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FET Audio Mixer


FET Audio Mixer

This simple circuit mixes two or more channels into one channel (eg. stereo into mono). The circuit can mix as many or as few channels as you like and consumes very little power. The mixer is show 20220r1710u n with two inputs, but you can add as many as you want by just duplicating the "sections" which are clearly visible on the schematic.




Total Qty.



R1, R3

10K Pot

R2, R4

100K 1/4 W Resistor


6.8K 1/4 W Resistor

C1, C2, C3

0.1uF Capacitor


2N3819 Junction FET


Wire, Shielded (Metal) Case, Phono Or Other Plug For Output


1. As many or as few channels as are required can be added to the mixer. Do this by just duplicating the input "sections" which are clearly shown on the schematic. One version of this mixer I saw had 25 inputs!

2. A shielded case is probably needed to reduce hum and help stop oscillations.

3. The circuit can be powered by a single 9 volt battery.

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