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Using Shadow Copy Client


Using Shadow Copy Client

Volume Shadow copy is a utility available on Windows 2003 File Servers to allow end users to recover deleted or corrupt files and folders without having to request the data be restored from tape. It works by storing an image of the users' data two times each day in a secure area on the server. Most servers will have several days' worth of Shadow Copy data available to recover from. Any file or folder from the following server shares can be recovered:





If the data is not available to be recovered using Volume Shadow Copy the client will need to open a Clarify ticket to have the data restored from tape.

The instructions outlined below detail the process of recovering client data using Volume Shadow Copy.

Installing the Client

Each desktop must have the Shadow Copy client software installed. The majority of clients will be installed using SMS distribution in quite mode. If a client does not have the Shadow Copy client on their desktop it can be installed manually by GSS.

Recovering a Deleted File or Folder

  1. CSD should connect to the client desktop using any approved remote control software such as Microsoft NetMeeting.

  1. In Windows Explorer open the network drive and browse to the folder that contained the deleted or corrupt file or missing folder.

  1. Right Click on empty space in the folder and select Properties

  1. Select the Previous Versions Tab and then select the time and date from which the file or folder is to be restored.

If the client does not have a Previous Versions Tab then the Shadow Copy Client has not been installed on the workstation.

Link to install Shadow client:




  1. Double click on the folder or select view. Notice the day, date and time in the window header.

  1. Right click on the file or folder required and select copy

  1. Paste the file to the location required in the original Windows Explorer window that you opened. The file or folder can be pasted to any other folder or location. It does not have to be pasted back to the original location.

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Accesari: 918
Apreciat: hand-up

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