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Installing Java games via USB Cable ot Bluetooth


Installing Java games via USB Cable ot Bluetooth

I. Introduction

In my first tutorial, you learned how to install a game over Bluetooth. Now, using Softick PPP we can not only transfer java games over Bluetooth, but also using and USB Cable or Infrared. This tutorial will teach you in a few short steps how to install 16216w2220q java games on your Samsung D600 via USB Cable or Bluetooth.

Only two programs needed for this tutorial:

Softick PPP

Java Uploader

II. Preparation

On your phone, go to Applications -> Java World -> Options.

In the options menu go to the network settings and fill in the following:
APN: Internet
Username: <leave blank>
Password: <leave blank>
Proxy: OFF

Save Settings

You are now ready to install Softick PPP .

III. Installation of Softick PPP

Download and install Softick PPP. The software is designed for Palm users, so if you receive any error messages such as unable to locate USBPORT.dll, just ignore them.

When you get to the configure USB Share mode, choose the exclusive mode.

Do not run Softpick PPP yet.

Once you have installed Softpick, you have to connect your phone with an Usb Cable or use a Bluetooth Connection.

IV.a Installing java games via USB Cable

If you are using an USB cable, please take the following steps:

Connect the USB Cable

Run Samsung's PIM & File Manager to make sure that you get connected. If you can't get connected, please switch your phone on & off and try it again. Once you are connected be sure to CLOSE Samsung's PC Studio to avoid problems.

Enable Serial Java Download on your phone by entering #*536963#

Run Softick PPP (don't activate yet)

Go to 'Settings->Bluetooth/Serial' to check if it has a connection such as \Device\ss_mdm0 (the COM port number may differ on your pc). If so, select it, otherwise exit the Softick PPP and go back to the first step. (you may find the proper COM setting from the windows device manager->modems->Samsung Mobile USB modem)

Active Softick PPP. When you activate Softick PPP you may get an error. Jus't ignore it.

If your phone crashes, you can try taking the following steps:

Switch your phone off/on

De-Activate Softick PPP.

!!!!! ---- Disconnect the USB cable and reconnect it. ---- !!!!!!

Start EasyStudio to check if the computer can connect to your phone.

Active Softick PPP

Now move to the Top and u can upload Java apps again.

IV.b Installing java games via Bluetooth

If you are using a bluetooth connection, please take the following steps:

Connect the USB Cable

Run Samsung's PIM & File Manager to make sure that you get connected. If you can't get connected, please switch your phone on & off and try it again. Remember the COM Port you used for the bluetooth connection. Once you are connected be sure to CLOSE Samsung's PC Studio to avoid problems.

Enable Serial Java Download on your phone by entering #*536963#

Run Softick PPP (don't activate yet)

Go to 'Settings->Bluetooth/Serial' and select the COM Port you used to connect your phone with Samsung's PIM & File Manager.

Active Softick PPP. When you activate Softick PPP you may get an error. Jus't ignore it.

If your phone crashes, you can try taking the following steps:

Switch your phone off/on

De-Activate Softick PPP.

!!!!! ---- Disconnect the USB cable and reconnect it. ---- !!!!!!

Start EasyStudio to check if the computer can connect to your phone.

Active Softick PPP

Now move to the Top and u can upload Java apps again.

V. The Final Step

Enter Serial Java menu #*5737425#, and choose PPP UP and then USB. Please bear in mind, just do it once for each switch on/off.

Run 'Uploader.exe' program and add a jad file.

Now in the same Serial Java menu, select Serial Download.

The java applet should now be installed .If u have a firewall, you must allow "Java Uploader" and "Softick PPP" to access the net.

If you get an error message try again and it should work.
When finished, use the code #*536961# to avoid problems with WAP. (Do this every time your phone crashes and restarts!)

Document Info

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Apreciat: hand-up

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