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Empire Earth FAQ/Walkthrough FINAL


Empire Earth FAQ/Walkthrough FINAL

By: LlamaGuy

Email: ******** (muah)

Date: 04/13/03

No more emails, this is the final version. Besides, most of the emails

I get are asking for cheats\campaign editor. And if the question is

actually legitmate my response is usually just a sentence from the

guide for that level. Yes, you can find my email in the legal secion,

I know - don't email my anymore about the game please. I helped you

guys for 8 months, I'm retiring now.

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**0****0**0) Table of Contents

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0) Table of Contents

1) Update History

2) Introduction

3) Game Info / System Requirements

4) Controls

5) Greek Campaign Walkthrough

5.1) The Early Helladic Peoples: 10,000-2,000BC

5.2) Warriors From the Sea: 2,000-1,500BC

5.3) The Trojan War: 1,300-1,100BC

5.4) The Rise of Athens: 1,000-500BC

5.5) The Peloponnesian Wars: 427-404BC

5.6) Young Alexander: 336-334BC

5.7) A Conqueror is Born: 334-332BC

5.8) And Alexander Wept: 332-330BC

6) English Campaign Walkthrough

6.1) The Return of Young William: 1040

6.2) William, Duke of Normandy: 1047

6.3) The Battle of Hastings: 1066

6.4) The Hundred Years' War Begins: 1340-1346

6.5) The Black Prince: 1356

6.6) We Band of Brothers: 1414-1415

6.7) The War Against Napoleon: 1806-1814

6.8) The Battle of Waterloo: 1815

7) German Campaign Walkthrough

7.1) Cavalry of the Sky: Summer 1915

7.2) Supply and Demand: Winter 1915-1916

7.3) The Red Baron: Spring 1916

7.4) The Somme: 1918

7.5) Lightning Warfare: 1939-1940

7.6) Preparations For Invasion: 1940

7.7) Operation "Sea Lion": 1941

8) Russian Campaign Walkthrough

8.1) The Crocodile: 2018

8.2) Novaya Russia: 2035

8.3) Changing of the Guard: 2064

8.4) Jewel in the East: 2092

8.5) A Change of Heart: 2097

8.6) A Bad Case of Déjà Vu: 2018

9) Army Tactics

9.1) Phalanx Combat

9.2) Static Offense

9.3) Lure

9.4) Trench Warfare

9.5) Strategic Defense

9.6) Army Organization

10) Frequently Asked Questions

11) Statistics

12) Legal

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****0*****1) Update History

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v0.2 - 07/04/02


Game Info / System Requirements


English Campaign


v0.5 - 07/06/02

Greek Campaign

Frequently Asked Questions

Scenario Difficulty/Fun/Overviews

Replaced the word "mission" with "scenario" where needed

Spelling / Grammar changes

v0.8 - 07/12/02

German campaign

More FAQ's

Re-ordered walkthroughs for chronological order

4 Army Tactics

I'll spell check it later...

v1.0 - 07/16/02

Russian campaign

More Army tactics

More FAQ's

Statistics section (check this out)

FULLY spell checked + Grammar + Spacing issues

v1.1 - 09/21/02

Correction from Mr.Rashid Fikree on Russia campaign 4

More FAQ's, please don't email with these questions!

New legal section (the I don't care version)

Fixed: "8.6) A Bed Case of Déjà Vu: 2018" typo

Statistics section updated

v1.2 - 11/09/02

Added same info from Diego on German campaign 1

Added different strategic wall from Darkforce

Send in your guides for "Lightning Warfare," German campaign 6

Didn't feel like updating statistics... their close enough :P

v1.3 - 12/23/02

Added a tip from Bob Idiot on German campaign 1

Typo on German mission 4 from J. Michael

New Lightning Warfare strategy from Mr. Dhongde - seems solid enough

Yeah, about those statistics... no body cares anyway

v1.4 - 03/21/03

Added my tips on German campaign 5, please no more emails

New email rule

Final - 04/13/03

Took out my email address

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*****0****2) Introduction

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Empire Earth is a game that covers time periods from 500,000BC

to times past the present. Each time period, or epoch, has been

designed for historical accuracy (except the last one, Nano). The

campaign covers all epochs (including the made up age). This is a

detailed HAND-HELD walkthrough for each campaign, and does not provide

general strategies for skirmishes, multiplayer, ect. I will provide

strategies usable against the computer AI, but these will not work

against human players (well human players with any sense).

This game needs a very good computer to play it and still have

fun. I have a 700MHz Celeron, 768MB RAM (256MB+512MB), and a VooDoo 3

3000. I would say this is a pretty good system but the game still runs

very laggy (about 10-15fps), even when only a few units are on screen.

I recommend you turn the game settings to best performance if you are

having problems (I did).

The in game graphics are OK; they aren't the best I've seen.

Each unit is a low-poly model and this can be seen when the game zooms

in for cinematic sequences. The faces of the models are just two quads,

with a face texture on them. The terrain is also decent. Even with all

these low quality models and textures the game still won't run fast on

my system. But set everything else aside the game is fun, and that's

all that matters.

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****00****3) Game Info / System Requirements

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Name: Empire Earth

Publisher: Sierra

Genre: Real Time Strategy

Requirements: Windows 98, Me, 2000, or XP

-Minimal Requirements-


64MB of RAM

450MB of hard disk space + 100MB for swap file

Monitor capable of 1024x768 *

AGP (4MB) or PCI (8MB) 3D Video card that supports

1024x768x16 resolution *

CD-ROM drive

Microsoft compatible mouse or other pointing device

28.8Kbps modem for multiplayer

DirectX compatible sound card

DirectX 8.0a or later


600MHz or higher processor

128MB of RAM (or more)

32MB AGP 3D video card

56Kbps modem for multiplayer

*A requirement is a 1024x768 compatible video card / monitor; however

my monitor only supports 800x600. You can play the game just fine, but

the menus are kind of scrambled. When you open the game go into game

settings and set the resolution to 800x600, when you go into a game the

screen will go to normal. About the video card I'm pretty sure there's

no way around that.

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**00000***4) Controls

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NOTE: All of these controls are in game controls, I know there are more

than these, but these are the most commonly used.

Left click: Select a unit

Left Click and drag: Select multiple units

Right click: Command a unit to attack\move\board transport\

repair (citizens only)

Right click and drag: Makes and arrow to orientate formations

']' or MouseWheel Up: Zoom in

'[' or MouseWheel Dn: Zoom out

TAB: Select idle citizens

ENTER: Open chat window

DELETE: Kills\Destroys the unit selected (fun fun!)

SHIFT: Shows the current path of unit(s) selected

'L': Make selected units explore

F2: Toggle zoom modes

F3: Pause\Unpause

F4: Quick save

F5: Toggle hidden buildings

F10: Show game menu

ALT+'F': Create a flare (tell allies to attack here)

CTRL+#: Set team #

#: Select team #

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**0000****5) Greek Campaign

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5.1)-----------The Early Helladic Peoples: 10,000-2,000BC----- ----- ----

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 1

Fun (1-5): 2

Overview: Steal a dock, sail across a river, and make a few


You start off with an easy mission, invade a city with more

people and better technology, and take over their ships and sail to a

new land... OK maybe it's not so simple. When you start off get your

some of your citizens and start chopping the down the forest closest to

your town center. Take the others and kill a goat and take its food.

Now take 1 citizen and make a barracks then put the citizen back to

work. Start making rock throwers and clubmen. Upgrade them if you want.

Train guys until you're out of both iron and gold if you want there is

some gold southwest of your town center but you don't need it. Now

start heading west, leave your citizens for now.

When you reach the hostile city follow the coast and look for

the dock. Kill anybody who attacks you and one of those heroes can heal

so you shouldn't be hurting too bad. Start making transports, and when

you're ready to leave gather your citizens and shove off. Oh before you

leave make sure you have at least 500 wood.

Sail west and if you get attacked at sea just ignore them

until you get to the coast. Land on the coast and continue west until

you come to a big plateau. Get your citizens to make a settlement,

barracks and a temple there. Wasn't that an easy game?

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5.2)----- ----- ----Warriors From the Sea: 2,000-1,500BC----- ----- -------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 4

Fun (1-5): 3

Overview: Escape from an island, make an army and kill 2 town


You start off on an island with a few citizens and some sword

guys. Your objective here is to get off the island as fast as possible.

First build a capitol and start chopping some wood. Then build a dock

and make 3 or 4 war rafts, and a few transports. There's gold to the

east if you need it, it's guarded by a few guys who are easy to kill. I

wouldn't recommend getting this gold, all it will do is lengthen your

stay on the island. If you stay on the island too long (way too long)

the Minoans will slaughter you with a huge army, you don't stand a

chance, don't think you do.

When you set sail head north. There will probably be a whole

lot of offensive BATTLESHIP'S!!! What you do is when you run into a

battleship just attack it with one of your ships, and leave that ship

behind. Don't let any of your transports die. You don't stand a chance

against the battleships, don't try to win (you don't stand a chance

against much do you?) Anyway get to the island; it's not a very far

sail, BTW its north incase you didn't know.

Once on the island you can get to the Argos plateau on your

map without running into any enemies. You'll be left alone here pretty

much except for a few stone throwers but those are easy. Your first

goal is to get the copper age. Get a bunch of food, and iron and get

into the copper age! Once you upgraded epochs you have unlimited food

(granaries) and good long range troops (simple bowmen). Build a lot of

macemen, and bowmen, and upgrade them too. If you want stone for some

reason it southwest of your 252q1610c plateau but you may have to fight off some

cavalry to get to it.

Your mission is to destroy 2 town centers. 1 city is still in

stone age, while the other 2 have lots of horses. First you need to

kill the one to the west of where you are. For this you'll need simple

bowmen, macemen, and sampsons. Right now sampsons are your closest

thing to a siege weapon you're gonna get. Go in first with your bowmen

and macemen and kill all the horsies. Then just head in with sampsons

and destroy the town center and other buildings. Feel free to take the

stone that they were using. When you take the stone you can build

hospitals to heal your wounded. You can also build a few towers to

guard what's yours (or attack what's not yours*grin*).

Now that the first town is out of the way you can

go onto to the Messenians. They are southwest of the last town you

leveled, be careful there are still Achaian horsemen around, because

the have another village in the northwest corner. When you attack the

Messenians you'll notice they have towers, destroy these fast with your

sampsons, and guard your sampsons with your bowmen. After the first

tower is dead head in and kill another. After that it should be really

easy, all your bowmen can kill any of their troops with 2 or 3 hits.

Just use the sampsons on the town center and you won.

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5.3)----- ----- --------The Trojan War: 1,300-1,100BC----- ----- ----------

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Difficulty (1-5): 3

Fun (1-5): 5

Overview: Get army from some people, kill some guys, and get a

Trojan horse!

First thing you do here is build a granary for food, then

take some citizens and go southeast to get some wood and stone. You

need lots of wood in this one so don't hold back, but don't neglect

stone. After you get your citizens situated put Agamemnon on a

transport and head to each of the 3 islands, don't worry nothing will

attack you, you only need Agamemnon. With each island you visit you'll

get more units, and more ships. By the time you're done you'll have 10

battleships, and 5 Odyssean transports.

Now the game tells you to invade Troy, but that's not what

you're gonna do, since you don't have a big enough army yet. What you

are gonna do is invade the city north of your city. There aren't many

towers so it'll be easy, I managed to do it without losing a single

guy. First send a citizen scout to find the passage to their city and

then unload your army out at the beginning of that passage. Kill

anything on your path. Once you get to the towers; kill them one at a

time with some sampsons. Once you get to the gate use your sampsons to

tear it down. Inside the city, destroy any troops there, and also

destroy the barracks, ect so they'll leave you alone. After blowing

everything up you'll have unguarded iron and gold at your disposal.

Also you'll get some civilization points. Just send over some citizens,

make 2 settlements, 1 next to gold, and 1 next to iron. Then select 5

citizens and populate one into a town center. Then just build a bunch

more citizens for your use.

Now that you have practically unlimited resources of every

type start making an army like no other. If you haven't gotten the

population cap + 15% bonus yet I suggest you use the points from

destroying the city to get this. With your resources you can also

upgrade everything you have to its fullest. Build up lots and lots of

units, max out your population. I recommend a few prophets, a bunch of

bowmen and macemen, and about 5 or 6 sampsons. Don't forget you need

enough transports. And don't worry nothing will attack you so take your

time, even go AFK while you get money if you want, you're totally safe.

While you are getting resources and building an army send those

battleships of yours and destroy the Trojan fleet, all over the east


Think you're ready? Well, let's see. If your whole army can

fit on the Odyssean transports supplied to you, your army isn't big

enough. Also cram on board some citizens, get the ones who aren't

mining stone. Give them their own transport (put 10 citizens in it),

also keep this transport separate from the rest so you don't unload all

your citizens and then die. When you're navigating the sea with your

battleships you'll come across a fleet of 5 battleships, kill them and

then stop here. This is where you will unload your troops. You must

have all the kings meet here first, so make sure their on the

transports too.

When you land Agamemnon will spot the towers north of you,

and says the camp must be far from them, well you heard him... make

camp. Unload your citizens and make a wall to enclose your troops, make

a gate so you can get in and out, but the Trojans can't, and then line

then wall with towers. You should have upwards of 6000 stone, so don't

skimp on the towers! Also inside your camp you should build a few

barracks, archery ranges, stables, a hospital, and a temple. Now just

use hit and run tactics. Hit them a couple of times with an archer or

better yet, cast malaria with a prophet the run back to camp, let the

archers and towers kill them. After you get rid of the standing army,

send in your sampsons along with Agamemnon to heal. Use them to kill

the 2 towers then attack the gate. When you attack the gate you'll get

a message saying it's hopeless. Gather your kings back at the beach and

you'll be instructed to build a temple up north. Clear a path for your

citizens, and build a temple. Or even easier just put them on a

transport and sail them up there!

After you build the temple watch the Trojan Horse pop up out

of nowhere with no cool special effects at all. Anyway load it up with

troops, and be sure to set their unit behavior to stand ground or else

they'll attack the temples and you were told not to do that. Be sure to

put the elite troops you got from the kings in there, a few archers,

and some sampsons. Don't bring a prophet thinking you can just use

malaria, because it's disabled once you get in. Just kill the king afar

with your archers, he won't do anything. Use your elite troops to kill

anything that goes after the archers. And use the sampsons to kill the

archery range, stable, and barracks. Once the king is dead kill his

guards, then move in with your sampsons. After the palace falls you


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5.4)----- ----- -------The Rise of Athens: 1,000-500BC----- ----- ---------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 3

Fun (1-5): 4

Overview: Defeat 3 villages, ally with them, and destroy an


In this one you have to destroy 3 villages to secure your

safety on the island. The first one you will attack is Aphidna (in the

middle). After you kill them you will have stone, gold, and iron and a

base right between the other 2 cities. First thing you do is make a

granary for food, and make as many citizens as you can. Take about 5

citizens and make them get food then make the rest get wood. Now use

all your resources to make an army, make it good, this army will need

to kill an entire city. Make a few bowmen, macemen, horsemen. Don't

worry about sampsons, you won't be destroying any buildings. When you

used all your resources get your army and the 5 noblemen and Theseus.

Take them to the middle village and destroy the army. Use the priest

supplied to convert some guys. Bring Theseus and 2 noblemen to the town

center (be sure not to blow it up). Now they ally with you. Now take

some of your citizens and bring them up to the stone, iron, and gold.

Build a settlement right in the middle. Once you get a settlement make

all your citizens get stone. Mine until you have 500 stone, then make a

Temple of Zeus. Now cut your citizens in half and make half mine gold

and half get iron.

Now build up a bigger army and attack Pallene, their even

smaller than Aphidna so it will be easy. After the army is dead bring

Theseus and 2 noblemen to the town center to get them to ally with you.

Now go to the last city, Eleusis, and tear down their gate with your

sampsons. Just run inside and kill the army, if you don't think you can

do it on your own use a flare; your 2 allies will come running in.

After you defeat them you get some money. Start making some bowmen back

in your city, and gather up your citizens to the left gate. Take your

army and put it up at Pallene. Now you can bring Theseus to the temple

and the gods take him up. After that Sparta and Thebes attack you. Just

lock all of your gates, kill them from the inside with your bowmen, and

repair with citizens. Also kill the army that comes from Pallene with

the army you sent up there, because all 3 of your allies abandon their

cities to help yours. Just keep your gates locked and repaired and you

got it.

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5.5)----- ----- -----The Peloponnesian Wars: 427-404BC----- ----- ---------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 2

Fun (1-5): 2

Overview: Get trapped in a city. Sail around on the sea in slow

boats back and forth a lot. Die of plague. Make an

army and kill a small, spread out army.

When this scenario starts gather up all your units that are

outside the city walls, and bring them in. And make your citizens start

chopping wood. Sparta will attack you and you don't stand a chance,

yet. Pericles has an idea, so bring him up the Parthenon, and he will

tell the city they need to stockpile 10,000 food. You can't do it alone

(well you probably could it would just take way too long). The lack of

food will cause a plague that will hurt your citizens and military

units. When it says "WERE UNDER ATTACK" go and find the sick unit and

bring him to the hospital to be healed; careful... he can spread it to

others. Anyway go to your capital and get 3 diplomats, then go to your

docks and build a whole bunch of battleships and frigates, don't worry

about transports, they will be provided. Once you have a good fleet go

and clear the way to the 2 spots on your map, and bring your diplomats

to the docks, and they will turn into a diplomatic transport. Now bring

the ships to the docks. Somewhere along the way a new spot on your map

will come up, send a diplomat there too. After you sent your diplomats

out you'll have 6 grain shipments, gold, and iron mine. Clear the way

for your shipments to come back (Sparta put more ships out so you need

to kill those too). Once you get the shipments you'll have over 15,000


Start making citizens at your base that you got southeast,

also build a barracks and a stable and make a small army (20-30 units),

Sparta will attack this town, and you must defend. After you have a

good bit of gold start making an army over at Athens. Make a good

variety of troops, I made some elephant archers, phalanxes, long bows,

and war elephants. But, after seeing my phalanxes and long bows totally

annihilated and seeing my 10 elephants take on the whole army I

recommend building a balanced number of war elephants, and elephant

archers. Be sure to go all out on upgrades too, you have the resources.

And build a Temple of Zeus to heal your units at all times. Don't

bother with a Pharos Lighthouse, because its range is limited and it

will only uncover the sea, which you don't really need. When you make

your army, unlock your gate and head southwest. You'll run in to them.

Keep heading southwest until all of them are dead, that's it, you're


** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

5.6)----- ----- ---------Young Alexander: 336-334BC----- ----- ------------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 3

Fun (1-5): 3

Overview: Defeat 3 armies, develop combat skills.

When this starts, wait around for a few seconds until

Alexander arrives. Listen to some talking and then go west up onto the

hill. Watch the fight, Aristotle says some things but on my computer

they only popped up for a split second. Anyway, after the battle is

over start heading west toward the spot on your map. Once you get there

follow the horse back to town and watch Alexander's father die. Kill

the 3 guys who killed him, you don't even have to kill them, just get

close and a bunch of phalanxes will run out of the city and do it for

you. After that's done with go to the town center. When you get to the

town center Alexander will disappear. Just select your town center and

build an Alexander the Great (seriously). It takes some gold and a lot

of time so while that's going on take Aristotle and put him on the

transport. Steer between the 2 hurricanes, and unload at the island.

You'll learn some spells, which actually gives Aristotle a use. Hop

back on the transport and go back. By the time you get there your

Alexander the Great will probably be done building. Be sure to make

your citizens get wood and food, you should make a couple more, the

ones supplied aren't enough.

When you get everything situated, make some more phalanxes,

companion cavalries and cavalry archers. When you have your army head

south to the spot on your map. When you make the cavalry Aristotle will

give you a strategy. You can use his complicated strategy, or my simple


-=His strategy=-

Send in the cavalry, zip past the front and

attack from behind. Grouping will help. Take your companion cavalry

along with Alexander send them to back and take care of the siege

weapons. Keep the phalanxes in front of your archers, and take out the

melee units with your archers. I would recommend saving before this, it

may take a few tries.

-=My strategy=-

Stop your army a little past the yellow

flags. Take Aristotle and walk him forward slowly. When you see the

army, cast malaria and run. When the guys reach your army they'll have

barely any HP left, kill them no problem. After their entire front line

is DEMOLISHED all they have left is a couple of archers and stone

throwers, take these out with phalanxes/archers/cavalry. Just be sure

to send Aristotle out of the way, because that's the first person

they'll attack.

Either way you do it, after you beat them you'll get some

money... I think you know what to do with it... huh? You don't know???

Rebuild your army, and add to it, also upgrade _a_little_. Next keep

going south until you run into Athens's army, it'll be even easier than

the last battle because now you have an even bigger army to work with.

If you're using my strategy stop your army right where the road you're

on turns southwest. As soon as you finish fighting this battle you have

must defend against the Spartan army. You have two choices of where

to fight this battle, on a road when they land on the island, or behind

your walls. Each has its advantages, choose where you want to fight it.

If you go for behind your walls, gather all your troops and citizens

and lock the gates. Whenever a gate becomes damaged, repair with

citizens, also be sure to check the walls, as they will be attacked

too. If one of your walls breaks take all your military units there,

and kill the Sparta as they bottleneck through your wall, and surround

your palace with citizens to repair. But, the time they get into the

city your archers will have totally injured their entire army, so they

should go down quick. If you choose to fight on the road, go to the

spot on your map with a yellow flag, mobilize and use the strategy you

used for all the other battles.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

5.7)----- ----- -------A Conqueror is Born: 334-332BC----- ----- ----------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 3

Fun (1-5): 4

Overview: Defeat the Persian army, and storm a city.

When you gain control of your units after the opening scene,

go to the flags by the sea. Take your army and stop in middle of the

water, your front line should be on just on the opposite coast. Take

Philotus and make him ride ahead until he finds the army. Advance until

the army starts chasing him, then go into the back of your army. The

enemies who followed you will only be interested in kill Philotus, and

won't even attack your other troops! Just keep doing this over and over

until the army runs away.

Now go to Issus, it the southeast town on your map.

Immediately south of Issus there's a river, on the other side is some

more of the Persian army, use the same tactic as last time to kill

them. You must kill every last one this time, Alexander will tell you

when their all dead. Now keep heading south toward Tyre, until you come

to the army. You gain control of some phalanxes, and catapults. Take

Meleager and send him up to Anticoch. Now that you have some citizens

start getting wood and gold. If you want you can build a Pharos

Lighthouse, it helps. You should build it on the coast, right above

where you got your army. Build it far enough from shore so that

catapult ships can't get to it. After that you'll know where all the

ships on the sea are. Build 2 or 3 prophets, and 2 or 3 catapult ships.

You're going to attack from land, with support from sea.

The city is blocked with a wall, that has no gates, and then

a wall with a gate. This is good for you, the enemy gets trapped in

this chamber where you can take them out easy, use catapults/archers.

While you are killing those destroy the gate on the other side, and the

tower next to it. Now take your prophets and use hurricane on some

ships, clear a path for your catapult ships. Move the catapult ships

next to the land bridge, and attack the towers. After guys stop coming

out of the city, blow up the wall and move in. Use your catapults to

destroy the capitol, you phalanxes to guard them, and Alexander to

heal. It's not that hard, you should be able to do it. One thing you

should do is set all your generals to a team. Every now and then select

the team to check on their HP, if any of them dies you lose.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

5.8)----- ----- --------And Alexander Wept: 332-330BC----- ----- ----------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 3

Fun (1-5): 5

Overview: Defeat some villages, seize Babylonia, kill Persia,

and weep.

The last of the Greek campaign and it's a good one. When you

start spend your money and make some more guys. Even out with cavalry,

and make more phalanxes. Now start traveling east until you run into a

small village. You are presented with a question, destroy the village

and take the loot, or make a town center and get your own village,

which do you choose? Well both of course! Raze the whole village, every

building and get the gold and iron. Then take your citizens and make a

settlement next to the wood. Also make a barracks, archery range,

stable and siege factory. Start shopping wood now. Spend the rest of

your money on making more units (no catapults yet), and upgrading.

Don't worry about any defense; you're the only aggressor in this one.

Keep heading east until you're almost in Babylonia. Use the

lure tactic on this one. Make a hero lure them to your army, and move

the hero to the back, watch enemies die. Go into the city with

Alexander and take all the loot. Now go west back to the village you

just wiped out and then north. Kill the hill tribe, and take their


Now east from here is the Persian army, go there. You need to

wipe out half of them. They have elephant archers, and powerful

cavalry. You should use the luring tactic again here, be careful though

that narrow passage can easily get clogged, and that deadly. If you are

having trouble use some citizens to make a tower or two, but you

shouldn't need to do this. After this army is beaten make some

catapults at your siege factory. If you population is maxed out then

send some units east toward the tomb, they'll die. Anyway, max out your

population and start heading east from where you fought the last battle

(east NOT south east!!) When you get to the gates, destroy the 2 tower

with your catapults, and then the gate. If you want you can put a unit

at the gate and some elephant archers will come out, you can kill those

with your army, get some elephants out of the way. When the gates come

down you can just storm in, no tactics needed you should be fine.

Advance into the valley; destroy the tower with your

catapults and kill the standing army outside the gates. When you get

the message after you kill everyone, bring Alexander, Philotus,

Craterus, and 3 or 4 phalanxes or cavalry. When you get to the tomb a

few assassins will try to kill you but they are easily defeated. Now

watch a pretty good ending. Good job, you beat the Greek campaign!

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6.1)----- ----- -----The Return of Young William: 1040----- ----- ---------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 2

Fun (1-5): 3

Overview: Kill some enemies, kill some bandits, get a couple of

catapults, and siege a castle...

Not a very hard scenario to do. When you first start out

you'll have some money. Select a unit and you can upgrade their stuff.

I recommend upgrading archers speed with your money because their

pretty slow. Don't spend too much though you'll need it a little later.

Now that your done walk east on the path a little way until

some archers attack you. Just select all your guys and right click the

archers until they die. Now look on your mini-map and you'll see a blue

spot south of where you are, go there. Once here you'll get some

knights and pikemen added to your army.

Next another village comes up on your map, start going there.

On your way you'll find a village being attacked by bandits, you

guessed it... kill the bandits! After that you'll get some bonuses, put

them where ever you like. Continue your way up north once there you'll

get some more troops. You're now ready to cross the bridge to Falaise.

Start going southeast towards the blue spot on your map, and

cross the bridge. When you get to the town send some guys east, they'll

run into a few enemies, kill them all. You'll find a town that gives

you some stone. Now send a guy southeast to find an engineer who will

sell siege weapons 500 stone a piece, buy 3 trebuchets. Now go north to

the castle and kill it. The trebuchets have slightly longer range than

the towers. Just send in some trebuchets to kill the towers. After you

fell some towers troops come running at you, kill them with your

troops, be sure not to walk into range of a tower and die! Rinse and

repeat; send citizens in as scouts if you are unsure. After you destroy

the keep watch it sink into the ground...

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

6.2)----- ----- ------William, Duke of Normandy: 1047----- ----- ----------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 3

Fun (1-5): 3

Overview: A lose cannon jester who doesn't play by the rules...

Get an army, kill another army...

You start off as a jester named Gollet who needs to warn

William of a plot against him. Start walking to the blue spot on your

map and you'll be attacked by two swordsmen and an archer... guess what

you kill them... that's a real tough jester. Continue walking and

you'll be distracted by a noise north, go there and look, it's a wolf

you kill it too (wow). You also find a chest with bandages and a new

sword. You find two more rebels on your way there and kill them with no

problem. Stop off at a farm and get new clothes before going into town,

and apparently the clothes change his voice too (shrug).

Once there William heals Gollet and William gets a horse. Now

leave the city from the east exit or you'll die. On your way there just

you'll find some other rebels, use Gollet as bait and kill them with

William. Keep going down the path until you find a church, William goes

in and prays, and when he comes out a group of riders is coming. Leave

the church and hide in the bushes directly across (there's a big red

flag there).

Keep following the trail and you'll come across a village and

pick up 3 knights. Next on your journey is an "ambush" (2 archers) but

their on a cliff so just ride by them and then stop, William will heal

everyone. Now right here set William and Gollet (if he's alive) to team

1, and the 3 knights to team 2. Now when the cinematic pops up be sure

not to click anything until it's done or you'll be killed by them. When

it's over you'll see the knights not to far from you, send in team 2

(the 3 knights) and then team 1 (William & Gollet) around the battle.

After the escape you'll find yourself in a city, you get some

more troops. Go to the town northwest of your location and pick up some

more troops, after defeating the champion (pretty easy). You'll also

find some on the road. Also go to the town east (you have to go south

past the river to get there). Once you have that go meet Henrys army

(it's on the map). Now just kill the army and you're done with this

scenario. (Notice how Henry sat in the back row and didn't fight at

all). With the army that you've built up by now it should be pretty


** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

6.3)----- ----- -------The Battle of Hastings: 1066----- ----- ------------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 3

Fun (1-5): 3

Overview: Build an army, sail over sea, kill an army, and then

kill a king.

This is the first scenario where you actually get to build a

lot of stuff. First press TAB to select your idle citizens, send them

northeast and southwest to get food, gold, iron and wood (stone isn't

important). Also build more citizens. Now build an army, I recommend

lots of archers and knights but it's really your preference. Don't

forget to upgrade your guys a lot (archers with full upgrades can do

some real damage). Don't go for too much diversity so you can just

upgrade the units you have. As soon as you get some units put them at

each of the spots where your gathering resources, as bandits will

invade from time to time. Once you max out your population William will

be able to go to the dock and get transports, don't do this until you

are ready, there's no turning back.

Start ignoring iron and food and concentrate on wood and gold

now. Build enough transports for your whole army (I had 6) and with the

left over population build battleships. Upgrade the battleships and

shove off! Go to the middle spot on you map and land, be careful

frigates will attack you be sure to kill them before you lose a

transport. When you land there will be 2 archers on a cliff, kill those

before passing or your troops will get hung up and disorganized (this

actually happened to me and I lost). After they are dead pass through

and kill the army. If William dies during the fight he'll only lose his

horse, run up to the hill or you will lose the battle.

Now Godwinson fled to a nearby hill, go kill him and his

troops, Leave William back if he fell off his horse to be safe. After

this battle heal (obviously) and march forward. If you lost your horse

go northwest from the first town you find to get him a horse first.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

6.4)------------The Hundred Years' War Begins: 1340-1346----- ----- -----

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 4

Fun (1-5): 3

Overview: Sink a few ships, get some stone, build an army, and

then storm a castle.

Almost 300 years since your last battle, William's dead so

forget about him... Anyway, start off and build 3 battleships and

upgrade range and attack once. Assign all but the demolition ship to

team 1; make the demolition ship team 2. Take team 1 and follow the

south coast and make team 2 follow the north coast. When team 1 is

attacked make team 2 go around the battle and blow up the flagship,

then you can kill the rest of the ships with team 1.

After this you'll be transferred to land. You'll have some

units and a Black Prince with the exact same powers William had. Head

south and kill any opposition. Instead of taking the front door to

Caeon make your own in the southeast corner, to avoid the towers.

You'll be able to kill the 4 building easily. Once you're done with

that you get 5 citizens, and any left over building are yours (that's

why you keep the towers alive). Build a settlement in the middle of all

the rocks, and mine 150 stone.

Now after that an architect comes out of nowhere and upgrades

your settlement into a town center. He just sits there the rest of the

game, so just ignore him. Get more citizens and start getting

resources. First go east and get that wood! Then go north and find the

iron and gold, you should have enough wood by now to make a settlement

there too. Since you already have a lot of iron focus on gold. Build a

dock and a bunch of fishing ships and make them all get fish (there's a

bunch of fish just look around). If you run out of fish just build a

granary and that will produce farms for you to get food from too,

there's also some food in the south-central area. If you wanna see

something cool go all the way northwest there's a small localized

hurricane on the coast there's also some others north-north-east of

your city... ANYWAYS... Build an army, upgrade them... same same. Be

sure to make a tower or two to block attacks, and station some units

east to guard your wood choppers.

When you feel you're strong enough move east. You'll run into

a hostile French city, kill them all. Head over the shallow land bridge

and do some more killing. Destroy two towers and some farms, cross a

bridge. Now getting in can prove quite tricky, they have a seemingly

endless supply of archers, knights, and ballistae (plural for

ballista!). Destroy the towers with your siege weapons, and hopefully

break through the defense and make it into the town with a good sized

army. There's also a small strip of land just a LITTLE east from the

bridge (you can probably see if from the bridge). Drop off trebuchets

here, and you can snipe off a bunch of building with no problem. The

wall will protect you; you can also send Black Prince to heal if

needed. Also watch out for priests they can convert your units and use

them against you. And one more thing during the game some other country

(France I think) will keep attacking you and you can't seem to destroy

them. I just built a huge wall and they stopped at the wall and did

nothing at all (no rhyme intended). Good luck on this one this is the

first one that might hold you up.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

6.5)----- ----- ----------The Black Prince: 1356----- ----- ---------------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 3

Fun (1-5): 3

Overview: Steal a bunch of treasure, get an instant army, then

kill another army, and storm the castle.

Just start off heading southeast and almost instantly along

your journey you'll come across some French, kill them and plunder

their treasure. You won't be getting anymore units for a while so

ration the ones you have. Oh and be sure to take the chest with you (it

can roll around). Keep going east until you come across a small

village, kill all the troops and take down the tower (be sure to make

the Black Prince heal whoever the tower attacks!!!) Destroy the rest of

the village if you want, although I don't think it's required. If you

keep going east you'll hit a dead end, so now go west. You'll come

across a small monastery and they attack you, their pretty easy. Oh I

should also mention they will make volcanoes on you so as soon as you

get there, kill everything in sight quick. 3 down 1 to go. Now head

back to where it was a dead end before, oh look wasn't that easy the

trees are felled!... Right... just take the path over the water. Run

through the valley and don't worry about the rocks, just keep moving.

You come across a village; same old kill the troops take the loot. Now

you hafta get back to where you started. The rocks in the valley have

fallen so forget about that. Instead go around north then west, cross a

big bridge. You'll come across a deserted village but it's not that

simple... AMBUSH (3 guys attack you)... After that you come across

another village being attacked by bandits (French) kill them and WOW

WASN'T THAT CONVIENT!?... 2 transports at your disposal. 3 rivers to

choose from, you could try all 3 or just take the one that leads south.

Go back to where you started and you're done.... NOT!

Now you gotta meet reinforcements north, so hop back on your

transports and go north, wow that was a quick trip... Instant Army just

add water. Now go south and loop up north. Get up top the hill and be

sure to guard both entrances to the hill. Try to save at least one

trebuchet so you can get in the castle easier later on (I didn't have

any trebuchets left so I'm writing this while my swordsmen tear down

the wall... I'm gonna go find something to eat). I timed it, 11 minutes

to tear down the wall + 4 minutes for the castle, SO BE SURE TO SAVE A

TREBUCHET! Anyway all ya gotta do is tear down a wall, get in ignore

the towers and kill the castle.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

6.6)----- ----- ------We Band of Brothers: 1414-1415----- ----- -----------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 3

Fun (1-5): 2

Overview: Kind of annoying, you have to visit a whole bunch of

temples, while avoiding priests who can convert you.

Then storm a castle, and beat an army who outnumbers

you by a whole lot.

This scenario starts out with King Henry V running to Oxford.

When you get there make some citizens and go to the gold and food on

your map... build settlements, get resources. Make an army I recommend

cataphracts and cavalry archers for this one, because their fast. If

you make trebuchets or archers upgrade their range and attack to max,

this is VERY important for winning at the end of this scenario. Back to

the present time... there are priests all over the place watch out for

them; they'll convert your citizens. After you get a decent army

(doesn't need to be huge) and start searching for temples. I'm not

gonna give you directions to each temple, there all over the place. If

you want to know there are 7 temples, 4 of which are hostile. After

your done bring King Henry V back to London.

After A LOT of talking you'll be able to do stuff again. Max

out your population and gather ALL your units and bring them to

Portsmouth (south of Oxford). When you land select all your citizens

and press 'L'. This will make them all explore for you. After they

explore build a stable, archery range, barracks, and siege workshop to

make more units. Then make them all get resources. While their doing

that take your army and go to the northeast part of the island and try

to blow down the wall so you can get in and out easily. First kill the

towers, and the archery ranges. You shouldn't go inside until ballistae

start coming. As soon as a ballista attacks you move inside with all

units and destroy the siege workshop ASAP. Then stable, barracks,

ect... Just prioritize and you'll be fine. Also use the earl to heal.

Now bring Henry and the Earl (your only 2 units) to the fords

outside Nesle (keep going east from the city you just destroyed). Well

after all that you get your units back. Your citizens stopped working

so put them all back to work. Remember the barracks ect you made

earlier? Rebuild your army to max population you should have plenty of

resources by now. OK... follow this strategy I made; I used it and only

lost 1 trebuchet as a casualty. Have your archers, and trebuchets range

and attack maxed out. When you cross the river there are two hills, one

on each side. Each hill has 2 cannons that will attack you, kill them

with your trebuchet(s). Make sure the Earl is right next to the

trebuchet to heal it. After the cannons are dead move forward with the

trebuchet, because it has good sight range, until you find some troops,

attack them and then run to the back row. The units you attacked will

come running for the trebuchet and won't attack ANYTHING else. Just

kill them all before they reach it. Repeat this until all the troops

are dead. Also your archers can substitute as trebuchets, except for

killing cannons. And a final note... the enemy archers are instructed

to hold ground so as long as you stay out of their range they won't do


** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

6.7)----- ----- ----The War Against Napoleon: 1806-1814----- ----- --------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 4

Fun (1-5): 4

Overview: Make an army, free some cities, and defeat Napoleons


400 years have passed and technology has advanced a lot while

you were gone. It is no long the middle ages epoch, now it's the

industrial epoch. No more swords, your troops use guns now, you also

have mobile cannons. Use your new technology wisely. Now to start the

scenario, go southeast and gain control of your army. Don't upgrade

anything yet. Head in to your transports and let your frigates lead the

way. After you reach Lisbon go toward the docks with your frigates

before unloading, and kill that cannon they have from afar, also weaken

the troops. Then unload and kill the rest of them. Stay put at the edge

of town with your frigates on the coast. Some more troops will come

from the west, kill them since you have frigate backup it shouldn't be

that hard.

Go north east and kill most of the infantry here. Junot will

surrender, MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS if you don't the game won't tell you

otherwise and will keep giving you instructions, and you won't be able

to build an army!!! OK... now you have a new mission: defeat enemies at

Talavera. The city you were just in becomes yours, start getting

resources. After you get some resources make some bombardments and

serpentines from your siege factory. Send them south to kill the two

towers at Badajoz. Continue in to the town and kill two more. Before

you kill the last tower send a decent army just above the land bridge.

When you kill the last tower Spanish rebels will storm out of the city

and attack the French, you back them up.

Now that the first defense army outside Talavera is gone you

can move in. When that city is liberated go onto Salamanca. Go left

into the dirt and lure the enemies to where you're other infantry are.

After you kill that cluster there's another one a little ways away from

that. Kill them too. Rebuild your army if needed, and gather all your

citizens. Also use any remaining money to upgrade or max out your

population. Now head east to the mountains be careful, there are 4

snipers up high, kill them with Wellesly. When the snipers are dead

take your citizens and build lots of towers on the highest land you can

find and mobilize your troops in the middle. Then just wait for the

French to attack. If they don't attack just lure them in with a cannon

or something. On the mountains you'll have a height advantage and

you'll have towers too. Just keep shooting and when most of the enemies

are dead the rest will run away. ! During this battle when I was

playing Wellesly actually died, and I got the message saying that all

hope is lost ect ect, but then it cut to the scene of the French

running away...


** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

6.8)----- ----- ------The Battle of Waterloo: 1815----- ----- -------------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 3

Fun (1-5): 4

Overview: Just slaughter Napoleons army, that's the jist of it.

You start off this one as a messenger for Wellesly. Once you

gain control, start heading southeast. Along the forest path there will

be some snipers, kill them if you want or just ride by, it won't

matter. Just follow the path to the first place on the map and you'll

find Blucher's army. He sends a messenger back to Wellesly but he never

got there. Wellesly decides to mobilize his army and doesn't know

whether or not Blucher will help.

Now once you get your citizens don't worry about resources,

you have all you need. Head to Belgium and build a base a little south

of them, on the big hill. This should also be southeast of Brussels.

Make 2 barracks, 2 stables, and 1 siege factory. Now make a settlement

next to the stone and get stone for awhile. I should also mention that

you need to be VERY quick about everything. As soon as you finish

making the stables start training dragoons. As soon as the barracks

finish start training British Infantry. And when the siege factory

finishes start making serpentines and bombardments. When you have a

decent army send them south to Quatre Bras, and get ready for an

attack. If you get the message that the French are going to attack

Quatre Bras, and you're not their yet, start moving! When the French

start coming toward you take care of their cannons with your

bombardments and serpentines. Also at the same time you need to tell

your citizens (engineers) to make a hospital at the edge of the hill.

Then make as many towers as you can on the hill and at the bottom. Make

the towers as if an attack were coming from Quatre Bras, and upgrade

the towers range.

When the battle at Quatre Bras is done send your remaining

troops up to the hospital and heal them all. Use any remaining money to

make more guys. Also upgrade your units, don't max upgrades though, you

want to balance quality and quantity. When you use up all your money

mobilize behind your towers. Sometime along the way the Prussian army

will arrive to support you. When they come that's your queue to get

ready. After less than a minute you will be under attack. You should be

able to totally waste the French easily, since you have the height

advantage, towers, a hospital healing your guys, AND back up from

Prussia. Congratulations, you completed the English Campaign!

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*****0****7) German Campaign

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7.1)----- ----- --------Cavalry of the Sky: Summer 1915----- ----- --------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 2

Fun (1-5): 3

Overview: First save a damsel in distress, chop down a tree,

take some pictures, and blow stuff up

This scenario starts with some cool cinematics up in the sky.

But anyway, when you gain control start heading east (yes east). You'll

come a across a farm, and a guy that says the Russians took his wife.

Just keep heading east then north a bit and you'll find a barracks. Two

guys come out, you can kill them easy. The wife runs back to the farm,

follow her. After the talking is over you'll be able to control the 3

brothers, go west and chop down the trees.

Now that the path is cleared take Manfred and Holck west past

the trees. You'll come across a small base, just get right up on the

barracks and Holck takes a picture. Follow the path west and take some

more pictures of another base on the path. Keep following the path and

you'll come across another base, take pictures of that one too. When

you find this one the hospital becomes yours, heal if needed. Now from

this base go north and take pictures of that one too. If you get

attacked don't worry, just run away.

Diego points out:


I wanted to tell you that in the German Campaign scenario " Cavalary of

the Sky" if you went north from the first base you photograph you find

another base. In one of the buildings is a map of all the other bases

(very useful). And then if you go west you come across another base and

it gives you AMMO (extremely useful against the doughboys).


When you get the 4 pictures you'll get control of the army

that's advancing from the west. Train 3 or 4 medics, 3 artillery

cannons, and about 5 cavalry anythings. Upgrade range on your troops,

and attack if you feel like it. Also you should set all unit behavior

to stand ground. Now move forward slowly killing anything that gets in

your way and healing with a medic. When the pillbox starts attacking

you pull back all but one infantry, use your medics to heal him as he's

being shot. You need him as a spotter for your artillery, just use the

cannons on the pillbox, it'll die really quick. Now comes for killing

their artillery. Advance until you get hit by the artillery, then fall

back a bit and heal. Take one of your cavalries and send it right next

to the enemy artillery and then shoot it with your cannons. This will

take a few tries. Now advance forward some more, kill another cannon,

then just push with all your soldiers.

Tip from: Bob Idiot


Instead of making a large army, just destroy the machine gun hut and have

your men kill as much as possible without any healing or anything. After

everyone is dead (your side) just send the 2 guys through and you should

just narrowly make it.


When the path is cleared take Manfred and Holck and go to the

camp. Find the headquarters tent, and go there. Scenario beaten!

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

7.2)----- ----- ------Supply and Demand: Winter 1915-1916----- ----- ------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 3

Fun (1-5): 1

Overview: I hate this scenario. Just let ships come in.

This one is VERY annoying. Make a bunch of citizens anywhere

but the west town, and have them mine gold and iron. Also make a

settlement next to the wood that's east of the western most town. Start

getting wood, gold, and iron. Make a naval yard in the middle of your

island on the north coast, and on the far west coast. Supplies will

start coming in. Make a bunch of submarines, and destroy any ships on

the sea. Once you have about 10 supplies make it in, this scenario gets

very irritating. They start send insane amounts of bombers and stuff to

attack your supplies. You should make a cruiser or something, and use

him to decoy the planes fire, and let supply ship go through. Another

thing that's annoying about this one is its repetitiveness, the same

thing over and over. Somewhere along the line it'll tell you to bring a

u-boat to the British dock, don't worry about doing this since you'd

have to make a huge fleet to destroy all the frigates (they can hit

u-boats) and you'd still have to worry about airplanes. You can make an

airstrip or two to combat the enemy, but it's futile. The supply ships

are unlimited, so this one might go on for a while.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

7.3)----- ----- ---------The Red Baron: Spring 1916----- ----- ------------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 4

Fun (1-5): 2

Overview: This is a 4-5 hour scenario, be ready. Blow up stuff

while getting destroyed with airplanes that you have

no defense against.

When you start off make a bunch of citizens, and settlement

next to all the money. Start getting resources. Now go to your

aerodrome and make lots of fighters and bombers. Send the fighters to

the base south of you, and destroy all their fighters. Right after the

fighters leave your base, send your balloon to follow. Send it right

over their base, and select a building inside, everything will die. Now

comes the hard part. Build lots of howitzer cannons, a few artillery,

and a German officer (make this with your capitol). Also make some

partisans, but leave those at base to destroy any enemy aircraft. As

soon as anything finishes building, send it to the back of your base or

airplanes will kill them. Once you have a big army, send them west and

then south. Destroy the base there. You'll also find some aerodromes

northwest, kill those with your artillery, since their on a hill and

you can't reach them with anything else. Now continue heading south,

and ignore any enemy airplanes, they don't do much damage and you can

just heal with the officer. If too many planes attack you though, send

in your air fighters. Be sure to watch out for enemy artillery. Go past

the yellow town, and look 3 aerodromes, kill them all. Now attack the

last enemy fort from the east. Be careful, at this point their

desperate they attacked me with insane amounts of artillery. Use the

howitzers to kill towers and stuff before you enter their range. One

thing you should watch for is tanks... artillery and other tanks are

the best for killing these. Also if you still need more help bring a

good amount of citizens with you and build towers if tanks attack you.

After you destroy the last base you'll have to kill all the airplanes.

If you don't have any partisans make some now. Just stay put at your

base and kill planes, very easy.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

7.4)----- ----- ---------------The Somme: 1918----- ----- -----------------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 4

Fun (1-5): 3

Overview: Destroy 3 towns, and build some barracks.

When you start in this one you have 15,000 of each resource, so

don't start getting money! Instead make an extra airport next to the

one you already have. Scatter your base with AA guns. Start making an

army like none other. Fully upgrade everything. On one airport make

fighters, and the other bombers. Set the fighter rally point to the

center of the edge of your base, they'll destroy any one who finds your

base (be sure to tell them to if they don't!) Go for a variety of units

this time, because money is no object. Oh yeah, if somebody finds your

base and lives to tell about it, you lose all your money. You'll also

lose all your money if you reach your pop-cap. Before you reach your

pop-cap, go south and build a dock or two, build a bunch of AA guns and

a few towers to guard it. Build 3 or 4 transports (don't worry its

quick trip, you can come back to pick up more.) When you reach your

pop-cap start chopping wood, and getting gold... also, you should have

a good bit of bombers, send them south, a little ways past your dock.

When they are taking off select two at a time, and put them into teams.

When you get to the coast there will be 4 AA guns spread out, bomb them

all. Now send your fighters in too, the coast is now yours, unload.

Now move in south, with fighters and bombers for backup, you

should totally demolish this base easy. After you're done you should

have lost some troops, so you have some population to use, make lots of

citizens, I put 5 to each resource, and 8 to wood. Put 2 or 3 on a

transport and bring them south to the town, build lots of AA guns ASAP,

also make a hospital, and DON'T make a barracks on the big blue spot

yet! I suggest you stay put here for a while, until you get a lot of

money (I went and ate lunch). All they send is airplanes, so your AA

guns should kill them easily, you also have a hospital to heal if they

do get hit. Eventually Britain will get restless, but they only send a

couple of machine gunners at a time, but be sure to have a few tanks at

your base. When you're ready you should build two airports at your new

base, and transfer all your airplanes to there. Be sure to keep a unit

near each building, or you won't be able to use it!

Now to attack Roye, it's in the southeast corner of the map,

it's pretty easy to beat. I managed to do it with only some tanks and

howitzer cannons. Just head south, and stay as far left as possible.

Make a hole in the barbed wire and then go southeast. When you defeat

everything there send some citizens to make a few airports there, and

transfer all your airplanes from the other town here. Be sure to make

some AA guns too. Now put the same amount of bombers in each airport,

so you can send them all at once. Send them northwest of where you are,

to the enemy airports. You might want to scout first. Ignore everything

else and bomb the airports to death, I sent 15 bombers out of 3

airports and blew both up in one trip. Without air support they are

totally weak, you can finish them off with your airplanes if you want.

Now build a barracks on all 3 towns and you've won! Note: Try to build

all 3 barracks at once, because they like to attack after you build a


** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

7.5)----- ----- --------Lightning Warfare: 1939-1940----- ----- -----------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 3

Fun (1-5): 4

Overview: Pretty fun, blow up some stuff, including the Eiffel


This is a pretty short scenario, unlike the recent ones

you've played. This one is an hour and a half... at max. When you start

off make a big army, tanks, panzers, machine guns, lots of bombers, and

some fighters (airplanes!) Make a bunch of AA guns west, as if an

attack was coming from France, and north of France. Once you have a

good bit of bombers send them east to Poland, as soon the first one is

almost to the capitol, pause the game, unallie with Poland then

unpause. Tell all your bombers to attack it until its dead. Then the

hospital, and finally the army. Once their worn down a lot send in your

ground army to finish them off. Send in 5 citizens, build a settlement,

and populate it into a town center. You'll collect a bunch of money. Be

sure to kill all the buildings (their scattered around). Make another

settlement next to the iron and gold and start getting both. Now build

an Olympic Stadium (Coliseum). Also make more bombers.

At this point you should have about 15 bombers. Make a

balloon and scout out France. Find their 2 main airports. If you have

13 bombers you can demolish one airport in a single round, then the

second one the within two more rounds. Next continue west with your

bombers, and find more airports, kill these too. Without air support

French is nothing, and you should have taken them by enough surprise so

they won't even hurt your bombers. Also attack from ground, just attack

around the Maginot Line (the big wall... you'll see it). When you have

France hurt badly, send 5 citizens around the line, and make a town


Now comes Denmark, they have ships that can attack you from

sea, but their not too much of a challenge. Just lead in with bombers

like always to scout out the terrain. Heading, kill the towers with

your artillery, kill tanks with your tanks, airplanes with panzers.

When you beat them build a settlement, and populate it. Watch a quick

cinematic of Buckingham palace... surrounded by airports and AA guns??



For some reason people are still emailing me with problems on this

scenario. Remember what Lightning Warfare is, quick warfare. Get in and

out quick, send in air strikes and bomb stuff. Storm in with tanks and

kills people. BE VERY SURE TO GET MONEY. These are the only tips I can

offer you, I don't want any more emails on this mission, please. Just try

try again.


Alternate strategy from: Mr. Dhongde


There's is a very interesting though perhaps, unfair way of

winning this game. All you have to do during the first 10-15 mins is to

make transports and citizens, send them to Poland, France and

Denmark/Norway and make a town center or a capitol. The computer's not

going to attack you as your diplomacy's neutral. There's enough space near

the existing capitols (i.e. inside the coloured squares), to build your

own town center. As the winter of 1941 starts, attack Poland, finish it

off quickly and use the resources obtained to make a bigger army. Do not

declare war on France and Denmark as yet.

Make walls around the capitol in Denmark and France for added

protection. Be sure to have AA's protecting your Reichstag from British

fliers. Once you have about 5-6 tanks, 6 cannons and a hospital near each

of the enemy's capitols, attack. (start around 'summer of 42') Concentrate

all fire on the capitols. If you've timed it correctly, they'll all fall

at around the same time. Have a couple of your citizen's repairing your

capitols as they'll be the first to be targeted by enemy units. A wall is

essential in Denmark because its battleships can really make things


Given the German preference for subtlety, propaganda and 'fifth

columnists', this seemed to be an especially apt way to win the game.


** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

7.6)----- ----- -------Preparations For Invasion: 1940----- ----- ---------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 3

Fun (1-5): 2

Overview: Kill a lot of ships and airplanes.

Hey look, it's the Eiffel tower! .....even though you razed

it last time..... When you start off this scenario make lots of

citizens, and then scatter your base with AA guns (lots). Get lots of

gold, iron, wood, and some stone. Don't get the wood on the coast, go

more inland and get wood, where the ships can't hit you from sea. When

you get some more money, make lots of subs, and a good bit of cruisers.

Be sure to keep a lot of subs over where the battleship is under

construction, Britain loves to attack that place. Also put some subs

northwest from your south base, in between you and Britain, because

they attack you from the coast. When you get enough money make a

lighthouse some where close to the coast, and put a lot of AA guns by

it. Also make an Espionage Headquarters. If you can manage to find some

convoys, sink them... you'll get 250 of everything.

Once you have a big fleet, go to the south (where there's a

small space between you and Britain) and destroy stuff from the coast,

with the Bismarck. Make a ship yard to repair. From here you can take

out 2 airports a bunch of AA guns, and the capitol. Be sure to have

plenty of cruisers, because they will bomb you. Put at least 6 subs on

either side too. Your Bismarck does lots of damage, don't let it die.

After you have the southern coast destroyed, send in your air force. As

your naval fleet dies, spend less rebuilding it, and more on bombers. I

had a full airport of bombers, and another with fighters. If you get an

Espionage Headquarters you can see the AA guns and bomb them with

bombers. Once you get all the AA guns you can really kill stuff. Don't

forget your mission though, be sure to destroy the docks and naval


Once you wipe out at least all their docks, naval yards, and

airports, start making lots and lots of sub. Also make a transport, and

get a few citizens ready. Move the subs west and destroy all the ships

you come across. When it's safe send your transport to the west island

(Ireland) and unload your citizens. Build a lighthouse in the middle of

the island, and make LOTS of AA guns (unless you already destroyed all

the airports). This lighthouse will give you sight of almost the whole

sea. Now take your subs and go southwest until you come across a whole

bunch of battleships, start sinking. This is the home fleet. It's

composed of like 30 battleships, a carrier, and just a few frigates. Be

sure to kill frigates as soon as you see them. Just keep sinking stuff

until you win (this gets real old fast).

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

7.7)----- ----- ----------Operation "Sea Lion": 1941----- ----- -----------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 2

Fun (1-5): 4

Overview: Pretty fun mission, lots of airplanes, and fire.

Well this mission is pretty easy, a good end to the campaign

(yes this campaign has only 7 scenarios),but it's still very long. When

you start off go to each airport and upgrade some planes. Then start

setting rally points, the British coast is just a little ways past

yours. I recommend pausing a lot during this one, to get everything set

up right. You don't need too much organization when it comes to your

airplanes, just send them where you see fit. You should send more

airplanes eastward, since that's where Buckingham Palace is, and most

of the British army. Just sit there and blow stuff up from the sky, oh

yeah... build some transports, 5 or 6. Every now and then France will

revolt but you can bomb them with bombers and that'll shut em up. Be

sure to destroy an opening of barbed wire with your bombers, so you can

land from sea.

When all the invasion forces arrive (ALL) put them on

transports, and send them over to Britain. Finish off anything that

lives eastward, and put 5 citizens on a boat and bring them over. Build

a settlement right where Buckingham Palace was, and populated it to a

town center. Sometime while you're doing all this United States will

enter the picture. They come in with a carrier that launches lots and

lots of corsairs (starcraft anyone?) Send most of your bombers up here

and bomb them for a while. Destroy the carrier and get some

civilization points. Be sure to take out a bunch of their citizens, and

try to blow up that capitol. You'll also have some spies, put those

next to building and select the building to take it over. Get a

barracks, and tank factory, use the rest to take over town centers for

money. If you can't kill the US from the air just send your army in.

This mission is pretty easy, and mostly straight-forward. Joy, you beat

the German campaign.

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** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

8.1)----- ----- -------------The Crocodile: 2018----- ----- ---------------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 2

Fun (1-5): 4

Overview: Sneak out of town in a potato truck, and hit a city

with 5 nukes at once.

The first of the Russian campaign, 2018 AD. Your first goal

is to get Grigor out of the city. What you do first is take Pyotr, and

get in the car. Leave Grigor behind for now. Head northeast to the

granary to find a potato truck, get out of your car and in the truck.

Now go back to Grigor and pick him up. Get rid of some of the fog of

war in the city, since you have full access right now. When your done

go to the gates and you'll leave the city easy. Head southeast, once

you get there you'll see a little cinematic.

You now have complete control over this city. Make 3

diplomats at your capitol, and send each to the fortresses on your map,

ignore all enemy gunfire. After your diplomats get there, give 1000

iron to Rostov, and 1000 gold to Saratov, then the will all ally. If

you don't know how to give tributes click the handshake icon at the top

of the screen. Once you ally with everyone this scenario becomes a bit

easier. Now start getting money. I suggest a granary, with a citizen on

all farms, 6 citizens on gold, 6 on iron, 4-5 on stone, and 6 on wood.

After your resources are set up, start making AA guns across your whole

base, go all out, leave no spot open. Then make a huge wall enclosing

your whole city, and put two gates in it, one where each road is. Be

sure to put tower along the gates, to kill and intruders. Be sure to

make an airport or two.

Once you have enough money, upgrade into the digital age,

this is a much needed upgrade. Go through the city and check all your

buildings, and upgrade your towers, guns, tanks, and everything else

that needs it. Now comes destroying Voronezh, upgrade one of your

airplanes (I forgot which one) into titan bombers. Make 4 or 5 of

these, send one out to fly around your base to upgrade it, then send it

back. Now if you explored around Voronezh like I told you to at the

beginning, you may have noticed a section without many AA guns. By this

time in the game Ukraine probably already blew these up, if not blow

them up yourself, or send a flare there. It's at the west side of the

city; the wall there should have zero AA. You may want to make a few

more airports so you can launch out more nukes at once. Once you have

enough select all the airports, and set their rally points to right in

front of that wall with no defenses. Once they all get there, send them

in all at once to blow up the capitol. With any luck, at least 1 will

get by those AA guns, and nuke them to death.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

8.2)----- ----- -------------Novaya Russia: 2035----- ----- ---------------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 4

Fun (1-5): 4

Overview: Work on your defensive skills, and nuke stuff.

This mission is very hard, but there's a certain trick to it.

You shouldn't focus so much on offense as defense. Stay put in your

base and get gold and iron, easier said than done. When you first start

you'll have some civilization points to use, upgrade bomber hit points,

and cost reduction, speed and attack helps if you can spare the points.

Now... get your citizens and make an airport. When it finishes, start

making a titan bomber. While the titan bomber is building, make lots

more citizens. Start making a strategic defense wall, I won't explain

it in detail here... check the "Army Tactics" section for it (#9.5).

Make bottlenecks west and northwest, and be sure to wall in your whole

base, even the back, but you need to include trees in the wall too (the

north trees). Start the wall at the south, you don't have money to

finish it now but even an unfinished wall helps a lot. When you get

citizens put them on stone, gold, and iron. You have enough food and

gold to last for a while. When the titan bomber finishes send it into

the air and get the HP upgrade, and attack upgrade. Save before you do

this, you may not get it on the first try. Send it southeast to find

the rebels base, you need to find the capitol. When you find it, bomb

it. You make it in barely, and destroy the rebellion. This early

victory helps make the game a lot easier later.

Now for a while focus mostly on defense, get lots of stone,

and continue construction of your wall. Also send a guy north of your

base, when you get there you'll gain control of a water city, not much

use but it'll hold back the alliance forces. Use gladiator tanks, and

thor AT guns for defense. When you get enough spare gold and iron make

2 more titan bombers. When those are ready send them west to Ukraine,

get more upgrades if you can, tell them to attack the capitol, it

should go flawlessly. Once you do that some doctor guy will let you

build cybers, you can use these to replace the gladiator tanks if you

want (use the zeus, or ares cybers, their both pretty good). Be sure to

always keep at least one titan bomber in your airport at all times, the

best defense is a good offense (not the other way around!) Every now

and then the 3 alliances will attack you at once making it very hard to

defend, nuke them before they get past your bottleneck (you should have

the wall almost done by now). By now you should be going low on food or

wood, make a farm in some corner where its well protected, and put

about 6-7 citizens to farm. There's also a forest up north, get wood

from there, be sure to make plenty of AA guns here too because the

enemy LOVES to attack this area. Once you've been there for a while and

have some money, keep making titan bombers. Once you have at least 4

this scenario is almost done! Send them north to attack either base, it

doesn't matter, pick one. If you have speed and hit points upgraded you

should be able to get through, if you can't make more. After you bomb

either capitol you'll win this one!

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

8.3)----- ----- ---------Changing of the Guard: 2064----- ----- -----------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 1

Fun (1-5): 3

Overview: Run around get some guys and kill some stuff.

I'm not sure how to write a walkthrough for such a simple

scenario, but for completion of this FAQ I'm gonna try. Well as soon as

you start this one, it tells you everything to do. Walk around the city

and go to every spot on the map collecting more units. When you visit

tank factories you get tanks. When you visit barracks you get black

robes, and black robe officers. When you visit the cyber factories you

get 3 cybers. Sometimes you won't get anything from a visit, but be

sure to go to all the garrisons (the game will tell you when you're

done). Somewhere along the line Grigor will have a heart attack or

something along those lines. Just keep looping around the city and

don't worry about it. When you come across the hospital in the

southwest (the temple of zeus building) just go there and you'll be all

fixed up with a new and improved pacemaker (oooo.... ahhhh....)

Once you visit all the garrisons, head to the center of the

city. It doesn't matter which direction you come from, just blow up a

gate and walk in. Kill anything that attacks you, destroy the towers in

there too. You'll probably lose both of your hyperions, but it doesn't

matter, as soon as you blow up the fortress and kill the few guys that

come out, you win.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

8.4)----- ----- -----------Jewel in the East: 2092----- ----- -------------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 3

Fun (1-5): 3

Overview: Convert 8 factories, fly around, stop a time machine,

and steal technology.

This scenario is a little tougher than the last one, but not

as hard as "Novaya Russia." Your mission is to convert 8 cyber

factories and\or laboratories. When you start of your located a little

northwest of a small town, head in and destroy their army, then all the

universities. DON'T DESTROY ANYTHING ELSE. After you kill the army

you'll gain control of a temple. Make all your cybers stand ground and

put them out of town for a while. Make sure not to blow up the farm

west of you town, you'll need it. Go to the temple and make a bunch of

priests and start converting the town. All you NEED to convert is just

the cyber factories, but for defensive reasons I recommend converting

the entire town (houses included). Once you've converted all you need

take your cybers in the town to guard. Now take your priests west a bit

to the farm, and start converting citizens. Once you get a citizen send

him to the iron and gold, and build a capitol right in the middle. Once

the capitol is done you'll notice you can't build citizens, you must

convert them. Just keep converting citizens from the farm, Beijing will

replenish them for you, so just keep converting. If you want you can

head farther west to find more. Once you have enough start making LOTS

of AA guns, the computer AI wants revenge for all the nuking you did to

them. They'll send in nukes every now and then so be prepared. You

should also make a few towers to help defend. Now with your citizens,

make a granary and start getting food... also get gold, iron/wood/stone

isn't important.

Correction from: Mr.Rashid Fikree


In the 4th Russian campaign-jewel in the east-first when we enter the

town and destroy its army and university, and train priests, you said

that we convert everything including houses, but that is wrong; becuase

if you convert houses the enemy will send nukes on you, but if you

don't convert houses the enemy won't send nukes.


Start making lots of ares cybers at your factory, you need

about 10-15, upgrade HP if you want. Now send them to the southeast

spot on your map. On your way there you'll come across another city, or

at least you should, just ignore it for now. When you get to the town,

first aim for the airports and AA guns. Totally raze this town, except

for the cyber stuff. Continue going east to find more airports, blow

those up too. Keep going east and do the same to this town, blow up all

but the cyber buildings. You should have blown up 6 airports, if not...

check again. After your done head back up to the city you ignore and

raze everything, you won't be able to kill the capitols, so leave them

there. Now go back up to your base and start heading southwest with

your ares' and Major Molotov. When you get to the spot on your map blow

up the towers, AA guns, and any offense there, then send Molotov into

the science place. He'll say something about a time machine, don't

worry about it yet. Head back to your base and pick up 5-7 priests, and

a few citizens. Start going back to the southeast town, be sure to

bring Molotov. Lead to way with your ares', so you don't lose any

priests or citizens. Once you get there convert the factories and

laboratories. Also build some towers around the area. You'll get a

message about the time machine and you'll have to destroy it. Just send

your ares' up there and kill the standing army. Then send Molotov into

the time machine, you won't be needing him anymore...... After you're

done with that finish converting at least 8 cyber buildings, you may

get an "1800 seconds until you win a wonder game" message, you may not.

I got it, but then I loaded my game again and didn't get it. If you do

get it, just stay put and guard with your ares' until the timer runs


** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

8.5)----- ----- -----------A Change of Heart: 2097----- ----- -------------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 2

Fun (1-5): 4

Overview: Pretty easy one if you do it my way, pretty hard if

you don't, the choice is yours. Blow up Cuba, Blow up


When you start Grigor goes crazy and kills all your

transports, so there's no backing out. Go west until you hit some gold,

iron, stone, and wood. Build a capitol right in between the iron and

gold. Put all your guys with attack out ahead the road a little bit.

Now begin pumping out citizens from your capitol, make lots and lots.

Put 6 on gold, 6 on iron, 6 on food (make a granary in the southeast

area), and about 4-5 on wood. Make 3 or 4 cyber factories, an airport,

and a hospital. Now make a wall all around the coast so nothing from

sea can attack you. Also make a few towers on the west side, not many

you won't need them. If you have less than 1500 stone then start

getting more. As you get food and gold make the ares II cybers

(upgraded cybers from the ones you used last scenario). Get at least 15

of these and head west into the base right next to you. While you're

doing this if you have the money, make some titan bombers. Totally raze

this little city with your ares', you shouldn't have much of a problem.

Now if you don't have many cybers left make some more.

Now for Cuba... Your cybers can just fly over water so head

up to Cuba. NOTE: There is a bug in the game that will make it so when

you right click to move with your ares, the little ring will show up

red, but you can still move there. Once in Cuba your mission here isn't

to totally raze everything, because after your there for a little while

fighters will tear you up. Kill every AA gun you come across, you may

also need to kill the guardians, they can be a real nuisance. Be sure

to leave some ares' at home to protect against ships and stuff. After

all your ares' in Cuba are dead you should have some titan bombers done

by now. Send them in and start nuking. Nuke up until where your ares'

died. While their nuking make more ares'... continue until you totally

kill all of Cuba. Be sure to kill those airports ASAP. Once you're done

in Cuba make some docks and 3-4 towers as close as you can get them to

the dock. Make a couple of frigates and start blowing up subs as they

come to you, the towers will help. You can use hyperions to blow up

subs, but towers and frigates are easier. Anyway, once you've blown up

a lot of subs make a transport. Pack on 5 citizens and head to Cuba,

keep the frigates nearby.

Your citizens should be safe on Cuba if you destroyed

everything with the cybers, but keep a bunch of ares' with you because

stuff will attack you from sea. Head up to where their capitol was (the

big blue spot on the ground). Make a settlement, populate it into a

town center. Make a few more citizens and make 2 docks, 1 naval yard, 2

(YES TWO) cyber factories, and a siege factory. I know what you're

saying... siege factory? What are you planning? Start making lots and

lots of colossus artillery. Tell them to attack ground ('T' button) on

your buildings. Weaken all your buildings to very low hp. Then go back

to your home base and kill EVERYTHING there except for Molotov. To

destroy one of your own units just select it and press delete. Delete

all your buildings, citizens, ares', airports, EVERYTHING. Now you

should only have a very crappy base up in Cuba. Start making that last

cyber factory, and stop it when it's almost done. Delete all your ares'

that are guarding your citizens. Now finish the cyber factory. You'll

watch a little cinematic, and oh look; now you're United States and,

you gotta kill Russia.

You'll have 3 nukes up north to use, its pretty simple just

select the nuke, and right click a building to kill. Kill the naval

yard, town center, and a cyber factory. Now look around sea and take

all your battleships and send them to Cuba to kill stuff from sea. Now,

up in United States get some citizens and make a cyber factory or two,

and start making ares'. Next you need to make a time machine in Cuba,

it costs 2000 iron, 2000 wood, and 1000 stone, if you don't have enough

of any of them, get it. You have like 20 citizens so it shouldn't be

too hard. Once you have 3 ares' send them to Cuba to finish Russia off.

Keep sending in reinforcements though. You'll need a bunch for later

on. Once you have enough money for a time machine put some citizens,

Molotov, and Molly on a transport and go to Cuba. Start making a time

machine, and once it's done just sit there. Your ares' should kill

anything that attacks. I got bored so I made a huge wall around the

time machine... 3 layers... Anyways.... once there's only a little

while left until its charged Russia will start sending lots of

hyperions to kill it, but you should be able to slice them up with your

ares'. Finally the thing will finish charging, then just put Molotov

and Molly right next to it, they warp off into the past and you win.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

8.6)----- ----- ---------A Bad Case of Déjà Vu: 2018----- ----- -----------

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Difficulty (1-5): 4

Fun (1-5): 4

Overview: Same map as the first mission, but now you must

destroy Novaya Russia.

This mission is very hard, you only have modern age troops,

while Novaya Russia is in the nano age. The first thing you should do

is start making tons of tanks from all your tank factories, make about

20. Also at the same time make lots of citizens, put 6 on gold, 6 on

iron, 6 on stone, 8 on food, and 6 on wood (build another settlement

east). Also make some more citizens for defense. Your first task is to

get some good defense, line your entire wall with towers, and upgrade

their range. After you line the wall with towers, line it again with AA

guns, upgrade their attack, range, and HP. You should also wall in the

area that leads to your wood choppers. Then take Molotov and Molly to

the Ukraine, they'll ally with you, but it won't make too much of a

difference. I sent a flare and they sent in 2 trench mortars. Once you

ally send them both to the back corner of your base out of harms way.

Now that you have economy and defense, make an espionage

headquarters. Then train a spy, you can only have 1 at once. Take a few

tanks (5-8), and a few howitzer cannons with you and go northeast to

the base there. Blow up any resistance, then blow up the gate. Once the

gate is dead send in the cannons and tanks to lure any tower, or army

fire, and put your spy right next to the cyber factory and select it.

Now you have the ability to build cyber factories. Go back to your base

and make some cyber factories, at least 3. Keep making ares'... lots of

ares'. Also make a transport, and upgrade its speed, and train another

spy. Send the transport with ares' as guards along the west side of the

map to avoid any enemies. Land the spy on the ground, and use ares' to

blow up some towers. Now get the airports technology. This is all you

need to win, so now you don't need to do anymore of these stealing


Now, find the 2 airports that are in the northwest corner of

your base, and make some titan bombers on one, and nebula fighters on

the other. You also need to make a whole lot more ares', at least 20.

Once you have a nuke done, send it with nebulas to where all the

airports are. Don't nuke the airport because they just rebuild it

within a minute. Instead look for huge hurricane vortex type thing.

Don't worry, it won't kill you. You need to nuke this, aim for the time

controller in the very center. This is a time vortex; it warps

reinforcements from the future to help Novaya Russia.

If you've been building ares' for a while you should have a

big army by now, remember... at least 20. Once you have enough go to

the northeast base and totally raze, destroy everything. Be sure to get

the time controller here too. Once this base is destroyed go south down

to the center base. You shouldn't have lost too many ares' in that

battle. Destroy any AA guns, towers, and offensive units. Be sure to

blow down the gate to the big building. Keep fighting until you have

nothing left, and ignore any airplanes that attack you. After you're

done if it looks safe enough go ahead and put Molly and Molotov on a

transport and send them over. If it doesn't look too safe, nuke them a

lot. Once you get over there drop off Molly and Molotov, or either one.

Now watch one of those endings where it doesn't tell you exactly what

happens... You're now done with the Russian campaign, and if you did

it in order then the game too.

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***0000***9) Army Tactics

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9.1)----- ----- --------------Phalanx Combat----- ----- --------- ----- -----

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

This combat style should be used during the Greek campaigns.

I listed it in one of my walkthroughs, but not in depth. For this you

need companion cavalry, swordsmen, and optional archers. Group each

type into a group so when you come across an enemy you'll have more

control. First send the cavalry zipping around to the side, or back and

take care of their archers. Use your archers to attack the front line,

and use the swordsmen to hold them back. Just burn the candle at both

ends basically.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

9.2)----- ----- --------------Static Offense----- ----- --------- ----- -----

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

This one can be used in most scenarios. Its simple, in fact

the name says it all, use buildings as offense. Bring lots of citizens

with you so you can build stuff up real fast. Make towers in strategic

areas to hit the enemy while your army tears them apart. What you can

also do is build some towers up, then lure an enemy into them. They can

also be used to defend you army from airplanes if they can't attack


** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

9.3)----- ----- --------- ----- ----Lure-------- ----- ------ --

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

There are many defects in Empire Earth's AI system, this is

the one I find the most apparent. First what you do is locate an army,

and station your army just out of reach of them. Then you take one of

your guys, with either long range, or lots of hp... and attack their

army. Then run to the back of your army. The enemy will follow you

franticly, and will only be interested in killing the lure, and nothing

else. They will run right into your army and let you tear them apart!

This works best in the Greek and English campaigns, because once you

get to the German campaign its trench warfare which isn't fun.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

9.4)----- ----- --------------Trench Warfare----- ----- --------- ----- -----

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

This isn't fun at all, you may have to create lots and lots

of infantry just to move forward a tiny bit. If you have air support it

is much easier however. Move in with your ground troops slowly, killing

anyone who steps in your way with artillery or tanks. When you come

across a big army, send in your airplanes, bomb them to death. If you

have no airplanes then try to use the 'Lure' tactic. Trench warfare

isn't about whoever has more strategy, it's who has more fire power.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

9.5)----- ----- ------------Strategic Defense----- ----- --------- ----- ----

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

I made this strategy especially for the Russian scenario

"Novaya Russia." That mission requires great defense in order to win.

The point of strategic defense is to defend your base with minimal

casualties, and focus incurred damage into one area (a tower or wall).

There comes a point where just making a wall around your whole base and

adding a few gates won't cut it anymore. Instead of this you still make

a wall around your base, but put a few holes in it. On one side of the

hole, you need to extend the wall at a 90 degree angle, just a few

squares. That way when an enemy unit comes in through the hole he'll

probably go away from that wall, either that or go around it, but that

makes him easy to kill because he has to walk a lot to get around. In

the center of each hole make a tower, but allow enough room for them to

get through. When they attack you, they will attack the tower mostly,

that's where you can send return fire from inside. Check the pic below

for a visual.


__________________ _____ _______ ______ _________

/ | 11 \

| 44 3 | 11 |

| 44 | |

Darkforce suggests:


Just wondering but wouldn't it be easier to make the wall soemthing like



__________________ _____ _______ ______ _________

/ | 11 \

| 44 3 | 11 |

| 44 ____| |


1=Something you need to protect (iron mines in "Novaya Russia"


2=Enemy attack here

3=Tower here

4=Backup units here

As you can see the enemy will not be able to get to whatever

you need to protect, and will be guided right into your fire. There's

also another type you can, bottlenecks. The object here is to let only

a few units in at once so you can kill them 1 or 2 at a time. Again,

make a hole in your wall but make it get narrower a few squares in.


__________________ _____ _______ ______ _________

/ \ / \

| 44 | /3 |

| 44 | |

When the enemy attacks you can pick them off a few at a time.

Be sure to keep some citizens handy to repair the tower, because it

will probably become damaged over time. There is one problem with this,

however, sometimes the attackers will become frustrated and just attack

your walls. At this point you'll have to go out your base to get them,

but then you'll get bottlenecked. To avoid this don't make it too

narrow. One other problem you may encounter is if you don't make enough

holes. Again, they'll just attack the wall at some random spot to get

in, so be sure to make enough holes, and position them where the

attacks will come from.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

9.6)----- ----- ------------Army Organization----- ----- --------- ----- ----

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

Sometimes you'll face lots of enemies at once and must kill

them all. Organization and synchronization helps. Instead of attacking

all of them at once, and letting the computer decide what attacks what,

pause the game and set up your attacks. Make a lot of units attack one

guy at once, so he'll die, and won't be able to deal any more damage.

That way you'll have that much less damage to take in, make sense? If

you're fighting a 5 on 5 match (keeping it simple) and each of your

guys attacks someone different, all of your enemies will be dealing

damage at once. If you take all your guys, and attack one and kill it,

then he won't deal anymore damage, then attack another guy. That way

you'll incur less damage. Also be sure your not attacking the wrong

guys. Don't use infantry to attack a tank, use and AT gun, ect ect. I

can't really make generalizations because the types in this game a

pretty diverse, but you'll be able figure out what goes well against

what. Use common sense, and don't spread out your fire.

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*0*0****0*10) Frequently Asked Questions

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Q: What should I put my civilization bonus points into?

A: Well, since most of the campaigns cover multiple epochs I would

recommend some timeless bonuses. Put points into the "Civ -

General" category, and "Civ - Economy". You could also put them

in the wall\towers category. You can even look forward at the

upcoming scenarios, to see what you are going to use. Be

careful though, the more points you put in one category the

more expensive the other points become. Just don't do something

stupid, like putting 40 points into cybers on the Greek


Q: What does a flare do?

A: A flare tells your allies to attack wherever you sent the

flare. It doesn't have much use in the campaign, as you don't

have many allies, but you will use it in a few scenarios.

Q: What is the little green bar under my units for?

A: That's morale; it affects how well your units fight.

Q: How can I raise morale?

A: Morale can be raised by having houses nearby, having heroes

nearby, and also being in range of a town center/capitol

(I think).

Q: Knock Knock.

A: Shut up.

Q: What are the different epochs?

A: In order of time they are: Prehistoric Age, Stone Age, Copper

Age, Bronze Age, Dark Age, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Imperial

Age, Atomic Age - WW1, Atomic Age - WW2, Atomic Age - Modern,

Digital Age, and Nano Age.

Q: How do I make a gate in my walls?

A: Just build a solid wall where you want a gate (be sure to make

it long enough, and it must be straight). Select the wall and

look in the bottom right hand corner of your screen... see it?

Click the build gate button and place it where you want.

Q: What do all the wonders do? Their descriptions aren't all that


A: Well...

-The Temple of Zeus makes your units be able to heal

themselves. Its not like a steady heal, it heals a certain

amount every second.

-The Pharos Lighthouse lets you see anything in water, for a

certain distance from the lighthouse, but don't worry its

range is pretty massive.

-The Coliseum makes your population limit higher, and your

enemy's population limit lower. I believe it is by 15%.

-The Library at Alexandria does just what it says, reveals

enemy buildings.

-The Ishtar Gates double the HP of your walls\towers\gates

-The Tower of Babylon this great wonder allows you to convert

an entire group of enemies at once.

Note: These are the Greek names, all the campaigns will show

a different name, but same effect.

Q: Why don't you use colors in your guide? Their much easier.

A: If you'll notice... during the scenarios colors and countries

change a lot. In one mission a certain country can be 4

different colors throughout the scenario.

Q: How do I build a town center/capitol?

A: Build a settlement then build a bunch of citizens, select them

and use the populate command on the settlement. When you select

the settlement it'll show you at the bottom left how much you

need to make it the next level.

Q: How do I change my color?

A: Well, you can't. In the campaign your color is chosen by who

ever made the campaign. Your color in multiplayer games depends

on when you came into the game. And in single player random

maps your always first player, therefore always blue.

Q: Why can't I upgrade into the __________ epoch? I've done

everything required.

A: No you haven't done everything required. You need to build at

least 2 buildings in each epoch before you can upgrade into

the next. They can't be towers or walls or stuff, they must be

barracks, stable, ect. Wonders and fortresses count too. The

buildings can also be the same thing (i.e. two stables.)

Q: Why can't I use cheats in the campaign? Do you have any way I

can cheat? Do you have any hacks? Do you cheat? Can you help me


A: NO! STOP ASKING! The campaign isn't that hard, beat it on your


Q: Bla bla bla bla bla campaign editor bla bla bla.

A: I don't know.

Q: Do you have the expansion, and can you write a FAQ for it.

A: I wrote this FAQ over my summer vacation, and well I just don't

have enough time. I might do it over some other break I get,

but I'll probably have other things to do. If GameFAQ's doesn't

have a guide for the expansion by summer then I'll write one,

that's a promise. Oh, and no... I don't have the expansion yet.

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**0****0**11) Statistics

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I made this part just for fun, it shows how much of the FAQ

really matters, and how much is just junk. The stats also include this

section (it was tough but I did it!)

Total Characters: 108,532

Total Words: 17,647

Total Spaces: 19,919

Total Lines: 2,087

Total Pages: 46

Total Asterisks (*): 10,437 (09.616%)

Total Characters in Walkthroughs: 70,044 (64.537%)

Total Words in Walkthroughs: 14,623

Max Chars Per Line: 72

The part with walkthroughs only includes the actual paragraphs,

back to back. No headers, overviews, ect. Better than I thought it was

gonna be.

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*0*****0**12) Legal

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This FAQ is (c) Copyright 2002 to Marcel Laverdet aka 'LlamaGuy'. I get

too much email for permissions to post this text, so I just don't care

any more. You can post this FAQ without any permission from me, as

long as you follow these rules:

1) The FAQ will not be altered in ANY WAY (not even a space!)

2) It will be displayed in its original format (.txt)

3) It will not be accompanied by any pop-up ads

4) It will only be accompanied by at most 1 banner ad

5) You must first email me ([email protected]) and tell me your

going to use it (don't expect a response, just tell me)

6) You MAY NOT sell this FAQ

7) You will abide all future updates to this section

If you have any questions about this legal section, read it again. It's

very clear. No exceptions will be made. This section may be changed at

any time, but I will notify you if it effects your website (thats why

you email me.)

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