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Radio Communications family


Radio Communications family

Transmitter PDU

Modulation Type record

Spread Spectrum

This section specifies the 16-bit Boolean array for the Spread-Spectrum field in the Modulation-Type record of the Transmitter PDU.

All bits set to zero indicates that spread-spectrum modulation is not in use. Individual bits set to one indicate the use of spread spectrum as follows:

Bit # Spread Spectrum Modulation Type

0 Frequency Hopping

1 Pseudo-noise

2 Time Hopping

3-15 TBD

More than one bit set to one indicates that distinct methods are simultaneously in use.

Major Modulation

This section specifies the 16-bit enumeration for the Major-Modulation field in the Modulation-Type record of the Transmitter PDU.

Field Value Radio Major Modulation

0 Other

1 Amplitude

2 Amplitude and Angle

3 Angle

4 Combination

5 Pulse

6 Unmodulated

7 Carrier Phase Shift Modulation (CPSM)


This section defines the 16-bit enumerations for the Detail field in the Transmitter PDU.

Detailed modulation for amplitude modulation

Detailed modulation types for Amplitude Modulation are defined as follows:

Field Value Detailed Modulation for Amplitude

0 Other

1 AFSK (Audio Frequency Shift Keying)

2 AM (Amplitude Modulation)

3 CW (Continuous Wave Modulation)

4 DSB (Double Sideband)

Field Value Detailed Modulation for Amplitude

5 ISB (Independent Sideband)

6 LSB (Single Band Suppressed Carrier, Lower Sideband Mode)

7 SSB-Full (Single Sideband Full Carrier)

8 SSB-Reduc (Single Band Reduced Carrier)

9 USB (Single Band Suppressed Carrier, Upper Sideband Mode)

10 VSB (Vestigial Sideband)

Detailed modulation for amplitude and angle modulation

Detailed modulation types for Amplitude and Angle Modulation are defined as follows:

Field Value Detailed Modulation for Amplitude and Angle

0 Other

1 Amplitude and Angle

Detailed modulation for angle modulation

Detailed modulation types for Angle Modulation are defined as follows:

Field Value Detailed Modulation for Angle

0 Other

1 FM (Frequency Modulation)

2 FSK (Frequency Shift Keying)

3 PM (Phase Modulation)

Detailed modulation for combination modulation

Detailed modulation types for Combination Modulation are defined as follows:

Field Value Detailed Modulation for Combination

0 Other

1 Amplitude-Angle-Pulse

Detailed modulation for pulse modulation

Detailed modulation types for Pulse Modulation are defined as follows:

Field Value Detailed Modulation for Pulse

0 Other

1 Pulse

2 X Band TACAN Pulse

3 Y Band TACAN Pulse

Detailed modulation for unmodulated modulation

Detailed modulation types for an unmodulated carrier are defined as follows:

Field Value Detailed Modulation for Unmodulated

0 Other

1 Continuous Wave emission of an unmodulated carrier Detailed modulation for carrier phase shift modulation (CPSM)

Detailed modulation types for carrier phase shift modulation are defined as follows:

Field Value Detailed Modulation for Carrier Phase Shift

0 Other


This section specifies the 16-bit enumeration for the System field in the Modulation-Type record of the Transmitter PDU.

Field Value Radio System

0 Other

1 Generic

2 HQ





7 EPLRS (Enhanced Position Location Reporting System)


Transmit State

This section specifies the 8-bit enumeration for the Transmit-State field in the Transmitter PDU.

Field Value Radio Transmit State

0 Off

1 On but not transmitting

2 On and transmitting

Input Source

This section specifies the 8-bit enumeration for the Input-Source field in the Transmitter PDU.

Field Value Radio Input Source

0 Other

1 Pilot

2 Copilot

3 First Officer

4 Driver

5 Loader

6 Gunner

7 Commander

8 Digital Data Device

9 Intercom

Crypto System

This section specifies the 16-bit enumeration for the Crypto-System field in the Transmitter PDU.

Field Value Radio Crypto System

0 Other

1 KY-28

2 KY-58

3 Narrow Spectrum Secure Voice (NSVE)

4 Wide Spectrum Secure Voice (WSVE)


Antenna Pattern Type

This section specifies the 16-bit enumeration for the Antenna Pattern Type field in the Transmitter PDU.

Field Value Antenna Pattern Type

0 Omni-directional

1 Beam

2 Spherical harmonic

Reference System

This section specifies the 8-bit enumeration for the Reference System field in the Beam Antenna Pattern record and the Spherical Harmonic Pattern Record in the Transmitter PDU. The enumeration for the Reference System are limited to the two listed below.

Field Value Reference System

1 World Coordinates

2 Entity Coordinates

Modulation Parameters, used in the Transmitter PDU

This section specifies the Modulation Parameters in the Transmitter PDU.

CCTT SINCGARS Modulation Parameters

Detailed information about the CCTT SINCGARS (Radio System Type 6) shall be communicated by using the Modulation Parameters in the Transmitter PDU. The Modulation Parameters shall contain the following fields:

1. FH Data - These fields are only used when the SINCGARS radio is in FH mode. They determine the hopping pattern of the SINCGARS radio. If any one of these fields is different, except FH Synchronization Time Offset, the hopping pattern is different. Radios on different hopping patterns shall not communicate.

a) FH Net ID - This field shall identify the frequency hopping network.

b) Hop Set ID - This field shall identify the set of frequencies used when creating a hopping pattern. The frequencies in the hop set are transmitted by a method outside the scope of this standard.

c) Lockout Set ID - This field shall identify the set of frequencies that are excluded from the hopping pattern. The frequencies in the lockout set are transmitted by a method outside the scope of this standard.

d) Transmission Security Key - This field shall identify the transmission security key that is used when generating the hopping pattern. (Not currently implemented, field added for future use).

e) FH Synchronization Time Offset - This field shall identify the offset to exercise time in seconds for the clock in the SINCGARS radio. SINCGARS radio clock must be synchronized for the radios to communicate. (Not currently implemented, field added for future use).

2. Start of Message - This field shall specify whether the radio is starting or continuing a transmission. A SINCGARS radio shall not receive any part of an FH transmission if the Start of Message is missed. Start of message may be missed if the radio was transmitting, receiving a different radio or otherwise not ready to start receiving a transmission.

3. Clear Channel - This field shall specify that the transmission is not subject to propagation loss, interference, comsec or any other form of signal degradation. Clear channels are used for interoperability with older systems and for control purposes.


16-bit unsigned integer

Hop Set ID

16-bit unsigned integer

Lockout Set ID

16-bit unsigned integer

Start of Message

8-bit enumeration



FH Synchronization Time Offset

32-bit signed integer

Transmission Security Key

16-bit unsigned integer

Clear Channel

8-bit unsigned integer Start of Message

This section specifies the 8-bit enumeration for the Start of Message field in the CCTT SINCGARS Modulation Parameters.

Field Value Enumeration

0 Not start of message

1 Start of Message Clear Channel

This section specifies the 8-bit enumeration for the Clear Channel field in the CCTT SINCGARS Modulation Parameters.

Field Value Enumeration

0 Not clear channel

1 Clear channel JTIDS/MIDS Modulation Parameters

Detailed information about the JTIDS/MIDS (Radio System Type 8) shall be communicated by using the Modulation Parameters in the Transmitter PDU. The Modulation Parameters shall contain the following fields:

Time Slot Allocation Mode - Defines the fidelity level to be used (range 0 to 4)

Transmitting Terminal Primary Mode - Defines the primary mode of operation of the transmitting terminal. See section for details

Transmitting Terminal Secondary Mode - Defines the secondary mode of operation of the transmitting terminal. See section for details

Synchronization State - Defines the current synchronization state of the transmitting terminal

Network Synchronization ID - For TSA modes 0-2, it shall be set to default. For TSA modes 3-4, it shall be a 32-bit random integer generated by using the DIS timestamp as the seed. Only an NTR can generate a Network Synchronization ID; all other participants shall use the ID obtained from the NTR to which they are synchronized

Time Slot Allocation Mode

8-bit unsigned integer

Transmitting Terminal Primary Mode

8-bit enumeration

Transmitting Terminal Secondary Mode

8-bit enumeration

Synchronization State

8-bit enumeration

Network Synchronization ID

32-bit unsigned integer Transmitting Terminal Primary Mode

This section specifies the 8-bit enumeration for the Transmitting Terminal Primary Mode field in the JTIDS/MIDS Modulation Parameters.

Field Value Enumeration


2 JTIDS Unit Participant Transmitting Terminal Secondary Mode

This section specifies the 8-bit enumeration for the Transmitting Terminal Secondary Mode field in the JTIDS/MIDS Modulation Parameters.

Field Value Enumeration

0 None

1 Net Position Reference

2 Primary Navigation Controller

3 Secondary Navigation Controller Synchronization State

This section specifies the 8-bit enumeration for the Synchronization State field in the JTIDS/MIDS Modulation Parameters.

Field Value Enumeration

1 Coarse Synchronization

2 Fine Synchronization

9.2 Signal PDU

The Encoding-Scheme field of the Signal PDU is broken into two parts. Bits 15 and 14 are the Encoding Class, described in ; bits 13-0 are the Encoding Types, described in

9.2.1 Radio signal encoding class

Encoding Classes (bits 15 and 14) are:

Field Value (bits 15, 14) Radio Signal Encoding Class

0 (0,0) Encoded audio

1 (0,1) Raw Binary Data

2 (1,0) Application-Specific Data

3 (1,1) Database index

9.2.2 Radio signal encoding type

Encoding Types (bits 13-0) are:

Field Value Radio Signal Encoding Type

1 8-bit mu-law

2 CVSD per MIL-STD-188-113

3 ADPCM per CCITT G.721

4 16-bit linear PCM

5 8-bit linear PCM

6 VQ (Vector Quantization)

9.2.3 User Protocol Identification Number

The first sub-field of the Signal PDU Data Field contains a User Protocol Identification Number when the Encoding Class field indicates Application Specific Data. The enumerations for the User Protocol Identification are as follows:

Field Value User Protocol Summary of Point of Contact

Name Representation

1 CCSIL Marnie Salisbury

[email protected]

5 A2ATD Binary data Chuck Woodman



6 A2ATD CAC2 Binary Report/ Wayne Beard

Overlay data WBEARD@ORLANDO.


20 Battle Command Abbreviated Gary Gagnon

Command [email protected]

and Control

Field Value User Protocol Summary of Point of Contact

Name Representation

177 ModSAF Text Free Format ASCII Richard Schaffer



200 CCTT Binary Data Jim Keenan

SINCGARS [email protected]


201 CCTT Binary Data Jim Keenan

SINCGARS [email protected]


202 CCTT Binary Data Jim Keenan

SINCGARS [email protected]


203 CCTT Binary Data Jim Keenan

SINCGARS [email protected]


546 ModSAF FWA Binary data Dan Coffin

Forward Air Controller [email protected]

832 ModSAF Threat Binary data Dan Coffin

ADA C3 [email protected]

1000 F-16 MTC AFAPD Packed Binary Albert Ludwig

Protocol AFAPD Message The Boeing Company

Format for F-16 [email protected]

Block 50/52

1100 F-16 MTC IDL Packed Binary Albert Ludwig

Protocol IDL Message The Boeing Company

Format for F-16 [email protected]

Block 50/52

4570 ModSAF Artillery Structured text Richard Schaffer

Fire Control followed by binary RSCHAFFER@CAMB-


5361 AGTS Binary Report/ Steve Gendreau

Overlay data GENDREAU@


6000 GC3 Binary data Karl Shepherd


6010 WNCP data Binary data Karl Shepherd


Spoken text Data about Brett Kaylor

message speaker followed GTE Government Systems

by free ASCII [email protected]


6661 Longbow Simulated IDM Peter Obear

IDM message message for Carmel Applied Technologies, Inc

Longbow Apache [email protected]


6662 Comanche Simulated IDM Peter Obear

IDM message message for Carmel Applied Technologies, Inc

Comanche [email protected]


6663 Longbow Simulated TACFIRE Peter Obear

Airborne IDM message for Carmel Applied Technologies, Inc

TACFIRE Longbow Apache [email protected]

Message Aircraft

6664 Longbow Simulated TACFIRE Peter Obear

Ground IDM message for Carmel Applied Technologies, Inc

TACFIRE Longbow Apache [email protected]

Message Aircraft

6665 Longbow Simulated AFAPD Peter Obear

AFAPD IDM message for Carmel Applied Technologies, Inc

Message Longbow Apache [email protected]


6666 Longbow Simulated ERF Jeffery Day

ERF message message for Boeing - St. Louis

Longbow Apache [email protected]


9.2.4 TDL Type

This section specifies the 16-bit enumeration for the TDL Type field in the Signal PDU.

Field Value TDL Type

0 Other


2 NATO Link-1

3 ATDL-1

4 Link 11B (TADIL B)

5 Situational Awareness Data Link (SADL)

6 Link 16 Legacy Format (JTIDS/TADIL-J)

7 Link 16 Legacy Format (JTIDS/FDL/TADIL-J)

8 Link 11A (TADIL A)


10 Link 4A (TADIL C)

11 Link 4C


13 ATL

14 Constant Source

15 Abbreviated Command and Control





20 Weapons Data Link (AWW-13)

21 Abbreviated Command and Control

22 Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS)

23 Position Location Reporting System (PLRS)


25 Have Quick I

26 Have Quick II

27 Have Quick IIA (Saturn)

28 Intra-Flight Data Link 1

29 Intra-Flight Data Link 2

30 Improved Data Modem (IDM)

31 Air Force Application Program Development (AFAPD)

32 Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC)

33 Forward Area Air Defense (FAAD) Data Link (FDL)

34 Ground Based Data Link (GBDL)

35 Intra Vehicular Info System (IVIS)

36 Marine Tactical System (MTS)

37 Tactical Fire Direction System (TACFIRE)

38 Integrated Broadcast Service (IBS)

39 Airborne Information Transfer (ABIT).

40 Advanced Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance System (ATARS) Data Link.

41 Battle Group Passive Horizon Extension System (BGPHES) Data Link.

42 Common High Bandwidth Data Link (CHBDL).

43 Guardrail Interoperable Data Link (IDL).

44 Guardrail Common Sensor System One (CSS1) Data Link.

45 Guardrail Common Sensor System Two (CSS2) Data Link.

46 Guardrail CSS2 Multi-Role Data Link (MRDL).

47 Guardrail CSS2 Direct Air to Satellite Relay (DASR) Data Link.

48 Line of Sight (LOS) Data Link Implementation (LOS tether).

49 Lightweight CDL (LWCDL).

50 L-52M (SR-71).

51 Rivet Reach/Rivet Owl Data Link.

52 Senior Span.

53 Senior Spur.

54 Senior Stretch.

55 Senior Year Interoperable Data Link (IDL).

56 Space CDL.

57 TR-1 mode MIST Airborne Data Link.

58 Ku-band SATCOM Data Link Implementation (UAV).

59 Mission Equipment Control Data link (MECDL).

60 Radar Data Transmitting Set Data Link.

61 Surveillance and Control Data Link (SCDL).

62 Tactical UAV Video.

63 UHF SATCOM Data Link Implementation (UAV).

64 Tactical Common Data Link (TCDL)

65 Low Level Air Picture Interface (LLAPI)

66 Weapons Data Link (AGM-130)

99 GC3

100 Link 16 Standardized Format (JTIDS/MIDS/TADIL J)

101 Link 16 Enhanced Data Rate (EDR JTIDS/MIDS/TADIL-J)

102 JTIDS/MIDS Net Data Load (TIMS/TOMS)

103 Link 22

9.3 Receiver PDU

This section specifies the 16-bit enumeration for the Receiver-State field in the Receiver PDU.

Field Value Radio Receiver State

0 Off

1 On but not receiving

2 On and receiving

9.4 Intercom Control PDU

9.4.1 Control Type

This section specifies the 8-bit enumeration for the Control Type field in the Intercom Control PDU.

Field Value Control Type

0 Reserved

1 Status

2 Request - Acknowledge Required

3 Request - No Acknowledge

4 Ack - Request Granted

5 Nack - Request Denied

6-255 Reserved

9.4.2 Communications Type

This section specifies the 7-bit enumeration for the Communications Type sub-field of the Communications Channel Type field in the Intercom Control PDU.

Field Value Communications Type

0 Reserved

1 Connection FDX

2 Connection HDX - Destination is Receive Only

3 Connection HDX - Destination is Transmit Only

4 Connection HDX

5-255 Reserved

9.4.3 Command

This section specifies the 8-bit enumeration for the Command field in the Intercom Control PDU.

Field Value Command

0 No Command

1 Status

2 Connect

3 Disconnect

4 Reset

5 On

6 Off

7-255 Reserved

9.4.4 Transmit Line State

This section specifies the 8-bit enumeration for the Transmit Line State field in the Intercom Control PDU.

Field Value Transmit Line State

0 Transmit Line State not applicable

1 Not Transmitting

2 Transmitting

3-255 Reserved

9.4.5 Destination Line State Command

This section specifies the 8-bit enumeration for the Destination Line State field in the optional Intercom Communications Parameters records (see 9.4.6) in the Intercom Control PDU.

Field Value Destination Line State Command

0 None

1 Set Line State - Transmitting

2 Set Line State - Not Transmitting

3 Return to Local Line State Control

4-255 Reserved

9.4.6 Intercom Communications Parameters records Record type

This section specifies the 16-bit enumerations for the Record Type field in the Intercom Communications Parameters record of the Intercom Control PDU.

Field Value Record Type

1 Entity Destination record

2 Group Destination record

3 Group Assignment record Intercom Communications Parameters records

This section contains the specification of specific Intercom Communications Parameters records for use in the Intercom Control PDU. Entity Destination record

This record shall be used to send an Intercom Control PDU directly to a specific entity.


Record Type = 1


Record Length = 12


Destination Entity ID


Destination Communications Device ID


Destination Line ID


Destination Priority


Destination Line State Command


Padding Group Destination record

This record shall be used to send an Intercom Control PDU to an arbitrary group.


Record Type = 2


Record Length = 8


Destination Group Bit Field


Destination Priority


Destination Line State Command


Padding Group Assignment record

This record shall be used to assign a group bit field to a specific entity. A bit set to one shall indicate membership in the corresponding group. Multiple bits can be set to indicate membership in multiple groups.


Record Type = 3


Record Length = 16


Group Bit Field


Destination Entity ID


Destination Communications Equipment ID


Destination Line ID



See SISO-STD-002-V1.0 DRAFT, Tactical Digital Information Link-Technical Advice and Lexicon for Enabling Simulation (TADIL-TALES), section 5.2.1, paragraph 3.d.

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