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Associate a Feature Control Frame to a View (UG V15-16)


Associate a Feature Control Frame to a View (UG V15-16)

A feature control frame that was added to a drawing as a stand alone note using the Annotation Editor cannot be associat 19419y2419t ed to a view using Drawing | Edit View, Associate Note. Therefore, when the view is moved, the feature control frame will not move with it. You have to manually relocate the feature control frame using either Edit | Transform or Move Drafting Object Origin.

Add a note to the drawing with temporary characters and associate it to the desired view. Then edit the note to reflect the required feature control frame. Now, when the view is moved, the feature control frame will follow.

Submitted by Mike Kay, Principal Designer, Zimmer Inc.

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Accesari: 1621
Apreciat: hand-up

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