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Having a baby.


Having a baby.

What is a baby? A screaming creature that gets on your nerves? A sweet doll to play with from time to time? A little human being that must be helped to enter life? My answer would be the last one. A baby means a great source of joy and happin 151i86b ess, but also a great deal of responsibility. Having a baby has its advantages and disadvantages.

First of all I think that for us, as women the most important is that a baby is part of ourselves, we have been chosen by God to carry him inside of us, to give him birth, to bring him to life, to love and educate him.

But not only that God has chosen us to give birth but has also endowed us with maternal instincts. For us is an interior necessity to carry a baby inside of us, to give birth, to feed him at our breast ,to know that he is part of ourselves and that when we will be gone, he will be there, our own flesh and blood, who will remind the world of us.

In my opinion this is the main role of women on Earth, to join with the men and perpetuate the specie. And without a child how could we say that we have fulfilled our role in this life? I think we cannot; without at least one child a woman is not whole, is not complete; a child to love, to feed, to take care of, to educate, to be proud of his/her achievements, to suffer for, to be happy for.

On the other side, having a baby is not so easy. First and foremost it demands maturity, responsibility .Now you don't have to take care only of yourself, but also of that little part of you ,to offer him a good life, to protect him, to teach him what life means.

I think there is a proper age to have children. And this is between 30's and 50's.Why?

30's because only when you reach this age you become mature enough and you fully understand what having a baby means and what a great responsibility you have. Having a baby means to change your way of life, to give up some habits, to put you baby ahead of you ,to understand that he is the first now and to offer him everything he needs even if that means to take it from yourself. you are not allowed to make mistakes anymore because any little mistake can harm your child. In a word you have to learn to be unselfish. Until then you want to have fun, to enjoy life up to its limits .And I believe this is why we often hear from young women immature reasons for not having a baby like" they are to noisy, they cry too much" or "I don't want to deform my body".

And 50's because after this age it is not only physically difficult to give birth, but also emotionally because now you don't have the necessary patience to raise a child.

But all in all I think that at the right moment a child is welcomed and needed, because in spite of all difficulties ,if you don't have a child you can hardly be fulfilled as a woman.

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