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Terms and Conditions of the organizer


Terms and Conditions of the organizer

These terms and conditions apply together with or in addition to the rules of conduct of the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH.

By registering for the Trade Fair all exhibiting training firms agree to stick to the te 23223j912x rms and conditions for exhibiting firms. The organizer reserves the right to exclude training firms which do not abide by the terms and conditions for exhibiting training firms from future Trade Fairs and to report the incident to the respective institution.

Assembly and Disassembly of booths, opening hours and booth supervision

Assembly and dismantling of booths is only possible before the start of and after the end of the Trade Fair.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009 from 8.00 - 20.00 (assembly) and

Thursday, 12 March 2009 15.00 - 20.00 (disassembly)

The exhibiting firms guarantee that they will be at their booth during all the opening hours of the Trade Fair, which are

Wednesday, 11 March 2009 from 9.00 - 18.00 and
Thursday, 12 March 2009 from 9.00 - 15.00

It is forbidden to replace one exhibiting firm by another exhibiting firm at a booth during the Trade Fair, neither with nor without reconstruction of the booth.

Third party risk organizer

The organizer has taken out a third party insurance which will pay for damages done by the organisation to a third party.

Third party risk exhibiting training firms

The organizer can not take out an insurance for the third party risk of the training firm renting a booth. Please check if these risks are covered by a Third Pary Insurance of your institution.

Insurance for booths

Goods taken to the fair by the training firms are only insured, if the party having damaged the goods (or hurt a third person) has got a valid third party insurance. Please clarify in your school/institution if you want to insure your exhibits and samples during transport and/or during the fair.

If you want to take out a third party insurance for your booth or your goods please turn to the insurance cooperating with us:

Wiener Städtische 5020 Salzburg, Herr Dr. Ernst Kronlachner,

Tel. 05035045110 or 0043(0)6641418024 ,

Health Care

During the time of the fair and during assembly and dismantling of the booths there is continually a nurse in the First-Aid Room.

Health Insurance for Participants from Abroad in Case of Emergencies 

Please check if the health insurance in your country will pay for health care (doctor and hospital) in Austria. If not, please take out an insurance for health care emergencies. The organization will not pay for any costs arising from health care.

Regulations of the Austrian Fire Brigade

The decoration material that you use must be in accordance with the fire regulations fire class B1. Fire class B1 are all materials which are flame resistant. If you use materials like straw, fabric or other flammable material for the decoration of your booth these must be impregnated in order to become flame resistant.

The application of fog producing equipment is not allowed.

Waste Disposal 

You must dispose of your waste yourself. There will be enough waste containers at your disposal.


Your booth will be cleaned before you use it. Should you wish to have a daily cleaning service please order this at: Firma System-Standbau;

Special Waste 

It is prohibited to dispose of special waste at the exhibition center.

Prohibition of Alcohol and Smoking

For the whole duration of the fair it is strictly forbidden to serve or consume alcoholic drinks or to smoke at the exhibition center.

Liability: Wardrobe

For the duration of the fair there will be a wardrobe at your disposal in the foyer. The utilization of the wardrobe is free of charge but at your own risk - there will be no staff taking care of the wardrobe.


Please note that in accordance with the general rules and regulations the maximum noise level allowed at the fair is 40 decibel. Please note this noise limit especially if you plan acoustic or audiovisual presentations at your booth. (Noise level measured at the edge of your booth). Every exhibiting firm must personally register acoustic and audiovisual presentations at the AKM on time and pay for incurring costs.


Announcements are only for special events not for spots possible.

Sale of Goods

A real sale of goods is prohibited at the Trade Fair for Practice Firms.

Rules of Conduct

Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH

1.1 Access to the exhibition halls, admission tickets
Access to the exhibition halls is only permitted with an admission ticket issued by the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH. Visitors may only enter the exhibition halls during the opening hours, exhibitors and personnel are admitted at the times stated in the service book (Technische Servicemappe). Children under the age of 12 years must be accompanied by adults. Bulky objects may not be taken into the exhibition halls. Domestic animals are not allowed in the premises.

1.2 Traffic within the premises

Traffic regulations like one-ways, direction of traffic, stopping restrictions, and driving restrictions are indicated by traffic signs, which comply with the Austrian road traffic regulations and must be observed by the drivers. Official supervisors may under certain circumstances give directions which are not in accordance with the regulations.

2.1 Advertising

Billposting, distribution of flyers and other means of advertising outside the stand must be authorised by the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH and are liable to charges. The public address system may not be used for announcements or promotion by exhibitors or third persons. Within the premises and surroundings belonging to the premises it is forbidden to carry on a trade or to make any promotional campaigns without the approval of the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH.

3.1 Supervision of stands

Even before the opening of the trade fair the rented stands must be supervised by the owner of the stand or a representative legitimized by an exhibitor ticket, a staff ticket, an assembly ticket or a disassembly ticket out of security reasons. Only persons who can show an exhibitor ticket, a staff ticket, an assembly ticket or a disassembly ticket and an ID card may be employed at the stands.

3.2 Loose articles and litter

Every exhibitor must make sure that during the assembly of the stand all packaging material is completely and daily removed from the premises. Putting up waste paper baskets or waste bins made of flammable material is strictly forbidden. If the packaging material is not completely and daily removed from the premises, the trade fair management may have the waste removed at the costs of the exhibitor. The exhibitor may not claim compensation from the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH for the material that has been removed..

3.3 Cleaning
Places rented by the exhibitors must be kept in good and clean condition. Places should be cleaned up 1 hour before the opening hours of the trade fair. For cleaning the places the exhibitor and his/her employees will be allowed into the exhibition hall at this time.

3.4 Conduct at the stand

The exhibitor commits himself to employ experienced staff at the stand for the time of the trade fair. Common good business manners are a must. When making business transactions during the trade fair the rules of fair competition must be kept.

Refrain from::

- loud demonstrations

- calling out to visitors

- announcing special discounts, special offers and offering instalment payments

- arguments with business rivals

- using live animals for advertising purposes; excluded from this is the agricultural sector.

3.5 Consumer research, Autograph sessions, Photographing etc.
Consumer research, tests and contests, autograph sessions with celebrities, as well as filming within the premises is only permitted with the written consent of the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH.It is forbidden to photograph, draw or touch the exhibits.

3.6 Avoidance of noise

In order to avoid excessive machine noise, sound absorbers, exhaust silencers and, if necessary, acoustic baffles and shieldings must be used. Demonstrations of machines, musical instruments, loud speakers, bells, sirens, high-frequency devices etc., which cause noise or other disturbances, may only be made during times appointed by the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH. The Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH may limit or forbid such demonstrations. In this case the exhibitor is not entitled to any claim for compensation. If the exhibitor ignores the instructions of the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH, he/she is liable for all damages caused during the demonstrations.

4.1 Special instructions for the assembly and installation of stands
a) The construction of pavilions, kiosks, shed roofs, special promotional objects, towers, antennas, building cranes, the installation of gas and water supplies, especially extensive decoration of stands or exhibition halls and the installation of booth heating systems as well as the demonstration or operation of espresso machines, steam vessels and autoclaves, compressors, steam-powered or pressure-powered machines, hoisting gear and similar devices, heaters, devices for roasting, cooking or heating, welding equipment, propane gas systems, gas and oil firing, high voltage fluorescent lamp systems, commercials from 35 mm, operation of machines against payment and the exhibition or usage of flammable, explosive, radiant burning or glowing material must be registered at the Technical Department of the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH and are subject to the approval of the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH and, if necessary, the authorities. If in certain circumstances a licence has already been given by the authorities, the exhibitor must give notice of this fact and keep to the obligations stated in the licence.

b) Electric radiators with open glowing coils may only be operated for a short time and only for demonstration.
c) Sheeting of electric power lines in the range of the booth, as well as sheeting of ventilation and heating vents is officially prohibited out of security reasons and to ensure heating and ventilation of the exhibition halls.

d) According to the current rules and regulations, only fire-proof or flame-proof impregnated material with the minimum qualification B1, Q1, TR1 may be used for furnishing the stands. The authorities must in due time be informed about the application of a flame-retarding coat and all impregnations by being shown authoritative attestations. The usage of synthetics and foam plastics for furnishing or labelling the stands is only permitted if the exhibitor can show an attestation taking into account the requirements of the qualifications B1, (flammability) Q1 (fume formation), TR1 (drop formation).

e) Welding and lacquering within the premises (exhibition halls etc...) is officially prohibited out of security reasons. For adhesive bonding only fire-proof glues may be used within the exhibition halls.

f) As far as soldering irons are concerned, only electrically heated soldering irons may be used.

g) Please note that no objects, labelling or advertisements may extend into to aisles.

h) All exits must be kept unlocked during the opening hours. Access to doors, windows, fire detectors, hydrants, portable fire extinguishers, electric junction boxes, pylons and all traffic routes must be kept clear at any time.

i) Usage of fire and open light is strictly forbidden.

j) Fixing signboards, mocks and weights to cranes, poles etc. which are exhibited is officially prohibited out of security reasons. The Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH is entitled to demand the restoration of the former condition by immediate removal of the objects having been fixed contrary to regulations. If the objects are not removed by the exhibitor immediately after the order has been given, the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH is authorised to have the objects, which have been fixed contrary to regulations, removed at the risk and costs of the exhibitor or to immediately withdraw the exhibitor's right to use the stand.

k) Directions concerning constructional and other modifications to the stand, as well as special measures given by the authorities in charge during the official inspection of the trade fair premises, which is carried out before every event at the premises, due to security reasons, must be followed by the exhibitor immediately and before the start of the trade fair, or before the next official trade fair inspection at the latest. The labelling of the stand is left to the judgement of the exhibitor, but the labelling must contain the company name and company address. The labelling may not surmount the booth or extend into the aisles. Concerning the decoration of the booths rules and regulations provided by the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH as well as general rules and regulations have to be adhered to.

4.2 Exhibition and demonstration of vehicles
Vehicles may only be exhibited and presented in an officially authorized place and all official rules and regulations must be adhered to. A save assembly of the vehicles has to be guaranteed. While driving the vehicles from and to the exhibition place movable parts of these vehicles like cranes, rotary arms, dumpers and similar things may not be activated on visitor aisles. Draught animals must be led on reins or chains.

4.3 Ban on smoking

Smoking is prohibited in all aisles in the exhibition halls. Non-smoking signs have to be put up well in sight in several places. In booths smoking is permitted, if ashtrays are apparently provided, but authorities may give a ban on smoking it they think it necessary.

4.4 Installations and electric devices

Concerning installations of any sort of electric devices attention must be given to official rules and regulations and special rules and regulations provided by the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH. Installations may only be made by officially authorized firms. Connection to the fuse box may only be carried out by firms authorized by the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH. Demonstration of any type of electric ovens etc. is only permitted if the exhibitor can present a license in writing issued by the authorities. Electric radiators and heaters with open glowing coils may only be operated for a short time and only for demonstration. In all exhibition halls only rotary current 380/220 V, 50 Hz is provided. During the official inspection the reports concerning the electric devices including the connections must be handed in at the Technical Department of the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH on the official form (VD 390) and will be presented to the authorities by the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH.

4.5 Instructions of the trade fair authorities and duty to give information

Exhibitors ensure that official authorities, authorities legitimated by the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH and authorities employed by the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH for monitoring the premises are admitted to the booths at any time. Exhibitors, their staff and visitors must follow the instructions of the authorities. In the event of fire or other dangers all persons present at the time have to leave the place following the instructions of the authorities. Exhibitors also have the duty to give information to the authorized representatives of the press office of the Messezentrum Salzburg GmbH.

4.6 Sanctions

If points 1.1, 1.2, 3.2,, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 of the authorized rules of conduct are not adhered to by the organiser, exhibitor and visitor, sanctions for violation of official rules and regulations concerning local police measures for trade fairs will come into effect.

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