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Pricing Schedule for Visual Aids


Pricing Schedule


Visual Aids

Effective 1 July 200


Effective date

This pricing schedule is effective from 1 July 2006.

Summary of changes to this schedule

Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission

This schedule has been amended to reflect the inclusion of the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (MRCC) in the optical program arrangements.  The MRCC is responsible, under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004, for the granting of compensation and other benefits for current and former members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) who suffer an injury or disease due to service after 1 July 2004, and for the dependants of members whose deaths were the result of an injury or disease due to service after 1 July 2004.

The same Gold and White Repatriation Health Cards currently issued are also issued by the MRCC. There will be no discernible difference from the processes currently in place. Arrangements for referrals, claims and payments remain the same.

Spectacle frame arrangements

The introduction of new arrangements for the supply of spectacle frames have been incorporated into this schedule. Schedule 2-Approved Frames, has been removed, and items relating to spectacle frames in Schedule 1-Spectacles have been amended.

Removal of lens pairs

All items for spectacle and contact lens pairs have been removed. For pairs of lenses, simply claim for two individual lenses.

Removed items

The following items have been removed: OP02, OP04, OP06, OP14, OP16, OP18, OP22, OP24, OP26, OP28, OP30, OP31, OP33, OP35, OP42, OP43, OP47, OP48, OP81, OP83, OP85, OP87 and OP89.

Amended items

The following items have been amended: OP32 and OP44.

New items

The following items have been introduced: OP64 and OP65.

Table of Contents

Information for Optometrists and Optical Dispensers



Role of the Repatriation Commission

Role of the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission

Role of the Department of Veterans' Affairs

Veterans' Affairs Health Program


Who is eligible for op 848v2117i tometric services and visual aids?

Repatriation Health Cards

Repatriation GOLD Card

Repatriation WHITE Card

Repatriation ORANGE Card

Allied veterans resident in Australia

Who is responsible for checking eligibility?

Dispensing visual aids

Dispensing of visual aids

What visual aids are veterans entitled to?

Replacement of spectacles due to accidental loss or breakage

Lens standard for veterans

Non-DVA frames

Non-DVA schedule lenses, including acrylic photo-sensitive lenses

Warranty and repairs

Contact lenses & consumables

Low vision aids

Prior financial authorisation from DVA

Domiciliary visits and kilometre allowance


Claiming payment

DVA stationery

Claiming payment

Payment problems


DVA contact numbers

Schedule 1-Spectacles

Schedule 2-Contact Lenses and Consumables

Schedule 3-Low Vision Aids

Information for Optometrists and Optical Dispensers



The following notes are provided for your information and assistance when providing optometric services and visual aids to Australia's eligible veterans, war widow/widowers and their eligible dependants (referred to in this schedule as veterans).

Role of the Repatriation Commission

The Repatriation Commission is responsible, under the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986, for the granting of pensions, allowances and other benefits, and providing health care services to eligible veterans.

Role of the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission

The Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (MRCC) is responsible, under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004, for the granting of compensation and other benefits for current and former members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) who suffer an injury or disease due to service after 1 July 2004, and for the dependants of members whose deaths were the result of an injury or disease due to service after 1 July 2004.

Role of the Department of Veterans' Affairs

The Department of Veterans' Affairs provides administrative support to the Repatriation Commission and the MRCC in discharging its responsibilities. Optometric services and visual aids may be provided to eligible veterans at the expense of the relevant Commission.

Veterans' Affairs Health Program

The objective of the Veterans' Affairs Health Program is to provide access to quality, cost-effective health care services to eligible veterans, through arrangements with DVA-registered health care professionals and public and private hospitals.

Optometrists and optical dispensers play a key role in providing optometric services and visual aids under the Health Program.


Who is eligible for optometric services and visual aids?

Veterans with a Gold Repatriation Health Card are automatically eligible for services under DVA's health care arrangements.

Veterans with a White Repatriation Health Card have limited treatment entitlement. They are only eligible for optometric services for specific conditions, known as their 'accepted disabilities' that affect their vision. Please refer to page 3.

A Repatriation Health Card must be current, as indicated by the expiry date, for the cardholder to be eligible for treatment.

Spouses and dependants of living veterans are generally not eligible for treatment under DVA arrangements. However, some may be eligible because of their own war or defence service, and will have their own Repatriation Health Card.

Other cards that contain a DVA logo, such as Pensioner Concession Cards, do not provide access to health care services under DVA arrangements. If you are unsure of a veteran's eligibility for optometric services or visual aids, please contact the DVA office in your State/Territory. Contact details are provided on page 11.

Repatriation Health Cards

Health care services are provided according to card type and on the basis of clinical need. The colour of the card indicates the level of entitlement to treatment. Alternatively, the department may give written authorisation for treatment.

A veteran should present his/her card or written authorisation to you before you provide treatment. This will allow you to confirm treatment eligibility and check the card expiry date. Please verify that the cardholder's signature on the back of the card matches the signature on the treatment service voucher.

Only the veteran named on the Repatriation Health Card is eligible for treatment at Commission expense. Entitlement does not extend to the cardholder's spouse or other family members.

Repatriation GOLD Card

Health services are provided on the basis of clinical need.


A veteran with a Gold Card has full treatment entitlement, and may access the full range of optometric services and visual aids at Commission expense.

Repatriation WHITE Card

Optical services are provided on the basis of clinical need for their accepted disabilities that affect their vision.


DVA issues this card to veterans whose treatment eligibility is limited to (and where DVA has accepted responsibility for treatment of these conditions):

Accepted Disabilities (conditions accepted by the Repatriation Commission or MRCC as service related);

malignant neoplasia, and the treatment of other conditions, symptoms, or sequelae resulting from the treatment of the malignant neoplasia;

pulmonary tuberculosis; 

post traumatic stress disorder, and the treatment of an injury or disease that is a necessary part of, and is directly associated with, the treatment of the post-traumatic stress disorder; and/or

anxiety or depression.

White cards are also issued to some British, Commonwealth and Allied veterans resident in Australia (see overleaf for further details).

Repatriation ORANGE Card

The Orange Card is for PHARMACEUTICALS ONLY and cannot be used for any medical or other health care treatment. The holder of an Orange Card has access to the extended range of pharmaceuticals available under the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme at the concessional rate, and also receives the pharmaceutical allowance.

This card is issued to British, Commonwealth and Allied veterans and mariners with qualifying service from World War I or World War II, who have been resident in Australia for more than 10 years.

The Orange Card gives NO entitlement to health care services. You must not accept this card for optometric services or optical appliances.

Allied veterans resident in Australia

DVA acts as an agent for certain other countries whose eligible veterans reside in Australia.  These veterans hold a White Card with limited eligibility for treatment. Subject to decisions by relevant government departments of these countries, allied veterans may be treated for conditions accepted by their country as related to their war service.

Who is responsible for checking eligibility?

Optometric services

Optometric servicse are provided to veterans in accordance with Medicare arrangements and the Schedule of Services in the Medicare benefits for services by optometrists book. It is the optometrist's responsibility to verify that the cardholder is entitled to optometric assessments during the two-year entitlement period.

You can check a veteran's entitlement to optometric assessments on the Medicare Australia Hotline from anywhere in Australia. You will be asked to quote the veteran's DVA file number that is printed on their Repatriation Health Card.

The Medicare Australia Hotline number is: 1300 652 752

Alternatively, you can check entitlement by phoning the DVA office in your State or Territory. DVA will not meet the cost of optometric assessments to which a veteran is not entitled.

Optometrists may either direct bill through Medicare using the veteran's Medicare card, or claim payment through Medicare Australia using the veteran's Gold or White Card and DVA stationery.

If a veteran insists on proceeding with an initial consultation to which they are not entitled, the optometrist must explain to the veteran that they must accept full responsibility for payment of the account. The optometrist should also explain that the Medicare rebate would be at the rate of a subsequent consultation.

Visual aids

It is the dispensing provider's responsibility to verify that the veteran is entitled to the visual aids prescribed and supplied. If you have any doubt about eligibility or entitlement, you should contact DVA for clarification. The Repatriation Commission and the MRCC will not accept financial responsibility for visual aids provided to ineligible persons.

Dispensing visual aids

Dispensing of visual aids

Visual aids for eligible veterans must be dispensed in accordance with the contractual arrangements between the Repatriation Commission and MRCC, and optical dispensers.

Eligible veterans may choose to have their visual aids dispensed by the prescribing optometrist, or to take their prescription to the DVA-contracted optical dispenser of their choice.

What visual aids are veterans entitled to?

In any two-year period, eligible veterans are entitled to:

one pair of reading and one pair of distance spectacles; or

one pair of spectacles with either bifocal, trifocal or progressive power lenses.

Significant change in visual function within two years

Eligible veterans may have their lenses replaced within the two-year period if they have undergone a significant change in visual function (eg. a change in refraction) or a change in their clinical condition. Where possible, the new lenses should be fitted to the veteran's existing spectacle frames.

Where there is a significant change in visual function within a two-year period, the ophthalmologist or optometrist must tick the 'change in refraction' box on the Spectacles Prescription form (D931). The dispensing provider must attach a copy of the prescription to their service voucher and submit it with their claim for payment.

Additional pairs of spectacles

Veterans who live in isolated areas and would be severely handicapped by loss or breakage of spectacles, may receive duplicate pairs of spectacles, subject to the department giving prior financial authorisation.

Replacement of spectacles due to accidental loss or breakage

Where a veteran accidentally loses or breaks their spectacles within the two-year period, the relevant Commission will pay for replacement spectacles. However, the replacement spectacles must contain the same type of lenses that are being replaced, unless the veteran has undergone a significant change in visual function or has developed new signs or symptoms.

You must attach a written declaration stating the reason for replacement to your claim for payment, and the veteran must sign the declaration. You do not need prior financial authorisation for replacement spectacles when you follow this process.

Lens standard for veterans

All prescription lenses for veterans should be supplied in scratch resistant acrylic material, except in circumstances where standard glass lenses would better meet the needs of the veteran.

All lens prices in this schedule include the cost of scratch resistant coating.

Non-DVA frames

Co-payment frames

After viewing the in-store range, a veteran may pay a co-payment of up to $30.00, plus GST ($33.00), to obtain a frame that is not available under DVA arrangements. In these cases, the dispenser must fulfil the order by supplying and fitting lenses in strict accordance with the prescription. These should be the only circumstances in which a veteran is asked to pay a co-payment for a frame.

Clinical necessity

In instances where the prescribed lenses cannot be accommodated by a frame supplied under DVA arrangements (eg Hi Drop [aphakic] lenses), DVA will pay the full cost of a suitable frame, if DVA has given financial authorisation prior to supply.

Ultra light-weight metal frames

Ultra light-weight metal frames are not available to veterans at Commission expense for reasons of veteran preference, unless provided under item OP44.  However, other ultra light-weight metal frames may be supplied where a DVA frame would not accommodate the type of lenses required for the veteran's specific clinical need.

You must obtain the department's financial authorisation before supplying non-DVA ultra light-weight metal frames. The department will ask you for written certification of the clinical reasons for supply.

Non-DVA schedule lenses, including acrylic photo-sensitive lenses

The Repatriation Commission and the MRCC do not meet the full cost of non-DVA schedule lenses provided to veterans on the basis of veteran preference.

However, if the veteran requires non-DVA schedule lenses for a specific clinical condition, the relevant Commission will meet the full cost of the lenses, if the department has given prior financial authorisation. It is the optical dispenser's responsibility to obtain prior financial authorisation from the department for non-DVA schedule items. The department will ask you for written details of the veteran's relevant clinical condition to justify the need for non-DVA schedule lenses, including the lens brand and price of lens.

If a veteran prefers plastic photosensitive lenses the relevant Commission will pay a contribution towards the cost (i.e. a single distance or multi vision lens item plus OP 52), and the veteran pays the difference between the DVA schedule fee and the retail price.

Warranty and repairs

DVA expects optometrists and optical dispensers to honour the full warranty period allowed for spectacle frames and other visual aids, when repairing spectacles for veterans. All spectacle frames must be provided with a minimum 12 month repair and replacement warranty.

Please note that repair item OP60 includes a component for postage. Therefore, you must not claim additional postage (OP69) when claiming payment for OP60.

Contact lenses & consumables

When clinically required, contact lenses are to be supplied to eligible veterans in accordance with the arrangements and optical conditions specified in the Medicare benefits for services by optometrists book. Contact lenses must not be supplied in any other circumstances without the department's prior financial authorisation. Contact lenses must not be provided at Commission expense for reasons of veteran preference.

Eligible veterans are entitled to non-disposable contact lenses once every twelve months OR disposable contact lenses once every three months. Please refer to Schedule 2 for further information.

Low vision aids

Eligible veterans may access the range of low vision aids listed in Schedule 3. Non-optical low vision appliances are generally provided through the department's Rehabilitation Appliances Program. You should contact the department if a veteran requires a non-optical low vision appliance, and the department will make the necessary arrangements. Please refer to Schedule 3 for further information.

Prior financial authorisation from DVA

Where a spectacle prescription contains:

items from the Prior Financial Authorisation Items section of Schedule 1;

contact lenses in Schedule 2 that have not been prescribed for optical conditions as described in the Medicare benefits for consultations by optometrists book;

items in Schedule 3 that exceed the maximum price;

optical appliances that are not listed in the Pricing Schedule for Visual Aids; or

additional pairs of spectacles for eligible veterans living in isolated areas,

you must obtain the department's financial authorisation, before dispensing the visual aid. To obtain prior financial authorisation, please telephone the DVA office for your state or territory (refer page 11 for contact details). You may be asked to confirm your request by faxing a written request itemising the cost of each item, and the clinical reasons for each item, to the department. Please use your own letterhead for these requests.

Domiciliary visits and kilometre allowance

Optometrists may undertake a consultation in an eligible veteran's home when there is a genuine need to do so. A genuine need includes when the veteran is bedridden or non-ambulatory and does not have access to transport.

A kilometre allowance may be claimed for each kilometre travelled after the first 10 kilometres, outside metropolitan areas for domiciliary visits to the veteran's home. A kilometre allowance may also be claimed if you travel to a veteran who is an in-patient at either a private or public hospital, or receives high level care in a residential care facility (formerly nursing home level of care). You must be the nearest suitable provider to the veteran's home to claim kilometre allowance. You should enter the total number of kilometres travelled (from your practice location to the veteran's home and return) on the Optometric/Optical Service Voucher (Form D1223). Medicare Australia will automatically deduct the first 10 kilometres and calculate the amount payable at the Australian Government private motor vehicle per kilometre rate.

For full details and instructions on claiming this allowance, please refer to Section 3 of the Notes, and to DVA Fact Sheet HIP 81 "Information for Allied Health Providers - Kilometre Allowance", which can be found on DVA's web site at

Optometrists are also able to claim a DVA domiciliary allowance for an optometric consultation in the veteran's home. The loading is equal to an extra 1/3 of 100% of the usual MBS consultation fee under the terms of the DVA Optometrical agreement. The Medicare payment system automatically calculates the domiciliary fee.


The prices contained in Schedules 1, 2 and 3 do not include GST. The Medicare Australia payment system automatically adds the GST payable for taxable items, and issues you with a Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) to meet invoicing requirements under GST law. RCTIs are only issued for Direct taxable items claimed.

When a veteran chooses a co-payment frame, DVA pays the GST payable on its share of the cost (i.e. the relevant OP item), and the veteran pays the GST payable on their share of the cost.

Claiming payment

DVA stationery

Please use DVA stationery when claiming payment. This will ensure that Medicare Australia receives sufficient information to process your account promptly.

The DVA stationery you need to claim payment from Medicare Australia are:

D931 Spectacles Prescription form

D1223 Optometric/Optical Service Voucher (complete one voucher for each service rendered by one practitioner to one veteran)

D1217 Claim for Treatment Services (attach your individual D1223s to this claim form when claiming payment)

DVA claim stationery is available from:

DVA Distribution

PO Box 251

Woden ACT 2606

Phone: 1800 155 355

Fax: 1800 671 670

Claiming payment

Medicare Australia processes the department's treatment claims for payment. Please send your claims for payment to:

Medicare Australia

GPO Box 964


Please direct your payment enquiries to Medicare Australia on: 1300 550 051

Payment problems

Non-payment of claims

Sometimes Medicare Australia will not pay a claim, for one of the following reasons:

the provider has not signed the service voucher;

the servicing or payee provider is not identified;

the spectacles prescription is missing or is incomplete (i.e. when applicable, there is no indication of a significant change in refraction or that the veteran has lost or broken their spectacles);

prior financial authorisation was required, but not sought;

the veteran has not signed the service voucher;

information is omitted from the service voucher or there is incorrect information;

for a White Card holder, the condition treated is omitted; or

the claim is older than six months.

If there is a problem with a claim, Medicare Australia will return either the entire claim (i.e. D1217 with the attached D1223s) or a number of individual service vouchers to the provider with an explanation for non-payment.

Resubmitting claims

If an entire claim is returned to you for any of the above reasons, please make the necessary amendments and resubmit it to Medicare Australia intact as one complete claim, but with a D1217 form.

If single vouchers are returned to you, please make the necessary amendments and resubmit them to Medicare Australia as part of your next claim.

Retrospective adjustments

If you require an adjustment to a payment you have already received, you should send a written request to Medicare Australia, and include the following information;

the reason for the adjustment;

your provider number, name and address;

the identification number of the claim requiring adjustment; and

the name and DVA file number of the veteran for whom you provided the services.


DVA contact numbers

If you have any questions concerning any aspect of the department's Optical Supplies Program, please telephone the DVA office in your State or Territory on the numbers listed below. You may also request prior financial authorisation on these telephone numbers.



Schedule 1-Spectacles

Please note that all prescription lenses for veterans should be supplied in scratch resistant acrylic material, except in circumstances where standard glass lenses would better meet the needs of the veteran. The cost of scratch resistant coating is included in the list price for each lens.

SINGLE VISION LENS (scratch resistant acrylic)



GST-Exclusive Price

GST Status


Near Stock Lens (each)

Note: This item is restricted against OP52, OP54, OP56  and OP57.



Near Grind Lens (each)

Note: This item is restricted against OP52, OP54, OP56 and OP57.



Near Aspheric Lens (each)

Note: This item is restricted against OP52, OP54, OP56  and OP57.



Distance Stock Lens (each)



Distance Grind Lens (each)



Distance Aspheric Lens (each)


MULTI VISION LENS (scratch resistant acrylic )


Bifocal Lens (each)



Bifocal Aspheric Lens (each)



Trifocal D28 Lens (each)



Progressive Lens (each)


Note:  OP27 includes a 60-day non-adoption warranty from date of dispensing (no further charge is met by DVA for alternative lenses. Such cost is borne by the dispenser and, in turn, the supplier of the lenses.)



Grind Prisms (greater than 2.00 dioptres) (each)

(Prisms of 2.00 dioptres or less are included in the cost of grind lens.)


Note:  Please refer to OP76 for Non-Schedule Prisms.




GST-Exclusive Price

GST Status


Photosensitive Tint (each)



Tint applied as part of initial dispensing (each)



Tint applied after spectacles dispensed or to veterans' own spectacles (each)



UV coating (each)

Note: This item is restricted against single vision near lenses and photosensitive tint (OP52).



Primary frames


Plastic frames



Metal frames


Co-payment frames

This option is available to the veteran when s/he prefers a frame that is not provided under DVA arrangements.  If a co-payment is required, the veteran must also agree to pay the difference in cost between the DVA fee and the retail cost. The maximum co-payment amount is $30.00 plus GST ($33.00).


Plastic co-payment frames



Metal co-payment frames


Non DVA-approved plastic or metal frame (clinical necessity) - use OP73

This option is available to the veteran only when s/he has a clinical condition that cannot be accommodated by a DVA frame, and DVA agrees, before the frame is supplied, to pay the full negotiated cost of the frame without a co-payment by the veteran. The fee is to be negotiated with DVA prior to dispensing.




GST-Exclusive Price

GST Status


Fit new lens to veteran's existing/own PLASTIC frame (each)

Note:  This item is restricted. It can only be claimed in conjunction with an item for new lenses.



Fit new lens to veteran's existing/own METAL frame (each)

Note:  This item is restricted. It can only be claimed in conjunction with an item for new lenses.



Spectacles Case



Sunglasses (to fit over existing spectacles)

Please claim the list price, without exceeding the maximum price.

Note:  This item is restricted against itself and OP items 51, 52, 54, 57, and 71, i.e. a veteran may receive only one of these items in a two-year period (37 or 51 or 52 or 54 or 57 or 71).




Sunglasses clip on (flip-up or standard)

Note:  restrictions apply - refer to the note at OP37.



Postage (claim the actual cost of postage, up to maximum), exclusive of GST



Note:  Refer OP71 for plano sunglasses



Repair or replace temple/joint (incl. Postage)



Nose pads (each)



Fee by negotiation with DVA (FBN).  Use these items only when DVA has agreed to pay the full cost of a non-DVA schedule item due to the veteran's clinical need.



GST-Exclusive Price

GST Status


Miscellaneous, GST-exempt item




Miscellaneous, GST-taxable item




Plano Sunglasses

Restrictions apply - refer to the note at OP37.




Non-Schedule Lens




Non-Schedule Frame




Non-Schedule Prisms, including Fresnel



Schedule 2-Contact Lenses and Consumables



GST-Exclusive Price

GST Status


Contact Lens related consumables

List price



Tint for contact lenses



Soft Spherical (each)



Soft Spherical Disposable (each) (3 month supply)



Soft Toric (each)



Soft Toric Disposable (each) (3 month supply)



Rigid Gas Permeable/Hard Spherical (each)



Rigid Gas Permeable/Hard Toric (each)



Rigid Gas Permeable/Hard Bitoric (each)



The department accepts financial responsibility for contact lenses supplied to only eligible persons who have optical conditions as described in the Medicare Benefits for Consultations by Optometrists book. Contact lenses must not be prescribed in any other circumstances without the department's prior financial authorisation. The department monitors servicing patterns against this requirement.

Eligible veterans are entitled to be issued non-disposable contact lenses no more than two single items or one pair item once every twelve months OR disposable contact lenses no more than two single items once every three months.

Contact lenses must not be prescribed for reasons of veteran preference.

Optometrists must prescribe an appropriate lens care system when prescribing contact lenses.

Consumables appropriate to the particular type of contact lenses prescribed must be supplied in reasonable quantities.

The department monitors servicing patterns for contact lens consumables.

Schedule 3-Low Vision Aids

Please note that all prices for low vision aids must be charged at list price, but not exceeding the maximum prices below.



MAXIMUM PRICE (without prior financial authorisation)

GST Status


Frames for pin hole spectacles



Lenses for pin hole spectacles and prescribed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist



Stand magnifier/type etc.



Hand magnifiers/Pendant



Torch/Flashlight magnifiers



Head Band mounted magnifiers  )

Chest magnifiers  )

Embroidery magnifiers  )



Clip On lens system



Spectacle mounted telescopic aids eg. mounted into the lens and forming part of the lens and prescribed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist



Other telescopic aids



Spectacle mounted magnifiers



Reading magnification devices [specifically designed (and intended) for the purpose of reading]



Lamps with magnification



Glare aids



Accessories for use with low vision aids, eg lap desks, single rail line guides, reading stands etc.



Ophthalmologists, optometrists, and authorised staff at low vision clinics, may prescribe low vision aids.

Low vision aids may be prescribed only if:

(a)       the veteran has had stable vision and ocular health over an extended period; and

(b)  no ocular surgery is scheduled for the veteran.

You do not require prior financial authorisation for a Schedule 4 item, if the list price does not exceed the above maximum price.

If the list price of an item exceeds the above maximum price, you may obtain prior financial authorisation and negotiate an appropriate fee with DVA. Upper limits apply to fee-by-negotiation items.

When claiming payment, you must enter the brand name and price of the low vision aid supplied, on the claim form (Optometrical/Optical Service Voucher - Form D1223).

The department monitors servicing patterns for low vision aids

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