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Integration of LBS WAP applications in ORO portal


Integration of LBS WAP applications in ORO portal


OrangeML Reference Guide - OrangeMLReferenceGuide2.02.pdf;

OrangeML User's Guide - OrangeMLUserGuide2.02.pdf;


All the WAP pages must be written in Orange ML.


The data flow is described in figure bellow.

Fig.1 WAP access to OSK applications

In fig.1 are presented the main steps of WAP data flows.

  1. WAPgw will make an HTTP request, which will be sent to OWP Proxy;
  2. OWP proxy will change the requested URI and forward the HTTP request to OSK Application;
  3. OSK Application will respond with requested OML page to OWP Proxy;
  4. OWP Proxy will apply header and footer together with CA and will sent the resulted page to WAPgw;

Application tree

All URI which should be relayed to OSK applications MUST follow a specific format in order to pass OWP Proxy, as follow<osk_id>/<app_id>/*. This URI will be forwarded to https://<osk_name>/<app_id>/ *, where:<osk_id>/ will identify all the traffic to OSK LBS applications;

<app_id> will identify all the traffic to a specific application which is hosted by OSK;

All the pages hosted by OSK MUSH have a common URL prefix as mentioned above (e.g. to https://<osk_name>/).

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Accesari: 972
Apreciat: hand-up

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