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The character of the accommodation units has at its outset different criterions. In their types definition one have to take into account the following characteristics: size, comfort, functionality, time of using, the type of tourism they attend, etc. There are two major groups of accommodation units: primary units and secondary units.

The primary accommodation units are: hotels, motels, chalets (huts), villas and inns.

The hotels. They are known as accommodation units since the end of the Middle Ages. Their main function is the accommodation function. From the size point of view, there are three kind of hotels: small hotels (1-70 beds), medium hotels (71-150 beds) and large hotels (more than 150 beds). From the comfort point of view, there are five levels, usually named "stars". From the importance point of view, the hotels are national and international hotels. The hotels can also be classified after how long they are opened for the tourist: temporary (only a few months in one year, and those are the hotels situated near the resorts, in the mountains and in the seaside) or continuous (they are opened for the tourist all the time in one year). They have in their structure restaurants, pools, bars, conference halls.

The motels. They are alike the hotels as structure and functionality, and the difference is that they are dependent of transit tourism. They first appeared in USA because this is a country with localities situated at a large distance one from another. They have in their structure petrol stations, auto service, parking places and garages.

The villas. They are traditional accommodation units, situated especially near the resorts. Their main characteristic is the intimacy because their accommodation capacity is limited. The villas don't have in their structure public alimentation units.

The chalets. They are a group of accommodation units very spread. One can find chalets in the plain, hill and mountain areas, but also near the isolated sights.

The inns. The inns are traditional accommodation units, the forerunners of the today's motels. They have archaic qualities and one can find them situated at the crossroads. In the past, they served as an accommodation for a night or to for the merchants.

The secondary accommodation units are: shelters and refuges, board and lodgings and private accommodation units, camping.

The shelters and refugees. These are the accommodation units that ensure a small amount of accommodation, only for emergency. The shelters and the refugees are situated especially in the mountains, on highs, in the troubled areas.

The boards and lodgings. These are situated in the inhabited regions with lack of accommodation units. Their main characteristics are the intimacy and the authenticity of services.

The camping. These accommodation units have developed lately because of the necessity of accommodation in areas with lack of hosting places. The camping is a large terrain, open space, equipped with electricity and current water, where the tourists can set up their tents. Usually these are situated on the outskirts and near the resorts.




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