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Live Entity


Live Entity

Sub protocol Number

This field specifies the 8-bit enumeration for the Sub-protocol Number field of the Live Entity PDU 545v2110f header record.

Field Value Sub-protocol Number

0 Sub-protocol as specified in IEEE Std 1278.1a-1998

Appearance fields

This section specifies the 32-bit enumerations for the four Appearance Fields in the Live Entity Protocol Appearance PDU.

Appearance - Visual

The bits of the Appearance - Visual field are the are the same as specified in section

Name Bits Purpose

0 - 31 Unused

Appearance - IR

The bits of the Appearance - IR field for live entities are defined as follow:

Name Bits Purpose

0 - 31 Unused

Appearance - EM

The bits of the Appearance - EM field for live entities are defined as follow:

Name Bits Purpose

0 - 31 Unused

Appearance - Audio

The bits of the Appearance - Audio field for live entities are defined as follow:

Name Bits Purpose

0 - 31 Unused

Document Info

Accesari: 871
Apreciat: hand-up

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