Installing WSAD
and setting the J2EE Environment
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Author |
Version |
Date |
Comments |
Naama Galante |
First version |
Avi Aizenberg |
Added Server setting utility jars and log4j |
In order to allow importing of preferences (variables, shortcut keys..) please install the WSAD to the following directory:
D:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio.
The installation kit can be found in K:\Dev Soft\WSAD V5.1
a. Start the installation by launching wsadcd1\ launchpad.exe. Install the WSAD + WebSphereExpress 5.0. Do not install WebSphere 4.0. During the installation you will be prompted to insert CD 2, which is in wsadcd2.
b. Install IBM Agent Controller from CD 3
c. Install the following plugins (from the installation dir\plugins):
Jalopy -
after installing import Mind convention
windows-> Jalopi preferences-> import ( from N:\Jalopy\Mind Coding Convention.xml)
Jad - (not essential)
After installing, get the jad.exe and put it in your computer.
windows-> preferences
java ->jadClipse path to decompiler should be set.
Plugin installation is done by placing the plugin files under:
D:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\Application Developer\v5.1\eclipse\plugins
and restarting the WebSphere.
a. Create folder for the workspace and checkout all workspace files from the Starteam (from V6.0 project).
b. Create a folder for the projects, and checkout all files from the Star Team (from V6.0 project)
c. Create a folder for the external libraries, and checkout all files from the Star Team (from V6.0 project) the default path is d:\jw\mb60\lib.
d. Open the Web Sphere in the new workspace
e. Checkout the WebSphere settings from setting/config.epf and import them into the workspace: Window->preference->import
f. Define the 1.4.1_05 JRE (windows->preference ->installed JREs) and set it as the default JRE.
g. Go to windows->preference ->java->classpath variables and change the following variables:
Lib60 (default D:\Jw\mb60\lib)
JDBC8i (default D:\oracle\ora81)
h. Import projects in the following order:
J2ee utils
CSR core
CSR api
CSR ear
CSR web
i. Rebuild all projects
Click File->new->other->Server->Server and server configuration
In the J2EE prespective, double click the server node in the newly created server project:
Add the log4J jar file to the Server environment:
Open server environment configuration -> Data source (Click on the selected server in the servers tab).
Press on the Add button of the JDBC provider list group.
The class path can be defined directly to the JDBC folder or using oracle environment parameter $/classess12.jar.
Press on the Add button of the 'Data source.' group.
Press Next. Fill the following screen as follows:
Define JNDI name this value will be used in order to lookup for the data source in the code.
Component - managed authentication alias/ Component - managed authentication alias should be the DB user (e.g. mind/mind) this user is defined in the JAAS tab (see below).
Edit the URL properties:
Change the value field: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:Bill
Open the security tab in the server configuration file:
Press on the Add button in order to add the DB user.
Return to the modify data source dialog and change the authentication alias to the one you just created: