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Microsoft® Works 8.5 OEM


Microsoft Works 8.5 OEM Pre-Installation Kit (OPK) Guide


Copyright 2005, Microsoft Corporation

All rights reserved.

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Information in this document is subject to change with respect to future releases of Microsoft Works 8.5. Information in this document, including but not limited to URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. This document is for informational purposes only. The entire risk of the use or results in connection with the use of this document and the information contained herein remains with the user. MICROSOFT CORPORATION, MS AND THEIR AFFILIATES MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. All references to MS in this document will have the meaning given to MS in the License Agreement(s) that reference it. Nothing in this document shall be deemed to modify or amend the terms and conditions of any agreement with Microsoft Corporation or M 212x232c S or their affiliates for the license and/or distribution of the product(s) mentioned herein. This document does not give you any license to any patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property covering subject matter in this document.

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Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Minimum System Requirements 

3.0 Installation

3.1 Installation Parameters

3.2 Common Install Methods

3.2.1 Installation using CD media 

3.2.2 Installation from a network share 

3.2.3 Installation from a hard drive 

4.0 Enable Error Logging

1.0 Introduction

Welcome to the OEM Pre-Installation Kit (OPK) Guide for Microsoft Works 8.5. The OPK Guide contains information and instructions that Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) use to preload Works on new computers for distribution to end users.

Works 8.5 is a new, full version of Works 8 which has been enhanced to bring it into compliance with Microsoft's overall Trustworthy Computing initiative. Recent security upgrades have been incorporated which help minimize the possibility of a security breach or attack, and ensure that essential productivity tools, such as the Works word processor, spreadsheet and calendar are more protected than ever before.

Although licensed as Works 8.5 (to differentiate the code base from Works 8), Works 8.5 is an optional release for Works 8 licensed customers and should continue to be marketed outside of Microsoft as Works 8.

As a manufacturer who distributes new computers with Works 8.5, you are required to install the product, which allows end-users to read and either accept or reject the EULA (End-User License Agreement).

This document describes how to meet the requirements for pre-installing Works. It also describes how to customize Works to improve the factory install and end-user out-of-the-box experience. After reading this document, you will understand:

  • How to install Works for a ready-to-use system.
  • How to use the tools provided for a smooth install process.

2.0 Minimum System Requirements

CPU speed of 120 MHz.

Microsoft Windows XP SP1.

64 MB of RAM.

300 MB of hard disk space for a typical installation.

Internet Explorer 6. IE 6 SP1 included. Up to an additional 85 MB of hard disk space may be required for IE.

4x speed CD or DVD-ROM drive.

16-bit color monitor supporting 800x600 or higher resolution.

4 MB of video memory.

Microsoft Mouse, IntelliMouse, or compatible pointing device.

16-bit sound card with speakers or headphones.

3.0 Installation

This section will introduce you to the various installation methods for Works 8.5.

Warning  Having virus scanners running when Works is being installed may cause the installation to fail unexpectedly. Virus scanners should be installed after Works has been installed.

3.1 Installation Parameters

What follows is a comprehensive list of all parameters available for use with works8.msi and their functions.



/i <path>\works8.msi

This parameter defines the setup to be run. /I must be followed by a blank space and the path to and including works8.msi. This parameter is required.


Performs a quiet complete install of Works. A complete install includes all files and content needed to run the applications of Works. This parameter is required and must be passed immediately after the works8.msi command.


Forces the installation of Works to proceed without reboots.


This parameter can be used on a hard drive installation to move files rather than copy files and hence save installation time.


Installs a per-machine installation. This parameter is required.


Parameter defines the location of the installation application. It is required when not installing from media.


Disables canceling while installing. This parameter helps to speed up installation time.


Parameter to enable error logging. This parameter needs to be at the end of the command line and followed by the path and name of the log file in double quotes. For more information, see section 4.0 Enable Error Logging on page 7.

3.2 Common Install Methods

This section gives an overview of some common installation methods available to OEMs.

  1. Installation using CD media
  2. Installation from a network share
  3. Installation from a hard drive

3.2.1 Installation using CD media

Installing Works directly from the CD using the /qn switch produces a quiet complete installation. This type of installation requires the least amount of effort for an OEM.

To create a CD media installation

  1. Insert the Works OPK CD into the CD or DVD-ROM drive.
  2. Cancel the Autorun that appears, if applicable.
  3. Run setup.exe from the CD or DVD-ROM drive with the /qn switch and the ALLUSERS DISABLEROLLBACK, and REBOOT parameters.


    d:\msworks\setup.exe /qn allusers=1 disablerollback=1 reboot="ReallySuppress"

The installation is complete.

3.2.2 Installation from a network share

To create a network installation

  1. On the server hosting the Works bits, create a directory named WORKS
  2. Copy the content from the Works OPK CD to the WORKS directory on the server.
  3. Navigate to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory and run msiexec.exe specifying the Works installation package, works8.msi, which resides in the WORKS directory on the server with the /qn switch and ALLUSERS DISABLEROLLBACK, and MEDIAPACKAGEPATH parameters.


    msiexec /i \\oemserver\works\msworks\works8.msi /qn allusers=1 disablerollback=1 mediapackagepath=msworks

The installation is complete.

3.2.3 Installation from a hard drive

This installation makes use of the FASTOEM parameter, which can greatly increase the speed for install times for many OEMs. More details on what a FASTOEM install provides can be found at

To create a hard drive installation

  1. On the machine hosting the Works bits, create a directory named WORKS
  2. Copy the content from the Works OPK CD to the WORKS directory.
  3. Navigate to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory and run msiexec.exe specifying the Works installation package, works8.msi, which resides in the WORKS\MSWORKS directory with the /qn switch and the FASTOEM ALLUSERS DISABLEROLLBACK, and MEDIAPACKAGEPATH parameters.


    msiexec /i c:\works\msworks\works8.msi /qn fastoem=1 allusers=1 disablerollback=1 mediapackagepath=msworks
  4. Remove the WORKS directory and all of its contents.

The installation is complete.

Enable Error Logging

Error logging may be useful for diagnosing problems scripting the install of Works. By default, installation logging turned off. Enabling error logging can help you diagnose installation problems.

The following instructions assume you are performing a hard drive installation of Works on Windows XP.

To enable error logging

  1. Use the /Lvicewarmup switch passing the location and name of the log file when installing using works8.msi.
    Create the log file folder before running setup.

  2. Run setup:

msiexec /i <path>\works8.msi /qn fastoem=1 allusers=1 disablerollback=1 mediapackagepath=msworks /Lvicewarmup "c:\temp\install.log"

Error logging is enabled.

Document Info

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