Quality of BEST External Events
Prematerials for the Workshop in Zaporizhzhya 2008
Author: Ana "Nuxa" Relva Pereira (Quality
Project Responsible, EEC/ LBG Lisbon)
Background.................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e ............
Structure of the session.................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e ..
Expected outcomes.................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e .................... 434n1310e ................
BEST External events started in 1991 and by 1999 it was decided to implement a system to certify quality events (evaluating the communication with participants): GreenApple Procedure (approved in PM '99). By the PM2004 GreenApple has reached its purpose and all the events had the proposed level of communication, so the GreenApple procedure was discontinued.
Since Winter Season 04 BEST External Events have had Participants' Evaluation, which were upgraded in late Autumn Season of 2007. Their results were checked by EEC, but a detailed analysis was only made when something was identified as a possible problem. Quality Project had the goal to make a deeper analysis of all courses, which was done and will be presented in the RMs and GA to all LBGs.
Having a lot of BESTies with different backgrounds and different levels of involvement enriches discussions, so I'd invite the group to spend some time over the followings key points:
What's the perception of BEST external events' quality in LBGs? This should be discussed prior to seeing the results of Quality Project;
Presentation of the Quality Project results for the last 4 seasons;
Discussion of the aforementioned results:
o From all aspects, which are the most crucial ones? (using the new evaluations forms; have in mind this information might be very useful concerning the tool we want to develop in BAS, where each question might have different weights)
o How can we improve these?
Some previous ideas from IPF: Angel System between LBGs, EEC delegates to help, LBG sharing materials, preparing participants for the academic part of the courses/ EoE.
Other ideas are welcome, as well as an analysis of the benefits and possible obstacles they might face (example: EEC delegate could be seen as a "spy" and have a contra-productive effect?
Green Apple system: should we bring it back or are our events good?
How to encourage LBGs to have better events? (VH, awards to the best groups, EEC support, etc)
By the end of the workshop it would be great to have answers to the question asked above, as well as any new ideas BESTies might have which can contribute to better assess quality and/ or to improve it locally/ internationally.