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Tivoli Endpoint Installation



Tivoli Endpoint Installation



Version 1.3

[email protected]

North America specific installation information added 5 April, 2004, by Paul Dowgewicz


1. Prerequisites

2. Installation

3. Uninstall


Install as "ADMINISTRATOR" built-in ID 500

Filesystem size (free space) must be at least 100Mbyte

The Tivoli agent runs under system account as service.

One local users will be created through installation:
Name Groups

tmersvd no Group

The users require some privileges, effectively:


User tmersvd

Act as part of the operating system

Bypass traverse checking


Increase quotas

Log on locally


Profile single process

Replace a process level token


Take ownership of files or other objects

Both user require read access to the registry in addition to these priviledges

Required File system access rights
File System User tmersvd
%SYSTEM32%\*.dll read
%SystemRoot32%\Tivoli\ read

The dll: %SYSTEM32%\kbdus.dll must exist on Windows NT

The Installation will also copy the binaries of Tivoli License Manager to the target system. These Binaries are not activated.


  1. If an instance of the Tivoli Endpoint has already been installed on the system, run the uninstallation procedure in the next section.

  2. Copy the installation files to C:\Install.  They can be copied from a supplied CD or from \\caabbstamis01\SERVERAPPS\Tivoli Endpoint\WINDOWS.
  1. Run the program "instep.exe" .
  1. If the C-Drive does not have enough file space, please provide another drive over the command-line, but make sure this does not interfere with other applications !
  1. If an Endpoint is already installed or parts of other installations are found, the installation will abort.
  1. On servers running Terminal Server in Application Mode, from the command line, run  C:\Tivoli\lcf\bin\w32-ix86\mrt\lcfep -s This prevents a separate instance of the endpoint running for each session.
  1. The installation log, ("C:\Tivoli\lcf\lcfinst.log") is available for more information.


Steps 2 and 3 may be skipped if another version of the endpoint will be reinstalled.

  1. On the installation drive, go to the folder \Program Files\Tivoli\lcf and run uninst.bat.
    1. If that file does not exist, set the Tivoli environment variables:  c:\winnt\tivoli\lcf\1\lcf_enf.cmd
    2. Remove the service: c:\program files\lcf\bin\w32-ix86\mrt\lcfd -r lcfd
    3. Rename c:\winnt\system32\tivoliap.dll  to tivoliap.dll.old
    4. Remove c:\Program files\Tivoli\lcf  and subfolders.

  2. Delete TivoliAP from the authentification Packages in the registry \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\currentControlSet\Control\LSA

  3. Remove the users and group.

  4. To release the %system32%\tivoliap.dll, please reboot the system. Rename this file (to something like .old) when the system returns to prevent it's discovery by the next installation program.

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