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Nokia Mobile Phones Service Bulletin No. SB-057/13.05.99

Technical Support, Europe & Africa



New versions (6.03) of WinTesla, WinTesla Label Printing Module (1.51), WinTesla Flash Prommer Support Module

(1.33) have been released. All these versions are Y2K compliant.


This version of the WinTesla application will update all present FaultLog files to the new format. This update can NOT be undone. Service site managers should ensure that this installation is done upon all service stations at one time, to ensure integrity of FaultLog data. Incremental installation is NOT possible.

This version of the WinTesla application will NOT work with older installations of the Label Printing Module and FPS3 Driver.

If the Label Printing Module has been previously installed, then Label Printing Module Install V1.51 (or later) must be run before trying to activate Label Printing with WinTesla V6.03.

If the Flash Support Module has been previously installed then Flash Support Module Install V1.33 (or later) must be run before loading any FPS3 driver dependant product modules with WinTesla V6.03.

Changes made to WinTesla from version 5.38 to version 6.03:

- Now allows 25 FaultLog macros per product (increased from 10).

- FaultLog macros may now be singularly exported and imported (transfer between products, transfer between stations


- FaultLog files are now kept as read-only to prevent accidental corruption.

- Supports new 'DR' (Dealer Repair), 'OR' (Operator Repair) and 'RH' (Repair Handling) repair techniques.

- Allows automatic printing of 'Customer Reports' following each completed FaultLog entry.

- User Login data can now be edited from within WinTesla (OP_ID.VAL no longer needs to be hand edited). On a new

installation (not upgrade), user should log in as 'NN1' (No Name 1) to allow adding real user details.

- New 'Product Notes' feature added (please refer to WinTesla help file and installed examples for full information).

- New 'PPC' (Product Performance Counters) feature added. Though functional, this feature requires support from

product modules to operate at all, even then, only viewing is enabled. Full PPC data saving will be enabled by a new

WinTesla module presently being developed.

- Supports previous (10 digit) and new (2 upper case letters and 7 digits) Production Serial Number (PSN) formats.

- Supports new FLS-X programming devices.

- IWR (Internet Warranty Register) now supported (previously supported as MPWS).

- Unsupported bus hardware 'DAU for FBUS' now removed.

- Menu items to support 'FaultLog Process & Send' now improved.

- Now warns when user has not configured the busses.

- Security greatly improved - Splash screen added during initial security checks.

- Better support for Accessories FaultLog validation file format (user no longer has to enter Product Code twice).

- Now co-exists with Ericsson's EMMA service software on the same PC.

- Now fully tested to run on PCs installed with Microsoft Windows 98.

Product code for WinTesla (3.5'' diskette) is 0774071


NOTE: This installation, as with all future WinTesla installation, does not include the Dongle Drivers.

On a new installation (i.e. on a PC that has not been installed with WinTesla before) the Dongle Drivers will have to be

installed. Otherwise, in general, the existing Dongle Drivers that are installed should continue to work with this version.

Administrator rights are required to install the Dongle Drivers on a Windows NT PC, you may therefore require

assistance from your local IT/MIS group. The installation of the Dongle Drivers should in general be a one-time

operation. The PC user does not need to have administrator rights to use the service software.

We recommend installation of:

0770125 16 bit Dongle Drivers (for Windows 3.1x) V2.33 (or later)

0770126 32 bit Dongle Drivers (for Windows 95, 98 and NT4) V3.62 (or later)


Allows product modules to print type approval and identifier labels.

Only product modules designed to work with this module will allow label printing.

Type approval label printing will ONLY operate with a PKD-1NS dongle and requires a license per type approval label

printed. Please refer to the WinTesla help (after installation).

Changes made to version 1.51:

-Y2K Compatibility.

- Security compatibility with WinTesla application V6.03 (and Later)

Product code for WinTesla Label Printing module is 0770127.


Requires WinTesla version V6.03 or later.


This module installs support for driving Flash Prommers, this enables certain product support modules to re-flash their


Changes made to version (1.33):

- All modules are Y2K compliant.

- Now supports new FLS-2.

- Security compatible with WinTesla application V6.03 (or later).

Product code for Flash Prommer Support Module is 0775099


A software installation guide and user guide, including a trouble shooting section, is also available on the FLS-X Sales


Run FLE-5 Driver installation package (v1.50 or later) (product code 0774120)

Run FPS installation package (v1.33) (product code 0775099).

The latest versions of the Dongle Drivers are also required to support the FLS-X:

0770125 16 bit Dongle Drivers (for Windows 3.1x) V2.33 (or later)

0770126 32 bit Dongle Drivers (for Windows 95, 98 and NT4) V3.62 (or later)

Note: on Windows NT, administrator rights are required to install the FLE-5 and Dongle Drivers.

All three of the above installation packages MUST be installed to support the FLS-X.

Run the FLS-X Remote Update installation package (v1.22 or later) (product code 0774123)

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