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My three moons


3 luni

My three moons

Life is cruel. It's all cruel. I found no aspect of life that didn't proove itself cruel at some point. Life is like , a falling leaf. We always regret the moment we were taken apart from the branch and we never stop missing it, still feeling like a part of it. This can be seen differently, the tree may be our childhood, the thing that most of us miss, it can be our adolescence, our youth, it can be our first love, it can be our last love, or jus 11311u2016l t a moment in time which never seemed to let us go. The certain thing  is that whatever the tree might be, we are all like falling leaves. We float.we float through the air; the wind often takes us far far away from where we started, that may be our destiny: the way that the wind blows. We can float through dreams, we can float trough unconsciousness, we can float both through sadness and happiness,we can float gently or rughly and painfully. That;s the way we are ment to go through life, but there comes a moment when we hit the ground, for some of us, that moment might be death itself; but for most of us it's the moment when we are hurt the most or fulfilled the most; it's that moment when u hit the ground hard and still the wind carries u on, dragging you over rocks and harshness, over water or fire, it pulls you, like its trying to force you to continue, knowing there is no way back. And all we do, from that moment on is to remember the times when we were in the tree, the life filling tree, when the juice of happiness filled our bodies without us even noticing. When we were waving with the wind but still holding tight to the brach that provided us security, the feeling of being safe, a feeling that shall never return again.

When I fell, it was autumn . becauze leaves fade in autumn I guess ; it was indeed a coincidence. It was when I met vlad. When I met him, I was torn away from my tree, my branch, I lost my balance and I started to flow through the love parfumed air. I was flowing an flowing , I was taken far away by the wind in a land of forgetfullness where nobody has ever been. Such a feeling I had, such power I felt in that stormy wind that I didn't realise where it had taken me, and that's because I also felt free. free for real. Because sitting in the tree I could never get anything to ever reach me because of the hugeness of the tree, while now, I was on my own, I was free to reach the moon light. The moon light was able to reach me and caress me every night with it's warm touch. With it's magic, hypnotising rays it could fill my heart and I was overwhelmed by it's great shine. Such a pure, white, dangerous, mistic shine. And I was beneath it. Beneath the sky, the enormity of the world and possesed by the one thing that reigns over everythin else. The moon, a full mother-of-pearl bright moon. Vlad was my first moon and the one that started it all. The one that called me from the arms of my safety( my tree) and ripped a part of me, the part of me that is still atached to the branch I left. It's still there, bleeding.

To be continued..

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