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Special Blur Loader


Special Blur Loader is a component that handles the process of loading and displaying JPEG, SWF, PNG or GIF files or MovieClips from your library with the possibility of resizing the content after five types of pattern: noscale, resize, scale, scaleborder, and crop.

The Special Blur Loader component was developed under Flash 8 so it can be used only in Flash 8, due to the blur effect that only Flash 8 supports.

This component is the ideal thing for what you need when you want to load an image or a swf with a blur transition effect that will add style to the loaded content. Just drag the component on the Stage and change the parameters so that the loaded object can be displayed as you like.

The component has some other advantages besides the resizing types, like the possibility to attach a border to the loaded object and to change the color and the size of the border, or to create your own custom preloader by using broadcast events provided by the component or the possibility of just using a built in preloader


1. align(enumeration="topLeft, center", default="center") places the loaded content in the left top corner of the component or the center of the component.

2. border-Boolean(default=true) if true, the loaded content will have a border; false will load the content without a border.

3. borderColor(default=#FFFFFF) case the border parameter is set true, you can set the border's color.

4. borderSize(default=5) case border parameter is set true, you can set the border's size; the maximum size is 10 and the minimum size=0.

5. buildInPreloader(enumeration=none, bar, circular, default=none) choose the built in preloader between a bar preloader, circular preloader or no preloader.

6. contentPath(default="") the content that will be loaded, the content can be a jpeg, swf, png or gif or the specified linkage ID of a MovieClip from your library

7. preloaderColor(default=#336699) case the buildInPreloader parameter is set to bar or circular, you can set the preloader's color.

8. resizeType(enumeration=noscale, resize, scale, scaleborder, crop, default=resize) set's the content dimensions according to the type of resize you choose.

9. transitionDuration(default=3) sets the transition speed between two loaded contents

10.transitionLevel(default=30) sets the transition's blur amount; the maximum value for this parameter is 90 and the minimum is 10


1. setSize(width, height) - you can use this method to change the component dimensions


1. onLoadProgress - returns the number of bytes that had been loaded and the total number of bytes in the file being loaded

2. onLoadComplete - returns a boolean value which is true if the content has been loaded and false if an error has occur during the loading process

Code Samples:













var listner_progress:Object = new Object();

listner_progress.onLoadProgress = function(bytesLoaded, bytesTotal) ;


var listner_complete:Object = new Object();

listner_complete.onLoadComplete = function(succes:Boolean)



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Accesari: 946
Apreciat: hand-up

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