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ITE Smart GSM Editor User Manual


ITE Smart GSM Editor User Manual

Start ITE Smart GSM Editor Device

Follow the steps below to start the ITE Smart GSM Editor Device.

Click on the Start button.

Point to Programs.

Click on ITE Smart Accessories to start the ITE Smart GSM Editor Device.

ITE GSM Editor Start Screen

The ITE Smart GSM Editor start screen describes the production company, the version of the software and other related information.

Follow the instructions below:

Press the "OK" button.

ITE Smart GSM Editor Start Screen

The right half of the screen displays the entries of the SIM card, and the left half of the start screen shows all the saved SIM files. Because there are no SIM files in this example, the right half of the screen shows no entries.

Introduction of the Main Screen

How to read SIM Card

You have to first insert your SIM card into the Smart Card Reader, and click on or double click on , and then the right half of the main screen will display all the recorded files inside the SIM card. The number of the recorded files could be up to 100 at most. The blue strip on the bottom shows the file reading progress. After all the files are read in completion, the blue strip will disappear automatically.

Note: When you insert the SIM card into the ITE Smart Card Reader, the screen will display the warning message below.

Descriptions of the Functions

1. Menu bar


New: Open a new file Save: Save the file

Open: Open an old file Save as: Save the file using a different file name

Close: Close a file Print: Print a file

Delete: Delete a file Exit: Exit a file


Copy Move Up

Cut Move Down



Select All


Access SIM Card Phone Book

Write all Entries to SIM card

Write Revised Entry to SIM Card

Select Entry to Write into SIM Card

PIN Manager

Enable PIN Set-Up

Disable PIN Set-Up

Change PIN No.

Unblock SIM Card



About ITE Smart GSM Editor

2. Toolbar

New file

Open file

Save file


Copy selection to clipboard

Cut selection to clipboard

Delete selection

Paste form clipboard


Move current row down

Move current row up

How to use the main functions

How to revise and add new entries:

You may double-click the entry you intend, and a message window

of the entry will show up for you to fill in data.

How to open an old file

You may select the Open command under File menu or simply click the toolbar icon , and then the system will search for all the files with the file format being .Sim. You may click the file name you intend to open. The system will then open up the file, and brings up a file display screen that displays the selected file. The directory of the file will also be displayed on the title bar on the top of the screen.

Another way to open an file is to double-click on the file you intend on the left half of the screen, and you will see a checking sign in red is added onto the file icon, and the file source above has also changed.

Command Menu

While you are using the command, please note that whether you have selected the entry you intend to revise (blue strip). The icon that shows at the beginning of an entry indicates that the entry has been revised.


To exit the device, simply on the icon on the upper right of the screen, and the exit window will show up. Simply press the "Y" button to exit the device.

Document Info

Accesari: 1268
Apreciat: hand-up

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