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Applix module 6


Module 6 - TM1 Web

Table of Contents


Initial Steps

Start and Log-In

TM1 Web Surface

The Navigation Tree

The Tool bar

Cube Viewer in TM1 Web

Open an Existing View

The Surface

The Tool bar

Moving Dimensions

Subset Editor

Making a Simple Choice

Subset Editor Advanced

Working with Web Applications:


Creating a Web Application

TM1 Web Applications Menu

Inserting Data in an Application

Insert data directly into the application

Inserting data via data spread functions

Exporting Data

Exporting to Excel

Exporting to PDF

Creating a New View

Creating a Chart


In this module you will get to know TM1 Web. TM1 Web extends the analytical power of TM1 by providing these features in a Web browser:

  • Analyzing cube data
  • Manipulate formatted Excel reports
  • Drill, pivot, select, and filter data
  • Build charts

We will show you the features of TM1 Web by means of some examples of module 4.

Initial Steps

Start and Log-In

Log-on to TM1 Web:

  1. Start the Internet Explorer
  2. Enter the following URL:

The log-in page of TM1 Web appears:

  1. Enter the following information:
    • Admin Host: <<blank>>
      The name of the TM1 Admin Hosts, that you use for locating the active TM1 Server within your network.
    • TM1 Server: schulung_web
      The name of the TM1 server that you would like to access through TM1 Web. Choose a server in the dropdown menu by pressing this Icon .
    • User Name: admin
      Your user name on the selected TM1 server.
    • Password: <<blank>>
      Your password for the selected TM1 server.
  1. Then click on Log In.

After successful Log-In the following should be displayed on your screen:

TM1 Web Surface

The Navigation Tree

On the left hand side you can see the navigation tree, which contains the following items:

Applications - displays a list of applications that you can access through TM1 Web. These applications can contain shortcuts to TM1 Web sheets, cubes, and views.

Views - displays a list of cubes and views on the TM1 server.

Administration - displays a list of server object properties. You can modify some of these properties directly from TM1 Web. Note that the Administration module is visible only to users who are members of the ADMIN group on the TM1 server.

The Tool bar

. the navigation tree can be reloaded.

. all subordinated folders can be closed.

. all subordinated folders can be opened.

On the left hand side you will find the Help button:

If you click now on Help, the following window shows up:

You can either browse the menu on the left hand side, or you can use the Search function to search for a particular term.

Cube Viewer in TM1 Web

Because of the web surface the display of the cubes is slightly different here. In the new version of TM1 Web you are able to access cubes directly and create new views.

Open an Existing View

In order to open an existing view you have to click on Views on the left hand side of the navigation tree.

Here you can see all cubes of this model. In order to open a view you have to click on the relevant cube. Please click on Sales.

All saved views of the Sales cube are now displayed. Furthermore you can also create a new view by selecting New View..

Click on Model_Detail_BCUnits. On the right hand side you can now see the elected view. The navigation through the cube corresponds to the navigation within the Cube Viewer in TM1.

The Surface

The Tool bar

Save View

Save As

Reload View


Slice to Excel - Exports Cube Viewer data and TM1 formulas (SUBNM and DBRW functions) to a new Excel spreadsheet.

Snapshot to Excel - Exports only Cube Viewer data to a new Excel spreadsheet, excluding the TM1 formulas.

Export to PDF - Exports the Cube Viewer data to a PDF file.

Submit Data Changes

Review Data Changes

Lists the modifications you make to Cube Viewer data and allows you to make further modifications to the data in those cells.


Auto Calculation On/Off

Suppress Zeros

Suppresses zeros in rows and columns

Suppresses zeros in rows

Suppresses zeros in columns

View Chart for present view

View Chart and Grid

View Grid

Chart Properties

Displays the Chart Properties menu commands

Close Cube Viewer

Moving Dimensions

Currently you see the view Model_Detail_BCUnits. For moving dimensions you have to click on the dimension, hold and then move it - like in the Cube Viewer ofTM1.

Create the following view by pulling Model in the title and Month in the row dimension:

Furthermore you can interchange dimensions by clicking, for example, on Model, hold and pull it directly to month. If you now release the two dimensions are interchanged with each other.

Create the following view:

Save the view as Gross_Margin%_2003_YourName.

Subset Editor

Making a Simple Choice

For opening the Subset Editor you have to click on the two arrows, for example, next to month.

Here you can select the elements. Mark the desired elements, in our case 1 Quarter, 2 Quarter and 3 Quarter. Now click on the green check mark.

Afterwards click on the plus next to 1 Quarter in order to show the subordinated elements. Then confirm with OK. The window is closing. If you now click on Recalculate the following will be displayed:

Subset Editor Advanced

In order to re-open month, please click on the Advanced button:

Now you have the following on your screen:

This view has similar features as the Subset Editor in TM1.

Working with Web Applications:


A Web Application is a Microsoft Excel document with TM1 data which can be opened and adapted in a Web Browser. Each document that has been stored as an application in TM1 Perspectives can also be accessed via TM1 Web.

Several features of TM1 Perspectives can also be accomplished in TM1 Web; for example:

Enter data in cells to which you have Write access

Use data spreading

Drill to relational tables or other TM1 cubes

View and create Excel charts

For opening an application, please click on the arrow button next to Applications:

Creating a Web Application

In order to create a Web Application, please switch to TM1 Perspectives:

Switch to TM1 Perspectives and choose the schulung_web Server

Log-in by using the same Log-In information as stated above

Create a new application folder and name it YourName

Make the new folder public

Create a new cube by editing the process GuV5D_duplicate Then go to Maps->Cube and write GuV5D_YourName next to CubeName. Save the process and run it afterwards.

Select the cube GuV5D_YourName and create the following view:

Format the dimensions region and month and create a slice in Excel, in order to get the following view:

First of all, save the application as a new application in the adequate folder of the TM1 Server.

Switch to TM1 Perspectives, rename the new application as GuV5D_Umsatz_Europe_Q1_0405.xls and make it public

Now you have created a new application which you can edit via TM1 Web

Log-in to TM1 Web once again and open your application under: Applications/YouName/

TM1 Web Applications Menu

Submit Data Changes

Review Data Changes

Export (Excel or PDF)

Recalculate Current Websheet/ Auto Calculation On

Zoom In / Zoom Out / Normal View (100%)

Close Websheet

Inserting Data in an Application

There are two ways of inserting data into a web-application:

A)    Insert directly into the cell(s) of the application

B)     Inserting via data spread functions

Insert data directly into the application

Like in TM1 Perspectives only N-elements (not consolidations) can be modified. In Web-Applications consolidated values are not highlighted, that is why a reasonable formatting pays off.

If you write in a consolidated cell and try to save the view, the following error message appears:

After writing values in N-element cells you are able to review the data changes made by pressing

Afterwards you can submit the data or approve by pressing or

- TM1 Web has the advantage that you are allowed to insert multiple cells, which is not possible in Excel as it would usually overwrite the sending switch.

Inserting data via data spread functions

The divers data spread functions that you already know from TM1 Perspectives, provide a second possibility of inserting data in TM1 Web Applications.

If you want to use the present sheet to calculate, for example, sales revenues (Umsatzerlöse) for the region Europe for the 1. Quarter of 2005, based on the values of the previous year:

Click with the right mouse button on the consolidated value for 1. Quartal and Europe

Select Data Spread and Relative Percent Adjustment

Choose Year and for referring to the values of the previous year and confirm all open windows:

We expect a 20% rise compared to 2004 and therefore we enter 120 for % Adjustment and press Apply:

Now you have used the data from 2004 to plan for 2005. If necessary you can also apply other data spread functions, in order to define a % increase in a particular domain.

Exporting Data

Exporting to Excel

Like in TM1 Perspectives you are able to export data from applications via slice or snapshot to Excel.

If you intend to export data as a slice you have to make sure that TM1 Perspectives is installed on the computer you are currently working on. Otherwise you will be unable to establish a connection with the TM1 System.

Open once again the application GuV5D_Umsatz_Europe_Q1_0405.xls and export the data by pressing and select Slice to Excel.

Confirm the window and save the Excel file on your computer.

If you also want to export the various variations of the title dimensions you have to click on the corresponding check mark. In the case of actvsbud 3 sheets will be generated, one for Active, another one for Budget, and a third one for Variance.

If TM1 Perspectives is not yet started please do it and then open the exported Excel file.

You have successfully exported the data from your Web Application and you are now able to continue working with the more familiar Excel functions.

Exporting to PDF

Open the application GuV5D_Umsatz_Europe_Q1_0405.xls

Click on and choose "Export to PDF"

Here you can once again select the dimensions of the title bar. If you want, for example, compare the values of Budget and Actual, click on actvsbud:

After confirming with OK a PDF file opens autonomously, with a separate sheet for each element of the dimension actvsbud (Actual, Budget and Variance).

Creating a New View

Like in TM1 Perspectives you can also create views in TM1 Web.

In TM1 Web, switch to the View of your previously created cube GuV5D_YourName and click on New View.

To modify the indicated elements click once again on the arrow next to the, here for example GuV

Create a new view according to the following instructions:

a.      Title dimensions:

region: World


Actvsbud: Actual

b.      Row dimension:

GuV: Konzerngewinn

c.       Column dimension:

month: Jan - Dec

Save this view as GuV_Revenue_2004 and click on Save & View

Now you should have the following view opened:

Creating a Chart

TM1 Web provides you with the possibility of representing data by means of charts.

Select the view GuV_Revenue_2004 of the GuV5D_YourName cube

In order to represent the data in a chart click on , and the following view should be displayed:

With the aid of the Chart Properties Menu you can modify the layout of your chart:

For changing the chart type into a line chart with a trendy progression, choose the first symbol in the forth row under Chart Type:

Now you should have the following chart:

Experiment with the other settings too, in order to adjust the type, colour and legend of the chart:

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