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RetroSoccer 1.11


RetroSoccer 1.11

User Manual

Table of contents



System Requirements


Starting the game



Friendly match



Controller Mode

Input devices

Teams management

Cup management


Controlling players

Match function-keys

1. Preface

Retro Soccer is a arcade soccer game with very intuitive gameplay, just like in the good ol 434u2012e d days. You can play against the computer, or against a human opponent, in a cup tournament or otherwise. Each team has its own properties, like skilllevel, skincolor, and outfit. The game has also several options to adjust the game even more to your own personal preferences.

All the main aspects are in the game, like: tackling, heading, free kicks, penalty kicks etc.

Retro Soccer is really a retro soccer game, in contrary to the big existing 3D soccer games. The gameplay is really different, simple and challenging. We hope you have much fun playing it.

2. Startup

System Requirements

Microsoft Win98/ME/2000/XP or better

DirectX 6.1 or higher

Pentium 800 MHz or higher (2 Ghz or higher recommended)

64 MB RAM or higher (128 MB or more recommended)

DirectX-compatible video card (min. 32MB memory. 64MB or more recommended)

DirectX-compatible sound card


If you have all setup-files (extracted from zip) in a folder, you can simply install the game by running (double click) 'setup.exe'. Then just follow the instructions.

Please make sure you choose the right folder to put the game in. If you want all (future) games from FlegelGames to be put in 1 folder, just type e.g. 'FlegelGames' as the target folder (instead of 'RetroSoccer' folder).

You can un-install the game as follows:

-> Start button -> Settings -> ConfigurationScreen -> Software

-> Select 'RetroSoccer'  and click 'Remove'

There are no registry settings for the game, so all game-files are removed after these steps.

Starting the game

When the game is installed, just run 'RetroSoccer.exe'. You will see a intro screen soon, then just hit spacebar or button1 of a joystick and you will be taken to the main menu.



The menuscreens can easily be controlled by keyboard, joystick or mouse. Simply select the item you want. You can set some general (match)options with 'Options'. The other items speak for themselves. Most option controls in the menuscreens have to be clicked to change the option.

Friendly match

To play a friendly match, just choose 'Friendly Match' from the main menu. Choose 2 teams by clicking several times on both team selection controls. Every time you click, a new team will be selected.

Also, you can select whether a selected team is played by the computer or by a human player.

(The name of the human player should be in a corresponding teamfile. If in the teamfile there's no human player(name), then the name will be just 'Unknown player'.)

Just click 'Start match' to start the friendly match.


All the teams you can see/select, are loaded from files that are shipped with the game. These files can be found in

directory <RetroSoccerDir>\UserData . In each team-file, there is data like: teamname, playernames, team skilllevel, skincolor, outfit and by who the team is controlled (computer or humanplayer).

(These team and player properties can be changed.)


You can play a cup tournament (with 32 teams). If you want to be/control one of those teams, simply select 'H' (HumanPlayer) just after the teamname in the group. 'C' means 'played by computer'. 'H' means: 'played by HumanPlayer'. You can select as much humanplayers as you like, but normally you will choose only 1 or 2 humanplayers.

Just click 'Play match' to proceed the tournament. When a 'knockout match' has ended in a draw, then there is extra time (relative to the total gametime). If the score is still equal after extra time, then the match will be played again.


The cup data is also loaded from file that is shipped with the game. This file can be found in directory <RetroSoccerDir>\UserData. In a cup file, all teams and results etc. are saved. The name of the (current) cupfile is saved in the INI-file.


Here you can set some general (match)settings like length of a match, controller-device of a humanplayer, sound on/off etc. You can change an option by clicking on it.

The options you can choose for 'HumanPlayer1 controlled by' and 'Humanplayer2 controlled by' depend on the input-devices you have attached to your computer. For example, if you have 2 joysticks attached, you can choose from those 2 joysticks, or choose the keyboard.

If you don't have any joysticks attached, you can only 'choose' the keyboard.

By default, the game is in 'fullscreen' mode. You can set this to windows (desktop) mode by changing the 'FullScreen' setting in the RetroSoccer INI-file to 0 instead of 1. (The RetroSoccer INI-file is in the same location as the RetroSoccer EXE-file).

3.4.1 Controller Mode

An interesting option is the controller mode. This means the way a player can be controlled during a match. There are 2 ways to control a player:

Beginner mode

Advanced Mode

Beginner Mode

If you just start with the game, or you want control as simple as possible, then choose Beginner Mode. In Beginner Mode, the control works as follows:

Button1 (or keyboard <space> or <Z>):   Low pass

Button2 (or keyboard <Enter>):   High pass

Button3 (or keyboard <X>):   (High) shot

Advanced Mode

If you want to have more variations in passes and shots (in terms of speed and height), you'd better choose Advanced Mode. However, it takes some practice before you have the feeling to be real good at it.

In Advanced Mode, the control works as follows:

Button1 (or keyboard <space>):   Pass / Shot

Button2 (or keyboard <Enter>):   Height of pass / shot

The longer you press button1 makes a faster / harder pass / shot.

The longer you press button2 makes a higher pass / shot.

The direction your shot / pass goes to, can be handled with the direction of the joystick (or arrow keys for keyboard) after you have pressed button1 (or space for keyboard).

Input devices

You can use joysticks or the keyboard to control the player(s).

During a match, the following buttons/keys can be used with corresponding actions:

Keyboard Joystick Action

Spacebar Button1 Shoot, Head or Tackle (depending on the

(or <Z>) situation)

Enter Button2 Set the height of the ball (just before shooting)

Teams management

You can create your own team(s) with the team playernames, skincolors, skilllevels etc. (per player).

To manage teams, choose 'Edit Teams' from the main menu. Then you can choose to add a team (by choosing 'Add'), or edit a team ('Edit' when first choosing a team to edit), or to delete a team ('Delete').

If you choose to 'Add' or 'Edit' a team, you see a screen where you can adjust / input all team and player properties. You can preview the team outfit with the 'Preview' button. Choose 'Save' to save all changes or 'Cancel' otherwise.

Cup management

You can create your own cup tournament(s ) with your desired teams in it.

Choose 'Edit Cups' from the main menu, and then 'Add' or 'Edit' a Cup tournament (assemble the teams for the cup tournament). You can edit a cup team with 'Edit' or import a team made in the teams management by choosing 'Import'.

4. Match

Controlling players

A player can be controlled with keyboard or joystick. (The keeper is always controlled by the computer.) You always control the player who is closest to the ball. This player has an arrow above his head (yellow arrow for HumanPlayer1, red arrow for HumanPlayer2).

A player can shoot, head, and tackle (all with button1). Shooting is done by button1/spacebar. The longer you hold the button1, the harder/faster you shoot. While you are holding button1, you can also hold button2, which sets the height of the shot. When you release button1, you shoot. It will take a little practice to make some nice shots, that's the challenge.

(For the 'keyboard: button1 is 'spacebar'. Button2 is 'Enter'.)

The direction in which you shoot is the direction of the inputcontrol when releasing button1.

For example, in advanced controller mode, you walk to to right, press button1, and then point your joystick 'right up', an then release button1, the shot will go right-up. If you point up (instead of right up), the ball will go 'more up'. The easiest way to set the shot direction is to just walk in that direction also, but you don't have to.

The action you do when pressing (actually releasing) button1, depends on the situation; when you're in ballpossession, you shoot. When you're not in ballpossession, and the ball is (about) on the ground, you tackle. If the ball is in the air while not being in ballpossession, and you're close to the ball, you head the ball (in the direction you walk).

A HumanPlayer/User can play against the computer, or against another user. It's also possible to let 2 computer-teams play against each other. Each team has a skill level between 1 (bad) and 10 (super).

Match function-keys

During a match you can exit the match with <Escape>, pause the game with <F2>, and show the score panel with <F3>.

Document Info

Accesari: 1116
Apreciat: hand-up

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