1. Prerequisites
2. Installation
3. Uninstall
Install as "ADMINISTRATOR" built-in ID 500
Filesystem size (free space) must be at least 100Mbyte
Tivoli agent
runs under system account as service.
local users will be created through installation:
Name Groups
tmersvd no
users require some privileges, effectively:
Act as part of the operating system
Bypass traverse checking
Increase quotas
Log on locally
Profile single process
Replace a process level token
Take ownership of files or other objects
Both user require read access to the registry in addition to these priviledges
File system access rights
File System User
%SYSTEM32%\*.dll read
%SystemRoot32%\Tivoli\ read
The dll: %SYSTEM32%\kbdus.dll must exist on Windows NT
The Installation will also copy the binaries of Tivoli
License Manager to the target system. These Binaries are not activated.
- If an instance of the Tivoli Endpoint has already been
installed on the system, run the uninstallation procedure in the next
- Copy the installation files to C:\Install. They can be copied from a supplied CD or
from \\caabbstamis01\SERVERAPPS\Tivoli Endpoint\WINDOWS.
- Run the program "instep.exe" .
- If the C-Drive does not have enough
file space, please provide another drive over the command-line, but make sure this does not interfere with other applications !
- If an Endpoint is already installed or
parts of other installations are found, the installation will abort.
- On servers running Terminal Server in
Application Mode, from the command line, run C:\Tivoli\lcf\bin\w32-ix86\mrt\lcfep
-s This prevents a separate
instance of the endpoint running for each session.
- The installation log, ("C:\Tivoli\lcf\lcfinst.log") is
available for more information.
Steps 2 and 3 may be skipped if another
version of the endpoint will be reinstalled.
- On the installation drive, go to the folder \Program Files\Tivoli\lcf
and run uninst.bat.
- If that file does not exist, set the Tivoli environment variables: c:\winnt\tivoli\lcf\1\lcf_enf.cmd
- Remove the service: c:\program
files\lcf\bin\w32-ix86\mrt\lcfd -r lcfd
- Rename c:\winnt\system32\tivoliap.dll to tivoliap.dll.old
- Remove c:\Program files\Tivoli\lcf and subfolders.
- Delete TivoliAP from the authentification Packages in the
registry \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\currentControlSet\Control\LSA
- Remove the users and group.
- To release the %system32%\tivoliap.dll, please reboot the
system. Rename this file (to something like .old) when the system returns
to prevent it's discovery by the next installation program.