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Customizing settings Financial Accounting


Customizing settings

Financial Accounting

Customizing settings

Financial Accounting


Company Code - Enter Global Parameters

Assign Company Code to a Fiscal Year Variant

Define Variants for Open Posting Periods

Open and Close Posting Periods

Assign Variants to Company Code

Define Document Number Ranges

Define Document Types

Maintain Field Status Variants

Define Tolerance Groups for Employees

Check Calculation Procedure

Assign Country to Calculation Procedure

Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases

Define Tax Accounts 

Assign Tax Codes for Non-Taxable Transactions

Edit Chart of Accounts List

Define Account Group 

Automatic Postings - Account Determination

Define Tolerance Groups for G/L Accounts

Create Accounts for Clearing Differences

Define Valuation Methods

Prepare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation

Define Financial Statement Versions

Define Tax on Sales/Purchases Groups

Define Accounts for Automatic Tax Payable Transfer Posting

Define Posting Keys for Asset Postings

Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Customers)

Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts

Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups

Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors)

Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts

Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups

Maintain Terms of Payment

Define Posting Key for Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos

Define Tolerances (Vendors)

Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions

Set Up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions

Set Up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions

Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions

Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions

Define Posting Key for Outgoing Invoices/Credit Memos 

Define Dunning Procedures

Prepare Automatic Clearing

Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Down Payments

Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Vendor

Define House Banks 

Create and Assign Business Transactions

Define Posting Keys and Posting Rules for Manual Bank Statement

Define Variants for Manual Bank Statement

Company Code - Enter Global Parameters

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Financial Accounting Global Settings => Company Code => Enter Global Parameters

In this activity, you can make various global specifications for the company code. In addition, you can look at the most important specifications of the company code at any time in the overview. This includes, among other things, the chart of accounts and the fiscal year variant.


You have created the organizational unit "Company code" in the "Enterprise Structure" section of the Implementation Guide. For further information see "Create company code".

Standard settings

For the standard company code 0001, the global parameters for Germany have already been set, such as, for example, the payment methods, the tax calculation procedures and the chart of accounts most frequently used in Germany.

If you need a company code for a different country and the corresponding legal requirements, you must first of all run the country installation program in client 001. The country which you need is then entered as the country of company code 0001 and all the country-specific parameters associated with it are also converted to this country. Read the chapter "Set up client" within your Customizing project.


You can look at the most important specifications. You make these specifications later from other activities.

Assign Company Code to a Fiscal Year Variant

Path: IMG Financial Accounting => Financial Accounting Global Settings => Fiscal Year => Assign Company Code to a Fiscal Year Variant

For every company code, you must specify which fiscal year variant is to be used.


You have defined the relevant fiscal year variant. The variant does not contain more than 16 periods. For more information, see Maintain Fiscal Year Variant.

Standard settings

The standard company code is assigned to the fiscal year variant that corresponds to the calendar year and uses four additional special periods.


Assign a fiscal year variant to each company code.

Define Variants for Open Posting Periods

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Financial Accounting Global Settings => Document => Posting Periods => Define Variants for Open Posting Periods

In this activity, you can define variants for open posting periods.

Standard settings

In the standard setting, a separate variant for posting periods is defined for every company code. The name of this variant is identical to the company code name. Every company code is allocated to this variant with the same name. Thus nothing has changed in the system yet: Every company code has its own variant. If you want to and can continue working on this basis (for example, if you manage with only a few company codes), you do not have to make any changes in the configuration.

If however, you want to use identical variants in several company codes, you must change the default settings as described in the "Activities" section.


1. Change the name in one of the variants.

2. Allocate all company codes, for which you want to use identical variants for open posting periods, to this variant.

Detailed information on this can be found in the chapter "Allocate company code to variant".

3. Delete the variants no longer required.

Open and Close Posting Periods

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Financial Accounting Global Settings => Document => Posting Periods => Open and Close Posting Periods

In this activity you specify for each variant which posting periods are open for posting. Two intervals are available for doing this (period 1 and period 2). For every interval, enter a lower period limit, an upper period limit and the fiscal year.

You close periods by selecting the period specifications so that the periods to be closed are no longer contained.

You can also assign authorization groups for permitted posting periods. This means that, for example, some posting periods can only be opened for particular users within monthly or annual closing. You can only assign the authorization group at document header level and it only affects period 1. The authorization object is called F_BKPF_BUP (Accounting document: Authorizations for posting periods). Read the corresponding chapter on "User maintenance" in the "Assigning authorizations" topic.


You specify G/L account numbers for your specifications. You determine the posting periods allowed for the subledger accounts via the corresponding reconciliation accounts. To do this, you specify the subledger account type, such as D or K, and the corresponding reconciliation account.


There must be at least one entry for each variant. This entry must have + in column A; the columns "From acct" and "To account" may not be filled. In the columns for the posting periods, you specify the periods which are to be opened for the variant. Via further entries, you determine more specifically which periods are to be opened for which accounts.


1. Specify the periods allowed for posting.

2. First, for all variants (minimum entry), enter the periods to which postings can be made.

3. Then, add entries for account types or account areas if the periods are to be limited to certain accounts.

4. Enter an authorization group for each period 1 via which you want to create an authorization protection.

Assign Variants to Company Code

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Financial Accounting Global Settings => Document => Posting Periods => Assign Variants to Company Code

In this activity, you make the specification that is necessary to be able to work in several company codes with the same variant for open posting periods. For this reason, you assign the same variant key to the company codes you want to group together.


Assign the same variant to the corresponding company codes.

Define Document Number Ranges

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Financial Accounting Global Settings => Document => Document Number Ranges => Define Document Number Ranges

In this activity you create number ranges for documents. For each number range you specify (among other things):

  • a number interval from which document numbers are selected
  • the type of number assignment (internal or external)

You assign one or more document types to each number range. The number range becomes effective via the document type specified in document entry and posting.

You can use one number range for several document types. This means you can differentiate documents by document type but combine them again for filing the original documents, provided you store your original documents under the EDP document number.


The type of number assignment is of special importance. For each document type you should check whether a separate number range must be used and which type of number assignment is most appropriate.

One example of a case where external number assignment would be suitable is when you transfer documents into your SAP system from a non-SAP system. The numbers must be unique. The number range is not displayed with external numbers. You must therefore ensure that you do not skip any numbers when entering numbers manually (for organizational reasons).

You should use internal number assignment if the original documents do not have a unique document number. This is the case, for example, with vendor invoices.

Number ranges for documents are company code-dependent. You must therefore create your number ranges for each company code in which the document type is used, namely with the same number range key.

The number intervals must not overlap. If you use year-dependent number ranges, you can specify the same interval with the same key several times for different "to- fiscal years"  (the limit up to which a number range is still valid). If you want to define number ranges which are independent of the to-fiscal year, enter 9999 in the to- fiscal year field.


For sample documents, use a number range with key X2, for recurring entry documents with key X1. These keys may not be used for other number ranges.


Store your original documents (paper documents) under the EDP number of the SAP System. You should write the EDP document number on the original document. In this way, the original document for a business transaction can be found at any time.


1. Determine how document filing is to be carried out in your company codes.

2. Define your number ranges accordingly.

3. Make sure that the number ranges are assigned to the corresponding document types.

Notes on transporting

You transport number range objects as follows:

Choose Interval -> Transport in the accounting document Number Range screen.

All intervals for the selected number range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import, only the intervals you export are present. The number statuses are imported with their values at the time of export.

Dependent tables are not transported or converted.

Define Document Types

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Financial Accounting Global Settings => Document => Document Header => Define Document Types

In this activity you create document types for customer, vendor and general ledger business transactions in Financial Accounting. Document types differentiate business transactions and control document filing.

You specify a number range for each document type. Document numbers are chosen from this number range. You can use one number range for several document types.

Document types are valid for all clients. You specify a number range key for each document type. You create the desired number range intervals for each number range key based on the company code. This means that you can specify intervals of different sizes for the same number range.


You defined a document type for incoming invoices. In company code 0001 there are a lot of invoices to be posted. Thus you create a large number interval for the number range in this company code. In another company code there are only a few incoming invoices that need to be posted. For this company code you can define a small number interval for the same number range.

If a document type is not used in a company code, do not store a number interval for that company code.


To use the net method of posting documents, you need a net document type (for example, KN). In this document type, you have to set the "Net document type" indicator found under the "Control" area. You can define a common document type (for example, AB) and a common number range for clearing open items in accounts receivable, payable and G/L acccounts.

For automatic posting transactions (for example, transfer postings with clearing), you have to define a clearing document type (for example, AB). If you do not want to use the standard setting AB for the clearing document type, you can delete it and define your own. Under the document type properties, you can assign an individual reverse document type to each document type. For document types with external number ranges, you have to define an individual reverse document type because the system can make automatic reverse entries only in document types that have internal number assignment.

Standard settings

The preset document types cover business transactions

  • in Financial Accounting for:
    • General ledger accounting
    • Accounts receivable
    • Accounts payable
    • Asset accounting
    • Consolidation

  • in Materials Management and Sales and Distribution for:
    • Goods receipt and issue
    • Incoming and outgoing invoices
    • Physical inventory (stocktaking)
    • Invoicing


1. Find out whether you can use the standard settings.

2. Change or extend the default settings, if necessary.

3. Check the specified document number ranges via the "Define document number ranges" activity if you use the standard document types.

These number ranges must be created for your company codes and contain the number intervals you require.

Maintain Field Status Variants

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Financial Accounting Global Settings => Document => Line Item => Controls => Maintain Field Status Variants

In this activity you can define and edit field status variants and groups. You group several field status groups together in one field status variant. You assign the field status variants to a company code in the activity Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants. This allows you to work with the same field status groups in any number of company codes.

You can also define and process field status groups. You must define a field status group in the company code-specific area of each G/L account. The field status group determines which fields are ready for input, which are required entry fields, and which are hidden during document entry. Bear in mind that additional account assignments (i.e. cost centers or orders) are only possible if data can be entered in the corresponding fields.

Standard settings

Field status variant 0001 is entered for company code 0001 in the standard SAP software. Field status groups are already defined for this variant.


You cannot attach a field status to some fields, such as those in the document header. You can, however, switch between required and optional entry field designations in the document type for some of these header fields.

The field status group you enter in the reconciliation accounts affects postings to the related customer or vendor accounts. You cannot enter a field status group in the customer or vendor accounts. Field status groups are determined for customer and vendor accounts from their respective reconciliation accounts, via the G/L account number in their master records.

There are other factors, besides the field status group itself, which have an influence on the field status. Among these are:

  • the field status defined for the posting key.

The status "optional entry field" was assigned to posting keys 40 and 50 in the standard system. These are the standard posting keys for G/L account postings. The "optional entry field" status has no effect on the field status.

  • Specifications for the document type.

You can specify here that a reference number and document header text must always be entered, for example.


Designate field status via the field status groups in the G/L accounts. This allows you a more account-specific screen layout. You cannot differentiate by posting key, since there are only two such keys for postings to G/L accounts.

The situation with reconciliation accounts is different. You do not make any differentiated field status definition via the master record for these special G/L accounts. You use the debit and credit posting keys instead.


1. Create new field status variants using Edit -> New entries . You can also use the copy function to create new field status variants. To do this, select Edit -> Copy as . When copying field status variants, the accompanying field status groups are also copied.

2. Look at the standard field status groups.

3. Find out which fields on the entry screens should be

    • ready for input
    • required entry fields
    • hidden for the G/L accounts in your company.

You do not make this definition for each account, but rather for groups of accounts. This is why you may want to adapt the field status groups included in the standard system.

4. If necessary, change the standard field status groups, or define your own for each field status variant.

5. You can delete field status variants that are no longer required via Edit -> Delete . The accompanying field status groups will also be deleted.

Define Tolerance Groups for Employees

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Financial Accounting Global Settings => Document => Define Tolerance Groups for Employees

In this activity, you predefine various amount limits for your employees with which you determine:

  • the maximum document amount the employee is authorized to post
  • the maximum amount the employee can enter as a line item in a customer or vendor account
  • the maximum cash discount percentage the employee can grant in a line item
  • the maximum acceptable tolerance for payment differences for the employee.

Payment differences are posted automatically within certain tolerance groups. This way the system can post the difference by correcting the cash discount or by posting to a separate expense or revenue account.

In this respect you define:

  • the amounts or percentage rates up to which the system is to automatically post to a separate expense or revenue account if it is not possible to correct the cash discount or
  • up to which difference amounts the system is to correct the cash discount. In this case the cash discount is automatically increased or decreased by the difference. using tolerance groups.

You can also additionally differentiate these settings by company code. Since the same rules usually apply to a group of employees, enter the values for employee groups.  You can then enter amount limits and tolerances per employee group and company code.


You can also define tolerances without specifying a tolerance group. Leave the field Grp empty in this case. The stored tolerances are then valid for all employees who are not allocated to a group. There must be at least one entry for every company code.

You can also specify tolerances for clearing procedures depending on your customers or vendors. The lower limits from the customer/vendor specifications and employee group are taken in each case during clearing.

Standard settings

In the system, sample tolerances are defined for the standard company codes.


1. For every company code, find out which tolerances are to be determined and whether a differentiation according to employee group is necessary. If you want to define different tolerances for your employees, specify the amount limits for each of the groups.  If the tolerance limits are to apply to all employees, leave the "group" field empty.

2. Define the tolerances correspondingly.

3. If you have defined differing tolerance groups, you then have to assign your employees to a certain tolerance group.  To do this, select the activity "Assign users to tolerance groups". This is where you enter your employees under the relevantgroups.

Check Calculation Procedure

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Financial Accounting Global Settings => Tax on Sales/Purchases => Basic Settings => Check Calculation Procedure

In this activity, you can check and, if necessary, change existing procedures for tax calculation.

Standard settings

Calculation procedures containing the necessary specifications for the calculation and posting of taxes on sales/purchases have already been defined in the standard SAP system for certain countries. Every calculation procedure groups several tax types together into a condition type (for example, output tax or input tax) in the calculation procedure, and determines calculation rules for it.

The calculation procedure determines for which amount the individual condition types are to be calculated. This can be the base amount (total of the expense items and the revenue items) or a subtotal. The entry in column FrmLvl, determines for which amount tax is calculated.


In this activity, the condition types for the check and the possible change provided in the standard system are also displayed. Here, for example, the condition calculation rule, or for which base amount the tax is calculated is determined (= condition type).


If possible, do not change the condition types and calculation procedures provided in the standard system. Only check the standard condition types and calculation procedures regarding whether you can use them for your requirements. If necessary, make changes.


If you cannot use the standard settings, change the condition types and calculation procedures delivered to meet your requirements.

Assign Country to Calculation Procedure

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Financial Accounting Global Settings => Tax on Sales/Purchases => Basic Settings => Assign Country to Calculation Procedure

In this activity, you enter the key for the calculation procedure which determines the conditions which are allowed per document and which defines the sequence of the conditions in the document for each country.


Each calculation procedure which you enter must contain the necessary specifications for calculating and posting the taxes on sales/purchases. For more information on this, read the chapter "Create calculation procedure".


1. Assign a procedure for tax calculation to every country with which your company has business dealings.

2. Make sure that the corresponding data for calculating taxes is stored for each calculation procedure which you enter here.

Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Financial Accounting Global Settings => Tax on Sales/Purchases => Calculation => Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases

You have to define a separate tax on sales/purchases code for each country in which one of your company codes is located. Each code contains one or more tax rates for the different tax types.

If you have to report tax-exempt or non-taxable sales to the tax authorities, you need to define a tax rate with the value 0.


Do not delete or change any taxes on sales/purchases codes and their definitions as long as items with these codes exist in the system. Otherwise, the R/3 System displays the tax amounts with incorrect tax rates in the corresponding reports and determines incorrect amounts during a tax adjustment for payment transactions.

Standard settings

SAP supplies a tax calculation procedure for each country. The procedure comprises a list of all common tax types with rules for tax calculation. In addition, example tax codes are defined for some countries.


1. Check the standard tax codes for your country. Add further tax codes, if necessary.

2. Ensure that tax accounts are defined for the automatic posting of taxes.

Notes on transporting tax codes

When tax codes are transported, only the tax rates of the tax codes are transported.

The transport of tax codes between systems or clients is carried out in two steps:

1. step: Export of tax codes from the source system or source client

2. step: Import of tax codes into the target system or target client


1. In Customizing for Financial Accounting Global Settings in the source system or client, select Tax on Sales/Purchases -> Calculation -> Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases.

2. Select Tax code -> Transport -> Export

3. Assign the export to the corresponding transport order, and note the order number.

4. Select and save the tax codes to be transported.

5. Make sure that the tax codes selected are marked with the transport number in table T007V.

To check the table, from the R/3 initial screen, select Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Overview -> Data Browser

Enter the table name. The tax codes are in field MWSKZ and the tax jurisdiction codes are in fields TXJCD.

6. Carry out the transport into the target system.

To do this, from the R/3 initial screen, select Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Overview -> Workbench Organizer -> Environment -> Customizing Organizer.


1. Make sure that the tax codes to be transported are selected in table T007V in the target system or target client.

2. In Customizing for Financial Accounting Global Setting in the source system or client, select Tax on Sales/Purchases -> Calculation -> Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases.

3. Create the tax codes that do not already exist in the target system.
Create them complete, but without tax percentage rates.

If you set internal systems in company codes in the USA or Canada, the corresponding tax jurisdiction codes should also exist. You can make the settings for these in Customizing for Financial Accounting Global Settings under Tax on Sales/Purchases -> Basic Settings -> Define Tax Jurisdiction Codes

4. Select Tax code -> Transport -> Import

5. Check the proposed values for the transport order and country.

6. Carry out the import.

Define Tax Accounts

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Financial Accounting Global Settings => Tax on Sales/Purchases => Posting => Define Tax Accounts

In this activity, you specify the accounts to which the different tax types are to be posted. The system determines these accounts for automatic postings.


Define the tax accounts.

Notes for the transport of tax accounts

When you transport tax codes between different systems or clients, no tax accounts are transported.

Adjust the tax accounts in the source and target system (or source and target client) manually.

Assign Tax Codes for Non-Taxable Transactions

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Financial Accounting Global Settings => Tax on Sales/Purchases => Posting => Assign Tax Codes for Non-Taxable Transactions

In this activity you define an incoming and outgoing tax code for each company code, to be used for posting non-taxable transactions to tax-relevant accounts. Transactions posted like this are, for example; goods issue delivery, goods movement, goods receipt purchase order, goods receipt production order, order accounting.


Define tax codes for non-tax relevant transactions for each company code.

Edit Chart of Accounts List

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => General Ledger Accounting => G/L Accounts => Master Records => Preparations => Edit Chart of Accounts List

In the chart of accounts list you enter the charts of accounts that you want to use in your organization (atclient level).

Standard settings

The list already contains sample charts of accounts for some countries. Charts of accounts GKR and IKR, for example, have been entered for Germany.


1. Check whether you can use one of the charts of accounts supplied with the standard system. To do this, you can display the charts of accounts on the screen or print them out using the "Chart of Accounts" program. You can find the program under Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Information system -> General Ledger Reports -> Master Data -> -> Chart of Accounts Chart of Accounts

2. If you want to create your own chart of accounts, enter it in the chart of accounts list.

Define Account Group

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => General Ledger Accounting => G/L Accounts => Master Records => Preparations => Define Account Group

When creating a G/L account, you must specify an account group.

The account group determines:

  • the interval in which the account number must be
  • which fields are required and optional entries when creating and changing master records
  • which fields are suppressed when creating and changing master data.

It enables you to control the layout of screens.

You use account groups to combine accounts according to the above criteria (for example, a P&L account group, asset account group and material account group).


Account groups for G/L accounts are based on the chart of accounts.

Standard settings

Account groups are defined for the standard charts of accounts.


Check and change the standard account groups as needed. If you set up your own charts of accounts, you must specify account groups for them.

Automatic Postings - Account Determination

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => General Ledger Accounting => G/L Accounts => Master Records => Preparations => Define Retained Earnings Account

You assign a retained earnings account to each P&L account by specifying a P&L statement account type in the chart of accounts area of each P&L account.

At the end of a fiscal year, the system carries forward the balance of the P&L account to the retained earnings account. You can define one or more P&L statement account types per chart of accounts and assign them to retained earnings accounts.


Your specification depends on the chart of accounts.


The chart of accounts must be specified in the chart of accounts list.

Standard settings

Account 332000 was defined for chart of accounts IKR and account 900000 was defined for GKR, using the key "X" respectively.


1. Change the standard settings if necessary.

If you do not use one of the standard charts of accounts, you must specify the P&L statement account type(s) and the retained earnings accounts for each new chart of accounts you set up.

2. Make sure the accounts you specify are created.

Define Tolerance Groups for G/L Accounts

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => General Ledger Accounting => Business Transactions => Open Item Clearing => Clearing Differences => Define Tolerance Groups for G/L Accounts

For G/L account clearing, tolerance groups define the limits within which differences are accepted and automatically posted to predefined accounts. The groups defined here can be assigned in the general ledger account master record.

Create Accounts for Clearing Differences

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => General Ledger Accounting => Business Transactions => Open Item Clearing => Clearing Differences => Create Accounts for Clearing Differencess

For G/L account clearing, tolerance groups define the limits within which differences are accepted. In this activity you define the accounts to which these differences should be posted.

Standard settings

SAP delivers one expense and one revenue account in the chart of accounts INT.

Define Valuation Methods

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => General Ledger Accounting => Business Transactions => Closing => Valuating => Foreign Currency Valuation => Define Valuation Methods

In this step, you define your valuation methods for the open items. With the valuation method, you group specifications together which you need for the balance and individual valuation. Before every valuation run, you specify the required valuation method.


1. Find out which valuation methods are needed in your company.

2. Define these valuation methods.

Prepare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => General Ledger Accounting => Business Transactions => Closing => Valuating => Foreign Currency Valuation => Prepare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation

In this activity you define the numbers of the accounts to which you want the system to automatically post exchange rate differences when valuating open items and foreign currency balances.

You can also define the accounts for realized exchange rate differences during open item clearing. For more information on this, see the Define Accounts for Exchange Rate Differences activity.

You can use the currency type to control account determination during open item valuation and exchange rate difference posting. You could, for example, post gains in local currency and gains in group currency to separate accounts.

When valuating open items the system posts to a balance sheet adjustment account and to an account for exchange rate differences that occur during the valuation. Exchange rate differences could be either a gain or a loss. You store the account numbers accordingly.

The valuation of foreign currency balances requires a special key that is assigned the gain and loss accounts for posting any exchange rate differences that occur during valuation. You can freely define this key. You then enter it in the master records of the accounts that you want to valuate. To post the differences that are determined from a group of G/L accounts to the same gain or loss accounts, enter the same key for all these G/L accounts.


You can differentiate the accounts by currency. Exchange gains and losses are then posted to the accounts designated for the currency involved. You must not change your accounts for the valuation posting after the first valuation run has taken place. Otherwise the postings can no longer be reversed.

If you do not want to differentiate the accounts by currency, do not make any entry in the Currency field (this is the default value), and also do not enter an exchange rate difference key in the company code area of the G/L accounts.

Standard settings

Posting keys are already defined in the standard system for posting the results from valuating open items and balances.


1. Determine the accounts for posting exchange rate differences and enter their account numbers. Check that the defined posting keys are the ones you require by choosing Goto -> Posting keys

2. Make sure that the accounts for exchange rate differences are created.

3. Make sure that the required exchange rate difference key is entered in the accounts you want to valuate.

Additional information

For more information on foreign currency valuation, see the "FI General Topics" and "FI Closing and Reporting"documentation.

Define Financial Statement Versions

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => General Ledger Accounting => Business Transactions => Closing => Documenting => Define Financial Statement Versions

In this activity:

  • You define the versions you need to create a balance sheet and profit and loss statement.

You can define versions for a specific chart of accounts, for a group chart of accounts, or without any specific assignment.

  • You then determine the financial statement items for your version.

You assign groups of accounts to the items at the lowest levels of the hierarchy. You can select the criteria that determine which items the accounts are displayed in. For example, accounts or groups of accounts can be assigned to particular items based on their balance.

Alternatively, you can also assign functional area intervals at the lowest level of the structure, instead of account intervals. Either account intervals or functional area intervals can be assigned to a financial statement item. You must explicitly define financial statement versions to which functional areas are assigned as such. You do this by setting the "Fun.area allowed" indicator. This financial statement version can then also be used by the notes to financial statement in the G/L account information system.


Define the necessary versions and maintain the financial statement items.

Further notes

For more information on defining financial statement versions, see the FI Closing and Reporting documentation.

Define Tax on Sales/Purchases Groups

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => General Ledger Accounting => Business Transactions => Closing => Reporting => Sales/Purchases Tax Returns => Define Tax on Sales/Purchases Groups

Define your taxes on sales/purchases groups in this activity. You need taxes on sales/purchases groups, for example, when creating the advance return for tax on sales/purchases for Germany and Belgium, or for grouping different company codes with the same VAT registration number in the EC sales list.

Standard settings

In the standard system, a taxes on sales/purchases group is included for the standard company code 0001.


Configure Form Printing

Create your taxes on sales/purchases group. For each taxes on sales/purchases group, you must maintain the following data in the detail screen for printing the advance return for tax on sales/purchases form:

  • Tax number for the advance return for tax on sales/purchases
  • Form name

Here you specify the name of the respective SAPscript layout set and the number of pages.

  • Text modules

Here you can create up to three SAPscript text modules in which you can define additional information for the taxes on sales/purchases data. You reach the editing of the text module via Goto -> Text editor

  • Address of the tax office where you hand in the advance return for tax on sales/purchases.

You reach the address maintenance via Edit -> Tax office address

Set Up Electronic Advance Tax Return

Create your taxes on sales/purchases groups. You enter a leading company code for each taxes on sales/purchases group for the electronic return for tax on sales/purchases. The leading company code is the company code that submits the joint advance return for tax on sales/purchases on behalf of the other company codes of the integrated company liable to sales tax. You perform the next set up steps of electronic tax return for the taxes on sales/purchases group under this leading company code. You also define the tax number there. The company code must belong to the taxes on sales/purchases group that it is assigned to as leading company code.

If you have applied for a permanent extension for a company code that does not belong to an integrated company liable to sales tax, then you also set up a taxes on sales/purchases group for this company code to which you assign this company code as the leading company code. The reason for this is that the amount of the taxes on sales purchases advance payment is defined for each taxes on sales/purchases group.

Additional information

You maintain the name of taxes on sales/purchases groups in the "Change Addresses of Tax on Sales/PurchasesGroups" activity.

You can find more information in the documentation for programs RFUVDE00 and RFUVBE00.

Define Accounts for Automatic Tax Payable Transfer Posting

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => General Ledger Accounting => Business Transactions => Closing => Reporting => Sales/Purchases Tax Returns => Define Accounts for Automatic Tax Payable Transfer Posting

Program RFUMSV00 can, if required, create a batch input session for the automatic transfer of the tax payable. Before the batch input functions can be used, you must assign an individual tax payable account to the transaction key "UMS" in the chart of accounts used. The tax balances are transferred to this account as long as you do not enter a different account on the report selection screen.

In this activity, you enter the number of the tax payable account and the posting keys for the debit and credit postings to this account for the chart of accounts used.


Enter the number of the tax payable account and the posting keys for debit and credit postings.

Additional information

You can find further information in the documentation for program RFUMSV00.

Define Posting Keys for Asset Postings

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => General Ledger Accounting => Business Transactions => Integration => Asset Accounting => Define Posting Keys for Asset Postings

In this activity you define posting keys which are used for automatic postings when posting to fixed asset accounts.


Use the standard SAP posting keys.


1. Check the standard default values for

    • Asset postings and
    • G/L account postings which are posted to Asset Accounting

2. Change the standard default values if necessary.


You can currently only use the "Asset Accounting additional accounts" function for intercompany asset transfers.

Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Customers)

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Customer Accounts => Master Data => Preparations for Creating Customer Master Records => Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Customers)

In this step, you determine the account groups for customers.

You can also define reference account groups for one-time accounts. You can use these to control the fields of the one-time account screen so that, for example, certain fields are displayed as required fields or are hidden.

When creating a customer account, you must specify an account group. You can specify a reference account group under "Control" in the "General data" part of a one-time account's master data. If you do not specify a reference account group, then, as previously, all fields of the one-time account screen are ready for input during document entry.

You use the account group to determine:

  • the interval for the account numbers
  • whether the number is assigned internally by the system or externally by the user (type of number assignment)
  • whether it is a one-time account
  • which fields are ready for input or must be filled when creating and changing master records (field status)


You want to hide the address, communication and bank data fields for the one-time accounts. You determine the field status in the general data area for these fields since the fields are contained in this area. The reconciliation account field is defined as a required field since a reconciliation account must also be specified for the one-time accounts. This field is company code-dependent. You define the status of this field in the company code-dependent data area.

With the account groups, you group accounts together according to the criteria mentioned above, for example, one-time accounts. You determine the account number interval and the type of number assignment using the number ranges.


If you create new account groups, do not forget to maintain the field status. Otherwise all corresponding fields are shown. It is recommended that you control the field status via the account groups. In exceptional cases, it can make sense to control the field status either dependent on company code or dependent on transaction.

Note on changing the account group

You may only delete an account group from the system if there are no master records referencing this account group. Otherwise you can no longer display or change the master record.

  • Changing the field status definition

If you hide a field at a later stage in which you had already made an entry, the field contents are still valid.

  • Changing number ranges

You can increase the upper limit of the number interval as long as there is no other interval containing the required numbers. You can allocate a new number range to the account group. The numbers of the new master records must then be contained in the new area.

Standard settings

Sample account groups have been defined.


Do not use the account groups to group the customer accounts according to content. Therefore do not attempt to allocate the accounts to accounting clerks via the account groups or to group customers together according to countries. You can do this via special master record fields.


1. Check and change the standard account groups if necessary.

2. Make sure that the number ranges specified for the account groups have been created.

Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Customer AccountsMaster Data => Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data => Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts

In this activity you create the number ranges for the customer accounts. To do this, specify the following under a two-character key:

  • A number interval from which the account number for the customer accounts is to be selected
  • The type of number assignment (internal or external number assignment)

Allocate the number ranges to the account groups for customers.


The type of number assignment is especially important. The following are possible:

  • Transferring the numbers of your customers/vendors from an existing system or a pre-system (external assignment: you enter a number when creating a master record).
  • Creating the master records under new numbers assigned by the SAP system (internal assignment: the system assigns a number when creating the master records).

External number assignment, for example, is useful if you transfer master data from a pre-system. In all other cases, you should use the internal number assignment. The SAP system offers a number of help functions to determine an account number. Therefore the account numbers no longer have to be "mnemonic". The help functions include the matchcode or the Prev.acct no. field in the customer/vendor master record.


1. Find out which number ranges are needed.

2. Create these number ranges.

Notes on transport

You transport number range objects as follows:

Choose Interval -> Transport in the accounting document Number Range screen.

All intervals for the selected number range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import, only the intervals you export are present. The number statuses are imported with their values at the time of export.

Dependent tables are not transported or converted.

Additional information

For more information on this topic, see the "FI Document Posting" document.

Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Customer Accounts => Master Records => Preparations for Creating Customer Master Records => Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups

In this step you assign the number ranges you created in the preceding step to the account groups for customers. You can use one number range for several account groups.


Assign the required number ranges to the account groups.

Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors)

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Vendor Accounts => Master Data => Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data => Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors)

In this step you determine the account groups for vendors.

You can also define reference account groups for one-time accounts. These enable you to control the fields in the one-time account screen. You can, for example, make certain fields required fields and suppress others.

When creating a vendor account, an account group must be specified. You can enter a reference account group in the "General data" section of the one-time account master record under "Control data". If you do not specify a reference account group, all fields in the one-time account screen for document entry are ready for input (as before).

Via the account group you determine

  • The interval for the account numbers
  • Whether the number is assigned internally by the system or externally by the user (type of number assignment)
  • Whether it is a one-time account
  • Which fields are ready for input or must be filled when creating and changing master records (field status)


In the one-time accounts you want to suppress the address, communication and bank detail fields. These fields are part of the general data and so you set the field status in the general data section. Define the reconciliation account as a required field since this is a required entry for one-time accounts as well. The field is company code-dependent so you define the status for this field in the company data section.

With the account groups, you group accounts together according to the criteria mentioned above, for example, one-time accounts. You determine the account number interval and the type of number assignment by using number ranges.


Do not forget to maintain the field status when you create new account groups. If you do not mark a status for a field group, all the corresponding fields are displayed. We recommend that you control the field status by account group. In exceptional cases it may make sense to control the field status by company code or transaction.

Notes on changing the account group

You can only delete an account group from the system if no master record refers to this account group. Otherwise you can no longer display or change the master record.

  • Changing the field status definition

If you suppress a field which you have already filled in at an earlier date, the field content is still effective.

  • Changing number ranges

You can increase the upper limit of the number range interval as long as no other interval contains the required numbers. You can assign a new number range to the account group. The numbers of the new master records must then be within the new range.

Default settings

Sample account groups have been defined.


Do not use the account groups to group the vendor accounts according to content i.e. do not attempt to assign the accounts via the account groups to accounting clerks or to group vendors together according to countries. You can do this via special master record fields.


1. Check and change the standard account groups if necessary.

2. Make sure that the number ranges specified for the account groups have been created.

Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Vendor Accounts => Master Data => Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data => Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts

In this activity you create the number ranges for vendor accounts. To do this, specify the following under a two-character key:

  • A number interval from which the account number for the vendor accounts is to be selected
  • The type of number assignment (internal or external number assignment)

Assign the number ranges to the account groups for vendors.


The type of number assignment is especially important. The following is possible:

  • Transferring the numbers of your vendors from an existing system or a pre-system (external assignment)
  • Creating the master records under new numbers assigned by the SAP System (internal assignment)

External number assignment is useful, for example, if you transfer master data from a pre-system. In all other cases, you should use the internal number assignment. The SAP System offers a number of help functions to determine an account number. Therefore the account numbers no longer have to be "mnemonic". This includes, among other things, the matchcode or the field Prev.acct no. in the vendor master record.


1. Find out which number ranges are needed.

2. Create these number ranges.

Notes on transport

You transport number range objects as follows:

Choose Interval -> Transport in the accounting document Number Range screen.

All intervals for the selected number range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import, only the intervals you export are present. The number statuses are imported with their values at the time of export.

Dependent tables are not transported or converted.

Additional information

For more information on this topic, see the FI Document Posting document.

Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Vendor Accounts   => Master Data => Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data => Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups

In this step you allocate the number ranges you created in the preceding step to the account groups for vendors. You can use one number range for several account groups.


Allocate the required number ranges to the account groups.

Maintain Terms of Payment

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Business Transactions => Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos => Maintain Terms of Payment

In the step Maintain terms of payment, you can define rules with which the system can determine the required terms of payment automatically. The rules are stored under a four-character key. You assign the terms of payment specified to the vendors in the master record via the key. The key and the terms determined with it are proposed when entering a document to the vendor account.


You can specify a key in the master data area for Financial Accounting and Sales + Distribution. You should use the same key.

You can use the same key for the terms of payment for both customers and vendors who have the same payment terms. SAP recommends, however, that you use different terms of payment keys for customers and vendors and limit the permitted account type correspondingly within the terms of payment. This, for example, then has an advantage if the sales department of your company changes a payment term for a customer. You can then adapt the accompanying customer terms of payment key without vendors being affected by the same terms of payment.

Standard settings

The most usual terms of payment have already been set in the standard system. These include specifications on the payment conditions, the day limit or the payment period baseline date, for example.


You do not normally have to make any additions or changes to the default settings, unless you want to:

  • Enter a separate help text for a payment term which deviates from the explanations created automatically
  • Exclude an account type for a payment term (in the standard system, a payment term applies to all account types of the business partner)
  • Change the payment conditions for a payment term
  • Indicate that it has to do with a holdback/retainage payment

In this case you must also define the holdback/retainage payment partial amounts in the subsequent step. For more information on this, read the section "Define terms of payment for holdback/retainage". In the current step "Maintain terms of payment", only the holdback/retainage payment terms are displayed under "Explanations" in so far as you have defined them.


1. Check whether you can use the default settings as they are without making any changes. You might have to change or extend the default settings.

2. Ensure that the terms of payment key is entered in the vendor master record which represents the specified terms of payment.

Define Posting Key for Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Business Transactions => Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos => Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos - Enjoy => Define Posting Key for Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos

Here you define the posting key for customer, vendor and G/L account items when entering incoming invoices and credit memos.


You cannot change the posting key during document entry.

Define Tolerances (Vendors)

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Business Transactions => Outgoing Payment => Manual Outgoing Payments => Define Tolerances (Vendors)

In this step, you specify the tolerances for vendors. These tolerances are used for dealing with differences in payment and residual items which can occur during payment settlement. Specify the tolerances under one or more tolerance groups. Allocate a tolerance group to each vendor via the master record. For each tolerance group, specify the following:

  • Tolerances up to which differences in payment are posted automatically to expense or revenue accounts when clearing open items
  • The handling of the terms of payment for residual items, if they are to be posted during clearing


Bear in mind that you can also define employee tolerances. When clearing, the lower limit for the customer specifications and employee group specifications are taken.


1. Specify the tolerances for your vendors.

2. Make sure that the required tolerances are allocated to the vendors in the master record.

Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Business Transactions => Outgoing Payments => Automatic Outgoing Payments => Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program => Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions

In this activity, you make specifications for all company codes involved in payment transactions.

For each company code, you make the following specifications:

  • Paying company code

You assign a paying company code to each company code. This means that you can have one company code process payment transactions centrally for several company codes.

For more information about cross-company code settlement, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments

  • Separate payment per business area
  • Use payment method supplements

Select the field if you wish to use payment method supplements, and then define the payment method supplements in the activity Define Payment Method Supplements

If you wish to display the Payment method supplement field in the line item display for customers and vendors, you can define the corresponding display variants. The same applies to the functions for displaying payments and paid items when displaying payment proposals. For this, choose the following activities:

    • Define Line Layout
    • Make Settings for Displaying Payments
    • Make Settings for Displaying Line Items
  • Cash discount and tolerance

The payment program uses these entries to determine the cash discount strategy for the company code.

  • Special G/L transactions

Specify which special G/L transactions are to be settled for customers and vendors.

Example: FPA

F = Down payment request

P = Payment request

A = Down payment on current assets


You have defined which company codes are to be involved in payment transactions.


Make the required entries.

Further notes

For more information about Customizing for payment transactions, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments

Set Up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Business Transactions => Outgoing Payments => Automatic Outgoing Payments => Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program => Set Up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions

In this activity, you make the following specifications for the paying company codes:

  • Data for controlling the payment program

Here you specify the minimum amount for which an incoming or outgoing payment is created, for example. You can define additional amount limits for the payment method. To do so, choose the activity Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions.

  • Specifications for paying with bills of exchange

You can show or hide the settings for paying with bills of exchange.

  • Forms and sender details for advice notes and EDI accompanying sheets

If you wish to print payment advice notes or an EDI accompanying sheet, specify the form name. Specify also the SAPscript text modules that contain details about the sender that are to be printed on the payment advice note. You can go directly from this transaction to the transaction for editing forms and text modules.

Standard settings

The standard system contains forms for payment advice notes and EDI accompanying sheets which you can copy and adjust to meet your requirements.

Further notes

For more information about Customizing for payment transactions, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments

The chapter Forms also contains more information about adjusting forms.

Set Up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Business Transactions => Outgoing Payments => Automatic Outgoing Payments => Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program => Set Up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions

In this activity, you specify which payment methods are to be used in each country. You enter the following details for the payment method:

  • Country-Specific Specifications for the Payment Method:
    • Payment method either for incoming or outgoing payments
    • Characteristics for classifying payment method

Here you specify the type of payment method in question (such as check or bank transfer) and any other features of that payment method (the payment method is used for personnel payments, for example).

When you select a payment method, only the characteristics that are appropriate for that payment method are displayed. This means that you can only select fields that are relevant for the selected payment method.

    • Required entries in master record

Here you determine which specifications in the master record control whether the payment method is used (such as bank details or collection authorization).

Note: If the required details have not been entered in the master record, the payment method cannot be used.

    • Posting specifications

You specify how the payment is to be posted, for example (such as which document type is to be used).

    • Which procedure is to be used to issue the accompanying payment form

One option is to use the classic payment medium programs. All the payment medium programs contain extensive country-specific documentation. If required, you can call up a list of all the payment medium programs available in the standard system, as described under Activities

You can also use the Payment Medium Workbench for the payment forms. For more information, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments -> Payment Medium Workbench

  • You also specify which currencies are to be permitted, dependent on the country and payment method. If you leave the currency table blank, this means that all currencies are permitted.


If the payment method only allows payments in local currency, the system ignores any currencies specified.

  • If you use the Payment Medium Workbench, read the documentation under Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench in the section Payment Media


  • You have specified which payment methods are used by your organization.
  • You have already defined the following keys, which you need to enter here:
    • document type for posting the payment (see Customizing under Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Document -> Document Header -> Define Document Types
    • special G/L indicator for posting a bill of exchange


Ensure that the payment methods to be used for paying the open items of a business partner have been entered in the appropriate customer or vendor master record.


1. Check whether the payment methods required for your origanization are defined in the system.

2. Make the necessary adjustments to the required payment methods, and enter the country-specific data.

List payment media programs

3. Choose System -> Services -> Reporting

4. Enter RFFO* and choose Utilities -> Find program -> Program -> Execute

A list of the payment medium programs appears. The title of the programs explains their purpose.

Further notes

For more information about payments, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments

For more information about special G/L procedures and posting with alternative reconciliation accounts, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Special G/L Transactions: Down Payments and Payment Guarantees

For more information about bills of exchange,  see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Bank Accounting -> Bills of Exchange Management -> Special G/L Transactions: Bills of Exchange

Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Business Transactions => Outgoing Payments => Automatic Outgoing Payments => Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program => Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions

In this activity, you specify which payment methods can be used per company code and determine the conditions under which a payment method should be used.

  • Amount limits for payments within which the payment program can select the payment method


You always have to specify a maximum amount, otherwise the payment method cannot be used. If you specify the payment method in an open item, the payment program ignores the amounts you enter here.

  • Specifications for grouping items for payment (such as single payment for marked items)
  • Specifications for foreign/foreign currency payments
  • Specifications for optimizing bank selection
  • Specifications for the form to be used for the payment medium
  • Specifications for issuing payment advice notes


You can optimize either by bank groups or by postal codes. If you optimize by bank groups, money is transferred from the house bank to the business parner's bank in the shortest possible time. For this to be possible, you assign all banks in the master records to a bank group defined by you.

If you optimize by postal codes, the house bank selection is determined by the business partner's domicile. If you select the "Optimization by postal codes" field, you can go directly to the activity for assigning house banks to an interval of postal codes.

Foreign payment/Foreign currency payment

If you specify that the payment method can also be used for foreign currencies, all currencies are permitted. In the activity Set Up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions, you can also specify certain currencies per payment method and country. Only payments in these specified currencies are then made using this payment method.


If the payment method only permits local currency payments, the specified currencies are ignored.


  • For a transitional period, the existing local currency and the EURO can be used for domestic bank transfers. You permit payments in foreign currency for the payment method "Bank transfer", and enter the EURO and the existing local currency as the possible currencies.
  • You can only use a payment method such as EURO bank transfer for specific currencies.
  • You use foreign currency checks with a pre-printed currency key (USD checks, for example) and you wish to set up a payment method that you only use for payments in USD, and USD is not your local currency.

Payment advice note control

Depending on the space available on the payment medium form for information about the note to payee, you have the following options:

  • If unlimited space is available, you do not need to print payment advice notes (for checks, for example), but can do so if desired.
  • If there is no space available, a payment advice note containing all the information about the purpose of payment is always printed (for bills of exchange, for example).
  • If only limited space is available and there is therefore a risk that the space will not be sufficient, you can choose from the following options:
    • You can have the system create a payment advice note containing the information about the note to payee.

If a payment advice note is to be created every time, select "Always payment advice". The note to payee is then printed on both the form (so far as the number of lines selected on the form allow) and the payment advice note. If insufficient space is available, a payment advice note indicator is printed on the payment medium.

A payment advice note can only be created if the note to payee information does not fit into the available space. Select Payment advice after X lines

    • You can have the system distribute the items between several forms. To do so, select No payment advice andDistribute items, XX lines per payment
    • You can have the payment program determine another payment method if insufficient space is available. To do so, chooseNo payment advice and Payment method valid to xx lines


  • You have specified which payment methods are used in each paying company code.
  • You have already defined the forms for printing payment media. You do this in the system using SAPscript.

Fore more information, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments -> Forms, and under Basis Components -> Basis Services/Communication Interfaces (BC-SRV) -> SAPscript (BC-SRV-SCR) -> BC SAPscript: Printing with Forms


Make sure that the payment methods to be used for settling the business partner's open items have been entered in the customer/vendor master records.


Check whether the payment methods required by your organization have been defined in the system.

Further notes

For more information about payments, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments.

Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Business Transactions => Outgoing Payments => Automatic Outgoing Payments => Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program => Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions

In this activity, you make settings that the payment program uses to select the banks or bank accounts from which payment is to be made. You define the following:

  • Ranking order of banks

You specify which house banks are permitted and rank them in a list.

  • Bank accounts

For each house bank and payment method (and currency, if required), you specify which bank account is to be used for payments.

  • Available amounts

For each account at a house bank, you enter the amounts that are available for the payment run. You enter separate amounts for incoming and outgoing payments. Specifying available amounts enables you to control which bank account is to be used for payments. You can specify the amounts depending on the value date at the bank.

  • Value date

You specify how many days elapse between the posting date of the payment run and the value date at the bank, dependent on the payment method, bank account, payment amount, and currency.

You can have the system determine the value date, taking into account the bank calendar and any individual arrangements made with the bank. To do so, choose the activity Define Value Date Rules

  • Fees/Charges

You define the charges that are printed on the bill of exchange forms (standard practice in Spain).


Available amounts

Update the amounts before each payment run.

Bank accounts

Use bank subaccounts to post incoming and outgoing payments (accounts for outgoing checks, outgoing bank transfers, incoming checks, and bank collection). For more information about bank subaccounts, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Account Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments


1. Select the required company code from the list of paying company codes.

2. In the structure on the left of the screen, double-click the required function to select it (such as ranking order).

3. Make the necessary entries.

Further notes

For more information about bank determination, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Payments

Define Posting Key for Outgoing Invoices/Credit Memos

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Business Transactions => Outgoing Invoices/Credit Memos => Outgoing Invoices/Credit Memos - Enjoy => Define Posting Key for Outgoing Invoices/Credit Memos

Here you define the posting key for the customer/vendor and G/L account item when entering outgoing invoices and credit memos.


You can not change the posting key during document entry.

Define Dunning Procedures

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Business Transactions => Dunning => Dunning Procedure => Define Dunning Procedures

In this activity you enter the settings that control the dunning program by:

  • Specifying the company codes to include in dunning.

You specify these company codes when configuring the dunning program.

  • Setting up the dunning procedure you want to use.

Dunning procedures are company code independent. They determine the dunning interval, the grace periods for the due date determination, and the number of dunning levels. You can also set the dunning level at which you want to list all due items from an account in the dunning notice.

  • Setting the dunning charges.

You can either specify a fixed charge or have the system calculate the charge on the basis of a percentage rate you specify.

  • Specifying the net payment due date at which a particular dunning level is reached.
  • Specifying the dunning notice you want to send to your customers.

You have to define one or more forms for the notice.


An account is only included in dunning if it assigned a dunning procedure. To exclude an account from dunning, you can set a dunning block for it.


Before defining several dunning procedures and forms, you should check whether you can fulfill all your requirements using one dunning procedure and one form.
You should select
Always dunn. notice? for the last dunning level so that items at this level are not skipped.
You can store the header and footer texts separately for your dunning notices. If your letter paper already contains these specifications, you can remove the windows for these texts in the form you define using SAPscript.


1. Find out which company codes to include in dunning. Specify these company codes by choosing Environment -> Company code data.

2. Find out how the dunning procedure should be set up and whether several dunning procedures are necessary.

3. Define your dunning procedures.

    • To create new dunning procedures, choose New procedure
    • To maintain the dunning levels, choose Goto -> Dunning levels in the dunning procedure. Enter the number of days in arrears for each dunning level. The system proposes values which you can overwrite.
    • To maintain the dunning charges, choose Goto -> Dunning charges in the dunning procedure. First enter the currency and then enter the dunning charges for the different dunning levels. If you want to define dunning charges dependent on the dunnable amount, also enter the dunning amount. If you want to define charges in other currencies, choose Edit -> Other currency
    • To specify minimum amounts for dunning notices, choose Goto -> Minimum amounts in the dunning procedure. Enter the dunning level and the minimum amounts and/or the minimum percentage rates. You can also specify a minimum amount for the interest calculation for each dunning level.
    • To determine sort fields, choose Environemnt -> Sort fields in the dunning procedures.

4. Find out which forms should be used for dunning.

5. Create these forms and specify one or more forms for each dunning procedure.

6. Make sure a dunning procedure is entered in the master records of the customers/vendors who are to be taken into consideration for dunning.

Further notes

For more information on the dunning program, see the FI Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable documentation.

Prepare Automatic Clearing

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Business Transactions => Open Item Clearing => Prepare Automatic Clearing

In this activity, you enter the criteria for grouping the open items of an account for automatic clearing. The program clears open items of a group if the balance in local and foreign currency is zero.

You must enter the following standard criteria:

    • The account type
    • The account number or number range

You can also enter five additional criteria.

You choose the five other criteria from the fields in table BSEG or table BKPF. If possible you should choose those fields which are also included in table BSIS (G/L accounts), BSID (customers), or BSIK (vendors). You can determine the field names by looking at the tables in the Data Dictionary. To do this choose Tools -> ABAP Workbench and then Dictionary


Specify the criteria separately for each account type. You enter an account number interval to specify the accounts to which the criteria apply.


Enter the criteria for clearing open items.

Additional information

For more information, see the SAP Library under FI - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable and the program documentation for SAPF 124.

Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Down Payments

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Business Transactions => Down Payment Made => Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Down Payments

In this step, you define an account in which the vendor down payments are managed in the general ledger. The down payment posting is then automatically made to this account instead of to the normal payables account (reconciliation account).


You can group the specifications account type, special G/L indicator and reconciliation account together under one three-character key. You store the clearing accounts for input tax under this key in the next step. This is only necessary if you display down payments gross.
You specify in the alternative reconciliation account via the
Tax category field whether a down payment is displayed gross or net.


1. Specify the number of the alternative reconciliation account.

2. Make sure that the account is created and that the Tax category field is filled correctly.

3. If you want the gross display, specify the clearing accounts for input tax in the next step.

Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Vendor

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable => Business Transactions => Postings with Alternative Reconciliation Account => Other Special G/L Transactions => Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Vendors

Define House Banks

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Bank Accounting => Bank Accounts => Define House Banks

Each house bank of a company code is represented by a bank ID in the SAP system, every account at a house bank by an account ID.

In the SAP system, you use the bank ID and the account ID to specify bank details. These specifications are used, for example, for automatic payment transactions to determine the bank details for payment.

Standard settings

Several house banks are supplied as examples in the standard system in order to enable configuration of the payment program.


For domestic banks, you should enter the bank number in the "bank key" field and for foreign banks, you should enter the SWIFT code in this field.

For Belgium, the first three house bank ID items must be numeric.

Do not forget to create a G/L account for the specified bank account. The G/L account is to be managed in the same currency as the account at the bank.


1. Work out the specifications you have to enter in the system for your house banks.

2. Define your house banks and the corresponding accounts in the system under a bank ID or an account ID.

Additional information

If you have already carried out the step "Copy bank directory", you have already created house banks in the system or have updated the house bank data that already existed.

If this is the case, in this step you only have to create the house banks that were not created in the "Copy bank directory" step. You can also add any data that may be required to house banks that were copied along with the bank directory.

Create and Assign Business Transactions

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Bank Accounting => Business Transactions => Payment Transactions => Manual Bank Statement => Create and Assign Business Transactions

In this step you store an indicator for each business transaction and allocate a posting rule to each business transaction. Several business transactions usually refer to the same posting rule.


To differentiate business transactions, you assign to the "Credit memo, domestic" transaction an indicator different from the one for "Credit memo, foreign" or " Credit memo, rent". Since posting is the same for these transactions, you can allocate all three to one posting rule (credit memo).

Account Modification

As long as no modification key is specified, the posting method directs all postings represented by the posting rule "Credit memo" to a standard account.

In order to direct the "Credit memo, rent" transaction to a different account, create an account modification, "Rent received", for this transaction.

Account determination is then controlled so that the transaction is posted not to the standard account but to the "Rent received" account.
For details on account determination, refer to the section "Define posting rules for manual bank statement".


1. Assign a transaction key to each business transaction.

2. Allocate a posting rule to each business transaction.

3. Set up an account modification for those transactions that should not be posted to the standard account.

Define Posting Keys and Posting Rules for Manual Bank Statement

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Bank Accounting => Business Transactions => Payment Transactions => Manual Bank Statement => Define Posting Keys and Posting Rules for Manual Bank Statement

In this activity you store the posting keys and posting rules for check deposit.

Creating Keys for Posting Rules

Under this node, you define all the posting rules you need for bank statement entry, including a key for each rule. The key determines the posting rules for general ledger and subledger accounting. The posting rule represents the business transactions recorded in the bank statement, such as:

  • Incoming check
  • Credit memo
  • Debit memo

Defining Posting Rules

In this step you define posting rules for each posting transaction you defined for bank statement entry.

You specify posting rules for one or two posting areas, depending on whether a posting transaction concerns only the general ledger or also affects the subledger.


With the "check credit memo" transaction, you only need posting rules for the G/L accounts, since customer clearing occurs during check deposit.

But to clear a customer making a transfer, you will have to specify a second posting area in addition to specifying the posting rules for G/L accounts.

Account Determination

You then select the account determination and set up an account symbol for each posting transaction. Depending on various modification factors, account determination involves replacing the account symbol with an account to post to.

Account symbols are used to group together similar business transactions (e.g., check deposit) and direct them to different accounts according to a predefined differentiation. This facilitates flexible account determination when clearing accounts are posted to differently.

Examples of Flexible Account Determination

1) You want to record incoming foreign currency checks  (e.g., DEM) in a clearing account different from the one for incoming checks in the local currency (e.g., US$). You do this with the following setup:

Account symbol Currency G/L account

Incoming checks + ++++++++09  (LC cash inflow) Incoming checks DEM ++++++++14  (FC cash inflow)

A fully masked entry (++++++++++) in the "G/L account" field would lead to an outgoing account entered during bank statement entry.

2) You want to record the transaction "credit memo, rent" in an account different from the one set up for "credit memo" posting rules. To do this, you must create an account modification for this transaction and enter the account to be posted to:

Account symbol Account modification G/L account

Incoming checks Rent received 0000099999 (Credit memo, rent) Incoming checks + ++++++++08 (LC cash inflow)


1. Create one or two posting areas, depending on the posting transaction:

a) one for the bank posting

b) one for the subledger posting

2. Store the posting rules for each posting area.

3. Create the account symbols for the required transactions.

4. Store the rules of account determination for the account symbols.

Additional Information

For general information on account determination see the text on the posting interface.

Define Variants for Manual Bank Statement

Path: IMG => Financial Accounting => Bank Accounting => Business Transactions => Payment Transactions => Manual Bank Statement => Define Variants for Manual Bank Statement

In this step you can create separate account assignment variants for the manual bank statement in order to adapt the arrangement and/or the selection of account assignment fields to your company-specific requirements.

One variant is delivered as a default. It cannot be modified.

If you do not want to work with the standard variant, you can deactivate it. New variants must be activated after you create them.


1. To create a new variant, choose Variant --> New variant --> Create...

2. In the pop-up window enter the variant ID, description and the number of account assignment lines.

On the next screen you see the possible account assignment fields in the right column. You enter the fields of the current account assignment variant in the left column. The account assignment fields Amount Transaction and Value date are predefined as required fields.

3. Choose the fields you need from the column of possible fields.

The account assignment fields you select are transferred to the column of the current fields one after the other (up to 80 characters). The offset column provides information on how many characters are needed in an account assignment field.

4. Save your account assignment variants and then activate them.

Changing a Variant

New variants can be modified at any time.

1. To delete an account assignment field, choose Edit --> Delete field

2. To add a new account assignment field, place the cursor in the previous field and select the field you need from the possible account assignment fields in the right column.

You might have to adapt the field positions by using the "Change offset" function.

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