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Written description

Theatre really is as subjective as we imagine therefore we decided to answer your demand with another quote similar to the one you gave us, which states that: "The purpose of playing is 22522t192w to hold mirror up to nature" ( Sheakespeare)

Common battles happen frequently but we proposed a poetry confrontation as we are "actors, not people".


Tzuchi: "We had a lot of fun. I liked the fact that we all got involved and I had a greater part to play, that I understood because it was well explained by the director. They were funny and "alive" "

Octa: " I enjoyed it. They said that the part I did with "Labis" was good and funny and I am glad. I felt nice and I was a great experience."

Max: " I liked that some of my friends corrected the actors but they were not offended and moreover, took the advice. I hope I, we could help them and maybe work again together at bigger movie, with more rehearsals and so on. I also thank them for being so open to working with people they did not know until then."

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Accesari: 1185
Apreciat: hand-up

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