Packet Tracer 4.0 CCNA1 Hands-On Final
The overall goal of this skills-based assessment is to connect four PCs and 2 switches to create a small Local Area Network (LAN) using Ethernet and have the PCs communicate utilizing IP protocols. The exam consists of three parts:
1. Build the LAN
2. Calculate subnets
3. Configure workstations
All three parts must be completed for a possible total of 100 points.
This topology represents the simplest possible switched networ 515h77f k, ideal for studying basic IP addressing and LAN connectivity.
Required Files
To complete this lab, you will need the following file.
Familiarize yourself with PT 4.0 help menu, in case you have questions.
Open the "CCNA1_HandsOn_Final.pka" and follow the Instructions, which are repeated below:
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Possible Score: 16 points
Determine the appropriate cable type to interconnect four PCs and 2 switches to create a small LAN using Ethernet.
Add 4 end user devices (PC0-PC3) to packet tracer.
Add 2 2950-24 switches (Switch0 and Switch1) to packet tracer.
On Switch0
Connect Fa0/2 to PC0
Connect Fa0/3 to PC1
On Switch1
Connect Fa0/2 to PC2
Connect Fa0/3 to PC3
Connect Switch0 and Switch1 via the Fa0/1 ports
Be sure to choose the appropriate
cable type for all connections.
CCNA 1 Skills-Based Final - Part 1
Name: __________________ Date: __________ Instructor: _____________
Part 1 - Build and Test Cable
Is the correct cable type used to interconnect the two switches? (6)
Is the correct cable type used to connect each switch to the various PCs? (6)
Were the PCs and switches connected via the right port (i.e. Switch0 connects to PC0 via Fa0/2)? (4)
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Possible Score: 48 points
the Class B IP address,
determine the following:
- The number of bits borrowed
- The Subnet ID, and subnet mask
- The range of host addresses for this particular subnet
CCNA 1 Skills-Based Final - Part 2
Name: __________________ Date: __________ Instructor: _____________
Part 2 - Subnet Calculation
Fill in the following blanks based on the Class B IP address, (4 pts each).
Major network information
Network ID Class: (A, B, or C)
Major network address:
Major broadcast address:
Subnet information:
Number of subnet bits:
Number of host bits:
Network address for the given host IP address:
Range of usable host addresses for this subnet:
Broadcast address for this subnet:
Other subnet information:
Total number of useable subnets based on this subnet mask (minus 2, excluding the all zeros and all ones subnets):
Number of valid host IP addresses per subnet (minus 2, excluding the network and broadcast addresses):
Convert given subnet mask to binary notation:
Convert given host IP address to binary notation:
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
Possible Score: 36 points
Using the results from Part 2, configure the IP address and subnet mask for each of the four PCs. Use the command prompt or run utility to display the IP configuration settings for each PC. Use the ping command to demonstrate connectivity between the PCs.
Configure PC0 with the first usable IP address within the host range used in Part two.
Configure PC1 with the second usable IP address within the host range used in Part two.
Configure PC2 with the second to last usable IP address within the host used defined in Part two.
Configure PC3 with the last usable IP address within the host range used in Part two.
CCNA 1 Skills-Based Final - Part 3
Name: __________________ Date: __________ Instructor: _____________
Part 3 - Workstation Configuration
Configure each workstation and test connectivity pts each).
PC1 IP settings correct (IP address and Subnet Mask)? (6)
PC2 IP settings correct (IP address and Subnet Mask)? (6)
PC3 IP settings correct (IP address and Subnet Mask)? (6)
PC4 IP settings correct (IP address and Subnet Mask)? (6)
From the command prompt, what command will display the IP configuration for PC0? (6)