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Please follow the steps below to update your driver for the USB TV BOX.


Please follow the steps below to update your driver for the USB TV BOX.

1.When you install the application, the windows will ask you to restart your computer.

After restart the windows you will th 24224s1812y e message box, please select continue anyway until the application has been installed.

2. Please connect the USB TV BOX to the USB port of your PC.

3.Please get into the Device Management then click the right key of the mouse on the Intel PC Camera pro.

Select the properties you will see the Driver like the picture below.

Click on the "Update Driver" to change the driver.

4. (1) When you see the update wizard, please select the install from a list or specific location (Advance).

(2)Then select the Don't search, I will choose the driver to install.

(3)Entering the Hardware Update Wizard, select the Have Disk.

(4)Then type the c:\windows\setup5a.

5. (1) Please select the Spca506A,SPCA506A USB Camera and click the next.

(2) Click to continue anyway when you see the message box.

(3) When you see the message the message: Completing Hardware Update Wizard that means the driver has been update.

6.Execute the MpegTV Station USBTV to watch the TV.

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Accesari: 1838
Apreciat: hand-up

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