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WALKMAN Player 3.0 Mod 1.3 on SE P1i


WALKMAN Player 3.0 Mod 1.3 on SE P1i

Mod: Walkman Player v3 (from W960i)
Mod's version: 1.0

Tested on: SE P1i (R9K009/GW1)
HPM-82 works properly 838d316i

- Unlock access to system folders (look CapsSwitch)
- Download the archive from

- Copy contents of directory 'C' from the archive to 'C:\' disk in your phone. Default language of the Walkman Player is English. To change the language copy the contents of according folder from a dir 'Languages' to folder 'C:\Resource' on your phone. Accept overwrite request.
- Restart your smartphone

Shortcut key assignment

-------- ----- ------ -------- ----- ------
| (q/w) | (e/r) | (t/z) | (u/i) | (o/p) |
| | e-Eq | VolumeUp | | Play/Pause |
-------- ----- ------ -------- ----- ------
| (a/s) | (d/f) | (g/h) | (j/k) | (l/BkSpc) |
| Stop | Prev/FR | Play/Pause | Next/FF | |
-------- ----- ------ -------- ----- ------
| (,/y) | (x/c) | (v/b) | (n/m) | (./Enter) |
| | Shuffle | VolumeDown | Minimize | |
-------- ----- ------ -------- ----- ------
| (Shift) | (*) | (Space) | (#) | (Alt) |
| | Lock | Stop | Play/Pause | |
-------- ----- ------ -------- ----- ------

P.S.: You can change shortcut key assignment in the file c:\private\200011FD\default\playview_skt.xml

Document Info

Accesari: 2306
Apreciat: hand-up

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