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'Machines Frigorifiques' (Refrigeration Units) Selection Software


Refrigeration Department

"Machines Frigorifiques"

(Refrigeration Units)

Selection Software

User's Manual



The user expressly recognises that given the current state of technology, it is impossible to guarantee that a software will operate with no interruptions or bugs.

Nonetheless, CIAT agrees to do everything possible to correct any bugs or implement alternative solutions, provided that each bug is identified by the user and that CIAT is notified accordingly.

This warranty is exclusive of all other warranties, in particular concerning results, of whatsoever nature and in whatsoever respect.

This warranty does not apply if the anomaly is not attributable to the software, or if the user has modified the software without prior approval from CIAT.


CIAT may not be held liable for any direct or indirect prejudice, in particular 242g620c loss of operation or loss of earnings, as may be suffered by the user or third party, even if notified of the possibility of such damage occurring.

It may not be held liable for any prejudice or damage with respect to the installation, operation or utilisation of the software.

Service Organisation & Département réfrigération

Software version 02.01.04 and higher

Manual revision B


Translation : Translatel Rhône-Alpes


All rights reserved. No extract from this manual may be reproduced in whatsoever form, using whatsoever process, without the publisher's written authorisation.

Table of contents

1. Introduction 



2. Installation

Minimum configuration requirement 

Directories used 

Installation procedure 

Starting the program 


3. Start-up

3.1. Software customization

3.2. Your first estimate

4. General structure of the software 

4.1. Sequence of screens

4.2. Main screen

4.3. Toolbar

4.4. Buttons

5. Presentation of functions 

5.1. Management functions

5.2. The sales engineering functions 

5.3. The help functions

6. Functions access table 



The "Machines frigorifiques" (Refrigeration Units) selection software was designed for selection of all the machines available in the CIAT Refrigeration department (except for the ranges of individual air conditioning units, dealt with by PROGICIAT software).

All appliance configurations are included in this software and in particular allow:

Selection of machines with hydraulic module (calculation of the circulating pump)

Selection of machines with 2 operating systems (Water/Water heat pump, Transfer Units, reversible chilled water units, etc.)

Selection of screw compressor industrial machines

Based on the selected appliance Range (water condenser units, air condenser units, reversible units, condensation units, etc.) and the thermal, ventilation and hydraulic conditions specific to each job, this software enables the user to identify the appliances best suited to the requirements.

The software gives the operator the following options:

Choice of appliance Range

Input of thermal conditions

Choice of an appliance from the list proposed

Configuration of options

Discount conditions

Printout of complete technical specification

The purpose of this manual is to explain the various functions and help you get the best from them. We recommend that you read it before using the software for the first time. Detailed on-line help is accessible for each screen and constitutes the reference documentation.


The Refrigeration department has a very wide range of products meeting the needs of all refrigerating and air conditioning applications.

Production of chilled water at positive or negative temperature.

Cooling and heating of all liquids in the agro-industries and in industrial processes.

Energy recovery and storage.

The range of equipment available incorporates the latest technological developments, including:

SCROLL compressors

Screw compressors

Brazed plate exchangers

Built-in hydraulic module

User-friendly, interactive microprocessor based electronics

Broad choice of coolant fluids

This range of products offers the optimum solution to all cooling and heating problems encountered and the widest range of fields and makes CIAT your ideal choice for all refrigerating and air conditioning needs.


Only concerns the floppy disk versions

Minimum configuration requirement

PC or compatible (386 minimum).
8 Mb RAM.
Microsoft WINDOWS 3.1 or higher. MS-DOS 5.0 or higher.
Microsoft WINWORD 6.0 or 7.0 (95) or 97.

Hard disk space needed: 9 Mb
Installation time: about 5 minutes.

Directories used


Installation procedure

Refer to the installation manual supplied with the software

Starting the program

Open the CIAT group containing the "Refrigeration units" program.

Double click on the "Machines Frigorifiques" icon.

Note: when using for the first time, the program will ask you for a certain amount of information (see § : Software customization).



If you get an error message stating that CTL3DV2.DLL or COMPOBJ.DLL is being used by another application, you should close this application and restart installation. This is in particular true for the Microsoft OFFICE toolbar and other accessories which may be permanently loaded on your machine. You can of course reload them by restarting your machine after installation.


Consult the documentation supplied with the software,

Consult the on-line help with the? / Contents menu or the Help button. The on-line help gives detailed information about how to use each screen.

Consult the "read me" file via the? / Read me menu, it contains last-minute information about the software.

If you still cannot solve your problem, please contact

Service Organisation
- Exploitation Micro-Informatique
33 4 79 42 40 51 or 33 4 79 42 42 42 extension 1146

Before calling, have the following ready:

Software name and version, date of receipt

The version of your DOS, WINDOWS and WORD, the content of the CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI and LSTFRDW.INI files

A precise description of your problem.



Software customization

Customizing the CIAT Softwares

You will reach the " CIAT softwares customization " dialogue box when you start a CIAT program for the first time, or via the Tools / Customize / CIAT softwares menu.

This displays information about the user (Society name, contact name) and enables it to be changed (click on the " Help " button to obtain detailed information). The information and options you enter will be recorded so that customized headers are obtained at printout.

This information is used by all the CIAT software.

Program customization

You will reach the " Program customization " dialogue box when the program is started up for the first time, or via the Tools / Customize / Program menu.

It displays the program options and enables them to be changed (click on the " Help " button to obtain detailed information). The options you choose are recorded so that they can be used the next time the program is used.

Units customization

You will reach the " Units customization " dialogue box when the program is started for the first time, or via the Tools / Customize / Units menu.

For each physical value used by the program, you can then choose the corresponding unit (consult the on-line help by clicking on the " Help " button to obtain detailed information).

General comment:
You can obtain help at any moment by pressing the "Help" button or key <F1>.

Your first estimate

Definition of equipment Range

Three possibilities:

File / New Menu

Tools / Range Menu

With the " Range " button

A screen enables you to choose the Range meeting your needs (see § 5.2.2).

Definition of selection conditions

Two possibilities:

Tools / Conditions Menu

"Conditions" buttons

Depending on the Range and the selection conditions, one or two screens are used (see

Starting selection

Two possibilities:

Tools / Calculation Menu

"Calculation" button

Start-up of calculation determining the possible solutions (see § 5.2.4).

Choice of an appliance from the list of selected appliances

Two possibilities:

Tools / Choice Menu

"Choice" button

A screen is used to choose the appliance which best meets the need (see § 5.2.5).

Choice of options

Two possibilities:

Tools / Options Menu

"Options" button

A screen is used to choose the options compatible with the selected appliance (see § 5.2.6).


Two possibilities:

Tools / Price Menu

"Price" button

A screen is used to determine the sale price of the appliance, but applying the various commercial coefficients applicable (exchange rate, discount, shipping and packing, etc.) (see § 5.2.8).

Drafting of the offer

Two possibilities:

Tools / Print Menu

"Print" button

Used to select, configure and start printing
(see § 5.2.9).

General structure of the software

Sequence of screens

Definition of the Range


Main screen

This screen is permanently displayed.

From top to bottom and from left to right it comprises:

Title bar (standard WINDOWS).

Menu bar (standard WINDOWS) (see § 5 and § 6).

Toolbar (see § 4.3 and § 6).

Results zone.

Buttons (see § 4.4 and § 6).

Status bar (standard WINDOWS) comprising a messages zone and a "gauge" representing the progress of calculations.



These give access to the most common functions in the software.

(see § 6 and on-line help)


The first 7 buttons correspond to the successive steps in a selection (see § 3.2 and § 5.2) :

Range (definition of the equipment family): see § 5.2.2 and on-line help

Conditions (definition of selection conditions): Calls up one or two screens for defining the type of requirement (see § 5.2.3 and on-line help).

Calculation (starts selection)

Choice (choice of an appliance): see § 5.2.5 and on-line help

Options (choice of available options): see § 5.2.6 and on-line help.

Price (calculation of offer price): see § 5.2.7 and on-line help.

Print (drafting and printing of the offer): see § 5.2.8 and on-line help.

The following 2 buttons are used to:

Exit (quit "Machines frigorifiques" software): see § 5.1.8

Help (obtain help): see § 5.3

Presentation of functions

(see table of access to functions in § 6)

Management functions

New study

This option gives access to a screen enabling you to create a new study according to your needs.

Open a study

This option is used to retrieve data already recorded.

Close a study

This option enables you to close the current study. If not already saved, you will be asked if you want to save.

Save a study

This option is used to save data under the name and at the location you have defined in the " Save " dialogue box. When you record a document for the first time, " Machines frigorifiques " displays the " Save as " dialogue box. If you want to modify the name or location of a file, choose the Save as function. This option is not available if no document is active.

Save as

Displays the " Save as " dialogue so that you can specify the name and location of your data. This option is not available if no document is active.

Printer set-up

Displays the " Print set-up " dialogue box enabling you to select and set up the printer used to print out the estimate. This dialogue box is a standard WINDOWS application.


Displays the " Printing and Drafting of the offer " dialogue box so that you can choose the printing mode (WORD or direct), the document name and other optional parameters concerning the make-up of the estimate. This screen can also be used to choose the printing language.

This function is only accessible if the offer has already been selected and calculated.


Ends a " Machines frigorifiques " session. The program displays a message asking you to save all the changes you have made to the document since the last time it was saved.

You can also quit " Machines frigorifiques " in one of the following ways:

Open the application System menu by pressing ALT+SPACE, then choose Close.

Click twice on the application System menu box.

The sales engineering functions

Project references

This function enables you to specify the information identifying the study in progress (customer name, references, etc.). This information will be included in your offer's header. You can also state under which name you want this estimate to be stored


This function displays the " Choice of the family " window presenting all the equipment families available in the software. It enables the Range meeting the customer's needs to be pre-selected.

If no study is open, the " Project references " window is first of all displayed, followed by the " Choice of the family " window.

(also see on-line help)


This function is used to display the " Thermal data " data and then, where applicable, an input window for extra data: either the " Heat recovery operation " window, or the " Cooling mode " window, or the " Heating mode " window.

This window initially appears according to the selected Range and then adapts to the selection conditions (in particular to the type of operation entered). Then, using the " Follow-up " button, you can access one of the additional data input screens.

If a study has already been recovered, its data are displayed. If not, default values are proposed.

(also see on-line help)


This function is used to start the selection process. The software then selects all the machines in the Range meeting the power criterion, that is, whose power rating is within a certain bracket around the required power and which exactly meet the secondary criteria.

If there are solutions meeting all these selection criteria, the software displays them in the " Choice of the unit " screen, otherwise it will ignore the secondary criteria one by one, until it displays only those solutions meeting the power criterion.

(also see on-line help)


This function displays the " Choice of the unit " window, which presents all the solutions meeting the selection criteria, enabling the appliance which best meets the requirement to be chosen

(also see on-line help)


This function displays the " Option's inputs " window which enables those options which are to be included in the commercial offer to be chosen from the available list. When one of them is input, it disappears from the list of available options and appears in the list of chosen options.

A free option can also be added by clicking on the " Extra option " button. The text and price of this option are completely free.

(also see on-line help


This function displays the " Free remark " window used to enter either a remark to be printed on the internal output only, or a remark to be printed both on the internal output and on the customer output (direct or WORD).

(also see on-line help)


This function displays the " Price " window, used to calculate the price of the appliance and selected options, and to enter the shipping and packaging conditions (also see on-line help).


This function displays the " Printing and Drafting of the offer " window used to choose the print mode and set-up the estimates presentation:

The offer will be produced either in WORD or by directly printing on the connected printer.

You can choose the location and name of the WORD document in which your estimate is to be stored.

You can also choose to include certain optional items in the standard estimates (drawings, noise spectrum tables, etc.).

If you use WORD, this offer can be printed, modified, saved, etc.

(also see on-line help).

The help functions


Displays the main help screen, from which you can access detailed instructions on how to use " Machines frigorifiques ".

When you are inside the help function, simply click on the "Index" button to return to the help summary.

Search for help on...

The Search for help on function is the quickest way to obtain help about a particular topic. Once in the " Find " dialogue box, type in the topic or word that interests you, or select it from the list, then choose Display topics to display the relevant topics. To display the content of a particular help procedure from the list of topics, select it and then choose Go to.

Help for CIAT's softwares.

This is the CIAT software generic help.

It states the functions common to all the CIAT software.

How to use help

The WINDOWS help function will teach you how to use Help.

Read me

This function is used to consult the file of the latest software updates.


Displays various information about your version of " Machines frigorifiques ".

Note: also see Software customization in

Functions access table



Icon or Button


New study (§ 5.1.1)

File / New

Ctrl + N

Open a study (§ 5.1.2)

File / Open

Ctrl + O

Close a study (§ 5.1.3)

File / Close

Save a study (§ 5.1.4)

File / Save

Ctrl + S

Save as (§ 5.1.5)

File / Save as...

Printer set-up (§ 5.1.6)

File / Printer set-up

Print (§ 5.1.7)

File / Print...

Tools / Print


Ctrl + P

Exit ( § 5.1.8)

File / Exit

Alt + F4

CIAT softwares customization (§ 3.1.1)

Tools / Customize /
CIAT software

Program customization

Tools / Customize / Program

Units customization

Tools / Customize / Units


? / Index



Move between screens

Ctrl + TAB

Move between applications

Alt + TAB



Icon or Button


Project references
(§ 5.2.1)

Tools / Project references

Range (§ 5.2.2)

Tools / Range

Alt + G

Conditions (§ 5.2.3)

Tools / Conditions

Alt + N

Calculation (§ 5.2.4)

Tools / Calculation

Alt + A

Choice (§ 5.2.5)

Tools / Choice

Alt + C

Options (§ 5.2.6)

Tools / Options

Alt + O

Remark (§ 5.2.7)

Tools / Remark

Price (§ 5.2.8)

Tools / Price

Alt + I

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