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This file contains color_maps used by There are two types of

color_maps used; the first, the "WoodMapxA" color_maps, are intended as 10310v217k

the 1st layer of multi-layer textures, although many will work quite well

by themselves, as single layer texture color_maps.

The second, the "WoodMapxB" color_maps, contain transparent colors and are

intended for use as top layers in conjunction with the "WoodMapxA" maps.

There is a complimentary "B" map for each "A" map in the file. The maps

are each numbered (the "x" in "WoodMapxA" and "WoodMapxB") from 1 to 19.

Thus, WoodMap19A has a complimentary top layer defined as WoodMap19B.



These textures do not have colormaps assigned in them. This is so they

you can mix and match with the colormaps in WOODMAPS.INC as described


All wood textures are designed with the major axis of the woodgrain

"cylinder" aligned along the Z axis. With the exception of a few

of the textures in this file that have a small amount of X-axis rotation

built-in for best effect, the textures below will exhibit a very straight

grain pattern unless you apply a small amount of X-axis rotation to them

(generally 2-4 degrees will suffice).

Study the scene files in the WOODS subdirectory to see how to use these

textures. We would strongly advise that you render all of these files

and keep them around for reference purposes.

These textures really need to be rendered with antialiasing and at

least 640x480 resolution to get the most out of them. Anything less

than that and you won't be seeing them as they were designed.

The WOOD_x.POV files display the textures on wooden slabs that

are arranged on the x/y plane. The slabs have somewhat rounded edges to

display the effects of the woodgrain on non-flat surfaces. These files


WOODS.POV is another scene that demonstrates all of the 30 woodgrains

defined in If you're short on harddrive space and can't

afford to keep samples of all of the woodgrains around, then at least

retain a copy of the WOODS.TGA image around for reference purposes.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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