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Installing & Running Plan Write


Installing & Running Plan Write

Minimum Hardware Requirements

An IBM compatible personal computer running Microsoft Windows 95 or higher or Windows NT

16 megabytes of RAM

12 megabytes of free hard disk space.

A color monitor (256 colors)

A printer (optional)

The Installation Process

Close all programs and group windows (such as screen savers).

NOTE: If you installed Plan Write by downloading from the Internet there is no need to i 656d37g nstall the product again.

We ship our products on a CD-ROM. If you do not have a CD-ROM drive contact us and we will send the program to you on floppy disks.

CD-ROM users - place the CD in your drive. The installation program will start automatically. Just follow the instructions. The program will be installed in the default directory unless you specifically choose another directory name.

Floppy disk users - place the Plan Write Disk 1 in your A: (or B:) drive.

You must install from the main Windows screen by clicking on the Start icon and choosing the Run command. At the command line type, A:(or B:)SETUP and press the ENTER key.

The installation defaults to a pre-defined directory. You are given the option of accepting the default or providing a new directory name.

For floppy disk users, as the installation proceeds you will be asked to insert installation disks in numerical sequence until all disks have been read.

While you are installing you should fill out the registration card with the requested information and mail it to Business Resource Software, Inc. You must be a registered owner to receive support for Plan Write.

When the installation is complete, a new Plan Write icon will appear on your desktop. Store the Plan Write CD or disks in a safe place. If something happens to your working files, you will be able to reinstall Plan Write with the original CD or disks.

1.3 Running Plan Write

To run Plan Write from Windows

Either double click on the Plan Write icon or choose Plan Write from the Program List under Business Resource Software.

NOTE: The first time you use the program you are asked to enter the user name, enterprise name and the registration number of the product. Your registration number is stamped on a registration card supplied with the product. You should copy this registration number in the space reserved for it on the second page in this user's manual.

1.4 For Customers Upgrading to Plan Write 5.0

If you have upgraded from version 4.0 of Plan Write you may have prior plans you would like to use with the new software. The only action you must take is to copy (not move) the desired plan files from the directory containing your earlier release of Plan Write (probably PWriteM4) to the directory containing the new version of Plan Write. The plan files will have the name you assigned to them followed by a suffix of .BPW or .BDW.

After you have copied the plan files to the Plan Write 5.0 directory, initiate Plan Write, click the Open an Existing Plan icon and select the desired plan from the file list. Plan Write will automatically convert the file to the new 5.0 format.

Warning: Once you have opened the file with Plan Write 5.0 it will not work with earlier versions of the software.

Document Info

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Apreciat: hand-up

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