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NAME:______ _______ ______ _____________ DATE:______________


I. Select the right answer:

1. Match the following description with the hotel type: It is often situated in a town centre, and provides accommodation for travelling businessmen staying only one or two nights:

a)     resort hotel;

b)    motel;

c)     country house hotel;

d)    commercial hotel.

2. Match the description with the name of the department: the department where guests make reservations, check in and check out:

a)     Housekeeping;

b)    Restaurant;

c)     Front Office or Reception;

d)    Cashier's office.

3. Match the description with the name of the department Where bills are added up:

a)     Front Office or Reception;

b)    Cashier's office;

c)     Housekeeping;

d)    Bar.

4. Match the room with the right purpose: A conference room is:

b)    for showing goods and products;

c)     for holding large-scale meetings;

d)    for dancing;

e)     for cocktail parties and other social events.

5. Indicate the type of room: A room with two single beds for two people is:

a)     Connecting or adjoining rooms;

b)    Double room;

c)     Triple room;

d)    Junior suite.

6. Point out the right job: The person responsible for keeping the hotel clean is:

a)     Concierge;

b)    Laundry Maid;

c)     Housekeeper;

d)    Doorman.

Match the following phrase with the right situation: Do you take American Express here?

a)     The clerk points out that the credit card or cheque is no longer valid.

b)    The clerk accepts payment and gives a receipt.

c)     The clerk wants to know about the method of payment.

d)    The guest wants to know if a certain card is acceptable.

8. Match the following phrase with the right situation: I'm sorry, sir. This card seems to be of date. Do you have another card?

a)     The clerk accepts payment and gives a receipt.

b)    The customer wants to pay the bill and leave.

c)     The guest wants to know if a certain card is acceptable.

d)    The clerk points out that the credit card or cheque is no longer valid.

II. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the key words given so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. You must use between two and five words including the word given.

I had to take a taxi to the hotel because it was so far that I could not walk.
I had to take a taxi to the hotel because it _____ _______ ______ _________ (TOO)
(2) The hotel where I work is so big you could easily get lost in it!
The hotel where I work is _____ _______ ______ __________ (SUCH) you could easily get lost in it!
(3) She last visited Corfu two years ago.
She _____ _______ ______ ______________ (FOR) two years.
(4) The last flight for Athens left at 14.00.
There has been __________ ______ ____ ___ (SINCE) 14.00.
(5) The airline warned them that there would be a two-hour delay.
They _____ _______ ______ __________ (WERE) that there would be a two-hour delay.

III. Error Correction

The letter below has been sent by a customer complaining about the service she received on a recent trip to the United States. The letter has some errors. Read the Instructions below and correct the letter.

Instructions: Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct and some contain an extra, incorrect word. If there is an extra, incorrect word in the line, write it in the box on the right. If the line is correct, write OK. There is an example at the beginning.

Dear Sir,

  I am writing for to complain about a recent flight to New York.

First of all, when I arrived at the airport and went to check in

incorrect word = for
line is correct = OK

I could not to find anyone at the desk. I had to wait for thirty

minutes before I was attended to. Eventually, a member of

the staff came, but he did not apologise to the passengers.

Later, when I was in the departure lounge, waiting for the

flight to be called, there were lots confusing announcements.

The first said us the gate number, but a few minutes later,

after we had moved, we were told that the gate was not the

number four, but actually thirteen.

Despite of this, we finally boarded the plane and took our  

seats. I was so tired I fell asleep, and when I was awoke, the

cabin crew had finished serving meals. When I asked if I could

have a vegetarian food, I was told that there was none left. As

you can imagine, I was furious by the time we arrived.

I would like an apology and an explanation why this

happened to me. I look forward to receive your reply.

IV. In this part of the test you must read the text and choose the best word to go in the gaps. We suggest you read the complete text before you begin.

The desire to travel and to see other places is by no means new. History is full of accounts of people's travels. What is new is the sheer number of people involved. Increases in living standards over the last thirty years or so, together with more leisure time and the development of modern air transport, have led to ever greater numbers of people seeking to travel abroad.

Wherever tourists go THEY take their money with them.

Tourism (1) _________ become an increasingly important industry in (2) _________ countries, and the added advantage is (3) _________ the earnings are in hard currencies. (4) __________ first most Europeans remained within Europe, (5) _________ such is the pressure to find (6) _________ places to visit that international tourism by well-off Europeans (as well as by (7) _________ from other rich countries, such as (8)__________ USA) has spread throughout the world.

(9) _________ third-world countries there is a huge (10) _________ between the world of tourists and (11) __________ world of the local inhabitants. To put it at its simplest, the tourist's (12) ___________, with its various accessories, could well (13) __________ more than most locals earn in (14) _________ year. No wonder that tourism can spread envy and dissatisfaction among the local (15) ___________. Moreover, tourists can have a devastating (16) __________ on the local life-style.

There are (17) __________ many places left in the world (18) __________ have not been developed or opened (19) __________ for tourism, but there are important (20) _________ from place to place in the way this has happened. In some countries (21) __________ local population has been able to (22) __________ to tourism without sacrificing too much (23) _________ their life-style or environment. As more (24) _________ more people go abroad for a (25) __________ it is hoped that tourist venues can find ways of continuing to have the benefits while minimizing the disadvantages.

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