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Virtual Pool Mobile


Virtual Pool Mobile © Phone Edition


There are two ways to install Virtual Pool Mobile on your phone. You can transfer the SIS file to the phone and install from there. If you have PC Suite, you ca 13313h715n n use this program to install the SIS file direct from you computer.

Without PC Suite:

First you have to transfer the SIS file to your phone via Bluetooth, IR or Email. You will then receive a message containing the file as an attachment. Highlight the attachment you want to install, bring up the options list, and select install.

The file will then be saved to your phone's memory. Ensure you delete the original message once it is installed on your phone, as this will consume memory.

With PC Suite:

When installing a SIS file, as long as PC Suite is installed and the phone connected to the COM port in mRouter (which should be in the taskbar), you can just double click on the SIS in the PC and EPOC Install installs the program on the Phone, without having to send it to the phone first. This is a good way to install software if the memory is nearly full.

If you have limited memory available on your phone, you may have to reboot the phone after installation. The installation process uses memory that is not always returned to this system, thus not allowing enough free memory for Virtual Pool to run. Virtual Pool Mobile requires 1.8MB of free memory to run. You can reduce memory by moving images, audio files, messages and other items stored on your phone's main memory to a memory card.

Copyright 2005 © Celeris, Inc. All right reserved.
Quick Help - Print This Out!!

To Shoot: Press and Hold 'Stroke Cue' button to draw cue stick back. Release button to stroke cue forward and hit ball. How far you pull back controls the speed of the cue.

To Aim: Press 'Aim Mode' button to enter Aim Mode. Use direction keys to adjust aim and view angle. Aim Mode is always set after each shot.

To Move Ball: Press 'Move Ball Mode' button to enter Move Ball Mode. Use direction keys to adjust ball location.

Use 'In Game Menu' button during the game to quit, save or change settings.

Use 'Overhead' to see the full table.


The best way to play is Career Mode. Career Mode starts you out as a rookie in the Garage. You're not alone, because Curly, the ultimate road player is there to guide you.

Work your way through 6 different pool rooms by beating the Room Boss and earning enough cash to travel to the next room. Each room has a different player and table. As you progress in your career the competition gets tougher and tougher and the bets go up!

Beat Curly in the beach house for the big money to complete your career

Select 'Help' from the Main Menu to get more information on playing and different game types. For more information visit,

Copyright 2005 © Celeris, Inc. All right reserved.

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