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Atheist Quotes


Atheist Quotes


"Atheists do look for answers to existence itself. They just don't make them up."


"I condemn false prophets, I condemn the effort to take away the power of rational decision, to drain people of their free will--and a hell of a lot of money in the bargain. Religions vary in their degree of idiocy, but I reject them all. For most people, religion is nothing more than a substitute for a malfunctioning brain."

-Gene Roddenberry

"Is man one of God's blunders or is God one of man's?"


"The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad."


"Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man."

-Thomas Jefferson

"The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession."

-Abraham Lincoln

"I think that naming your ignorance God and pretending that, having named it, you have converted ignorance to knowledge is a sorry approach to the unknown."

-John Popelish

"Christianity: Safer than a lobotomy, but just as effective."


"Two hands working do more than a thousand clasped in prayer"


"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason."

-Benjamin Franklin

"What is the nature of God? His nature is entirely dependent upon the age or culture that has reinvented him."

-Solomon Skink

"The world holds two classes of men: intelligent men without religion, and religious men without intelligence."


"If God doesn't like the way I live, let him tell me, not you."


"Christianity has made the rape of the human body a crime, but not the rape of the human mind."


"Atheists are now here to stay. We are ready to take over the culture and move it ahead for the benefit of all mankind. Religion has ever been anti-human, anti-woman, anti-life, anti-peace, anti-reason, and anti-science. The god idea has been detrimental not only to humankind but to the earth. It is time now for reason, education, and science to take over."

-Madalyn O'Hair

"Take a piece of shit - wrap it in gold foil - call it the most valuble thing in existence - install it in a beautiful building crafted by the most talented artisans in the world - make it so beautiful it makes men weep for joy upon seeing it - and these atheists still say "something smells bad!" - they have no respect for even the most venerated of turds."

-Mark Richardson

"It is an interesting and demonstrable fact, that all children are atheists and were religion not inculcated into their minds, they would remain so."

-Ernestine Rose

"Pantheism is only a polite form of atheism."

-Arthur Schopenhauer

"If he is all-powerful, how offend him, how resist him? If he is reasonable, how can he be angry at the blind, to whom he has given the liberty of being unreasonable? If he is immovable, by what right do we pretend to make him change his decrees? If he is inconceivable, why occupy ourselves with him? IF HE HAS SPOKEN, WHY IS THE UNIVERSE NOT CONVINCED? If the knowledge of a God is the most necessary, why is it not the most evident and the clearest?"

-Percy Byssche Shelley

"Through the atheistic perspective we are able to see the true divisive and vindictive nature of Christianity. The atheist sees the Christian as equal in the end. Both going to the same place upon death, nowhere. Where as the Christian sees themselves as deserving favors and gifts, where the atheist deserves punishment. We can see here the true benevolent nature of atheism and why it is clearly the better world view to maintain."

-Mike T. Suetkamp

"The Christian Cross is to the atheist as the Nazi Swastika is to the Jews."

-Mike T. Suetkamp

"The whole foundation of Christianity is based on the idea that intellectualism is the work of the Devil. Remember the apple on the tree? Okay, it was the Tree of Knowledge. 'You eat this apple, you're going to be as smart as God. We can't have that' ".

-Frank Zappa

"Give me the storm and tempest of thought and action rather than the dead calm of ignorance and faith. Banish me from Eden if you will, but first let me eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge."

-Robert Ingersoll

"What was it that Adam ate that he wasn't supposed to eat? It wasn't just an apple - it was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The subtle message? Get smart and I'll fuck you over -- sayeth the Lord. God is the smartest -- and he doesn't want any competion. Is this not an absolutely anti-intellectual religion?"

-Frank Zappa

"When a young person loses faith in his religion because he begins to study science and its methodology it isn't that through the obtaining of real knowledge that he knows it all, but he suddenly realizes that he doesn't know it all."

-Richard P. Feynman

"Those who believe in hell can never know truth, for they are blinded by fear."

-Emmet F. Fields

"The careful student of history will discover that Christianity has been of very little value in advancing civilization, but has done a great deal toward retarding it."

-Matilda Joslyn Gage

"It will yet be the proud boast of women that they never contributed a line to the Bible."

-George W. Foote

"How many conservatives, who talk constantly about restoring America's Christian heritage, have you heard mention that Washington, John Adams, Franklin, Jefferson, and most of the other founding fathers, as well as Lincoln, were not Christians? It was Washington who insisted that no reference to God appear in the Constitution. "The government of the United States," he declared, "is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion." Jefferson produced a life of Jesus (still in print) from which he removed all the miracles to let the heart of Jesus' teachings shine forth. Not one of the first seven presidents professed the Christian faith."

-Martin Gardner

"Christianity is a black spot on the page of civilization."

-Lemuel K. Washburn

"Fear paralyzes the brain. Progress is born of courage. Fear believes -- courage doubts. Fear falls upon the earth and prays -- courage stands erect and thinks. Fear retreats -- courage advances. Fear is barbarism -- courage is civilization. Fear believes in witchcraft, in devils and in ghosts. Fear is religion -- courage is science."

-Robert G. Ingersoll

"Who can over estimate the progress of the world if all the money wasted in superstition could be used to enlighten, elevate and civilize mankind?"

-Robert G. Ingersoll

"I would not for my life destroy one star of human hope, but I want it so that when a poor woman rocks the cradle and sings a lullaby to the dimpled darling, she will not be compelled to believe that ninety-nine chances in a hundred she is raising kindling wood for hell."

-Robert G. Ingersoll

"Christianity has such a contemptible opinion of human nature that it does not believe a man can tell the truth unless frightened by a belief in God. No lower opinion of the human race has ever been expressed."

-Robert G. Ingersoll

"Think of how many religions attempt to validate themselves with prophecy. Think of how many people rely on these prophecies, however vague, however unfulfilled, to support or prop up their beliefs. Yet has there ever been a religion with the prophetic accuracy and reliability of science?"

-Carl Sagan

"What is more, it appears to be generally realized that some of the world's foremost philosophers, scientists, and artists have been avowed atheists and that the increase in atheism has gone hand in hand with the spread of education."

-Encyclopedia of Philosophy

"Mr. Speaker, a new report says only 7% of scientists believe in God. That is right. And the reason they gave was that the scientists are super smart. Unbelievable. Most of these absent-minded professors cannot find the toilet."

-Congressman James Traficant, August 3, 1998. House record page H6885

"Thus that which is the most awful of evils, death, is nothing to us, since when we exist there is no death, and when there is death we do not exist."


"Religion stills a thinking mind."

-Greg Erwin

"We would be 1,500 years ahead if it hadn't been for the church dragging science back by its coattails and burning our best minds at the stake."

-Catherine Fahringer

"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."

-Albert Einstein

"The idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I am unable to take seriously."

-Albert Einstein

"The road to this paradise was not as comfortable and alluring as the road to the religious paradise; but it has shown itself reliable, and I have never regretted having chosen it."

-Albert Einstein

"Faith is the antithesis of proof."

-NY State Supreme Court Justice Edward J. Greenfield

"Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to."

-George Seaton

"A rational thought a day keeps religion away"

-Matt Guttentag

"We may define 'faith' as the firm belief in something for which there is no evidence. Where there is evidence, no one speaks of 'faith.' We do not speak of faith that two and two are four or that the earth is round. We only speak of faith when we wish to substitute emotion for evidence. The substitution of emotion for evidence is apt to lead to strife, since different groups substitute different emotions."

-Bertrand Russell

"In a universe of electrons and selfish genes, blind physical forces and genetic replication, some people are going to get hurt, other people are going to get lucky, and you won't find any rhyme or reason in it, nor any justice. The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference."

-Richard Dawkins

"Invisible Pink Unicorns are beings of awesome mystical power. We know this because they manage to be invisible and pink at the same time. Like all religions, the Faith of the Invisible Pink Unicorns is based upon both logic and faith. We have faith that they are pink; we logically know that they are invisible because we can't see them."

-Steve Eley

"Over the years I realized the god I prayed to was the god I invented. When I was talking to him, I was talking to myself. He had no understanding or qualities that I did not have. When I realized God was an extension of my imagination, I stopped praying to him."

-Howard Kreisner

"You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do."

-Anne Lamott

"Isn't it *ironic*? One of the favorite themes of the Christian Conversion Corps is that, if we don't worship a deity, we must be worshiping ourselves. Yet it seems that this is *precisely* what, in fact, the theists themselves are doing. They worship a God with the same views, ideals, even personality traits as themselves - the God in the mirror."

-Rosa Williams

"If it were proven that there is no God there would be no religion. But also if it were proven that there is a God, there would be no religion...."

-Ursula K. Le Guin

"Randomness scares people. Religion is a way to explain randomness."

-Fran Lebowitz

"Antiscience includes fundamentalists, creationists, cultists, the Religious Wrong- people who have a desperate need to believe; that's okay, but they have an equally desperate need to have you believe, too."

-Leon Lederman

"If you don't think that logic is a good method for determining what to believe, make an attempt to convince me of that without using logic. No one has even bothered to try yet."

-Brett Lemoine

"If God can do anything he can make a stone so heavy that even he can't lift it. Then there is something God cannot do, he cannot lift the stone. Therefore God does not exist."

-Lucretius, Roman poet

"Satan the envious said with a sigh: Christians know more about their hell than I."

-Alfred Kreymborg

"Don't you know there ain't no devil, it's just God when he's drunk."

-Tom Waits

"Why should an atheist pay more taxes so that a church which he despises should pay no taxes? That's a fair question. How can the apologists for the church exemption answer it?"

-E. Haldeman-Julius

"When you understand why you don't believe in other gods, you will understand why I don't believe in yours"


"So, the Christian fundies want to slap the 10 commandments on the wall. I guess our school kids have a real problem with committing adultery and carving idols during school hours."

-Dr. Monkeyspank

"If thinking freely for yourself is a sure ticket to hell, then the conversations in heaven must be awfully boring."

-San Francisco's infamous Dr. Weirde

"Geology shows that fossils are of different ages. Paleontology shows a fossil sequence, the list of species represented changes through time. Taxonomy shows biological relationships among species. Evolution is the explanation that threads it all together. Creationism is the practice of squeeezing one's eyes shut and wailing 'does not!'."

[email protected]

"Truth does not demand belief. Scientists do not join hands every Sunday, singing, "yes, gravity is real! I will have faith! I will be strong! I believe in my heart that what goes up, up, up must come down, down. down. Amen!" If they did, we would think they were pretty insecure about it."

-Dan Baker

"Two recent surveys rate the United States at the top among Western nations in belief in God and at the bottom among six major countries in school kids' understanding of science and math. This could be dismissed as chance, but it shouldn't be."

-Bill Mandel, San Francisco Examiner, 12 February 1989

"Changes in the educational levels of the general population in recent years appear to account for much of the variance in biblical beliefs over time. The current proportion of biblical literalists is 32%, only half of what it was in 1963, when 65% of Americans said they believed in the absolute truth of all words in the Bible and that it represented the actual word of God. Belief in inerrancy is most likely to be found among people who did not complete high school (58%), and least likely among college graduates (29%)."

-One Nation Under God, Barry A. Kosmin & Seymour P. Lachman

"If all the achievements of scientists were wiped out tomorrow, there would be no doctors, but witch doctors, no transport faster than horses, no computers, no printed books, no agriculture beyond subsistence peasant farming. If all the achievements of theologians were wiped out tomorrow, would anyone notice the difference? Even bad achievements of scientists, the bombs, and sonar- guided whaling vessels *work*! The achievements of theologians don't do anything, don't affect anything, don't mean anything. What makes anyone think that "theology" is a subject at all?"

-Richard Dawkins

"The sentient may perceive and love the universe, but the universe may not perceive and love the sentient. The universe sees no distinction between the multitude of creatures and elements which comprise it. All are equal. None is favored. The universe, equipped with nothing but the materials and the power of creation, continues to create: something of this, something of that. It cannot control what it creates and it cannot, it seems, be controlled by its creations (though a few might deceive themselves otherwise). Those who curse the workings of the universe curse that which is deaf. Those who strike out at those workings fight that which is inviolate. Those who shake their fists, shake their fists at blind stars."

-Michael Moorcock

"If God is love, and if God is also omnipresent, then the Devil cannot exist. If the Devil exists, God cannot be love and also be omnipresent. Yet, an omnipresent God of love and the Devil are both said to exist. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure that there is something wrong here!"

-Donald Morgan

We are despised because we are a walking, talking personification of the doubts that are harbored in the subconscious of every religious person. And what religionists can't stand about us is that by and large we are happy when we're supposed to be unhappy without a god."

-Jon Murray

"There's no reason, in theory, why god's presence couldn't be measured or detected in some way. The only reason that believers claim that god "can't" be detected in this way is because god *isn't* detected, and so a vast and intricate rationale has to be devised to explain this vast, loving, eternal, all-powerful "something" which is, in every external, objective respect, indistinguishable from nothing."

-NMS, on alt.atheism

"God's only excuse is that he does not exist."

-Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle)

"I don't see any god up here."

-Yuri Gagarin, speaking from orbit in 1961

"Such things have often happened and still happen, and how can these be signs of the end of the world?"

-Julian, Emperor of Rome 361-363 A.D.

"Convicts register their religious affiliation when they're processed into prison. And about 99.5% of the huge U.S.A. prison population consists of inmates who identified themselves as members of religious denominations."

-Gene M. Kasmar

"When I tell people here in France that one of every three Americans has had a personal conversation with Jesus Christ, they think it's an insane asylum. And they think you must be talking about certain unenlightened farmers or very old people. You tell them, no it's corporation presidents, members of Congress, presidents of universities --they're all 'born again.' Then they're totally shocked. It's what makes America very different from any of the other Western democracies....That kind of large admixture of irrationality into a modern society is a very dangerous combination that doesn't bode well..."

-Edmund White

"In 1583 at Vienna, a 16 year old girl suffered stomach cramps. A team of Jesuits exorcised her for eight weeks. The announced that they had expelled 12,652 demons from her, demons her grandmother had kept as flies in glass jars. The grandmother was tortured into confessing she was a witch who had engaged in sex with Satan. Then she was burned at the stake. This was one of perhaps 1 million such executions during three centuries of witch-hunts."

-James A. Haught

"Don't take our word for it. Read the Bible itself. Read the statements of preachers. And you will understand that God is the most desperate character, the worst villain in all fiction."

-E. Haldeman-Julius

"There was a time when religion ruled the world. It was known as The Dark Ages."

-Ruth Hurmence Green

"I think I'll believe in Gosh instead of God. If you don't believe in Gosh too, you'll be darned to heck."


"A zealot's stones will break my bones, but gods will never hurt me."


"Fundamentalism means never having to say 'I'm wrong.' "


"Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day; Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish"


"It's your god. They're your rules. *You* go to hell."


"Atheism: Freethought, Religion: Thought free."


"Atheists are beyond belief."


"The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.' The wise man says it to the world."


"Man created God in his own image."


"Faith is deciding to allow yourself to believe something your intellect would otherwise cause you to reject -- otherwise there's no need for faith."


"God hated the world so much that he sent his only son so that whoever does not believe in him will perish and be denied eternal life."


"Most men would kill the truth if truth would kill their religion."

-Lemuel K. Washburn

"A humanist or an atheist can't tell you to go to hell but a Christian can and will."


"Find God? Why, is God missing?"


"Freedom is the distance between church and state"


"Want to know what happens after death? Go look at some dead things."


"Creationism was created. Evolution evolves."

-John Nicholson

"It is, therefore, our unequivocal conclusion that creationism, with its accounts of the origin of life by supernatural means, is not science."

-"Science and Creationism", National Academy Press

"If you're looking for a little background reading on scientific creationism, it's best not to take the word scientific too seriously. A three-year database search of 4,000 scientific publications -- focusing on the names of people associated with the Institute for Creation Research and on phrases and keywords such as 'creationism' -- didn't turn up a single paper. A follow-up study of 68 journals found that only 18 of 135,000 total manuscript submissions concerned scientific creationism, and all 18 were rejected. Reasons cited included 'flawed arguments,' 'ramblings,' and 'a high-school theme quality'."

-Science 85 6(7):11, September 1985

"The church lives on the fact that modern research about Jesus is not known amongst the public."

-Hans Konzelmann

"Carl did not want to believe. He wanted to know."

-Ann Druyan (Carl Sagan's widow)

"I've gone into thousands of furtune teller's parlours, and have been told thousands of things, but nobody ever told me I was a policewoman getting ready to arrest her."

-A New York Detective

"All thinking men are atheists."

-Ernest Hemingway


"AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharoah's chariotters."

-Jerry Falwell

"If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being."

-Jerry Falwell

"When the temptation to masturbate is strong, yell 'Stop!' to those thoughts as loudly as you can in your mind. Then recite a portion of the Bible or sing a hymn."

-Mormon Guide to Self-Control

"I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."

-George Bush

"The right of holding slaves is clearly established in the Holy Scriptures, both by precept and example."

-Rev. R. Furman

"Reason should be destroyed in all Christians."

-Martin Luther

"Reason is the Devil's greatest whore; by nature and manner of being she is a noxious whore; she is a prostitute, the Devil's appointed whore; whore eaten by scab and leprosy who ought to be trodden under foot and destroyed, she and her wisdom ... Throw dung in her face to make her ugly. She is and she ought to be drowned in baptism... She would deserve, the wretch, to be banished to the filthiest place in the house, to the closets."

-Martin Luther

"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such a school has no religious instruction and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith . . . We need believing people."

-Adolf Hitler

"WE MUST NOT LET THE HOMOSEXUALS TAKE AMERICA'S CHILDREN. Please send your gift right away. Thank you again!"

-Rev. D. James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries fundraising letter

"I would shoot the bastards if I was allowed, because a woman can't represent Christ. Men and women are totally different, that's not my fault, and Jesus chose men for his disciples."

-Rev. Anthony Kennedy

"Killing is a form of mercy because it rectifies the person. Sometimes a person cannot be reformed unless he is cut up and burnt....You must kill, burn and lock up those in opposition."

-Ayatollah Khomeini, Iranian religious leader

"Read the Bible. It teaches you how to act. Read the hymn book. It contains the finest poetry ever written. Read the almanac. It shows you how to figure out what the weather will be. There isn't another book that is necessary for anyone to read, and therefore I am opposed to all libraries."

-Hal Kimberly, a Georgia legislator

"It should be made clear that in order to live a Christian life, any Christian must be able to discriminate and hate, because that's what the bible says."

-Bernhard Kuiper

"The Church doesn't believe in book-burning, but it believes in restricting the use of dangerous books among those whose minds are unprepared for them."

-Francis J. Lally

"Any woman who does not give birth to as many children as she is capable is guilty of murder."

-St. Augustine

"All diseases of Christians are to be ascribed to demons; chiefly do they torment freshly-baptised Christians, yea, even the guiltless new-born infants."

-St. Augustine

"It is impossible that there should be inhabitants on the opposite side of the Earth, since no such race is recorded by Scripture among the descendants of Adam."

-St. Augustine

"Women should not be enlightened or educated in any way. They should, in fact, be segregated as they are the cause of hideous and involuntary erections in holy men."

-St. Augustine

"The good Christian should beware of mathematicians and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell."

-St. Augustine

"Behind that innocent face is the power of satanic darkness. Harry Potter is the devil and he is destroying people."

-Pastor Jack Brock

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier - just so long as I'm the dictator."

-George W. Bush

"... if they landed from a planet not affected by original sin, they would be unkillable."

-Fr. Francis J. Connell

"Grown men should not be having sex with prostitutes unless they are married to them."

-Jerry Falwell

"A Jew is for me an object of disgust. I feel like vomiting when I see one. Christ could not possibly have been a Jew. It is not necessary to prove that scientifically - it is a fact."

-Joseph Goebbels

"Just last week I saw two homosexual men at the supermarket. The supermarket! In broad daylight! That's what you get when you worship the creation instead of the creator."

-Rev. Terry Glidden

"The best way to please Jesus is on your knees..."

-from a church sign

"When science and the Bible differ, science has obviously misinterpreted its data."

-Henry Morris, Head of Institute for Creation Research

"Evolution is the root of atheism, of communism, nazism, behaviorism, racism, economic imperialism, militarism, libertinism, anarchism, and all manner of anti-Christian systems of belief and practice."

-H. M. Morris

"The only way we can determine the true age of the earth is for God to tell us what it is. And since He has told us, very plainly, in the Holy Scriptures that it is several thousand years in age, and no more, that ought to settle all basic questions of terrestrial chronology."

-Henry Morris

"Unfortunately, God doesn't give us all the details. All we can do is begin with what we do know and make reasonable inferences. I can think of several possibilities which are biblically acceptable...Is it possible that this highly intelligent being [Lucifer] performed breeding experiments, or genetic engineering on both mankind and the animals, in his attempt to mock the true Creator/God and usurp His authority? Perhaps even the ancient legends of composite mixtures of beasts and half-men/half-beasts have some basis in fact."

-John D. Morris

"We really have dinosaurs today, without any question. You just need the right weather conditions, as I see it, to get huge creatures. And in the ocean, of course, we have huge creatures...This is where the pleisosauruses seem to be today, and perhaps also this fire-breathing dragon is still down there- very rare, but occasionally there."

-Rev. Walter Lang, Founder, Bible-Science Association

"Our question is: How old is the Universe? Answer: the Universe is 5735 years old, plus six Creation Days."

-Rabbi Simon Schwab

"Geocentricity vs. Acentricity: that's the argument. Acentricity meaning there is no center whatsoever... To me, this is a hellish nightmare. This is worse than evolution, as far as I'm concerned."

-Professor James Hanson

"A second possible thing that creationists might look for is some kind of instrument that will detect darkness. It is my conclusion, based on [scripture] that darkness is a positive thing."

-Richard Niessen, Professor, Christian Heritage College

"Son, that is the word of God and that is not for you to question."

-Ron Patterson, father's response to "How did them kangaroos get to Noah's Ark?"

"At the end of the Mesozoic, you begin to see evidence of a stunning moral decline. Bones of wives and children all alone, with the philandering husband's bones nowhere in sight. Heaps of fossilised species living together in unnatural defiance of biblical law. Researchers have even excavated entire orgies - hundreds of animals with their bones intertwined in lewd positions. Immorality was rampant."

-Rev. Jesse Colson

"...I have an IQ of about 160, I taught science for about fifteen years..."

-Kent Hovind

"Secondly, man was hunting them [dinosaurs]. Back in those days they called them dragons. They killed the dragons for meat. There would be a lot of hamburger in one brachiosaurus. You could feed the village for a while, right? Or because they were a menace, or just to be a hero; "I slew the dragon."

-Kent Hovind

"Dinosaurs were just big reptiles that lived with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. You can buy these at the pet store right now; it has got three horns on his face, what would he look like at about 10 tons? Some kind of triceratops."

-Kent Hovind

"Satan is seeing to it that well meaning parents are destroying their children's immune system by putting over 22 viruses into their system before they are two."

-Kent Hovind

"Einstein's theory was that the speed of light is a constant. Time is the variable. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe time is the constant and light is the variable."

-Kent Hovind

"I speak in public schools all the time. I get in lots of public schools and teach Young Earth Creationism. I teach on dinosaurs. I say, 'Kids, dinosaurs have always lived with man. They did not live millions of years ago. People called them dragons and they killed them for years. For centuries they were killed by man.'"

-Kent Hovind

"I did not even know what being a humanist meant. I was only sixteen, and the brain doesn't even start developing until about twenty."

-Kent Hovind

"I believe the Great Pyramid was built to be the Bible in stone. The Egyptians did not build it. "

-Kent Hovind

"Therefore, there may not be any other stars in the solar system that have planets around them."

-Kent Hovind

"You say, 'Brother Hovind, you don't believe in fire breathing dragons do you?' Yeah, you better watch video tape number three; there really were fire breathing dragons."

-Kent Hovind

"The globalist, the Council of the Committee of Three Hundred, has as one of their goals to reduce the world population from six billion to one-half billion people. There are too many people here that cannot be controlled; so get rid of them. That's why AIDS was purposefully developed in a Maryland laboratory to wipe out population."

-Kent Hovind

"Mammoths do not have any sweat glands. They were not designed for cold climates."

-Kent Hovind

"There is not an ozone problem that man has created. [.....] Man has done almost nothing to the ozone. In fact, my understanding is that the last time scientists measured the ozone layer, it was thicker than it was the first time they measured it."

-Kent Hovind

"If evolution is true, you could not know that it's true because your brain is nothing but chemicals. Think about that."

-Kent Hovind

"If Evolution is true, there is no Creator, so laws come from mans opinion. That is called a democracy, which is a terrible form of government. Democracies always degenerate into dictatorships. In America, it is sad to say, has become a democracy."

-Kent Hovind

"And whoever does not believe in Allah and His Apostle, then surely We have prepared burning fire for the unbelievers."

-The Koran

"To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin."

-Cardinal Bellarmine, at the trial of Galileo in 1615.

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

-Jesus - Matthew 10:34

"The American people wants a president that appeals to the angels..."

-George W. Bush August 2000

"When I said during my presidential bid that I would only bring Christians and Jews into the government, I hit a firestorm. `What do you mean?' the media challenged me. `You're not going to bring atheists into the government? How dare you maintain that those who believe in the Judeo-Christian values are better qualified to govern America than Hindus and Muslims?' My simple answer is, `Yes, they are.' "

-from Pat Robertson's "The New World Order," page 218.

"Children deserve better than to be forced to live with homosexual parents. Where there are such parents, they should be punished according to Leviticus 20:13, and the children should be placed within righteous families"

"I don't attend funerals. I've never attended one during my adult life. Whenever I am convinced that a person truly went to heaven, then you will see me at his funeral."

"Demons cause more than one type of expression on the faces of the people whom they possess: There is the glassy-eyed look and stare of the epileptic; the feminine look in the male homosexual; the masculine look in the lesbian; the look of education and sophistication; the look of innocence and truth in the liar, etc..."

"If there is any kid who should have been aborted while it was an embryo or fetus, it was America. Britain rightly tried to abort it, but was prevented from doing so by satan."

"Satan's bowels began to churn and growl, and they began to give him awful pain. Then he felt a strong urge to expel excrement. When he did so, it gave off the most awful smell. His excrement is the american constitution and its amendments."

"The worst person I've encountered in the world was a patriotic American."

"I am sure that there are many people who became demon possessed at the time they thought they got born again. Instead of God having given them the Holy Spirit, they received an evil spirit which dramatically changed their lives and deceived them into thinking they had become true Christians. But they will find in the end that it was a demon in them mimicking salvation."

"Some murderers are more righteous than the government. After they murder, they have sense enough to commit suicide. That is, they bring the sentence of death upon themselves. But had they not rightly put themselves to death, the government would have wrongly placed them in prison to house, protect and feed them at the victims' relatives and tax payer's expense. Then, after a few years, they would have been paroled to murder again."

The following quotes were taken from Wasteland of Wonders:

"If the King's English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me."

-Brice Wellington on alt.atheism

"I predict/prophecy in Jesus name that: John F. Kennedy will publicly reappear, amaze the world, and is in fact the 'beast' of the Revelation."

-John Prewett

"So, how come there are no "talking snakes" nowadays?" ... "Because you are not righteous enough to hear them talk."

-Raoul Newton

"I know another preacher who, along with his church, prayed that the LORD would help a pot of noodles last through a social dinner, not only did they last, not only did several take home a container full of noodles, but the containers always stayed full. Finally, they had to throw them out, after thanking the LORD of course."

-Jerry Randall

"I know it isn't the fetus's fault, but the mother shouldn't have had an abortion if she didn't want the baby to go to hell."

-Jim Staal

"God created dinosaurs when he created man. But he kept them on one side of the earth while he kept Adam and Eve on the other side. Then he killed off all of the dinosaurs and hurled their bodies to the other side of the planet, tilting the planet on its axis. And that's why the earth revolves around the sun - the impact from God's dinosaurs tilted earth into its rotation."


"I've good my brain on top of my head."

-Raoul Newton

"When they landed on the beach, coconuts started to land around them - big ones. They were being thrown by a demon possessed man in a tree."

-Peter Sawyer

"Don't Masturbate. It's a no-no and can cause rape, insanity, or bodily damage."

-Brice Wellington on alt.atheism

"Again, you forget the constant light that the earth recieved from the big bang gas cloud that eventually enveloped the earth."

-John Boatwright on alt.atheism

"Proto star? Like that hard as nails Jupiter that you said was a fluffy gas ball??? Too funny. Jupiter is SOLID, just view the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet impacts ON THE SURFACE!!! Astronomers just don't keep up."

-John Boatwright on alt.atheism

"There was only Earth prior to the Big Bang. Just like God said."

-John Boatwright on alt.atheism

"IN FACT: I'll just state here and now, that particle accelerators (if anything) should be suffcient to start up another "big bang"

-John Boatwright on alt.atheism

"We are homo sapiens, you can consider yourself a primate, however I don't."

-Zoner on alt.atheism

"There have been triple blind studies and plants that hear about God grow a better crop"

-Timothy Sutter on alt.atheism

"Brain: A physical organ inside the head that sends and receives messages through the nervous system. It is a physical part of the body, just as an arm, leg or the heart is. It has little to do with thinking. It can physically tell the body that something is hot and warn against touching it, but it doesn't make decisions for you or tell you how to act."

Document Info

Accesari: 1982
Apreciat: hand-up

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