BC40 646j91g 0 646j91g ABAP Workbench Concepts and
BC40 646j91g 0 646j91g
R/3 System Release 46C 22.11.20 646j91g 0 646j91g 1 |
0 646j91g |
n R/3 System
n Release 4.6A
n Material Number 50 646j91g 0 646j91g 3 4914
n September 1999
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Notes to the user
n The training materials are not teach-yourself programs. They complement the course instructor's explanations. On the sheets, there is space for you to write down additional information.
n There may not be time during the course itself for you to complete all the exercises. The exercises are intended as additional examples of the topics discussed during the course. Participants can also use them as an aid to enhancing their knowledge after the course has finished.