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I. File name:

We use a file management system which allows us to gain information about the character and the content of the file not opening it.

Please remember: We have created in M 19519o149t EE round about 100.000 files. It is very important for the efficiency of our work that we find the files again. We do NOT want to spend the working time to search for files we had found before. And it is important that our colleagues will find them, too in the case of our absence.

The file name has the following structure: 12345678.EXT,   (max 256 characters).

We use the first characters for codification, only.

Please do not use free spaces

1st Character: Coding of the file type:

A Offer

B Letter, Fax

E E-mail

G Pass Card

I Order info

L Information

M Memorandum

N Note

P Minutes

Q Quittances/Accounts

R Invoices

U Translations

V Agreements/Contracts

X Miscellaneous

Y Foreign documents

Z Certification/ approvals

2ndand 3d place:   Country code: We follow the international two character code, using by MSA in SAP

ru Russia 150

pl Poland 151

cz Czech 152

ro Romania 153

bg Bulgaria 154

al Albania 156

ee Estonia 157

lv Latvia 158

lt Lithuania 159

ua Ukraine 160

sk Slovakia 161

kz Kazakhstan 162

uz Uzbekistan 163

by Belarus 164

ba Bosnia and Herzegovina 165

yu Yugoslavia 181

si Slovenia 185

hr Croatia 186

mk Macedonia 187

tj Tadzhikistan 188

tm Turkmenistan 189

ge Georgia 191

am Armenia 192

az Azerbaijan 193

md Moldova 194

kg Kyrgystan 195

xd German exporters 882

hu MSA-Hungaria 933

mp MSA-Poland 934

mc MSA - CZ 938

mr MSA Romania 958

4.-7. places

Activity-No.: (Offers, Correspondence related directly to activity, Contracts)
In case the sales issue has three characters, only please do NOT use a free space.

8. place: _

9. place In the case of separate delivery contracts, only:

Wording (text)

Enclosure 1 (Specification)

Enclosure 2 (Statement of guarantee)

Enclosure 3 (Customer complaint form

10. place: Version number

All other characters are free for individual use.

Note: The CD burning software ROXIO we use, can read the first 8 characters, only.

Please do not create file names too long.

II. File info

The file info is a useful additional tool for searching the file under Microsoft Explorer.

You may place additional information at the comment field useful for yourself or for your colleagues.

Title: Consignee, Customer, Company name

Theme: optional

Autor: Name abbreviation letters

AK Adam Kaczmarek

rkl Reinhard Kleemann

TV Thomas Vendura

Lew Grazyna Lewandowska

AS Andrea Schmidt

JR Jacek Roppel

DS Daniel Siwecki

CN   Christian Neumann

Go Annastasja Gossmann

AT Alexander Trepnau

Ki Monika Kicka

Ku Anna Kujawa

Czaj Sylwia Czajkowska

AZ Mrs Zylinska

JL Julianna Lipka

EO Ewa Owczarek

AV Artur Voskanyan

JA Andrzej Janowski

AP Anna Potocka

JG Elena Gerzow

AN Andrij Neroda

SM Sergej Matsour

StS Stanislaw Sedlak

KC Katarzyna Charkiewicz

KD Katarzyna Dawyniak

MG Marzena Gulik

(Please feel free to add new abbreviations, if needed.)

Keywords: free

Comment: supplementary information, if needed

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Accesari: 1739
Apreciat: hand-up

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