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The 21 Cardtrick for Windows MOJO Software 1992


The 21 Cardtrick for Windows MOJO Software 1992

The 21 cardtrick has been around for a long time and was one of the first

card tricks I ever learned. It has been around so long I do not know who

invented it, but I understand it was around the Civil War time. You may have

seen or perhaps even know this trick already. Now you can enjoy having the

computer fool your friends. For the last 12 years I have made my living

performing full time as a magician. Several years ago I wrote and sold two

software packages for Dos which allowed the computer to perform magic tricks.

This is my first attempt at writing software for Windows.

This program was written in Visual Basic and to run it you need a copy

of Vbrun100.dll in your path. This file can be found on most bulletin boards

and should be easy to find if you don't already have it.

If you send me $5.00 to register this program you will get the latest version

without the "register me" screens. I will also send you 6 additional magic

trick games for free. You will also be notified of all future Windows Computer

Magic Software I write.

Order Form

----- ----- ----------------

Quantity Price Total

__________ ______ ____ __________ ______ ____ ________________

________ 21 Cardtrick $ 5.00 _______.___

Indiana residents, please include 5% sales tax _______.___

Shipping (please add $1.50) _______.___

Order Total ** _______.___

Payment: ___ Check ___ Money Order

Mail to: Name __________ ______ ____ ____

Mailing Address __________ ______ ____ ____

__________ ______ ____ ____

__________ ______ ____ ____

Mail a check or money order payable to Carl Andrews.

________ MAIL ________ ____ PHONE ____

MOJO Software (317) 257-8749

Carl Andrews

2620 Lincoln Ln.

Indianapolis, IN 46208

Document Info

Accesari: 1242
Apreciat: hand-up

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