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__________ ______ ____ __________ ______ ____ _____________

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . 1 WM_HEDITCTL and HE_CHAROFFSET . 6

Hardware requirements and basic WM_SKB message . . . . . . . . 7

limitations . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SKN_TERMINATED . . . . . . . . 7

Installation notes and REC_DEBUG . . . . . . . . . . . 7

procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 clErrorLevel . . . . . . . . . 8

Installing the pen components-- Dictionary searches . . . . . . 8

minimum . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 rc.RectBound . . . . . . . . . 8

SYSTEM.INI changes . . . . . . 2 DRV_SetSamplingDist . . . . . . 9

Installing the pen COMPONENTS-- RecognizeData and ink . . . . . 9

complete . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 List of characters effected by

SYSTEM.INI changes . . . . . . 3 ALC_PUNC . . . . . . . . . . . 9

PENWIN.INI changes . . . . . . 4 DLLs that use hedit and bedit

Shipping PENWIN.DLL with your controls . . . . . . . . . . . 9

application . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Dictionary and recognizer 15315j99p ISVs:

Release notes . . . . . . . . . . 5 When Windows ends . . . . . . . 9

Hedits--delayed recogntion SetAlcBitGesture,

mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ResetAlcBitGesture, and

PostVirtualMouseEvent . . . . . 6 IsAlcBitGesture removed . . . . 10

ALC_USEBITMAP . . . . . . . . . 6 REC_ error values from Recognize

ProcessWriting . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Microsoft user dictionary DLL . 6 DIRQ_SUGGEST not implemented . 10





Borland C++ contains sufficient components from Windows

for Pen Computing to let you to build and test pen

applications. A mouse can be used to get a rough idea

of how recognition and a pen will work.

However, we strongly recommended that you use Windows

for Pen Computing hardware (a pen, for example) during

the design and development process. This is critical

because a pen gives you an accurate feel for how an

application will work in real situations and because

the Microsoft Alphanumeric Recognition System (MARS)

shipped with Borland C++ has been optimized for a pen

and won't work as well with a mouse.


Hardware requirements and basic limitations


1. A driver for Microsoft-compatible mice has been

provided so you can do simple testing of pen

functionality. This pen driver is called


2. At this time, only VGA displays can be used with the

pen extensions. The VGAP.DRV display driver is a

modified version of the VGA.DRV that supports

inking. It's required if you want to test pen


3. Handwriting recognition with a mouse will be much

less accurate than with digitizer hardware designed

specifically for Pen Computing. The recognizer has

been designed to work with pen computers and

peripherals with true digitizer input and its

associated high data rates and high data resolution.

4. The spell checking technology included in Windows

for Pens must be used exclusively for the purpose of

improving handwriting recognition. It is not to be

used by applications as a spell checker or spelling



Installation notes and procedures


Installing the pen =======================================================


minimum This procedure will result in a system that will let

you build applications that contain hedit and bedit

controls--and call any Windows for Pen Computing API

functions. You will not be able to perform handwriting

recognition or see ink on the screen.

----- ----- -------- The following items must be added or changed in your

SYSTEM.INI changes SYSTEM.INI file so that the pen extensions will work.

----- ----- --------

Note! Back up your old SYSTEM.INI file before proceeding.

1. In the "[boot]" section:

a. Add "penwindows" to the list of drivers after the

"drivers=" key. For example:

drivers=mmsystem.dll penwindows

2. In the "[Drivers]" section:

a. Add a new item "penwindows" and set it equal to

the path to PENWIN.DLL. For example:


When Windows is restarted PENWIN.DLL will be loaded as

an installed driver and you will be able to run

applications containing bedit and hedit controls and

call the Windows for Pen Computing APIs.

Installing the pen =======================================================


complete This procedure will result in a system that will run

pen applications and allow you to experiment with

handwriting recognition and inking functionalities in

your applications. Once again, interaction with the

mouse will prove inferior in every respect to

interaction with a true pen device--but this system of

- 2 -

using the special mouse driver will allow you to

experiment and perform rudimentary testing of your pen


----- ----- -------- The following items must be added or changed in your


----- ----- -------- file so that the pen extensions will work.

Note! Back up your old SYSTEM.INI file before proceeding.

1. In the "[boot]" section:

a. Change the "display.drv=" line so that the

display driver is the pen capable VGAP.DRV

shipped with Borland C++. For example:


Only the VGA display device is supported by the

pen components in Borland C++.

b. Add "pen penwindows" to the list of drivers after

the "drivers=" key. For example:

drivers=mmsystem.dll pen penwindows

c. Change the "mouse.drv=" line so that it points to

YESMOUSE.DRV. For example:


2. In the "[Drivers]" section:

a. Add a new item "pen" and set it equal to the path

to MSMOUSE.DRV. For example:


b. Add a new item "penwindows" and set it equal to

the path to PENWIN.DLL. For example:


- 3 -

----- ----- -------- The PENWIN.INI file contains a number of initialization

PENWIN.INI changes settings for Windows for Pen Computing.

----- ----- --------

There are also two explicit paths that must correctly

identify the locations of MARS.DLL and MARS.MOB.

INSTALL will add the correct paths to PENWIN.INI but if

you move any files, open PENWIN.INI with any generic

text editor (like Windows Notepad) and change the path

to MARS.DLL and MARS.MOB so that it correctly

identifies points to the correct location.

Once the paths are correct, the file should be copied

to the Windows 3.1 root--that is, the directory

containing the Windows 3.1 WIN.COM.


Shipping PENWIN.DLL with your application


PENWIN.DLL is a fully redistributable component of

Windows for Pen Computing. Because applications will

seek to leverage the Pen API--hedit and bedit controls

in particular--PENWIN.DLL can be shipped with your

application. There are some considerations to keep in

mind in shipping PENWIN.DLL with your application:

1. PENWIN.DLL functions ONLY under Windows 3.1. It WILL

NOT WORK with Windows 3.0 because it functions only

as an installable device driver--a feature not

present in Windows 3.0.

2. As with other redistributable components such as

BWCC.DLL and the OLE libraries, it is the

responsibility of the application vendor to

determine whether PENWIN.DLL has already been

installed (there is a GetSystemMetrics() call for

this) and to ensure that the version of PENWIN.DLL

with the latest version stamping is the one that is


3. Unlike some of the other redistributable components,

if your application installs PENWIN.DLL for the

first time, or replaces the current version with a

later one, Windows will have to be restarted. As an

- 4 -

installable driver PENWIN.DLL can be loaded only at

Windows boot time. Restarting Windows can be

accomplished via an ExitWindows() call or by simply

prompting the user to do so.

To install PENWIN.DLL on a Windows 3.1 system follow

the "Minimum" procedure listed above.

4. PENWIN.DLL may be in either the \WINDOWS or the

\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. The default will be

\WINDOWS but since Windows for Pen Computing is an

OEM product, Microsoft cannot completely control

where PENWIN.DLL is located on a particular machine.


Release notes


Release Notes for the Microsoft(R) Windows for Pen

Computing Programmer's Reference, version 1.00 (C)

Copyright 1992 Microsoft Corporation.

This section contains release notes for version 1.00 of

the Microsoft(R) Windows for Pen Computing Programmer's

Reference. The information in this section is more

current than the information in the manual. Where this

file conflicts with printed documentation, you should

assume that this file is correct.

Microsoft revises its documentation at the time of

reprinting; the manuals and online help files may

already include some of this information.

Hedits--delayed =======================================================

recogntion mode

Setting focus in hedit causes any text in the control

to appear even if the control is in "ink" mode. If this

is undesireable the control should never be allowed to

get the focus.

Sending an hedit the WM_HEDITCTL message with the

HE_SETINKMODE parameter will clear the hedit's text

buffer. The same message to a bedit will preserve the

control's text contents.

- 5 -


Values greater than the maximum resolution in X

direction (usually 640) and max resoultion Y direction

(usually 480) will overflow.

ALC_USEBITMAP =======================================================

The Microsoft recognizer does not implement

ALC_USEBITMAP in the alcPriority field for version 1.0.

Note that alcPriority is implemented for the alc field.

ProcessWriting =======================================================

In the description of ProcessWriting, it says "The

window specified by the hwnd parameter receives a

WM_PARENTNOTIFY message when ProcessWriting destroys

its inking window."

The window never gets the WM_PARENTNOTIFY message since

it is not

guaranteed that an inking window is created.

Microsoft user =======================================================

dictionary DLL

The documentation incorrectly states that up to 16

dictionaries can be loaded.

MSSPELL.DLL actually allows only six wordlists to be

loaded. Consequently, version 1.00 of the Microsoft

User Dictionary DLL allows only six wordlists to be

loaded at a time.

WM_HEDITCTL and =======================================================


Under the documentation for WM_HEDITCTL messages, under

HE_CHAROFFSET, it says "See the related HE_CHAROFFSET."

It should say "See the related HE_CHARPOSITION."

- 6 -

WM_SKB message =======================================================

When the state of the SKB changes, a WM_SKB message is

posted. The documentation says that the LOWORD of the

lParam contains information on what changed and that

the HIWORD contains the window handle of the SKB.

Actually, the LOWORD contains the hWnd and the HIWORD

contains the information on what changed.

This should be corrected in two places: The

ShowKeyboard function and in the WM_SKB message


Also, one more value should be mentioned: The HIWORD of

lParam contains SKN_TERMINATED (value 0xffff) if the

keyboard has been closed.

SKN_TERMINATED =======================================================

WM_SKB sends SKN_TERMINATED in HIWORD(lParam) when

terminating SKN_TERMINATED (0xffff) is sent in the

HIWORD(lParam) when the WM_SKB is sent to notify

top-level windows that the On-Screen Keyboard is being

terminated. This needs to be added to the documentation

for the WM_SKB message and for the ShowKeyboard


REC_DEBUG =======================================================

In the Guide to Pen Programming, Chapter 11 "Pen

Messages and

Constants," under REC_ Values, under Debugging Values,

it says:

"REC_DEBUG All debugging return values are less than


It should say:

"REC_DEBUG All debugging return values are less than or

equal to this."

- 7 -

clErrorLevel =======================================================

The documentation for the RC field clErrorLevel says

that this value can range from 0 to 100. In the

PENWIN.H file, the minimum CL value is defined as

#define CL_MINIMUM 1

The correct minimum for clErrorLevel is 1

Dictionary =======================================================


The documentation is somewhat confusing on the point of

dictionary enumeration procedures in chapter 7, page

103. To expound:

If there are ten dictionaries in the dictionary path,

and the ninth finds a match for a particular

enumeration in a symbol graph, the remaining symbol

graph elements will STILL be enumerated--checking for a

match in a higher-order dictionary. In other words, the

other eight dictionaries before the ninth dictionary in

the list will get a shot at finding a "better" match.

Enumeration of dictionaries therefore can be said to

stop only when the symbol graph is exausted, or the

first dictionary in the list responds affirmatively to

a query.

rc.RectBound =======================================================

Here is additional detail on the rectBound element of

the RC structure.

rc.rectBound will be ignored if PCM_RECTBOUND is not

set. The documentation suggests on page 237 that

rc.lPcm = PCM_RECTBOUND only determines how the

recognition context will end.

- 8 -

DRV_SetSamplingDist =======================================================

Page 226 of Chapter 10--PENINFO structure:

In the notes after nSamplingRate and nSamplingDist, the

driver messages that manipulate these fields are

misnamed. In the printed documentation, they are named

DRV_SetSamplingDist and DRV_SetSamplingRate; they are

actually DRV_SetPenSamplingDist and


RecognizeData and =======================================================


Calls to RecognizeData may return an rcresult that

references pendata different than that used as a

Parameter to the call. For example, Strokes may be

removed and the rgbInk and nInkWidth fields of the

PENDATAHEADER may not match the values in the original

pendata, as no inking has taken place during this

recognition context.

List of characters =======================================================

effected by

ALC_PUNC On page 253 of the documentation, the list of chars in

ALC_PUNC has two semicolons; one of these should be a


DLLs that use =======================================================

hedit and bedit

controls Any DLL that creates an hedit or bedit control must

have a nonzero heap size. This is because those

controls allocate buffers out of this heap.

Dictionary and =======================================================

recognizer ISVs:

When Windows ends When a Windows session is about to end, PENWIN.DLL

takes the following actions:

o Calls all the dictionaries in the global recognition

context with a DIRQ_CLEANUP message and then frees

the corresponding DLLs.

- 9 -

o Calls the CloseRecognizer function for the current

recognizer and frees the corresponding DLL.

Dictionaries and recognizers can take the appropriate

cleanup action at this time. The limitations on things

that can be done are the same as those when an

application receives a WM_ENDSESSION message.

SetAlcBitGesture, =======================================================


and The Windows for Pen Computing Programmer's Reference

IsAlcBitGesture refers to the above macros. They have been removed

removed because the ability to set alc bits for gestures was

not implemented.

REC_ error values =======================================================

from Recognize

In the documentation for Recognize API and REC_ values

in chapter 11, there is a Debugging values section.

There is a sentence that reads: "All of the values

listed in the following table are in debug version

only." That sentence should be replaced with the

following: "All of the values below are providing for

debugging information. A well-behaved application

should not specify an RC that causes any of these

values to be returned."

DIRQ_SUGGEST not =======================================================


In version 1.0 of Windows for Pens, the dictionary

shipped with the system does not support DIRQ_SUGGEST.

- 10 -

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