Notes on using the T3 <--> WordPerfect conversion programs
The T3 <--> WordPerfect conversion programs are normally started using a
batch file. The batch file uses default auxiliary files so that only the
input and output file names are necessary to run the conversion programs.
The auxiliary files control the default character mappings and conversion
processes. Alternatively, the conversion programs can be run directly and
different auxiliary files can be specified. This is useful if you are
experimenting with changes to some of the auxiliary files.
Sample command line for the WordPerfect to T3 conversion program:
WPTOT3X doc.wp wp.cnv WtoTchar.dat out.t3 convert.cnv -v
Explanation of command line parameters and flags:
doc.wp the WordPerfect source file being converted
wp.cnv the file that specifies how T3 features are to be
translated into WordPerfect features during the
WtoTchar.dat the name of the data file that maps WordPerfect characters
to their T3 equivalents.
out.t3 the name of the T3 source file being generated which can
be imported into T3.
convert.cnv the file that is used during the DOS import - it defines
tokens that appear in doc.t3.
-v an optional flag meaning verbose - if it is set a number of messages
are sent during the conversion.
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Sample command line for the T3 to WordPerfect conversion program:
T3TOWPX doc.t3 convert.cnv out.wp TtoWchar.dat wp.cnv -v -s
Explanation of command line parameters and flags:
doc.t3 the T3 source file being converted - this file is
generated from T3 by DOS exporting a document.
convert.cnv the file that was used during the DOS export - it defines
tokens that appear in doc.t3.
out.wp the name of WordPerfect 5.0 file to be generated.
TtoWchar.dat the name of the data file that maps T3 characters to their
WordPerfect equivalents.
wp.cnv the file that specifies how T3 features are to be translated
into WordPerfect features during the conversion.
-v an optional flag meaning verbose - if it is set a number of messages
are sent during the conversion to describe the options set in wp.cnv.
-s an optional flag meaning small - if it is set the thresholds for
mapping T3 font sizes to WordPerfect size attributes are all raised
by 4 points. The effect is to scale down the printed WordPerfect
output. This is useful since it allows a larger amount of test
output material to be viewed on a single page. Similarly the flags
-s -s produce even smaller printed output and -L produces enlarged
The auxiliary files "WtoTchar.dat" and "TtoWchar.dat" respectively control
the character mappings of the WordPerfect -> T3 and T3 -> WordPerfect
conversions. A separate file is needed for each direction since there is
not a one to one character correspondence.
Each of the character mapping files is a large editable ASCII file. The
beginning of each file contains a description of the mapping file format.
The character used when there is not a corresponding mapping is also
defined in the files. The undefined character for the WordPerfect -> T3
conversion is IBM #3, the club symbol. The undefined character for the
T3 -> WordPerfect conversion is the question mark.
Not all T3 characters have exact equivalents in the WordPerfect sets AND
for any given printing environment, WordPerfect only implements some subset
of its characters. Therefore the user may want to edit the mapping given
in "TtoWchar.dat" to suit a particular document and/or printer.
The auxiliary file "wp.cnv" controls how various attributes are converted
between T3 and WordPerfect.
During the WordPerfect -> T3 conversion, WPtoT3 inserts user-defined
strings from "wp.cnv" into the output T3 file when WordPerfect size
attribute switches are encountered. For example, when the Extra large
attribute is turned on and off in the input WordPerfect file, the following
commands are invoked:
256 Extra large on = <PshFnt><SetFnt IBM 17>
257 Extra large off = <PopFnt>
The <> notation means that these lines are commands to the converter
WPtoT3. Tokens are put in the output T3 file - in this case a T3 font
switch to IBM 17 and back to the previous font. These font switches may be
an appropriate T3 mapping of the WordPerfect Extra large attribute IF THE
However, if non-IBM characters are encountered in the Extra large text,
more T3 font switches will be inserted by WPtoT3, effectively turning off
the enlarged print.
Even worse is the case when the current T3 font at the time of a size
attribute switch is not IBM. Then the WRONG FONT will be selected in the
T3 output when the WordPerfect size attribute switch is processed. This
error will persist until another font switch is sent to T3 output.
Hopefully these problems will not be too inconvenient for users since most
WordPerfect text is ASCII. Note that T3 has no general equivalent of the
WordPerfect size attributes except within the IBM character set where
several point sizes are generally available.
The user can always turn off this mapping of WordPerfect size attributes
by changing lines 256 etc. in "wp.cnv". A string like [Extra Large ON] could
be used if notification of the WordPerfect attribute switch is wanted in the
T3 output, or a blank line could be used for clutter free output.
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While "TtoWchar.dat" controls the T3 char -> WP char mapping, lines 335 to
355 of "wp.cnv" control a T3 char -> WP attributes mapping. Thus the user
can control not only the WordPerfect character to be generated by a T3
character, but also a set of WordPerfect attributes for the character.
Here is a list of WordPerfect attributes and their coded value:
Extra Large - 1 Very Large - 2
Large - 4 Small - 8
Fine - 16 Superscript - 32
Subscript - 64 Outline - 128
Italics - 256 Shadow - 512
Redline - 1024 Double underline- 2048
Bold - 4096 Strike-out - 8192
Underline - 16384 Small caps - 32768
Sample lines from "wp.cnv" range 335 to 355 and explanations:
337 T3 Italics font = Italics,11_127:256&
characters 11 to 127 are mapped to their upright counterparts in
"TtoWchar.dat". Then the Italics attribute (256) is applied.
341 T3 Script font = Script,65_90:384&97_122:384&
characters 65 to 90 and 97 to 122 are mapped to standard ACSII
equivalents. Then Outline (128) + Italics (256) = 384 attributes
are applied to substitute for a script version.
335 T3 Small font = Small,1_63:32&64_90:32768&91_93:32&97_122:64&123_125:32&
characters 1 to 63 are implicit superscripts i.e. small raised versions
of characters that have normal versions elsewhere.
To translate them to WordPerfect, we map them to normal counterparts
in "TtoWchar.dat", and apply attribute 32 i.e. Superscript.
NOTE: ANY combination of attributes can be selected, but there are
many non-orthogonalities among the attributes. Some combinations
may be fatal to WordPerfect! T3TOWP makes no attempt to detect
illegal combinations of attributes - it just turns them on and off
blindly as they are called for by "wp.cnv".
The T3 face Underline is hard coded to the WordPerfect attribute Underline.
The T3 face Bold is hard coded to the WordPerfect attribute Bold.
The T3 face Strike-out is hard coded to the WordPerfect attribute Strike-out,
but a flag on line 334 of "wp.cnv" can be used to turn this OFF.
Lines 40 to 100 of "wp.cnv" map T3 font names to character sets and point sizes.
40 Font,Charset,Size = IBM,0,12
53 Font,Charset,Size = IBM Elite,0,10
55 Font,Charset,Size = IBM 17,0,17
( The user should make sure that all fonts listed in the font table
of "doc.t3" are present lines 40 to 100 of "wp.cnv". )
Lines 321 to 325 of "wp.cnv" map these T3 font sizes to WordPerfect
size attributes thus controlling the print size of the WordPerfect output.
Here are the values for a normal ( unscaled ) mapping:
320 Fine ( starts at ) = 0
321 Small ( starts at ) = 6
322 Normal = 10
323 Large = 14
324 Very Large = 18
325 Extra Large = 22
----- ----- ----------------> pts
Fine 0 Small 1 Normal 1 Large 1 Very 2 Extra
6 0 4 8 Large 2 Large
Here are the values for a small ( scaled down ) mapping:
320 Fine ( starts at ) = 0
321 Small ( starts at ) = 10
322 Normal = 14
323 Large = 18
324 Very Large = 22
325 Extra Large = 26
Note that the command line flag -s can be used to shift the values given
in "wp.cnv" up by 4.
Lines 326 to 330 control the translation of T3 columns.
326 gives a WP code that may be inserted in place of a T3 column.
327 specifies a mode for columns that have only the halfline up
position occupied ( i.e. a superscript )
328 specifies a mode for columns that have only the halfline down
position occupied ( i.e. a subscript )
329 specifies a mode for columns that have only the halfline up
position and the halfline down position occupied
( i.e. a superscript over a subscript )
330 specifies a mode for complex columns ( i.e. not simple subscripts
or simple superscripts or super over sub )
The modes available for lines 327 to 330 are:
0 means translate T3 columns to the WordPerfect marker on line 326
1 means translate to !COL[top_index char1char2... bottom_index] notation
2 means translate to WordPerfect subscript and/or superscript if possible
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The "wp.cnv" file contains information on how various special symbols and
attributes are converted. The "wp.cnv" file contains comments that
describe the file format. The user may wish to print out this file to see
what features can be converted for special needs.