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Installation instructions F-Secure Anti-virus & F-secure Client Security


Installation instructions

F-Secure Anti-virus


F-secure Client Security

Installation of F-Secure Anti-Virus

Installation of F-Secure Client Security with personal firewall and Antivirus

1   &nb 23423r1713x sp;   &nb 23423r1713x sp;   &nb 23423r1713x sp;  Installation of F-Secure Anti-Virus

  1. Download F-secure Standalone (fsav54x_standalone.exe) from the intranet, save the file at the desktop. The file is a selfextracting zipfile.
  2. Doubleclick on the file and then press the Unzip button to unzip all files to the default folder.
  3. Then press Ok and Close to close the Winzip Self-Extractor

  1. Open the folder with the installation files Fsav54x_standalone
  2. Double-click at install.bat to start the installation of F-secure Antivirus.

  1. The two windows below will be showed during the installation process and are automatically closed when the installation is finished.

  1. If the computer needs to be restarted a message will be shown like below.

  1. The virus definitions are normally updated automatically but sometimes the message below is coming up at new installations of F-secure. Press Update Now if you want to update immediately.

2   &nb 23423r1713x sp;   &nb 23423r1713x sp;   &nb 23423r1713x sp;  Installation of F-Secure Client Security with personal firewall and Antivirus

  1. Download F-secure Client Security Standalone Eng.exe from the intranet, and save at the desktop. The file is a selfextracting zipfile
  2. Doubleclick on the file ant then press the Unzip button to unzip all files to the default folder.
  3. Then press Ok and Close to close the Winzip Self-Extractor

  1. Open the folder with the installation files F-secure Client Security Standalone Eng.
  2. Double-click at install.bat to start the installation of F-secure Client security.

  1. The windows below will be showed during the installation process and are automatically closed when the installation is finished.

  1. If the computer needs to be restarted a message will be shown like below.

  1. The virus definitions are normally updated automatically but sometimes the message below is coming up at new installations of F-secure. Press Update Now if you want to update immediately.

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