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Instrument Editor Tutorials - Velocity Map


Instrument Editor Tutorials - Velocity Map

The following information is designed to be complementary to the online tutorial which includes automated playback of an actual editing session. Each section has a name that corresponds to the section in the help file. To start the help file (two different ways):

Insert the GigaSampler CD-ROM into yo 24324v2115y ur computers CD-ROM Drive.

Open up the Instrument Editor and go to the Help Menu.

Select "Run Tutorial".


Insert the GigaSampler CD-ROM in your computers CD-ROM Drive.

Double Click on the My Computer Icon in the desktop.

Double Click on the CD-ROM Icon.

Double Click on Tutorial.hlp

Stereo \ Mono

This is where you set the stereo or mono status of a region.

To change a mono region to stereo, select the region and press the "stereo \ mono button." Click on stereo and hit OK. To change it back to mono, do the same thing and choose mono instead and hit OK.

To change multiple regions, select the regions you want to change and click on the stereo \ mono button. Choose mono or stereo and this time check the "apply to all selected" box. Hit OK.

(velocity map\stereo - mono.avi)

Velocity splits

A region can have up to 32 velocity splits. (Up to 16 for stereo) To change the number of velocity splits choose one or several regions and press the "velocity splits" button. Choose the number of splits you want and hit OK. If you selected more than one region, make sure the "apply to all selected" box is checked. When lowering the number of velocity splits you can keep either the high or low cases by checking the appropriate check box under "when reducing keep".

Every region can have any number of splits.

(velocity map \ velocity splits.avi)

Select Lock

The select lock allows you to choose 3 different modes of lock selection.

Stereo - lets you select velocity splits in stereo pairs.

All - this keeps all the velocity splits and dimension splits selected.

Off - lets you select all velocity and dimension splits one at a time.

(velocity map \ lock.avi)

View Envelopes

View Envelopes allows you to view the amplitude and filter envelopes in the velocity map. It has a scale slider to the right to zoom the envelope in and out.

(view envelopes.avi)

Drag & Drop Sample Mapping

Samples can be mapped by dragging them from the wave pool and dropping them in the velocity map at the desired place. To drag and drop you simply choose the region you want to work with, open the folder of the samples you want to map and drag them into the region map. You can drag different samples to different velocity splits and to different dimensions.

(drag & drop 1 and 2)

Drag Select

To select velocity and dimension splits (for mapping and editing), you can drag select them to choose more than one. With the "select lock" set to stereo, your velocity-split selections will be in stereo pairs. If you turn it to off, you can select individual sides of the velocity-splits.

(drag select.avi)

Control Select

Control Select allows you to select non-consecutive velocity splits and dimension splits. Hold down the control key and select the splits you want and edit or map samples to them.

(control select.avi)

Case Properties

The Case Properties window is where the most in depth parameter editing is done. Many of the parameters are editable from the tool bar also. You can use the velocity map to select which of 1, several or all the sub-regions to edit. You can also see the result of envelope edits in the velocity map if you have "view envelopes" set to on.

(case properties.avi)

Document Info

Accesari: 870
Apreciat: hand-up

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