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/Detail XML Web DataWindow


/Detail XML Web DataWindow


This PowerBuilder 10 sample generates a master/detail XML Web DataWindow using the GenerateXMLWeb method. The master report retrieves sales order information. The sales 828v2118i order line item information is displayed by clicking on any one of the hyperlinked sales order numbers.

The XML Web DataWindow is designed to separate the content, layout, and style of the DataWindow. The DataWindow engine generates the CSS and required XML, XSLT, and JavaScript files in the EAServer\Repository\Web Application\Sales\_tmp directory.


XML Web DataWindow using GenerateXMLWeb()

Web DataWindow DTC

Master/Detail XML Web report

Hyperlinks in the master report retrieve the detail

Setting up Your Environment

This sample includes the following files:


d_sales (master report)

d_sales_item (detail report)




The sample requires the ODBC DSN EAS Demo DB V10, which is installed on your system automatically when you install PowerBuilder 10 if you have Adaptive Server Anywhere installed, and EAServer 5.1.

Installing EAServer 5.1

Install EAServer 5.1 following the instructions in chapter 2 of the PowerBuilder Enterprise Installation Guide. The EAServer Developer Edition is provides on Disk 2 in the PowerBuilder Enterprise product package.

If you are using an evaluation version of PowerBuilder, see the readme file on the evaluation CD for how to obtain and install EAServer.

Detailed Steps

  1. Start EAServer and PowerBuilder 10.
  2. Extract the zip file to the C:\ directory. 

The extraction creates a directory called WebExample.

  1. In PowerBuilder 10, select Tools>EAServer Profile and create a profile called default.
  2. Open the WebExample workspace.
  3. Create a JSP Target called Sales. Select the defaults and be sure that EAServer is the selected JSP server and default is the selected EAServer profile.
  4. In the System Tree, right-click the Sales target, select Import Files, and import the SalesFrame.jsp, SalesDetail.jsp, and SalesMaster.jsp files.
  5. Deploy the Sales target to EAServer.
  6. Start Internet Explorer and use the following URL: https://localhost:8080/Sales/SalesFrame.jsp

(Use the machine-specific JAGUAR_HOST_NAME in place of localhost if necessary.)

  1. Click any of the sales order IDs to retrieve the line item data for that sales order.


The Master/Detail report link is defined in the d_sales DataWindow. The HTML.Link,

HTML.LinkTarget, and HTML.LinkArgument properties are populated for the id column.

For more information

For more information about using the XML Web DataWindow, see chapters 6 and 7 of the DataWindow Programmer's Guide in the compiled HTML Help. For information about working with the Web DataWindow in JSP pages in PowerBuilder, see chapters 8 to 11 in Working with Web and JSP Targets.

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