ePALS Registration:
To register on ePALS.com, Teachers:
Click on the following link: https://www.epals.com/register/.
Select the TEACHERS' Channel as your ePALS Channel and click "Continue."
Provide ePALS with the information requested, choosing a user name and password for yourself. Accept the terms of the agreement.
Provide ePALS with information about your school and classroom. In the description of your class indicate that you are participating in the "Real Lives - Real People" program.
Confirm and approve your profile information (profiles take approximately 24 hours to be approved).
To create Teacher monitored accounts:
Click on "MONITORED EMAIL: Helping you ensure appropriate content in the messages of your students."
Note: If participating students are below the age of 13, they must have the parental consent form signed by a parent and returned to the teacher. This form can be downloaded from the ePALS Web site. Once permission slips are collected from parents of all students under the ages of 13, teachers may sign-up the students for ePALS email accounts. Teachers do not need to return the signed ePALS permission slips to ePALS, but must keep them on file at the school.
Create Monitored Student email accounts.
c. Select a password for the students. One for all students is fine for registration. Students will be prompted to change this password when they log-in the first time. (Be sure they write down their password in a place where they can find it.)
d. By default, monitor filter levels are set at level 1. Filter levels range from 1, where the monitor reads everything that comes in or goes out of the student's mailbox, to level 4, where the student is not monitored. You can adjust the filter levels at any time, and you can adjust the filter levels for individual students.
You will receive an email from ePALS that provides you with details of the students' email registration.