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Becleanu 1

Becleanu Paula

Professor Man

English 9A

Oct. 2003

A good time, but polluted

It was summer. And it was a hot day of July. I was at home and I was looking on the window when I

said: "I want to do something! I was alone because my parents and my brother were at some friends. I didn't want

to go because I considered that was a boring visit. But I realized that to stay home, alone, was more boring than


So I picked up the phone and call my friend, Diana. She was home with her sister. She was looking on

T.V. when I called her. Together we decided to go out somewhere. But where? We didn't knew were to go but

guess what? We called all our friends and we asked them if they want to come with us to a picnic in the forest.

That forest wasn't far away from the city. It was a good idea because all of them wanted to spend have a good

time. So we took some sandwiches, a big cake and orange juice and started our "little trip". It was our holiday and

we wanted to be the best, the funny trip that we had. On our way to the forest we said jokes. It didn't matter for

us that some people were looking strange to us. All we wanted was to a have a good time. We saw a poor man

who was sitting on the road. I looked at him and I stopped laughing. I gave him a sandwich and he thanked me.

But I forgot really quickly about that man and I continued my way with my friends.

Finally we got there and we looked at the forest. It was the perfect place to play something scared. But we

didn't play anything. We walked through the forest, I and the girls started to sing. But the boys didn't want to

heard us. We were singing and singing, we did not stop. The boys got angry with us and they started to implore

us to shut up. And we stop. We were good girls. But in this time we found a glade. It was really beautiful. The

birds were singing, the trees were green and sun light was so warm that we couldn't go farther away. And it was

a good place for a picnic. We didn't know what to do know. But I remembered I had a packet of cards. We

played a little but we wanted to do something else. Two of us remained in the glade and the rest started to search

a river because we knew there was one. We walked a little but we were tired and we wanted a rest. We stopped

and ate some sandwiches. Then we continued our search. It was 2 o'clock and the sun was over the forest and it

was very hot. We met a woman and we asked her where was that river. She explained to us and we found it. It

wasn't very clean. It had a smell and it was black. We didn't know what happened there. Near the river was a

factory and it was surrounded by rubbish. It was horrible, I didn't see a thing like that until than. We were children,

we couldn't do anything, but it was so strange: it was nobody there! We looked a little and we decided to turn

back. Our friends were waiting for us. Before we left we looked again to that factory and we asked us who was

the employer of that horrible thing! We left that place and returned to our friends.

Becleanu 2

They asked us what we done. They were waiting for us for a long time. I tell them what we saw and they wanted

to go and see that place, too. We were tired but we wanted to know about that place so we want again. It wasn't

a big deal because we knew exactly the way. When we arrived there we saw a man but we could not speak with

him because he was just leaving. We hadn't what to do and it was 5 o'clock so we decided to turn to our homes.

On our way we continued to have a good time. All we done was to laugh. It was a long trip and when I arrived

home I was so tired that I could not do anything else. I told my parents what I saw and she was wondered if the

state know about that factory and the pollution of the ground and water. I wanted to sleep, but I was thinking to

that place and that factory! What people were there? Maybe some bad people because that rubbish were very

dangerous for the nature, for the forest and river. But what could I do?

The ground and the forest is a place were live a lots of animals, big or small. The pollution is a danger for

all of us who live on Earth. People must do something to stop the pollution, to fight whit it and with the people

who pollute the nature. Where we will live if some stupid man will destroy the space where we all live: human,

animals, birds. What beautiful is the world when it is clean!

Some people want to profit and make money with the nature. Or others build big factories and they say

they help the world, but they are only liars because all they do is to destroy the nature. The people must know

that the ground isn't infinitive. Today the number of populations it is growing and we need a fresh nature where

to grow our kids. In many countries many people store rubbish in important places and the poisonous substance

destroy the soil.

The rivers, lakes are polluted, too. People throw chemical substances and others things which destroy the

importance of the water, which is the important source in our life. So the forest is destroy by man, the rivers, the

soil, all we have and need. The pollution is an enemy for humans but we can fight with it and destroy it. All we

have to do is to have care of our world, to punish who try or something which can pollute the nature. Everything

which is give by God to us is important, everything has a function and we can't stay and watch how the Earth's

resource are wasted. At the same time some people are hungry or they have not where to live. Maybe the pollution

of air is a big problem and it is difficult to avoid it, but the pollution of ground and rivers is important too and

we can avoid it in many ways. The first thing that he must do is to avoid the rubbish and some chemical

substance which are poisonous for soil. It isn't difficult, we must try to use some things more or to build special

place where we can put that rubbish. It must be a place where people aren't going to spent a holiday.

And we can try to clean the place which were polluted, to make that place beautiful again, to can go and

breathe clean air, where we can stay to have a picnic and also play with out thinking that we can fall ill or it must

be a place where animals and birds can live together with out any problem. Some people can say that the pollution

Becleanu 3

is now more dangerous because the rate of people who pollute the nature is bigger, the numbers of cars is bigger

and the number of factories, industries. Maybe some of us doesn't realize how important are the water and the

ground for us or maybe others doesn't realize that they are polluting what they need more.

There are some fertilizer which have a injurious effects and we must find a way to avoid them or to use

them in small amounts. The agriculture is important to us but we must be attentions not to pollute the soil because

than we will not have what to eat and maybe we will not be able to save the soil from pollution.

My opinion about the pollution is that it really is a bad thing, a danger for our lives. I want to live in a

country with fresh air, where I can grow with out any problems. And I thing all the people, children or adults ,

must think first to the importance of nature and then to think to him self because if the place where we live isn't

a good place where to grow we will disappear in some million years.

For what are important the air, water and soil?

How can we avoid the pollutions?

This are two important questions which we must answered before doing something that make our life harder.

If we know the answers we will live in a beautiful country. But we must to avoid pollutions, too, not only to

know the answers to that questions. Because many people say something and to other things.

Let's try to make our life easier!



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