Using Gherkin material in Rhino4
Open Rhino, then put the bitmap CetA.jpg as background bitmap on Top View. Put the first point of the bitmap in 0,0,0 then specify a width proportional to the with of the b 252i84c itmap, for example 44.6.
Draw a curve on the bitmap for the profile of the slice of gherkin.
Extrude the curve with a draft angle of about 5 degrees, and a the needed depth (for example, 3 mm).
To get a better effect, fillet the top edge with a small radius (about 0,1 mm).
Apply the material with a plane mapping, and define for the map the same size of the picture (for example, 44 x 51). Anyway, changing the size of the map, you will get a "peeled" gherkin or a gherkin with its skin, so you can play a little bit with the size.
On the top view, move the map until it is aligned with the background bitmap. Check the position on the Perspective view, activating Rendering visualization.
Your gherkin slice is ready to eat. Now you can duplicate, rotate, scale, and, of course, render it.
Note that I am only a beginner, so this procedure can be probably improved. But I hope it would be useful for somebody.