save to the server by selecting the Apply button after modifying any replacement devices.

Device Configurations

The Device Configurations tab displays one or more custom device configurations for the replacement devices. These configurations are available for use within the Future Fleet Designer in the Assessment Editor.

This tab includes the following sections: Base Model, Display Name, and Total Cost. Click New to open Device Configuration Properties window to add a custom device configuration. Click Delete to remove a device or accessory from the list. Click Modify to modify a highlighted existing device.

Device Configuration Properties

Base Device - This list displays the base model information for the replacement device. Replacement devices selected from the Replacement device tab will be displayed in the dropdown if Apply was selected to save replacement devices to the server.

Display Name - This list displays the display name for the replacement device.

Base Device Cost This list displays the total cost for the replacement device.

Accessory Type This list displays the accessory type for the replacement device.

Cost - This list displays the price for the accessory for the replacement device. User must enter at least one accessory although; it can have a cost of zero.

Custom Devices

The Custom Device tab displays custom devices associated with the current Assessment. Click New or Modify to open the Custom Device Properties window to add a new device to the Assessment or edit existing device properties. Click Delete to remove a highlighted Custom Device.

Custom Device Properties

Or with Calculate Toner And Supplies radio button selected:

The Custom Device Properties is used to add, modify, or delete devices in the current environment. There are two main sections on this window General device information and Operating Cost Calculation Method. One item to note with 3.1 Paper costs will now be factored as part of the custom device, so you will not have to include paper in the cost per page calculation.

After entering all information on the Custom Device Properties window, click OK or Apply to save all changes or click Cancel to exit the window without saving.

General Section

Device Type * - Select the appropriate device type from the pull-down list.

Manufacturer * - Select manufacturer of the device from the pull-down list. This is a required field.

Device Model Enter device model in the field. This is a required field.

Device Category * Select device category from the pull-down list. This is a required field.

Supports Color Click Yes if the device supports color or click No if the device does not support color.

Default Replacement * Select the default device replacement from the pull-down list.

This is a required field.

Operating Cost Calculation Method Section

Override Cost Per Page Check this button to override cost per page in the calculation. When this selection is made, mono and color cost per page values must be entered in the appropriate fields that appear.

Calculate Toner And Supplies Check this button to calculate toner and supplies in the calculation. When this selection is made, ink/toner cost per yield and replacement parts values must be entered in the fields that appear.

Ink / Toner Section

Mono Toner (Cost / Yield) Enter the value for mono toner cost per yield.

Color Toner (Cost / Yield) Enter the value for color toner cost per yield.

Replacement Parts Section

Supply Name Click inside the box in the table and type in the supply name of the part (i.e., Drum or Developer (Std. Capacity).

Supply Cost: Click inside this box in the table and type in supply cost of the part (i.e., 77.93).

Affects Mono Make sure this box is checked if the monochrome ink is affected in the part.

Mono Yield Type in value for the total mono page life of part (i.e., 5000).

Affects Color Make sure this box is checked if the color ink is affected in the part.

Color Yield Type in value for the total color page life of part (i.e., value would be 'N/A' for a black developer).

Cost Per Page Section

Mono Cost Per Page: Enter the mono cost per page value to be used in the calculation. This is a required field if the Override Cost Per Page button was selected.


The Contracts tab displays contracts associated with the current Assessment. Click New or Modify to open the Device Contract Properties window. Click Delete to delete a device from the contract after selecting the contract from the list.

Device Contract Properties

The Device Contract Properties tab includes the following two sections: Contract Properties and Operating Costs.

 Contract Properties Section

Contract Name Enter the contract name for the device.

Contract Type Check the button corresponding to the appropriate contract type. Choose between Device Contract and Fleet Contract.

Contract Start Date Select the appropriate contract start date from the pull-down list.

Contract End Date Select the appropriate contract end date from the pull-down list.

Residual Buyout Enter in the residual buyout.

Operating Costs Section

Monthly Service Charge Enter the value in the field for the monthly service charge of the device.

Other Monthly Charges Enter the value for all other monthly charges for the device.

Total Monthly Charges This value is auto-generated using the values from the Monthly Service Charge and Other Monthly Charges fields.

Contracted Minimum Pages Click Yes if there are a contracted minimum pages for usage for the device, or click No if there are no contracted minimum pages.

Contracted Pages / Month - Mono/Color/Total If Yes was selected in the Contracted Minimum Pages field, enter in the value for mono pages per month under Mono and color pages per month under Color in the fields provided. A Total value auto-generates and displays the total contracted mono and color pages per month for the device.

Toner / Supplies Click Charge - Mono/Color Enter the value for the toner and supplies click charge for the device under Mono and Color.

Overage Click Charge - Mono/Color Enter in the value for the overage click charge for the device under Mono and Color.

Custom Fields / Validation

Custom Fields

Allows users to enter a custom heading and populate from the corresponding file import for columns with the same heading. This also allows users to use the custom field in the form or grid views within the Assessment Editor for data entry.

Custom Validation

From the list of Available Fields you can specify that certain fields are enabled or viewable as a column in grid view or field in the form view, based on connection type and device class and are "required" during data entry marking the checkbox for required.

Note: System-required fields (Location, Device Model, Monthly Page Count, Install Date, and Disposition) cannot be made optional as they are required as part of the cost per page calculation engine.   These system require fields will be grayed out in the custom validation matrix as not editable when selected.

Overhead Costs

This section allows you to custom tailor an assessment to specific values or costs depending on the engagement. 

Floor Space Costs

Floor Space Cost per Sq. Foot - You can leave the default or enter a custom value in the Amount column.

Average Sq. Feet per Device - You can leave the default or enter a custom value in the Amount column.

Help Desk Costs

Average Cost per Printer per Month - Check this box to include the average cost per printer per month value in the IPAA report. After including this option, enter the value in the Amount column.

Purchasing Cost per Month (Pct.) - Check this box to include the purchasing cost per month percentage value in the IPA report. After including this option, enter the value in the Amount column.

Average Employee Hourly Rate - Check this box to include the average employee hourly rate value in the IPAA report. After including this option, enter the value in the Amount column.

Printer Management Costs

Printer Management Hourly Cost Check this box to include the printer management hourly cost value

Supplies Management

Gartner Est. Minutes to Replace Cartridge Check this box to include the Gartner estimate of minutes to replace cartridges value in the IPAA report. After including this option, enter the value in the Amount column.

HP Est. Minutes to Replace Cartridge Check this box to include the HP estimate of minutes to replace cartridges value in the IPAA report. After including this option, enter the value in the Amount column.

Average Page Yield per Cartridge - Check this box to include the average page yield per cartridge value in the IPAA report. After including this option, enter the value in the Amount column.

Average Toner Cartridge Cost - Check this box to include the average toner cartridge cost value in the IPAA report. After including this option, enter the value in the amount column.


The Notes tab is used for adding notes and comments for future reference associated with the Assessment.

For example, after revising a report, it is helpful for the editor to add a comment with their name, the current date, and a note explaining what changes were made.

After typing in all information, click OK or Apply to save changes. Click Cancel at any time to exit Assessment Properties without saving.

Tips of the Day

This area of the IPAA Assessment Tool is turned on by default and allows users to view tips that will help to fully utilize the IPAA Assessment Tool application.

Save As Template

After filling out the Assessment Properties you can select to save the Assessment Properties as a Template using the Save As Template button.

Selecting this button will activate the Save As Template and allow you to save the template with a custom name.

This button will save your assessment as a template to allow you to use the saved template from the Assessment Template dropdown for future assessments. The saved template can be accessed and modified from the Assessment Template navigation tree located on the left of the main IPAA page. Or you can select the Assessment template.

Make certain modifications for active fields within the Assessment Properties and resave the Assessment Template. This will allow you to keep the same Assessment Properties with form layout, validation and custom devices from one assessment to the next.

Export Assessment Properties

This button will save your assessment properties and create an export of your assessment properties for use with the offline editor.

When saving the file you will be prompted for a name and the file will be saved with an .XTP file extension.

When opening a new assessment, the custom name can then be selectable from the Assessment Template dropdown.

Import Assessment Properties

This feature has been moved to the first dialog window when starting a new assessment. You can click here to move to the location that discusses this information

Copy An assessment feature

This feature will allow you to copy an assessment, allowing you to retain your original assessment but then make modifications to the assessment for a different current fleet and or future fleet design. To take advantage of this feature simple select an assessment.

Right mouse click and select Copy

This will prompt you to enter the name of the new assessment or a default of Copy of Assessment Name

Select OK to copy the assessment and a new assessment will be made and displayed at the top of your screen.

Assessment Editor

The Assessment Editor window contains information that lists and describes the customer's current and future operating costs, one-to-one device replacements, and the customized replacement plan for the environment detailed in the current Assessment. New with IPAA 2.4 are the form and grid tabs at the bottom of the Assessment Editor window.

The Assessment Editor Dialog window contains six tabs as follows: Current Inventory, Customer Pricing, Future Printers, Current Operating Costs, One to One Replacement, Customized Replacement, and Summary.

Assessment Editor Menus


From the File menu you have the ability to:

  • Import an Inventory (.XNV) file from a WebJet admin, offline or exported IPA Inventory Editor file. Or a Discovery (.CSV) file from a previous assessment or converted Excel file.
  • Lookup file will start the import lookup file wizard.
  • Properties will open the Assessment Properties
  • Exit the Assessment Editor


From the Edit menu you have the ability to:

  • Cut an existing row from the Current Inventory
  • Copy an existing row from the Current Inventory
  • Paste a row into the Current Inventory
  • Select All of the rows in the Current Inventory
  • Mark as Excluded a highlighted row in the Current Inventory
  • Delete a highlighted row in the Current Inventory
  • Find will open the Find and Replace task pane to search for a specific line item
  • Replace will open the Find and Replace task pane to search and replace a specific line item


From the View menu you have the ability to:

  • Open the Task Pane
  • Select the Current View settings
  • Expand/Collapse Groups when the user has selected groups from the current view or content pane columns
  • Refresh the current information
  • Toggle the Status Bar on and off

Current View contains the ability for you to Show Fields for the selected columns in the Assessment Editor, Sort or Group by selected columns in the Assessment Editor, Format View of the current tables, View Summary of the current view settings, and Define Views for custom view settings.

Task Pane

The Task Pane field opens to the right of the main window and allows users to select from different fields. You can select Custom devices and Device Contracts created in assessment properties.

Before dragging and dropping devices from the Task Pane to the main window, you must first enter a device from the dropdown menus in the main window to enable auto population of the location field.

After the Location auto population feature is active you can then drag and drop devices from the standard or custom devices task pane to the assessment window. When Selecting Standard Devices, a list of available devices are presented that can be that can be dragged and dropped to assessments. You can add Custom Devices from the task pane for devices that are not found in the standard devices pane. The Find and Replace feature is accessible from the Task Pane.

The Custom Devices task pane allows you to create New devices Modify existing custom devices. Or Delete unused custom devices.

Devices in the custom field are drag and droppable to the grid and Visio editor.

The Device Contracts task pane allows you to create New devices Modify existing devices contracts. Or Delete unused device contracts.

The Standard devices show each of the standard database devices available for selection. Below the list of standard devices is a description box that shows specific read only information about each device.

These devices can be dragged and dropped onto the grid or Visio editor.

Note: If you drag and drop the device it will start a new record associated with the device.

The Find and Replace menu item allows users the ability to find specific information within a selected column and then Replace. This functionality is similar to Microsoft Word for Find and Replace.


The Help menu allows you to start the Context and Index help tool to find useful information about the IPAA tool. You can also check the version and other information about the IPAA Assessment tool with the About IPAA Assessment Tool. The TCO Contact Information displays information about Helpdesk support and contact information.

Assessment Editor Icons

Import File

The Import file icon allows you to open an existing Inventory (.inv) or discovery (.CSV) file.


This feature allow users to specify a "Lookup" file that can be used to lookup and interactively populate current inventory row base on "key" values entered into the appropriate column. Any valid comma or semi-colon delimited text file .CSV that is valid for import into the IPAA Assessment Tool may be utilized as a lookup file.

Once the lookup list has been loaded, the user may query the lookup file interactively by entering values into one of the pre-defined lookup columns in the current inventory grid or data entry form.


The Save icon allows you to save the current inventory to a discovery (.CSV) file saved to your local or network drive. This feature will allow users to export existing inventory lists to a .CSV file and allow them to import the inventory into another assessment using the Open icon.


You can Refresh the current inventory screen to show the latest server settings or changes made.

Find and Replace

  You can select the Find and Replace icon to open the Find and Replace tool from the Task Pane.

With the Task Pane open, you can then select to find a specific item within each column using the Look in dropdown menu and the Find what text box. Users have the ability to select Find Options for different search capabilities. To populate a selection to the Find What simply highlight in the assessment the selection and press Crlt + H to insert that selection into the Find What dropdown.

You can select the Replace radio button that enables the replace functionality. Users can select text to replace in the Replace with text box then utilizing the Find Next and Replace or Replace All buttons to replace Find what text with the Replace with text.

Visio Editor

The Visio Editor icon will open the IPAA Visio current fleet mapping feature. This feature will allow users to import image(s) or visio file(s) and allow input of a current fleet or add devices to the Visio map/workspace. The feature also allows you to save out Visio files or create an HTML file of the map and devices and device information that have been added.
Group By

The Group By icon enables you to group specific column headers across different locations or other column headers. This allows a single column have priority over other columns when sorting or filtering.

Field Chooser

Selecting the Field Chooser icon will open the Field Chooser box. This will allow you to drag and attach via red arrows to column headers in the current view out of the Field Chooser box. You can also drag and drop current column headers into the Field Chooser box. This feature allows you to custom tailor the current inventory window by different column headers. This functionality creates a specific look for each current inventory and will enable you to focus on the primary areas of interest to clients or partners combined with the export to excel functionality.

Export to Excel

The Export to Excel icon allows you to export the Current Inventory, Current Operating Costs, One to One Replacement and Optimized Replacement tabs to an excel workbook.

You are able to select the location and name of the exported Excel spreadsheet. The default location is the Data support file, but if you browse out to a different location that location is remembered and will open to that location the next time the save is invoked.


Selecting the Filter Row Icon will open a Filter Conditions Header box.

From the Filter Conditions Header box you can select specific columns, apply certain conditions and add a value to filter for. Users must select the Add filter button to add the filter.

You can Remove selected filters by selecting the Remove filter button.


You can select between different views of the assessment tab from the toolbar dropdown.

Assessment Properties

Edit the Assessment Properties for an assessment by clicking the button at the bottom-left of the window. This enables you to edit the existing Assessment Properties for this assessment and make changes to any information. See the Assessment Properties section of this document for a description of each section.


It can sometimes be faster to work with an inventory when you don't need to type in the full name of the device. All devices in the database have the ability to add abbreviations that can be entered into the Device Model category. To add a new abbreviation, click the icon at the top-right of the window.

Add New Abbreviations

  • Select the Device Model you want to associate with a new abbreviation
  • Type the abbreviation you would like to use
  • Click the Add button to include the new abbreviation in the list
  • You can remove an abbreviation by highlighting the abbreviation and selecting the Remove button.

Error List

The Error List Icon will open a small window that displays all alerts for required and warnings. Double clicking on a line item will move the grid and form view to the correct error or warning. All errors must be fixed or excluded before proceeding from the current inventory to customer pricing.

Excluded devices will not show up on the error list but alerts will still be visible in the grid or form if the disposition is changed from excluded back to replace or redeploy. The errors will then be updated. For Warnings that are not visible within the grid or form you will have to use the field chooser (grid) or Form designer (form and Visio editor) features to show those fields and complete entry to remove the alerts.


  The Help icon starts the help tool to find useful information about the IPAA tool.

Current Inventory

Grid View

The Following fields are available for the Current Inventory depending on your selections in the assessment properties and defined views

  • Location*
  • Device Model*
  • Quantity*
  • Disposition
  • One to One Upgrade

* Required for all assessments

When creating or editing a current inventory be sure to have the following information:

  • Location Name - It is required to enter a location name even if there is only one location
  • Device Model - Devices that do not match what is currently in the database will have a red alert   . Users must exclude or correct this alert before continuing with the assessment or exiting from the Assessment Editor.
  • Quantity (Qty) - Number of devices. These will be consolidated into one line item when it comes time to customize the replacement fleet unless a device or group of devices are associated with different one-to-one upgrade devices.
  • Mfr Date - The Manufacturer or Installation Date of the device. This date will be used to calculate the monthly page count if an inventory has been uploaded with life page count.
  • Mthly Page Count Total monthly page count for all associated devices. (i.e. if there are 5 devices, the monthly page count for all 5 devices is displayed). Mthly Page Count must be greater than 0 (zero).
  • Life Page Count - You are able to modify the life page count column and apply that amount to the assessment.
  • Disposition - There are currently three dispositions available for use:
    • Replace - Suggest a replacement for this device.
    • Redeploy - This device will continue to be used in the future.
    • Exclude - This will exclude the selected device from the assessment
  • One-to-One Upgrade - The current device will be replaced with this device. For older devices in need of replacement, the suggested replacement device will be automatically selected. This can be changed if a specific future device has been requested.
  • Comments - Enter any notable comments about a particular device in this column. There is a scroll bar at the bottom if it appears off-screen.

There are additional column headers available via Detailed View, Synchronize to Form or the Field Chooser. These column headers are not required and can be used to capture additional detail about the current fleet. If a user opens a WebJet admin page or Inventory (.XVN) file the additional information can be viewed utilizing Detailed View.

Form View

The form view allows users to enter information in a form versus the grid layout for each item. From the Form view all Assessment Properties Validations are present and will be applied.

IPAA Menu Bar

Form Window Menu Bar

Selecting New will start a new form. The buttons in the Window bar are the same as the menu bar for advancing through the form view of an inventory. The New button or will start a new form. Once a form has been added you can use the arrows to browse back and forth between the devices. For a completed for the Copy button will become active and allow you to copy a completed form.

Form Designer

The form view is configurable using the Form Layout Designer icon in the menu bar.

Define View

Allows users to customize the form layout and add and remove specific fields and apply those views to the form layout.

Selecting New will prompt for a Layout Name. Once you have completed the name the following window is displayed.

The Custom Form Layout window will allow you to select from available fields and add them to the Selected Fields. The window will allow you to drag and drop Available fields to Selected fields. Or you can select the Add and Remove buttons to move fields from Available to Selected and vice versa. Fields can be dragged up and down to reposition the form layout to the most applicable data filled out in the order you want.

(*) are required fields that cannot be removed from the Selected field layout.

Data Highlighting

  • Blue text - Data displayed in blue matches the default information in the database or device categories in assessment properties.
  • Black text - Data displayed in black has been entered by the user and does not match the default information in the database.
  • Purple text - Data displayed in purple represents converted values from Life Page count to Monthly page count.

Visio Editor

When accessing the Visio editor from the Icon Menu the first window that is populated is the Diagram Properties.

This window will allow you to select a Diagram name that will be used on the tabs for each map within the editor. There is also a default location that is used for the map.

Size and scale will allow you to add a scale within Visio for the image.

Stretch to fit will take the image being imported stretch to the size of the paper. This is enabled by default, but for floor plans without a scale it is recommended

that you remove the checkmark.

Browser for image types

Supported files types include the following extensions. An item to note is that larger file sizes .5 MB+ will affect the performance of Visio editor.

The Visio editor is broken into 4 areas by default, each of the areas can be moved within the Visio Editor window.

On the left is the Pan and zoom that will affect the work area in the middle. Located below that is the shapes that can be assigned for new devices. The Shapes can be dragged and dropped on to the Visio work area. Then using the Inventory Form pull out tab from the right you can fill in the device information.

Boundaries can be used to define a certain location that will automatically assign shapes within the boundary to that location.

On the bottom is a modified grid view that will allow drag and drop of your current inventory.

There is also a filter editor which will allow users to filter the grid similar to the current inventory grid filter.

On the right is expandable windows that show the Device Brower and Custom

Devices from the task pane.

For the Device Browser and Custom Devices allow you to drag and drop devices onto the work area.

The inventory form on the left side will allow you to modify shape information that has been dragged and dropped onto the work area. When selecting this pull out menu the first time you will have to select a form view to populate the form.

To add additional maps or modify the work area map is accessed from the Diagram Editor pull out window. This is the pullout window you will use to Add additional maps to the Visio Editor workspace.

The fourth area is the actual Visio Editor work area where the images will be displayed and shapes added to the work area.


To save/export out the work done in the Visio Editor, there are currently three way of support this action.

The first way to export out the work is to simply save an XNV file that will save the Visio editor work. This is accessible in the File menu and the first selection of Save. For offline entry this is the only way to capture the work.

The other two ways to capture the information is to utilize the online version.

The second option is to save as a web page

The default save location for the webpage is C:\Program Files\HP\IPAA Assessment Tool\Cache

If you are going to provide this web page to external customers you should plan on making a folder and saving to that folder so that all of the other web page files will be saved in that folder also.

In the example a test folder was created with in the Cache folder and then saving the HTML file within the test folder to containt all of the underlying HTML support files.

There are options of what specific pages or options to include during the save flow. You can also have a Page title that will display in the Web browser when launching the HTML page.

After selecting OK the files will save and you can then browse out to the test folder example and see the HTML page and supporting files.

Active X content must be activated to allow the form content to be viewed.

This is an example of the web page that can be saved and displayed.

The Third option is to save a Visio document

The save location is in the Cache folder located in this default location:

C:\Program Files\HP\IPAA Assessment tool\Cache

There are two ways to exit the IPAA Visio Editor one is to click the close button in the lower right or to select from the File Menu and Exit.

Customer Pricing

The Customer Pricing tab is where the user can edit pricing information for the current fleet.

Customer Pricing - Device

Each device model in the current fleet is displayed on the left-hand side and you can edit the Purchase Price and Post Warranty Cost. There is also an option if there is High Yield toner available to select this as part of the current environment. This box will be or will not be selectable based on the high cap supply being listed in the Customer Pricing Toner and Supplies box to the right. Default settings are for standard capacity toner and ink supplies.

Customer Pricing - Toner and Supplies

All toners and supplies associated with the selected device are displayed on the right-hand side. The top half displays Supply Name, Part Number and Supply Cost. The bottom half displays more detailed information for a selected device. Supply Cost is editable and the system will use the new supply cost for all devices associated with the same part number. There is also the ability to select Remanufactured supplies.

Supplies Properties

Supplies specific data is displayed about selected supplies in this section.

Override All Toners

This feature will allow you to override all toner/ink capacities for the current environment for standard capacity or high capacity toner and ink depending on specific availability.

Export and Import of Excel spreadsheet

This feature will allow you to export an excel spreadsheet of all current devices and supplies by part number associated with those devices. The spreadsheet is editable so that a 3rd party such as a client or purchasing department can fill out the spreadsheet for device costs and supply costs if known. This excel spreadsheet can then be imported and will override all information in the current device cost for information that has been edited. For information that has not been edited in the spreadsheet the IPAA defaults will be used. This feature allows you to tailor customize current fleets operating costs based on information provided.

Data Highlighting

  • Blue text - Data displayed in blue matches the default information in the database.
  • Black text - Data displayed in black has been entered by the user and does not match the default information in the database.
  • Green text - Data displayed in green represents converted values from US dollars to the region and currency selected in Assessment properties.

Replacement Pricing

The Replacement Pricing tab is where you can edit pricing information for the proposed fleet.

Replacement Pricing - Device

Every device model available for proposing in the future fleet is displayed on the left-hand side and you can edit the Purchase Price and Post Warranty Cost.

Replacement Pricing - Toner and Supplies

All toners and supplies associated with the selected device are displayed on the right-hand side. The top half displays Supply Name, Part Number and Supply Cost. The bottom half displays more detailed information for a selected device. Supply Cost is editable and the system will use the new supply cost for all devices associated with the same part number.

Supplies Properties

Supplies specific data is displayed about selected supply in this section.

Data Highlighting

  • Blue text - Data displayed in blue matches the default information in the database.
  • Black text - Data displayed in black has been entered by the user and does not match the default information in the database.
  • Green text - Data displayed in green represents converted values from US dollars to the region and currency selected in Assessment properties.

Current Operating Costs

The Current Operating Costs section is read-only and displays the following information for the customer's current fleet:

  • Device Information - Includes the Device Model, Quantity, and Monthly pages.
  • Monthly Cost - Current monthly cost of the associated group of devices.
  • Total Costs - With a default value of 36 months this section shows total costs of the associated group of devices for the selected assessment period
  • Cost Per Page - Average cost per page of the associated group of devices.

One-to-One Replacement

The One-to-One Replacement section is read-only and displays the following information for upgrading each device to a recommended replacement specified in the "One-to-One Upgrade" column of the Current Inventory:

Current Environment

  • Current Device - Device model currently being used in the customer's fleet.
  • Quantity (Qty) - Number of devices in the customer's current fleet.
  • Monthly Pages - Total number of pages per month for the associated group of printers in the customer's current fleet.
  • Monthly Cost - Total monthly cost of the associated group of devices in the customer's current fleet.

Future Environment

  • Future Device - Device model being proposed for the customer's future fleet.
  • Quantity (Qty) - Number of devices being proposed for the customer's future fleet.
  • Avg Monthly CPP - Average cost per page of the associated group of devices being proposed for the customer's future fleet.
  • Monthly Cost - Total monthly cost of the associated group of devices being proposed for the customer's future fleet.
  • Monthly Savings - The amount the customer will save each month by upgrading from the Current Device to the Future Device.
  • Upgrade Cost - The amount the customer will need to spend to upgrade to the associated Future Device.
  • Breakeven (Months) - The number of months before the customer will breakeven on their investment.
  • ROI (36 Months - Return on Investment. For each dollar the customer spends, they will receive this amount in return over a period of 36 months.

Optimized Replacement

The Optimized Replacement section is where you select devices to recommend to your customer that will reduce the size and cost of their future fleet.

There are two major features available for use with this section. The first is the standard IPA 1.5 tool functionality for selecting optimized devices from each location and replacing them.

The second feature is to redeploy a device across locations allowing you to redeploy a device from one location to a different location and assign page counts to other devices or a new device in the original location. The redeployed device is then able to have replacement devices assigned to it. This feature gives you the ability to move redeployed devices from one location to another and further customize your assessment.

The standard process for optimization is outlined directly below followed by the Redeploy Across Locations process.

Optimized Replacement - Standard Process

Select Current Devices to Replace

The first step in selecting a future fleet is choosing one or more device models for replacement.


Devices are by default grouped by location - Using the standard optimization process you can select individual locations from the dropdown location menu and then select devices from each of those locations.


All device models for a location will be displayed under the location menu. The quantity for each device model will be consolidated into one line-item unless specified otherwise in the Current Inventory section - (i.e. if it was set up in the Current Inventory that 2 LaserJet 8100 printers should be upgraded to a LaserJet 4300, and 3 LaserJet 8100 printers should be upgraded to a LaserJet 9000, they will display as two line-items with the appropriate quantities).

Hold the keyboard Ctrl button to select multiple devices.

Once a current device has been selected, the Quantity, Monthly Page Count and Monthly Operating Cost will display in the Current Environment section of Step 3.

Select Replacement Model

The second step is to select the model and quantity of devices you would like to propose.


Every device model available to be used as a replacement is listed in this step, along with the recommended number of pages it can print per month. The duty cycle used is generally a conservative number and the device can actually handle more if necessary.

Once a replacement device model has been selected, the Replacement Quantity, Total Pages (Recommended), Pages Assigned and Pages Available will display in the Future Environment section of Step 3.

Calculate Replacement Quantities

There are three options for determining the number of future devices

  • A ratio based on the quantity of devices in the current fleet
  • A quantity of devices based on the printing activity of the current devices selected
  • A specified quantity

Calculate Replacement ROI

The third step is to view the Replacement ROI and determine if the savings is acceptable.

Current Environment

After selecting the device(s) to be replaced in Step 1, the following information will display in the Current Environment section of Step 3:

  • Quantity - Total number of devices to be replaced
  • Monthly Pages - Total number of pages the selected current devices account for
  • Monthly Op. Cost - Total Monthly Operating Cost for the selected devices

Future Environment

After selecting the replacement device in Step 2, the following information will display in the Future Environment section of Step 3:

  • Replacement Quantity - Total number of devices to be used in the proposed fleet
  • Total Pages (Recommended) - Total number of pages recommended for maximum use of the selected future device
  • Pages Assigned - Number of pages the future device will print per month based on the devices currently selected from the current environment
  • Pages Available - Number of pages not being utilized with the currently proposed consolidation

When all current devices in all locations have been consolidated into a customized fleet for proposal, click the "Next" button to advance to the Assessment Summary tab.

Optimized Replacement tab with Redeploy Across Location feature

The default view for the Optimized Replacement tab show all devices that are to be optimized and all currently redeployed devices in Future Fleet Summary.

Filtering by Location

In the optimized replacement tab the default setting in section 1 is All Locations you can filter by location from the dropdown list. The default setting shows all locations available and devices to be replaced and/or optimized for each of the locations. When filtering to a specific location, both the current and future fleet will be filtered to the specific location.

Relocation of redeployed devices

You have the ability to move redeployed devices from their original location to another location by selecting the device to be relocated in the future fleet and right clicking with the mouse button.

A dialog box is shown where the device is to be relocated based on the current available locations that were entered in the current inventory tab.

After selecting the new location select the OK button.

Notice that the new device is moved to the new location with a note in the comment column of where the device was relocated from, and that the page count for the device has been reset to zero.

Unassigned page counts

The page counts that were in the original location have been moved to the Current devices with the name of the device that held the original page counts as a means of tracking page counts.

These page counts can then be assigned back to the original location of the device. The pages can be re-assigned in a block by dragging and dropping from the current device to a device in the future fleet. Another option available is to utilize the standard IPAA assessment steps and reassign via the replacement device.

Custom Page count transfer

There is an additional feature available with IPAA that will allow you to move a custom amount of pages from one location or device in the current fleet to the future fleet. You can select a current device, hold the control key [Ctrl] down, then drag and drop the device to an available device in the future fleet. When the mouse button is released a dialog box is opened to assign a number of page counts to a specific future fleet device.

This functionality allows for a custom dispersal of the pages left by a relocated or current device.

Select Current Device to Be Optimized drag and drop feature

You can drag and drop a device from the "Select current devices to be replaced" to "Future fleet summary" device based on location. This will assign the pages from the current device to the future fleet device and update the future fleet device information in real time including monthly savings. Due to life page count calculations for devices, the updated ROI will freeze the CPP per device and any additional pages will be added at the cost per page rate when adding more pages to a device.

By expanding the future fleet device you are able to select the pages or current devices and delete them from the future fleet. This action will move the pages or assigned current devices back to the "Select current devices to be replaced" area.

Undo Relocate

After you have relocated a device, you have the ability to undo the relocation. All work associated with this relocation will be reset and the device will be set back to its original location with original page counts reset back to the device.

To undo the relocate select the device that you want to undo, right click with the mouse and select Undo Relocate.

You will receive a confirmation window,

Selecting OK will undo the relocation optimization; selecting Cancel will leave the relocation optimization in place.

All page counts or devices to be replaced and have at least one page assigned to relocated devices to complete the Optimized replacement tab and move to the next tab of the assessment.

Assessment Summary

The Assessment Summary tab lists a summary of the current assessment and all the replacement devices. In addition, this tab summarizes the operational savings and net savings as they will display in the final report. The Assessment Summary tab has the following three sections: Savings Table, Additional Overhead Costs, and Report Options.

Savings Table

This table summarizes the following information into two summaries: Summary of Existing Fleet and Summary of Upgrade Proposal and Savings.

  • Number of locations analyzed - This column lists the total number of locations in the current Assessment.
  • Number of devices in fleet - This column lists the total number of devices in the fleet in the current Assessment.
  • Number of devices excluded - This column lists the number of devices that were excluded from the current Assessment.
  • Aggregate operating costs over months - This column lists the total operating costs over the analysis period.
  • Total Acquisition Costs - This column lists the total purchasing costs for all the devices in the current Assessment.
  • Total Costs - This column lists the total costs for all devices in the current Assessment.

Additional Overhead Costs

This section displays the potential savings of overhead costs and allows you to select which areas of additional cost to include or leave out of the report. You are able to include additional areas into the assessment report for specific cost savings. Specific areas include:

  • Overhead Cost Type - This column lists the type of overhead cost.
  • Savings - This column lists the savings amount for each overhead cost type.
  • Include in Report - You can select any of the radio boxes listed in the column to include or remove the specific overhead cost type in the final report.
  • Include in Total Savings - You can select any of the radio boxes listed in the column to include or remove the specific overhead cost type in the total savings amount.

Note: For the MS word report to match the MS PowerPoint presentation, Helpdesk costs and Purchasing costs must be included in total savings.

Reports Options

This section displays the different Report Options available including: a dropdown for the Report Language, Optional Report Sections, Appendices, and the different report generation options, specifically MS Word and MS PowerPoint.

  • Language - You must select the language for the final report (i.e., English). Current options available include Arabic, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese.
  • Appendices - You can select the appendices to include in the report. The choices include Custom Devices and Device and Fleet Contracts.
  • Optional Report Sections - You can select the sections to include in the report by clicking on the appropriate box to customize the look of your report. Depending on your assessment properties selections this may be grayed out.
  • Generate MS Word Report - Clicking this button generates the final report in MS Word format.
  • Generate MS PowerPoint Presentation - Clicking this button generates a PowerPoint presentation in MS PowerPoint format.

Default Save Location for Reports

Default Save Location for Reports is located under the IPAA Assessment Tool Data folder.

Once the report is displayed users have the ability to use the Save As feature in MS Word or MS PowerPoint to select a custom name and location for the generated report.

TCO Generated Report

After clicking the Generate MS Word Report button or Generate MS Power Point button, the report or presentation will automatically open.

Microsoft Word Doc Report

MS Word Report - general outline of report

  • Assessment Title - The title of the assessment will be displayed in the upper left of the reports first page.
  • Summary of Contents - The following sections are included in this report:
    • Executive Summary - This section includes a summary of the customer's existing fleet, a summary of the upgrade proposal fleet and savings.
    • Factors, Assumptions and Definitions - This section includes common Factors, Assumptions and Definitions that will be used to generate the reports.
    • Analysis Sections - This section includes a description of each analysis included in the report
    • Current Environment - An analysis of the Current Operating Costs section of the Assessment Tool.
    • One to One Upgrade - An analysis of the One-to-One Replacement section of the Assessment Tool.
    • Optimized Upgrade - An analysis of the Customized Replacement section of the Assessment Tool.
    • Current Vs Optimized Summary - An analysis of the current versus optimized printing environment displayed
    • Evaluating Overhead Costs - An analysis of other costs affected by upgrading to the proposed fleet.
    • Appendix - An optional section that can be included that lists Custom devices and Device and Fleet Contracts.

Microsoft Power Point Report

MS Power Point Presentation - general outline of presentation

  • Executive overview - This portion of the presentation describes the client's current overall TCO state and potential savings with possible suggested scenarios.
  • Assessment Methodology - This portion of the presentation describes the process that is used to determine the client's current TCO state and client objectives
  • Current State - This portion of the presentation describes the client's current state and provides findings of the assessment that was conducted.
  • Future State - This portion of the presentation describes the potential future state for either a one to one upgrade or a potential optimization. Provides recommendations and a potential HP solution.
  • Backup Slides - This portion of the presentation is an optional portion that has additional information for common questions.

An Important Item to note is that the MS PowerPoint report includes the overhead costs for helpdesk and purchasing costs. For the MS Word report to match the MS PowerPoint report you must included helpdesk and purchasing overhead costs in the total savings.

Offline Editor

IPAA 3.1 comes with an offline editor accessible from the second desktop icon. The offline editor can be used without an internet connection.

The offline editor will open with a prompt for Region and a menu bar

Clicking on the button will open a browse dialog where you can browse to a saved Assessment Properties from the online version.

Clicking on the Import Settings button will open the import/export wizard utility. Or you can access this utility from the desktop with the third icon.

The offline editor will then open to a window similar to the online Current Inventory Tab.

Entry in the offline Editor is exactly the same as the online version.

The difference between the offline editor and the online is when you have completed entry in the offline editor you will want to save the data.

For saving data in the offline editor you can select the .XVN format to save the current inventory, the Visio Editor maps, custom devices, and contracts entered.

When selecting Save you can select the diagrams/maps to save.

Then browse to a location or by default save to the DataSupport folder.

This saved XNV file can then be imported from the online version.

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