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Young Picasso v1.5


Young Picasso v1.5

(c) Copyright 1993 By Blueview Software.

All Rights Reserved.


About the program.... 23123o1418x

Young Picasso is a paint/drawing program for children. It was

designed to be easy and fun to use. Most of the features are self

explanatory and thus require little explanation. Your child can

use this program with very little supervision.


-Dos 3.0 or higher

-VGA Card



Customer Service...

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, Blueview Software

can be contacted by:

Voice - (416) 757-7944

BBS - Baudeville BBS (416) 283-0114

- Leave message to NICK ONOUFRIOU in the main conference.


and ILINK. Leave message to NICK ONOUFRIOU.

Internet: [email protected]

Fido net-mail: (1:250/304)

Surface Mail - Blueview Software

2300 Lawrence Ave. East BOX 80551

Scarborough, Ontario


NOTE: All mail _will_ be answered. If you do not recieve a reply

within a few days please try again, mail does get lost.


Create a directory and copy all the distribution files there.

Type 'YP' to run the program, the unregistered version displays a

start-up screen, hit any key or click one of the mouse buttons

after you have finished reading. You will notice a green panel

with an assortment of tools, this is the main menu where most of

the features of the program are selected.

The various bottles are used to select different drawing

colors. Starting at the second row, the first tool is used for

freehand drawing, next is a line tool, followed by tools for

creating squares and circles. Select the appropriate tool by

simply pointing to it and pressing the left mouse button. To use

any of these tools move the pointer into the drawing area and

press the left mouse button. The line, square, and circle tools

allow you to select the size before anything is drawn, simply

hold down the mouse button and move the mouse to set the

appropriate size, then release the button to draw.

Next to the circle is a brush tool that is used to paint

enclosed areas, this tool is especially fun to use because of

the way it operates. Select the enclosed area you want to paint

and press the left mouse button, you will notice a bouncing color

filling in the empty area.

Just incase you went a little overboard with the last tool,

there is an "oops" tool to undo the last thing drawn or painted.

The save tool is pretty much self explanatory, select it to

save your drawing. A small window will pop up asking for a name,

make sure to give a name you have not used before. If you don't

another window will pop up informing you that you already used

that name. Simply hit any key and select save again.

To retrieve your picture use the get tool. A file menu will

pop up with a list of file names. You can either point to the

file or use the up/down arrows to select. Point to the "get"

gadget to retrieve, or you can erase the file by selecting the

"erase" gadget, or exit the file menu with the "exit" gadget.

Next to the get tool is red door used for exiting the program.

Just incase you selected this by accident a small window pops up to

verify that you really want to exit.

Below the save tool there are two yellow arrows, these are

used to toggle the position of the menu from top to bottom

position. Another tool with a similar feature is also located

right beside it. This tool is used to hide the tool menu, you can

press the right mouse button to reveal it again.

The last tool "new" is used to clear the screen, just incase

you have selected this by accident, press the "oops" gadget to

retrieve your drawing.


This program costs $15 U.S. ($17 Canadian), it is not free. You are

granted a period of 15 days to evaluate it. If you find it useful than

you are expected to register.

To register Young Picasso please fill out ORDER.TXT and send

$15 US funds ($17 Canadian) check or money order to Blueview Software.

Registered users will receive the latest version, a key file that removes

the opening screen from the current and future versions, and a BONUS

program!!! See BONUS.TXT.

Document Info

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Apreciat: hand-up

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