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Slot Machine Additions


Slot Machine Additions

Initial Hoppers for new slot machines installed on the Casino floor shall come from the Head Cashier's "coin vault inventory".

No Hopper Fill slips need be prepared. The transaction shall be reflected in the Head Cashier's daily paperwork.

When token machines are added to the Casino floor, the Head Cashier shall:

a)     Increase the line item "Initial Hopper Fills" on the Token Bank Summary by the total dollar amount removed and placed in the token machines.

b)    Decrease the line item "Coin Vault Inventory" by the dollar amount of tokens removed from inventory and placed in the hoppers.

c)     Note at the top of the Token Bank Summary the reason for the increase in the "Initial Hopper Fills".

When adding the fill to the machine, notation of 'Initial Fill' value will be documented on the machine's MEAL 141x234b card.

Imprest Casino funds initially assigned to the slot floor and detailed as a portion of the main bank balance must also be reflected on the back of the coin vault door. The following members of the management team must ensure that this breakdown of slots by hopper denomination and value inserted is maintained up to date:

Head Cashier

Slot Manager

Casino Manager

Utilize a form of the following format:

Special Note - CFS

Any new machine denomination should be activated in the CFS between the closing and creating of a voyage, i.e. after the current voyage is closed out and before the new voyage is created. Any denominations added during a voyage will only create problems when it comes to balancing coin and/or stacker counts.

Note:  it will be necessary to unbalance the previous coin/bill count.

Adding A New Denomination To The Floor in CFS:

This is a management function. First check whether or not the relevant denomination type is on file within the CFS system. This can be found by checking "All Items" in the 'Machine Types' under 'Slot Configuration' in CFS Maintenance.

Should the required denomination not already be available, it will need to be created.

In order to create a new denomination, such as a 'nickel' slot machine, management would do the following:-

To account for Nickel Coinage

Tab to "Type" and enter "N"

Tab to "Priority" and enter the appropriate value (e.g. a nickel slot will be low, let's say 3 <only one digit is allowed>, though you should check this information with the Miami Executive Office first)

Tab to "Description" and enter "NICKEL"

Tab to "Refill" and enter "150"

Tab to "Denom" and enter "3"

To account for Nickel Bills

Tab to "Type" and enter "B" (for bills)

Tab to "Priority" and enter the appropriate value (this information should be checked first with the Miami Executive Office)

Tab to "Description" and enter "NICKEL/BILLS"

Tab to "Refill" and enter "150"

Tab to "Denom" and enter "3"

Press F10 to save

Denominations can be deleted from this field simply by tabbing down to the appropriate type and pressing F9, before saving (F10).

Once a denomination has been created in CFS, provided a dummy machine number specific to this same denomination is also made available via SMS, daily batch inputs to this dummy machine in CFS will be possible.

Slot Machine Removal

This will occur as a result of one of the following:

a)     Slot machines physically removed.

b)    Denominational change.

c)     Game conversions.

A - Expensing the Initial Fill Value(s)

The old machines' initial fills shall be expensed by preparing a Hopper Fill slip for each machine. Note: The initial hopper amount to expense is the dollar amount that was placed in the hopper when the machine was first placed on the floor. This same amount will be reflected within the Head Cashier's main bank balance sheets and shall also be posted on the back of the coin vault door. Each HC must maintain, on the back of the coin vault door, accurate information  pertaining to the general displacement of Casino funds.

The Hopper Fill form should state "Initial Hopper Expense" in the comment section and be signed by the Casino Manager, Slot Manager and Head Cashier.

Each Hopper Fill form must be input to Iverson on the last gaming day for which a machine is present on the Casino floor.

On the occasions of a large number of machines being expensed at the same time, individual hopper refill slips may be replaced with a single form detailing all pertinent information of the format included below.

Regardless of  form used, individual records must still be entered into the Iverson database and also into CFS as a portion of the days batch values.

The Head Cashier shall reflect these slot machine changes in the accounting paperwork as follows:

When token machines are removed from the Casino floor:

a)     On the Token Bank Summary, under closing inventory the Initial Hopper Fill amount shall decrease by the total dollar amount of initial hoppers expensed.

b)    On the accountability side, the Head Cashier shall show the dollar amount of the initial hoppers expensed as a negative line item with an explanation (i.e., x number of slot machines removed from the Casino floor).

This step is necessary as the Opening Balance figure includes the dollar amount for those initial hoppers from the day before the machines were removed.

c)     The increase (decrease) in the Token Bank Summary is carried forward to the line item "Token Bank Difference" on the Main Bank Summary.

d)    Again, on the Main Bank Summary the line item "Hopper Fills" will increase by the dollar amount of initial hoppers expensed.

The above slot removal procedures transfer the initial hopper fills from an asset item on the Main Bank Summary to an expense on the Slot Win Report.

B - Recording of Stacker Funds

Activate a poll specific to those machine numbers being removed from the floor. Alternatively, if a regular stacker count is scheduled, meters from these machines may be polled as part of the regular slot floor bill drop polling process.

Process funds capture using existing stacker count policies and procedures.

C - Recording of Drop Bucket and Machine Hopper Funds

Ahead of the ship to shore process taking place, the slot floor must be polled twice for coin activity pertaining to those machines numbers being removed from the Casino floor.

The first poll, inclusive of drop meter values, will be used for input of the coin drop physical, per related coin count procedures.

The second poll, inclusive of metered drop values where all amounts are now zero, will be used for input of detail from the hopper count. In essence, this entire count will show as a discrepancy against the polled zero meters.

The usual fleet specific forms will be used to record actual drop revenue counted and all counts will follow established count procedures.

With regards the hopper count, all funds of a single denomination will be counted together and recorded on the summary sheet below.

Insert the '# of machines' and total 'coin in pieces' attributed to each denomination. The cash value and 'per machine' value will be automatically generated. With regards input of the 'per machine' value to CFS, all machines of the same denomination will have an input value rounded down to the nearest whole coin value. The last machine of each denomination will include this value plus those fractional amounts previously set aside.

In the example below:

2 x $5 machines will both show drop of $375.00 each.

24 x $1 machines will each show drop of $455.00 and the last unit will detail $469

83 x quarter machines will each show drop of $46.50 and the last unit will detail $65.50

20 x nickel machines will each show drop of $4.75 and the last unit will detail $4.70

Total input values: $16,163.70

Thus the input hopper count will balance exactly with the coin values available for transfer to the main bank.

Note: input to CFS should utilize a gaming date separate from those already taken for input of the stacker count and regular bucket drop count(s).

On receipt of files detailing all initial hopper expenses and hopper count, shore side accounting personnel will offset the hopper drop against the total coin/token drop for the voyage, thus lessening the impact of the false drop effect on the win to drop ratio.

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Accesari: 2526
Apreciat: hand-up

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