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week two review sheet


With regard to direction, the difference between True North and Magnetic North is referred to as Variation, a simple definition is:

What is the difference between Course, Heading, and Track?

If you were at the geographic North Pole any direction you faced would be ______?

Find the Magnetic Heading and Compass Heading if True heading is 030°, Variation 7°W, Deviation 2°E:

What is a line on a chart that connects points of equal magnetic dip called?

Define Deviation and Variation.

What is an Isogonic line?  What is an Isogonal? What is the difference between the two?

What is an Agonic line?

Find the relative bearing if the true heading is 100°, true bearing is 359°:

Find True heading and Compass heading if Magnetic heading is 010°, Variation is 3°E, Deviation is 4°W:

Find the True heading if the relative bearing is 050°, true bearing is 300°:

You cross a small town at 0325 UTC followed by a railway junction some 27 nm further on at 0340 UTC. What is your Ground Speed?

To descend 6000 ft in 12 minutes you require a steady rate of descent of ... fpm.

To descend from 6500 ft AMSL to 2000 ft AMSL in 8 minutes will require a rate of descent of ....fpm.

With a Ground Speed of 120 kt, how many nm would you travel descending from 9000 ft AMSL to 3000 ft AMSL at 500 fpm?






10 East

10 East

05 East

05 East

15 West

Aircraft A is flying at a speed of 400 knots, aircraft B at a speed of 200 knots. If the aircraft are closing what is their relative speed? What if they were opening?

The equivalent in knots of 35 meters per second is:

65 knots converted to feet per second is:

Latitude is defined as:

A meridian and its corresponding anti-meridian will encircle the Earth in a north/south direction. Its length compared to the equator will be:

A distance of 436 nautical miles is equivalent to ________Kilometers?

You fly from 36°30'N to 51°10'N along the Greenwich meridian. You will cover a distance, in nm, of:

You start from position 3000N 01200W and fly due North for 1000 nm. What is your final position?

On a heading of 120°M an island bears 15° left on the weather radar. If variation is 15°W what is the true bearing from the aircraft to the island?

For navigation and mapping purposes the current standard used is:

Latitude A

Latitude B

Change Lat

D Lat

Distance in nm

N45 30

N46 45

N50 30

N60 20

In the table below assume that the latitude to be 60 degrees South

Longitude A

Longitude B

Change Long

D Long

Distance in nm

What is the great circle distance between the following two points 45 00N 010 00E and 45 00N 170 00W?

If a pilot fly's a constant heading with reference to true north along a parallel of latitude he must be following a _______ ________.

Are all parallels of latitude Rhumb Lines or Great Circles?

Is the distance between two points on the same meridian a Great Circle distance or a Departure distance?

Is the distance between two point on the same parallel of latitude (except the equator) a Great Circle distance or a Departure distance?

Is the distance between to points on the equator a Great Circle distance or a Departure distance?

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