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ZASP Utility for ZET 7 version 1.0


ZASP Utility for ZET 7 version 1.0


0. What is ZASP?

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ZASP is a utility program for ZET 7. It reads files created from

ZET's Tables/Aspects List menu item, performs 3 types of sort on

them, and creates a HTML file with 3 tables in it:

(a) aspects sorted by orb (or arc),

(b) aspects sorted by aspect name, 454o147e

(c) aspects sorted by planet.

1. Installation

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Installation is the same for Russian and English users.

1.1 Unzip the distributed files into the ZET main folder.

1.2 Create a shortcut on the Windows Desktop to "zasp.exe" in the

ZET folder.

1.3 Right-click the shortcut, select Properties.

1.4 Select the Shortcut tab, click Change icon. In the Change Icon

dialog, Browse to the ZET folder, select "zasp.ico", and

click "OK".

1.5 In the Shortcut tab, select "Minimized" in the Run listbox.

1.6 Click "OK" to dismiss the dialogs.

2. Use


Use is the same for Russian and English users.

2.1 In ZET, select "Tables" from the Toolbar, then "Aspects List".

2.2 Close the Aspects List window, when ZET has opened it.

2.3 Double-click the ZASP Desktop shortcut.

2.3 Start your Web browser, and open the file "Aspects.html" in

the ZET\Wrk directory. (You may wish to Bookmark this location

as a convenience).

3. Advanced Options

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To enable these options, you need to open the Properties dialog

for ZASP (see above) and modify the entryfield labelled "Target"

as described below. You may find it convenient to have multiple

shortcuts to ZASP on the Desktop for these options.

3.1 For dual charts, the aspect list created by ZET cites planets in

a specific order, i.e. <transiting planet... natal planet>.

ZASP's default sort by planet name (third Table) would then be

confusing. To keep the sense of the list, add " -2" to the Target

text (do not include the quotation marks). ZASP will then not

include reversed aspects when sorting by planet name.

The option " -1" is also recognized as requesting the default

planet sort, e.g. for natal charts.

3.2 By default, ZASP looks for aspects in a file "Aspects.txt" in the

ZET\Wrk folder. You can have ZASP use a different file (as long as

it was created by ZET, or is compatible with its format) by including

it in the Target text. The HTML file created has the name of the

aspects list file with the extension .html, for example:

D:\ZET7\zasp.exe -2 d:\clients\axb\syn_asps.txt

creates the file "syn_asps.html" in the folder "d:\client\axb\".

When using this option, the aspects file must be the last item on

the Target text entryfield.

3.3 ZASP tries to read the ZET orb tables to obtain a sorting order

for aspects. The default orb table (also for the -1 option above)

is Natal.asp. If the -2 option is requested, Zasp reads Transit.asp.

You can force Zasp to read a different orb table by including its

name in the Target text after a " -a" flag, eg,

D:\ZET7\zasp.exe -aaspects\allnames.asp

You must specify a path (absolute or relative) to this file.

The above example forces ZASP to use the file "allnames.asp" in the

folder "D:\ZET7\aspects\" for creating Table 2 (assumes ZET folder

is D:\ZET7).

4. Tips


4.1 The file specified with the -a option does not have to be a ZET orb

table .asp file -- it can be a plain-text file in which the text on

each line is terminated by a semi-colon. This makes it possible to

create and use your own prefered sort order for Table 2, sorted by

aspect-name. (See the file "zaspdemo.asp" in the distribution as

an example).

4.2 ZASP creates a file "Zasp.log" in the ZET folder every time it runs.

If ZASP appears not to be working, open this file in a text editor

and check that ZASP is finding and using the files you have requested.

4.3 Users are encouraged to use ZASP with the Mozilla Firebird browser.

You will find many advantages. Those germane to ZASP are broader

control over on-screen type sizes, and a Print Preview option with

magnification control. This means you can adjust the font size at

print time to have the tables imposed nicely on the printed page,

and experiment with page orientation for best fit.

5. History


v1.0 Initial release for Russian and English users of ZET 7.

6. Support


6.1 All support queries should be addressed to the program author (not

to Anatoly) at the e-mail address below.


Adrian Orlowski

[email protected]

Document Info

Accesari: 1754
Apreciat: hand-up

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